OK dude you are still not getting it, so what your trying to say is if sheik is in the game that zelda's OOT design has to also.
never said that. In fact, I've stated more than once that Sheik having her own character slot,
without Ocarina of Time Zelda, would be fine by me. Don't twist my words around just to help your own point. All I said was that TP Zelda turning into Sheik bothers me, and why. Nothing more. Don't put words in my mouth.
it is just an undated look. really if you think about it over all she is from TP, but ever since OOT most of the time if you think zelda, you think sheik.
No, I don't.
they are the same person whether zelda is from wind waker, the oracle series or alttp they are they same
Not according to the storyline of the game, no. They are all technically different "Zeldas".
yes it is true that sheik is from OOT but over all sheik is stuck to zelda you cant separate them that is like telling link he can use the master sword and now he has to use a fairy wand or something it just doesn't happen
That is not even
close to being the same situation. Link uses the Master Sword in ever game—it's his signature weapon. Sheik is Zelda's alter ego for
one game. It's not like taking away Link's sword, it's more like taking away his ocarina.
now im not saying that sheik exists in every game no she doesn't my point is that it does not matter zelda is going to represent zelda when you play brawl are you going to say amm man i wish they put links adventure zelda in this game no because zelda represents all zelda's so in a sense it does make sense that TP zelda from brawl can transform in to sheik because zelda is representing all zelda's
Where are you getting this "Zelda represents all Zeldas" information? I don't remember Sakurai mentioning that anywhere.
Besides, you only further help my point. If she is indeed supposed to represent all Zelda's, wouldn't it make A LOT more sense to give her more generic magic attacks rather than having her transform into a game-specific character? You contradict your point.
Once the connection is made, it takes more then renaming to lose the connection, unless she actually used them in the new game (which she didn't), it takes concrete changes in the attacks themselves, like what's occurring with Link's moves, since Link used them in TP, the moves are being retooled to fit how he used them. This could not happen with Zelda since she never used them in TP, however it was established that they were based on OOT abilities by their naming, and once that occurs the style becomes associated.
Changing the name does not break the connection anymore.
. . . You completely made that up out of no foundation. None of what you said is based on anything Sakurai said, nor any precedents from the previous games. Regardless, I'll make a rebuttal.
Link's Bow seems relatively unchanged from Melee to Brawl, yes? Yet, they bother to call it the "Hero's Bow" now, in reference to it's name in Twilight Princess. This automatically discounts your whole paragraph. There is absolutely
nothing stopping Sakurai from changing the names of the attacks in order for them to suit Twilight Princess Zelda better, much like what he did with Link's bow. It's possible that may simply choose not to do so, but he certainly
could do it. Don't make it sound like an impossibility.
Fair enough, but it certainly doesn't bother me, I prefer them maintaining connection with my favorite Zelda game, especially considering how important it was to the series.
Fair. I guess we'll agree to disagree. Moving on.
I don't have to, you made the assertion that Sheik doesn't have enough real fans to merit a return.
I certainly suspect it strongly, but if you wish to assert her unworthiness, you need to prove that her fanbase is based on her power, otherwise it's an assumed neutral fanbase, just like every other charecter would be assumed, any assumptions other then that would fall under the availability heuristic.
Your assertion about her fanbase requires proof, so prove it, please.
Fair enough. I'm far too lazy to go about and try and round up all the posts I've seen regarding Sheik's fans, so I'll leave this alone. The fact that you "suspect it strongly", just as I do, is enough for me. This isn't one of my points that I'm too adamant about to begin with.
But, Sheik is NOT a non-tri-force character. She is the alter-ego of Zelda, far from a glorified extra.
Yes, and we HAVE Zelda herself, therefor I feel that the "tri-force" status belongs solely to her in this instance. Sheik, herself, as her own character with a personality and abilities, is not a tri-force character. Zelda is. If Sheik is considered important purely because of her attachment to Zelda, then that does nothing but highlight how important
Zelda herself is. If this is indeed the case, then Sheik would merely be using Zelda as a crutch, and I don't believe characters should get in for that reason. Sheik, and the qualities unique to her that make her different from Zelda, are not connected to the tri-force. Honestly, think about what I'm saying here, because you may be tempted to think this is a weak point. I can assure you, it's not.
I sincerly doubt that melee is the only reason she is popular as well, why would they have even bothered to include the alter-ego if that was the case.
Because it offered a unique gameplay mechanic—the transforming character. The creators thought they could create one unique character via Zelda's transformation into Sheik (and admittedly SOME people do use this feature in the innovative way that the creators had originally thought up), when in reality they basically made two characters who occupy the same character slot. Each without a down B move. Sheik's role in Melee, honestly, was just an example of the creators trying to be creative.
That's where you have to learn to phrase the question properly, and it's doubtful that this will have any effect on whether or not she appears in Brawl, it's for the discussion, as an attempt to prove your point. Since it lacks a direct connection, it's doubtful people's positions will be influenced by it.
Anyways, by your estimation plenty of people are willing to say basically, "I want Sheik for her moves", why not in a poll then?
People aren't stupid (well, not all of them). They know what a poll like that would be trying to prove. Now, I could be wrong. Everyone may just answer honestly, and there may still be more votes for "I just love Sheik". But in my gut, I feel that some people would choose that option purely because that's honestly a better reason to support a character. The reason I think people would be more inclined to do that in a poll than they would just posting on the boards is because the poll would actually keep track of this. You can have 230947 people say "I only like Sheik because she's top tier", and never be able to make a conclusion from it based on all the other posts on these boards because it's so much less organized. In a poll, people know that people are REALLY going to get a specific statistic out of it. In order to sway this statistic that the whole board would surely see, I think people would be inclined to just vote for the "better" answer, rather than the more accurate one.
This is just my personal feeling though. I didn't really bring it up to influence anyone else, merely to defend my own views.
Which, without concrete statistics is just an example of the availability heuristic, it may be right, and it might not, but people have a mental tendency to look for things that prove their point, thus not remember things that disprove it.
You know, that's true. The thing is, I don't have any kind of issue with Sheik, so I don't see any reason for my brain to ignore the "I like Sheik" posts. My opinion on Sheik's fanbase is based entirely off of what I've seen, not the other way around. Still, what you say is valid. I don't have any actual proof.
Furthermore, you have to consider the sample size, even if the majority of Sheik players like her because of her moveset, she could very well have a larger audience of true fans then most of the other charecters because she has a larger overall fanbase (hypothetically speaking of course, I do not know her fanbase's size).
True enough, an experiment will always be more accurate with a larger sample size than a small one. However, since the sample size that I
do have is the only one I have to base things on, it's the one I go by. At least until it's proven false.
You make a good point that Sheik could actually have a ridiculously large fanbase, and I just don't know it. However, with that same point, you could say that Bidoof (Pokemon) has more true blue fans than Mario himself. We don't
know that it doesn't. Does this justify the inclusion of a character as lame an undeserving as Bidoof? In general, I suppose this whole point I've been trying to make is rather moot (yeah, I said "rather moot". Aren't I fancy?). I'm happy to drop it.
And it is annoying, but it was part of a post composed of anti-sheik for melee sentiment, and thus must be taken as part of the argument. If not, then it is merely irrelevant, though the clarifacation is appreciated.
Point taken.
The assumption going around and implied is that if Sheik gets in, she'll be just as overpowered this time around, the odds of which are astronomical.
Well then, I can assure you I'm under no such assumption.
Zelda was as important to OoT's plot as any of the sages????
Zelda herself was clearly more important, but Sheik was not. If you think that Zelda and Sheik are
absolutely interchangeable (and I would have to believe you do, based on your name choice here), then what is the point of Sheik being in Brawl at all if we've already got Zelda? If they're 100% the same person, then isn't Sheik already
in Brawl by association with Zelda?
But seriously, smash includes plenty of past charecters, and I have yet to see a Zelda game that equals OoT. Even if one did, it still deserves reference, because, not only is it a great game but a landmark one.
I admire your fanboyism (no really, not a joke), but OoT's "landmarkness" if you will, is subjective. It's certainly a widely held belief, but it's just that—a belief. OoT isn't, as far as relation to the game's overall plot and purpose, anymore important than Twilight Princess. Nor any other Zelda installment, for that matter.
OoT is a great game, but it's not the only one. I may be alone in this opinion, but I really think OoT now deserves to be considered "a (very) fond memory" rather than "THE Zelda game". But that's really more my opinion on the Zelda franchise as a whole than my views on Sheik in Brawl, sorry for the digression.
That's the way the world works, charactors, actors, alter-egos, people, writers, muscicians, whatever, generally become important because of connections to something that was important.
And that's fair, but it brings me back to my point about characters like Ruto and Saria. They both had pretty significant roles in that game as well. In fact, on par with Sheik's significance if you ask me. What about Sheik, as a character, without the fact that she's technically Zelda, makes her more important than them? What about Sheik's personality or specific characteristics or impact on the franchise makes her more deserving than a character like Princess Ruto? They both only appeared in the one game, they have the same amount of real fighting experience ("none", basically), and they both help the story to unfold in the way that allows Link to defeat Ganondorf.
Ultimately, the inclusion will not effect me. Sheik could be in the game and I'll still buy Brawl. And love it. In fact, if Sheik is at least not attached to Zelda, I won't be bothered in the slightest. My main qualm, personally, is simply Zelda turning into Sheik. It would just not work out in my head. Giga Bowser bothers me enough, I don't need a character that I
really like getting the same, drastically un-canon treatment. The rest of the points I bring up are mostly me just being defensive and argumentative. Because, I guess I find that fun. When it comes down to it, I'm just hoping for something to happen that could just as likely not.
[/end ridiculously long, unreadable wall-o-text]