I would also agree with the sentiment that we shouldn't just accept how bad online is. There is absolutely no excuse for it to be missing basic features, that have been standard in online competitive games for years, like connection filters. Or be worse than the previous game, in terms of lag and match-making.
I improved my win rate by 8% yesterday and lost 6,000 GSP. That's because the game keeps matching me with people 30-40, sometimes over 100,000 GSP lower than me. I often have to win seven straight games to offset one loss. Given how I play maybe three games with a decent connection per session, I'm going to lose eventually, due to lag. I've managed to stay mostly even, but the higher I go, the steeper the penalty for losing and I'm starting to lose ground to the lag hordes. I don't care much about GSP, but I want to be matched with good players consistently. However, it's completely pointless in maintaining a high GSP, if I'm going to be matched with people significantly lower than me anyways. I have a 70% win rate, it's clear I'm not playing people at my level.
In the rare event I do get someone on my level, they're even laggier than what I normally get. In the incredibly rare event I get matched with someone higher than me and they're not laggy, I win or go even, proving I'm still not where I should be. The final straw, was getting matched with a laggy Link at 4.850 million GSP. I took maybe one game off of him and struggled significantly. Not because he was good, but because the lag was so bad, I was playing an entirely different game. Even parrying a Boomerang point blank, still didn't allow me to punish him and I got punished instead. All that made it very clear that at that level, lag will always be the deciding factor and if that's what's waiting for me, there is zero point in trying to go any further.
I just want to get matched with good opponents with minimum effort. That's what Elite promised, but I haven't had much fun for months now. I don't want to put a lot of effort in online and don't like the wait time in arenas, but I'm not going to play QP in any remotely serious fashion anymore.
This is without hyperbole, the worst online I've ever seen. I'm angry at and legitimately embarrassed for the dev team. I don't understand why it's so hard for Nintendo to copy what others are doing and adopt standard things like connection filters and an actual ranking system. They managed to adopt the standard of charging for online, so I don't see why they can't do the same for user experience. If I didn't need it to play with a friend, I'd honestly consider canceling my subscription. I just feel cheated in paying for what seems like a worse experience, than when online was free.