Smash Champion
Link to original post: [drupal=2171]Why the Bible should be kept away from children[/drupal]
Now, before I start, I'd like to say that this blog is not attacking the beliefs of Christian people; the majority of people I know are Christian. If it does offend you, then that was not this blog's intention. It's just that personally, I believe that if we truly care about children, we definitely should keep the Bible away from them.
The Bible is, by a significant margin, the most violent and bloodthristy book of all time. It also makes countless references to sex and ****, and it teaches facts that are completely erroneous. If I listed all of the passages in the Bible that I felt would harm children, I'd be tying for days. So here are a few main ones I picked out.
Leviticus 15: The majority of this chapter goes on about how 'when any man hath a running issue out of his flesh, because of his issue he is unclean'. I think you can use some imagination to work out what that means. It's bad enough on its own, but going on about it for almost an entire chapter seems a bit much, no? What good Christian parents would want children reading disgusting passages like that?
2 Samuel 13:1-22: Ammon says to his half-sister Tama 'Come lie with me, my sister.' She refuses and he ***** her anyway. Again, who would want their children to read about stories of **** such as this? Children who may stumble upon this may come to the belief that such a **** is OK, and what Christians would want that?
Romans 5:12: 'Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned'. This says that before Adam sinned, there was no death. This is clearly untrue, because death originated back when life first began, billions of years before humans came to being.
Exodus 22:20: 'He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed' So according to this all 3 billion religious believers who are not Christians should be killed. Obviously adult Christians know better than this, but what if a child does not?
1 Samuel 6:19: 'And he smote the men of Bethshemesh, because they had looked into the ark of the LORD, even he smote of the people fifty thousand and threescore and ten men: and the people lamented, because the LORD had smitten many of the people with a great slaughter.' So he killed over 50,000... for looking in an ark. WTF? Why would anyone want to read about killings in such a way as the Bible proclaims, especially when the killings are often of innocent people, including babies.
1 Samuel 18:25-27: Saul orders David to kill 100 Philestines and brings back their foreskins (?!). David goes one step ahead of him and gets 200 instead. Now, the killing on its own is horrible, but the idea of collecting foreskins and bringing them back again is beyond horrid... seriously.
I'll stop there, since I think you get the idea. Overall, the Bible is easily the most violent, blood-filled and sex-obsessed book of all time. Plus it has incorrect information. Almost every page seems to involve people being killed or sex references or something else like that. If the Bible were a film, no self-respecting cinema would show it, and if they did it would easily be an 18. Now, the majority of the atrocities and absurdities of the Bible are in the Old Testament, but such acts are still depicted in the New Testament, especially in Revelation.
And this is the book that children get taught at Sunday school! Yes, they tend to get taught the few good passages the Bible contains, but when the child is older, what if they decide to read some of the passages for themselves, and discover the atrocities that the Bible proclaims, and take it as 'God's word'. And if you think about it, even with stories that they are taught, God drowned everyone on the entire planet except for Noah and his animals? What a ****ing *******.
Now, before I start, I'd like to say that this blog is not attacking the beliefs of Christian people; the majority of people I know are Christian. If it does offend you, then that was not this blog's intention. It's just that personally, I believe that if we truly care about children, we definitely should keep the Bible away from them.
The Bible is, by a significant margin, the most violent and bloodthristy book of all time. It also makes countless references to sex and ****, and it teaches facts that are completely erroneous. If I listed all of the passages in the Bible that I felt would harm children, I'd be tying for days. So here are a few main ones I picked out.
Leviticus 15: The majority of this chapter goes on about how 'when any man hath a running issue out of his flesh, because of his issue he is unclean'. I think you can use some imagination to work out what that means. It's bad enough on its own, but going on about it for almost an entire chapter seems a bit much, no? What good Christian parents would want children reading disgusting passages like that?
2 Samuel 13:1-22: Ammon says to his half-sister Tama 'Come lie with me, my sister.' She refuses and he ***** her anyway. Again, who would want their children to read about stories of **** such as this? Children who may stumble upon this may come to the belief that such a **** is OK, and what Christians would want that?
Romans 5:12: 'Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned'. This says that before Adam sinned, there was no death. This is clearly untrue, because death originated back when life first began, billions of years before humans came to being.
Exodus 22:20: 'He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed' So according to this all 3 billion religious believers who are not Christians should be killed. Obviously adult Christians know better than this, but what if a child does not?
1 Samuel 6:19: 'And he smote the men of Bethshemesh, because they had looked into the ark of the LORD, even he smote of the people fifty thousand and threescore and ten men: and the people lamented, because the LORD had smitten many of the people with a great slaughter.' So he killed over 50,000... for looking in an ark. WTF? Why would anyone want to read about killings in such a way as the Bible proclaims, especially when the killings are often of innocent people, including babies.
1 Samuel 18:25-27: Saul orders David to kill 100 Philestines and brings back their foreskins (?!). David goes one step ahead of him and gets 200 instead. Now, the killing on its own is horrible, but the idea of collecting foreskins and bringing them back again is beyond horrid... seriously.
I'll stop there, since I think you get the idea. Overall, the Bible is easily the most violent, blood-filled and sex-obsessed book of all time. Plus it has incorrect information. Almost every page seems to involve people being killed or sex references or something else like that. If the Bible were a film, no self-respecting cinema would show it, and if they did it would easily be an 18. Now, the majority of the atrocities and absurdities of the Bible are in the Old Testament, but such acts are still depicted in the New Testament, especially in Revelation.
And this is the book that children get taught at Sunday school! Yes, they tend to get taught the few good passages the Bible contains, but when the child is older, what if they decide to read some of the passages for themselves, and discover the atrocities that the Bible proclaims, and take it as 'God's word'. And if you think about it, even with stories that they are taught, God drowned everyone on the entire planet except for Noah and his animals? What a ****ing *******.