Smash Ace
There are three key rules you should consider when deciding to ban anything in a video game. I'm going to go through each one and show how difficult it would be to ban alternating throws if the decision was ever made:
1) Enforceable:
This means that the ban should be easy to enforce. Players could accidentally press the throw button at the right time and do an alternate throw. It isn't exactly the players fault since he didn't intend to do it, so should we punish him? How many accidents are we going to allow, and who will be the judge of whether it was an accident or not? Will we have referees watch every single match involving the IC's? What if we don't have enough referees to accommodate for the number of IC matches being played? Do we force players to stop the game and wait for a referee, which will end up sacrificing valuable tournament time? Do we honestly want a referees biases to decide the punishment? What if one referee punishes someone for doing an alternating throw once while another referee punishes someone after they do alternating throws 5 times? Are there going to be set degrees of punishment for each violation? What if a player uses alternating throws when a referee isn't present, and his opponent complains later on, do we punish that player from word of mouth from another player? As you can see there is a lot to consider when trying to enforce a ban like this.
2) Discrete:
This means that the ban should be clearly defined. How many alternating throws is a player allowed to do? Are they even allowed to do any at all? What if they mix and match their alternating throws, is there a set number of each throw you can do? What if a player throws in a completely different CG in between each alternating throw, does it still count? Say if someone does an alternating Fthrow into a squall hammer CG, technically they're only doing one alternating throw each time, is that acceptable? Are we just going to put a ban on CG's altogether? If so then what constitutes as a CG? Is there going to be a set time limit or damage limit to alternating throws? Say if we had a time limit, but one player does 50% while the other player does 30% during the same time span, is that fair? If there's a damage limit then would it matter at what percent your opponent started at? Are we still allowed to do KO moves out of an alternating throw? As you can see, the game basically devolves into who can play as closely to breaking the law without actually breaking it.
3) Warranted:
This means that the ban is actually worth banning. Seriously the IC's aren't even the best in the game, they're hardly even top tier even with those throws. They have some pretty bad match-ups against characters who can space them out well. They don't particularly dominate many characters outside of the ones who have really laggy attacks making shield grabbing easier. They aren't anywhere near ST Akuma level brokenness where all their match-ups are 9/1 against everyone. We allowed wobbling in Melee which was a whole lot easier than alternating throws, so whats wrong with allowing this infinite, which happens to be a crap load harder to pull off?
1) Enforceable:
This means that the ban should be easy to enforce. Players could accidentally press the throw button at the right time and do an alternate throw. It isn't exactly the players fault since he didn't intend to do it, so should we punish him? How many accidents are we going to allow, and who will be the judge of whether it was an accident or not? Will we have referees watch every single match involving the IC's? What if we don't have enough referees to accommodate for the number of IC matches being played? Do we force players to stop the game and wait for a referee, which will end up sacrificing valuable tournament time? Do we honestly want a referees biases to decide the punishment? What if one referee punishes someone for doing an alternating throw once while another referee punishes someone after they do alternating throws 5 times? Are there going to be set degrees of punishment for each violation? What if a player uses alternating throws when a referee isn't present, and his opponent complains later on, do we punish that player from word of mouth from another player? As you can see there is a lot to consider when trying to enforce a ban like this.
2) Discrete:
This means that the ban should be clearly defined. How many alternating throws is a player allowed to do? Are they even allowed to do any at all? What if they mix and match their alternating throws, is there a set number of each throw you can do? What if a player throws in a completely different CG in between each alternating throw, does it still count? Say if someone does an alternating Fthrow into a squall hammer CG, technically they're only doing one alternating throw each time, is that acceptable? Are we just going to put a ban on CG's altogether? If so then what constitutes as a CG? Is there going to be a set time limit or damage limit to alternating throws? Say if we had a time limit, but one player does 50% while the other player does 30% during the same time span, is that fair? If there's a damage limit then would it matter at what percent your opponent started at? Are we still allowed to do KO moves out of an alternating throw? As you can see, the game basically devolves into who can play as closely to breaking the law without actually breaking it.
3) Warranted:
This means that the ban is actually worth banning. Seriously the IC's aren't even the best in the game, they're hardly even top tier even with those throws. They have some pretty bad match-ups against characters who can space them out well. They don't particularly dominate many characters outside of the ones who have really laggy attacks making shield grabbing easier. They aren't anywhere near ST Akuma level brokenness where all their match-ups are 9/1 against everyone. We allowed wobbling in Melee which was a whole lot easier than alternating throws, so whats wrong with allowing this infinite, which happens to be a crap load harder to pull off?