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Wii/Wii U


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
'More info to come. On the mean time, enjoy a Frosty Float on us.'

I somehow doubt it....more information on the Frosty Floats? Even I'm not that cynical.

But, you could be right. I just doubt it.

And thanks Volrec. :-D

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Thanks Sensai, I'll see how much one costs down here. I just hope Wii's online is worth it.

I figure I'll stick with Wii anyway since getting XBL is going to be just as much, if not more, hassle. I'm really looking forward to the big hitters, Metroid, Mario, Smash, Zelda, that FF game [well it's not as big but it's worth mentioning] but as for 3rd parties? Let's just say I'm not holding my breath. Project Hammer looks good though.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Project HAMMER is 1st party I believe, a 3rd party title im so lookin forward is No more Heroes, I want that game so badly XD...
No More Heroes looks sick, and Project HAMMER I need to learn more about=ya. No More Heroes looks like the Star Wars Jedi game we always wanted=o ya! :)

Originally Posted by Mic_128
And there's also some sort of cable connection coming out that you can hook the wii up directly to your comp if you'd rather.
Maybe I'll get that so that dongle thing stops losing connection to the Wii I own! Seriously, I have to reconnect that thing every three weeks to every two months=annoying! :mad:

@ Volrec
Fuuny sig=love it, lol!


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
No More Heroes is Suda 51, or as you probably know him as, that guy who made Killer 7 for the GC. I'm fully lookin' forward to it, especially since he's claimed that he wants to make it more violent then Manhunt 2.

HAMMER is definitely first party, along with Disaster: Day of Crisis (w00t! So glad Nintendo aquired Monolith Soft!). Some more games you should be lookin' forward to:

Dewy's Adventure
Space Station Tycoon
Sadness (if they ever do anything with it. Cmon Nibris!)
Mario Strikers Charged
Batallion Wars 2
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
Resident Evil 4 (seriously. If you haven't played the game on GC, get it.)
Fire Emblem
Wii Music

I left off the big three, as everyone and their mothers want them. And I'm sure I forgot some stuff...but you get the idea. If Nintendo ever gets their act together, we could have a steady release of games....and according to IGN (pronounced idgen :-D), Nintendo's shifted a lot of focus to making games online. That's a good thing.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
No More Heroes is Suda 51, or as you probably know him as, that guy who made Killer 7 for the GC. I'm fully lookin' forward to it, especially since he's claimed that he wants to make it more violent then Manhunt 2.

HAMMER is definitely first party, along with Disaster: Day of Crisis (w00t! So glad Nintendo aquired Monolith Soft!). Some more games you should be lookin' forward to:

Dewy's Adventure
Space Station Tycoon
Sadness (if they ever do anything with it. Cmon Nibris!)
Mario Strikers Charged
Batallion Wars 2
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
Resident Evil 4 (seriously. If you haven't played the game on GC, get it.)
Fire Emblem
Wii Music

I left off the big three, as everyone and their mothers want them. And I'm sure I forgot some stuff...but you get the idea. If Nintendo ever gets their act together, we could have a steady release of games....and according to IGN (pronounced idgen :-D), Nintendo's shifted a lot of focus to making games online. That's a good thing.
Hmm...I don't actually have RE4, but I rented it soo long i beat it, and practically owned it. So ya, I think I"ll get the Wii Version. Lol, love that No More Heroes is gonan be bloodier than Manhunt 2, the world needs a lot more gorely games! :laugh: I've looked at Project HAMMER and it looks awsome, and Disaster: Day of Crisis is up there is the awsomeness. WE might actually get some good game for the Wii soon.

Also, you forgot NIGHTS: Journey of Dreams=ya. thanks for all the good news Sensai, we have a lot of good games to looks forward to. Hopefully online becomes as much as a focus to them as it is to Microsoft's Xbox and Xobx 360 via Xbox Live, and Nintendo invests in it. Seriously, if Nintendo charges for online idc just as long as online owns, and isn't unplayable in lag all the time! :)

Random Note: MK Armeggedon looks good for the Wii, but I think I'll get the next Wii MK game. Something tells me like most developers, the developers of Armeggedon for the Wii are just getting used to the Wiimote and Numchuck functions, and next time around it will own, with online! I don't doubt it's good, but the next one will surely be friggen awsome! Anyways, anyone here played Armeggedon on the Wii=? As negative as I sound, I might get it if the Wiimote and Numchuck functions work.


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
About all the things going on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and the rest of the week, I found a great blog that is great on speculation and is really quite articulate.

The blog is by PikaPal13X, and it's the 5th top blog on IGN, anyways, here it is:
(If it says anything about pics, it's referring to the ones that you've all seen on thehylia.com, I just don't feel like putting them here)

PikaPal13X said:
Frostys For All? Smash Bros. Brawl? Metroid This Fall? There's been a lot of speculation on what's going on with this Nintendo Media Summit on the 22nd and 23rd over in Seattle, and apparently, they're getting the word out to gaming Web sites for that and some other news, too, because the site I work for just got a little hint from Nintendo's PR firm that something big might be announced next week.

We got two packages in fron Nintendo today, or I should more properly say, Nintendo's PR firm. The first was our long-awaited review copies of Pokemon Pearl and Diamond (why they took so long to get here, I'll never know, but they're here so I won't complain), and the other was a frosty mug. However, in the spot where the straw should be was a rolled up piece of paper that said a big announcement was coming May 21st from Nintendo.

Thanks to GoNintendo, I have pictures of what it looked like:

(Mr. GAW EDIT)-Didn't feel like putting them in here, like I said before, it was just pictures of the whole frostyfloat thing.-(End Mr.GAW edit)

Obviously, from the pics, we can tell one thing: Wendy's is having a promotion soon in which you can win a free Wii. Otherwise, they would not have gone to such trouble of making up all of those cups. So prepare to storm Wendy's, those who don't have Wiis... which is like half of North America.

That date coincides with what other pieces of info I've seen online, including the Smash Bros. site relaunching and adding into the fact that Japan is about 13 hours ahead, it would probably mean that any new Smash Bros. news wouldn't be out until the evening of the 21st at earliest. I have a sneaking suspicion, and this is all guessing right now, that Smash Bros. Brawl is going to be at least one of the things discussed on Day 1 of the Nintendo event and that we're probably going to get a lot of new info on that game, maybe even some teasers on Monday. Other than that, I really don't know, but I'd definitely be on the boards next Monday evening to see what pops up. Matt has also hinted that he's under embargo until Monday and Tuesday on different things, giving me even more the reason to think a lot of the news we'll hear on the 21st is Smash Bros. Brawl information.

But what will we hear from Seattle? There are any number of things:

- Nintendo Power is cancelled or moving to NYC. Both these things have been popping up, so expect maybe some official word on them soon and perhaps a Wii Channel replacement.

- Nintendo is moving part or all of it's operation to San Francisco or NYC. Matt has already flat out said this is a rumor, and a big press event like this would be a good time to announce it, but I don't know. I think the focus will still be mostly on games, and this announcement would take too much away from that. Expect such an announcement at a later time.

- Metroid Prime 3: Corruption in August? With Halo 3 in September, the game has to come out by then or it won't be out until 2008, and I have indeed heard rumblings from some places that this date might get officially announced next week.

- Information on Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Mario Galaxy is a given, but also expect a little bit more info on some of the games we haven't heard from in a while, like Disaster: Day of Crisis and Project H.A.M.M.E.R.

- Online info? Absolutely. With Pokemon Battle Revolution set to drop in June, we're going to hear something about that, and unfortunately for most of you, it'll be friend codes once more. Embrace it, get used to it, and move on because it's not changing in the near future.

- Don't expect any news about the DS' successor just yet. I'm sure Nintendo is already working on it, but most of the DS news is likely to just be announcements over which games will be coming out and when.

- The Virtual Console will also likely get a nod, and perhaps the notion that we will finally start seeing original VC content on there. Expect official confirmation on the Neo-Geo joining the VC line-up, though SNK has pretty much already confirmed this, as well as perhaps some hints at what games are coming in the future for the Wii's direct download service.

- News on new peripherals or the Wii Zapper? Don't know if it'll hapen this time around, but it'd be a nice surprise to find out what happened to the Zapper after Nintendo showed it off at last year's E3 conference.

- Oh, and hype train passengers, please disembark at the next station, because I for one don't expect any megaton announcements to come out of this. Just a lot more info on things we already know about, some release dates finally getting laid down for the summer, fall and winter, and some online info. Well, unless you don't consider Sonic being in Smash Bros. to be a megaton announcement...
Just thought it was a good read, so I thought I'd share it with you guys. The whole IGN Wii team is going down to Seattle Monday, so I'll update you guys then. (Even though SWF will probably be flooded with it by the time I get here.)

EDIT: Link to his blog: http://blogs.ign.com/PikaPal13X/


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
CaptainCC said:
From Go Nintendo podcast:

"We have Smash Brothers news. The Smash Brothers website--they're redoing the whole thing and there's a countdown on the website. They don't say what's going to be on the site, but you will be able to learn a lot more.

This coincides with the Nintendo Summit, which is happening Tuesday for online media and Wednesday for print media because the pritn media needs to see stuff longer in advance to get their stuff out. IGN, Gamespot. Big sites that have been around for a long time, so they're going to go to the first day and you'll hear news from them that night and the next day the print media is goign to see all the stuff we want to see, so they're goign to get to play, we're not sure, but expect Metroid Prime, Galaxy, and Brawl, and you'll hear that in their next issue because it will run during E3, and that's why they get to see it early. Brawl news is expected.

If we're taking the rumors that we hear, we should get a firm release date on the day that the site launches, and as well probably a new trailer, screenshots and character confirmations."
Oh boy oh boy oh boy.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Question: Have you seen this?
Question: What is this?
Answer: This. http://nintendrone.blog.com/

Answer: That's a ****load of information.
Question: Is it real?
Answer: I dunno, is it? Discuss?

****, I messed up.


For your viewing pleasure, I've copy/pasted the meat of the article in question:
Nintendrone said:
Project H.A.M.M.E.R. and Disaster: Day of Crisis are both very close to finalization. Nintendo plans to use them as drought fillers. (Makes sense, no one knows if they’ll be a success.)
The Virtual Console will be getting some major additions soon, not just Classic Game wise. (All I can say about that.)
The Wii-Specific Zelda is currently in the works. It is not currently planned for release within the next two years. It will differ greatly from former Zelda titles. (Zelda fans tend to have mixing reactions toward “new” Zeldas…uh-oh.)
Mario Kart, Various Sports are also currently in development. Currently being worked on with online in mind. (Almost sure-fire successes.)
No word on StarFox. (I have no idea if this means it’s not even planned or if details aren’t allowed to be discussed.)
Even more surprises in terms of new IPs are in store. (We might be able to expect some info at the media summit)
Wii Music and Fitness Pack are still set for release this year. (I’m a musician, so I can’t wait to see Wii Music. Fitness…eh.)
All going according to plan, Animal Crossing will be released in ’08. (Meh, not a big fan myself.)
Kirby is not on hiatus, contrary to some people’s belief. (Huge fan, but no Sakurai may change things quite a bit.)
No word on a non-bongo DK yet. (Lame.)
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games has had more man-power put into it since the expectations for the game are becoming greater. (That’s good; I don’t want a bad game that I will end up buying anyway. It is gonna be a piece of VG history after all.)
Nintendo is working closely with third parties this time around, to ensure that Wii will not go unsupported. (No-brainer. I’m grateful though.)

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption:
Players will not have to re-gain all of their abilities. (Holy Cannoli, apparently this isn’t news but it is to me and it excites me in the pants.)
Players will have a corruption mode, similar to hyper mode, that will only be available to use for a limited amount of time. (Think symbiote spidey in SM3.)
Players will not have to switch beams, as they combine. (Think 2-D Metroid.)
The developers are working closely with Nintendo themselves to include some sort of online functionality. (Don’t get your hopes up, the way the PR worded it it sounded like it was more WiiConnect oriented than Multiplayer)
Planned to be released this year, “sooner than most are expecting.” (Oh snap.)

Super Mario Galaxy:
SMG is planned to boast some sort of multiplayer functions. (Oh god, whens the last time that happened? SMW? YES PLEASE.)
No online functionality is planned to be included. (Well, to be honest, I didn’t really expect any.)
Will be released this year. No word on when. (My guess is early/late Q4)

Super Smash Bros. Brawl:
Players will be able to choose from multiple control options. Main focus is on GC controller, and Nintendo is currently considering redistribution of them. (Good, I can’t find wavebirds anywhere. I hope this means I can just use the remote and nunchuck, he wouldn’t say.)
No motion-sensitive controls in main game. (Does that mean mini-games etc. will?)
Game will feature no more than 50 characters. (Gee, thanks a lot. I didn’t know that already </sarcasm>)
“Since there’s a huge fan-demand for online play, the game will almost definitely feature it. That’s the plan. We pay a lot more attention to the fans than you would think, and we think it would be pretty dumb to ignore it. What’s funny is if we had never addressed the rumor, people wouldn’t be so expectant of it as they are.” (Thank god, hopefully an end to the “This better be online or I’m not buying it” stuff.)
They wouldn’t tell me any new specific characters. (Just thought I’d get that in there.)
“Fans will be extremely pleased with the quality and number of characters we’ve brought around, as we made this very much a fan-desire project. There won’t be anymore ‘clones’ (just thought I should mention, he did the finger quote thing, and I literally lol’d) either. There are definitely characters that will be huge surprises too, one of which happens to be my absolute favorite.” (Thanks for the cliffhanger. Wait…so no more clones? What about…)
Not all characters will return. The original smash bros. will. (Oh…bye Roy (one of my mains.))
Alternate Costumes/Color Schemes will be included. (Hot sauce. I’ll take white Zora Link please.)
No comment on third parties. (**** you.)
The game has been made “more balanced”. (Cool. No more tiers? Ummm…idk if I like this yet.)
No comment on N64 like intros. (lol)
No comment on “advanced techniques”. (I’m mediocre at that stuff anyway, so, I’m neutral on this.)
There will be new items, and some have been taken out. (Bob-ombs confirmed, don’t worry.)
Super Smash Attacks are not immediately activated, can be reserved. (Well, now that I think about it…duh.)
Adventure mode will be much larger, classic mode will be featured. (No word on if chars. Would have individual stories)
Will include more game modes, some from N64 will return. (Due to popular demand, apparently.)
Events will be included. (I love those things, so to me it’s awesome.)
This game is scheduled to release this year. (My guess is Fall.)
No comment on shoot the credits.
I personally don't buy it. It seems way to good to be true, and it also seems as if it's stuff that we've already managed to deduce or has already been announced.


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
Thank you Sensai for getting that link to us. Apparently there will be more info tomorrow (the 22nd) which is good.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
Yeah, that seems really fake to me. There's too much fake information giving. 'The virtual console is going to be updated but we can't tell you with what.' That just allows them to be right about anything. The're just betting that Nintendo will do something by years end.

And then they reveal information that was already know. 'Get this Brawl will have online play.' Really? I'm pretty sure we already knew that. Meh. I'll just wait for the countdown to end.


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2007
North Georgia
Crystal Bearers details coming into focus

Nintendo Wii Fanboy said:
Square Enix have been tantalising us with a slow drip of info regarding Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers for a little while now. We've managed to decipher some of the recent interview with Akitoshi Kawazu, the game's executive producer and Toshiyuki Itahana, the director.

The game starts with the hero arriving to sort out an aircraft accident. But was it an accident? That's where you come in. You'll need to find out what happened, and who was responsible. Rather than featuring a character who progresses and develops through the course of the game, Crystal Bearers' protagonist will start the game as a powerful hero. Instead of focussing on developing your powers, the focus will be on how you solve individual problems. The idea is to enjoy the hero's triumphs through the story, rather than building up to one climatic victory.

You'll have a range of abilities and weapons from the very start. Few specific details on abilities are given, but they do mention that the glow emanating from the hero's hand, whatever it is, will be available to players from the word go. There is also speculation on the Internet that summoning will play a role, as a Bahamut-like dragon is visible in the teaser video.

The emphasis seems very much on accessibility and fun. The controls will be simple, possibly adapting from scene to scene. You'll be able to move fluidly, and naturally, both the nunchuck and Wiimote will be involved in proceedings. There might be less of an emphasis on cut scenes, apparently it's no fun watching the plot unfold when you aren't taking part. They want you to play by controlling things.

We're also promised big enemies as well as big bosses, who will be able to match the fluidity of your own movements. They hoped Square Enix party attendees would be able to play the game, but couldn't get this sorted out. Apparently the footage shown at the party was in-game. Hopefully that means the release date isn't that far away.
Interesting concept with how the game starts. I don't know how much it would take away from the game, though. One of the best feelings playing a game is getting a new ability or weapon after a boss battle. They'd have to replace that with some other form of accomplishment. But it's a FF game, so it'll probably be good.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Holy. ****. Information.

Everyone knows the Brawl site is going live (it could go live) in about 5 minutes, but Nintendo's already given us a **** load of information today. Read on; I'll bold the parts that I deem uber important:
Nintendo said:
Nintendo News: Nintendo's Summer Lineup Satisfies Core and New Gamers

Whether you're a longtime gamer who likes classic franchises or a newcomer
aiming to keep your brain sharp, Nintendo's summer lineup of games has
something for you. Nintendo's offerings are anchored by key Wii(TM) games
like Metroid Prime(R) 3 Corruption and Mario Strikers(TM) Charged.
Nintendo DS(TM) owners can challenge their minds with games like Brain
Age(TM) 2: More Training in Minutes a Day and the new picture-based puzzle
game, Picross DS(TM).

Licensees also are demonstrating a strong commitment to Wii and Nintendo
DS by announcing more than 40 titles in all genres. The unique controls
of Wii and Nintendo DS make the Nintendo platform versions of these games
entirely new experiences. No matter what your taste or experience level,
you'll keep busy this summer!

July 30 Mario Strikers Charged Nintendo
Aug. 20 Metroid Prime 3 Corruption Nintendo
September Battalion Wars 2 Nintendo

Aug. 14 High School Musical: Sing It! Disney Interactive Studios
Aug. 14 Madden NFL '08 EA
August Tiger Woods PGA Tour '08 EA
August Space Station Tycoon Namco Bandai
August Brunswick Pro Bowling Crave
August Dave Mirra BMX Challenge Crave
August Pinball Hall of Fame: Crave
The Williams Collection
September Brothers in Arms Ubisoft
September Looney Tunes: Acme Arsenal Warner Bros.
September George of the Jungle Crave
Fall Boogie EA

Nintendo DS
July 30 Picross DS Nintendo
Aug. 20 Brain Age 2: More Training Nintendo in Minutes a Day
Sept. 10 DK Jungle Climber Nintendo
Sept. 24 Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol Nintendo
July SimCity EA
July Namco Museum DS Namco Bandai
July Drake & Josh THQ
July Glory Days 2 Eidos
Aug. 14 Madden NFL '08 EA
Aug. 14 High School Musical: Disney Interactive Studios Makin' the Cut!
Aug. 14 Heroes of Mana Square-Enix
August I SPY: Fun House Activision
August Jewel Quest Expedition Activision
August Tiger Woods PGA Tour '08 EA
August Worms: Open Warfare 2 THQ
August Luminous Arc Atlus
August Mega Man Star Force: Pegasus Capcom
August Mega Man Star Force: Leo Capcom
August Mega Man Star Force: Dragon Capcom
August Operation: Vietnam Majesco
August Turn It Around Majesco
August The Wild West Majesco
August Fulllmetal Alchemist Destineer Trading Card Game
September Drawn to Life THQ
September Zoey 101 THQ
September Crayola Treasure Adventures Crave
September Nancy Drew and The Deadly Majesco Secret of Olde World Park
September Holly Hobbie & Friends Majesco
September Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Capcom Trials and Tribulations
September Looney Tunes: Duck Amuck Warner Bros.
September Pet Luv Spa & Resort Tycoon Activision
September Animal Genius Activision
September George of the Jungle Crave
September Jam Sessions Ubisoft
September Professor Brainium Destineer
September Indy 500 Legends Destineer
I went ahead and left the DS titles in there too.

Metroid Prime 3 is August 20th, with Mario Strikers being July 30th. Why is it taking that long for Strikers, anyways?

And where's Fire Emblem!?


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2004
saw that like 2 minutes ago.

also, the smashsite now says "starting today"
so between now and 11 am EST the site will be updated.


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
HOLY F****** @#&@!

August 20th? That's before school kicks back in! I'll have time over summer to get started!


I do hope it's not rushed though.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.

That's not true. I think it contains a lot more information then people believe, mainly because most people aren't willing to think through and come to it. He lists a lot of composers of music for a reason: it's a hint.

The NiGHTS guy? The Chrono Trigger guy? The Xenogears guy? The Kingdom Hearts guy? That, my friend, is not 'nothing.'

And Mario Strikers Charged comes out in 3 days in Europe, meaning I get to play it in probably...a week or so. W00T. I'll post impressions.

Oh, and BTW: been playing that DBZ game on the Wii and I must say it's a lot of fun. Much more fun then I thought it was going to be, honestly.

And Marvel Ultimate Alliance is a lot of fun if you have a bunch of friends who wanna play. The camera is the dumbest thing I've ever seen, though...it only adds to the hilarity.


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2004

That's not true. I think it contains a lot more information then people believe, mainly because most people aren't willing to think through and come to it. He lists a lot of composers of music for a reason: it's a hint.

The NiGHTS guy? The Chrono Trigger guy? The Xenogears guy? The Kingdom Hearts guy? That, my friend, is not 'nothing.'
sorry, but no. perhaps ONE of them might be related, but he's just showing off. There are a LOT of composers who worked on third party games in there, but there's NO WAY they'll all be in there. Some of them just wouldn't make sense. Like the fact that a composer from grasshopper ltd (Killer 7) is listed there. Oh yes, I can definately imagine someone from THAT game in brawl :p.

SO in conclusion the only thing new on there is a redone menu 1 track, the way percentages look(some people are speculating that you'll be able to replace the pix of chars with a Mii), and some stuff about battlefield( the fact that it rotates between night and day, which is pretty cool).

However, there's gonna be dail weekday updates(or so we've been promised) so hopefully we'll get some more interesting stuff soon.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
That's not true. I think it contains a lot more information then people believe, mainly because most people aren't willing to think through and come to it. He lists a lot of composers of music for a reason: it's a hint.

The NiGHTS guy? The Chrono Trigger guy? The Xenogears guy? The Kingdom Hearts guy? That, my friend, is not 'nothing.'
Sounds like nothing to me. Unless you're trying to imply that characters from Chrono Trigger, Xenogears and Kingdom Hearts are going to appear in Brawl. As was mentioned in Gimpyfish's topic it sounds more impressive to list credits rather than just mention a name. And the composer for kingdom hearts is a women. ;)

edit: what he said.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.

Didn't know the Kingdom Hearts guy was actually a girl, although I didn't mean 'guy' to mean 'male.' More just like a 'hey guys' thing, no sex attached.

ChRed, Chill, I'm not sure what it means, although I doubt he'd put the musician's names up there for no reason. I guess you're right: it could be just people working on the game and them saying 'this is what they've done before'....but jeah. Just my two cents.

ChRed, I like your banner. It's good, especially if you just started photoshop.

Mario Strikers Charged got an 8.7 on IGN AU. They said they're completely happy with the online mode and they consider it a great start in the right direction.


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2004
yeah you'd think we'd have heard something by now, but i've checked cubed3, ign, ccodenamerevolution, 1up...nothing.

also, sensei, the sig was a work in progress about a month and a half ago, but i havne't had time lately. hope to get back to PS during summer break. Thanks though :D

edit: Here we go.


apparently the info is under strict embargo, though we may here some stuff in the next couple days, but big stuff will probably be kept for later on big events, like the new E3 and so on.


oh well, guess now i just have the smash site updates to look forward to.

who wants to bet what tomorrow's will be?

also, who wants to bet they waste time putting up character bios for chars we already know about? :p I'm expecting REAL info, not stuff we've heard before redone to "satisfy the fans".


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
I think the fact that Sakurai got composers from a wide variety of games could mean something.

I mean, think about it, if they want to put Isaac from Golden Sun into the game, they probably want the Golden Sun composer working on the game too, especially if he has his own stage.

Just a thought.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
I know GaW, but theres a lot of them, I mean we got one from devil may cry, one from killer 7, one from ape escape, one from kingdom hearts, I doubt were gettin that many 3rd parties :p

Also im bettin they didnt show some musicians, like I mean theres no one who work on a sonic game (and sonic is pretty much in) and unfortunally no one that work on a megaman game... *sigh*


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
^^^ Mhmm. They probably got a lot of them just for composing, but I just think that the one's that have a character for the game composed in are there for a reason.


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2004
Well, that would make sense. For instance kojima is designing a Metal Gear stage, so that would most likely have metal gear music, so you'd want someone with experience writing for that theme.

I'd say the chances of a character appearing in game are increased if there's a related composer listed, but it doesn't become definate.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
They did have the guy from NiGHTS, who is Sonic Team...but, I digress.

The deal with this Nintendo summit thing is that today was for print news, i.e. magazines and newspapers, etc; all of this will be under embargo for a bit. Unsure of how long.

TOMORROW (technically today now) is the day for online sources. I'm pretty sure there will be an embargo, at least for a day or so, but we should definitely be getting some amount of news by the end of the week.

According to Reggie, MP3
Reggie said:
will reinvent the control scheme for a first person shooter. It's the closest you can get to PC control in a [console] game.
That's definitely good news.

And also (in a weird twist of events, talking about the VC is what this thread is about to be about and it's going to be on topic, as it's hardware. Take that mods!), there are rumors (ok, just one, but a biggie) that there will soon, within the next two months, be a channel strictly for new downloadable content on the Wii. Check it out.



Ah, I was on topic the whole post. I figure I might as well be off-topic a little...I'll make it quick:

That's what I was saying about the music. I guess GAW just put it more elegantly then I did, but he said exactly what I meant.

And I don't think they'll take a full day to update with characters we already know. They might come in at some point, but I'm pretty sure that Sakurai is feeding us intentionally.


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2004
really? Friday? and the stuff about MP3 being close to a PC is old. But still good to hear.

(and I called that they would be putting up old character bios. take a look at todays :p)

IGN has reggie's speech in full.


highlights soon.

edit: there ar no higlights. he's just selling nintendo by showing numbers, talking about how nintendo is changing the market, and basically confirming once again that zelda DS, smash, and Mario Galaxy are all coming this year.

edit 2: THis is a little bit old, but geometry wars is coming to Wii and DS! w00t!


guess that's what sensei was saying earlier, but he didn't link to the speech so i was a bit confused.

Overall, it's not really worth the three pages of reading time unless you're interested in buying nintendo stock.
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