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Why is online in this game so bad?

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Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2014
Canada, Quebec
The answer to that is one of simple economics. Indie devs have next to no budget for advertising and no future if their title fails. So when their game gets released, everything better be tight and fully functional, and cater to the largest target audience (people who play online), or they go under. People won't just buy it because they know the name and franchise, and 1 or 2 bad reviews can be incredibly damning.

Nintendo on the other hands is a massive company. Yes they have fallen from glory since their 90's peak. But the switch has seen a return to the spotlight for them. Smash is a massive, generational franchise. Even if every game reviewer gave it 1/10 and said it was literally **** (which it isn't, mind) it would still sell millions of copies and nintendo would still make money.

I believe Ultimate is a great game, it has some things i take issue with (excessive buffering of moves), but I thoroughly enjoy playing it with my friends. It is just a dead shame it is marred by a, mostly, horrible online experience.

They are only apples and oranges in so far as their budget is concerned. Other than that, your point is moot. Brawlhalla has to make choices on what to prioritize and put in as they have limited funds. So they make the right choice and focus on the online experience, the person vs person content as that is what keeps people playing your fighting game and coming back.
Nintendo on the other hand has no such budgetary restrictions, and thus has no excuse for making a pathetically poor online experience. I also notice you seem to imply that smash is a multi million dollar selling franchise because of it's great single player content. I can't help but believe you are dead wrong about that.
No fighting game ever, has been a top seller because of great single player content. Fighting games live of person vs person competitiveness that is a part of human nature. You and your friend both have a controller and you'll sit there and play until you know who's best. Online games have just broadened that spectrum to you vs random dude online both have a controller and you're gonna sit there and play until you know who's best.

I have a few friends who play smash for fun, with no real interest in becoming competitive. They play it mostly against their friends when they come over and occasionally play the online mode. All of them have said they would play the online mode a bit more if it didn't feel so crap, but they don't right now because it often feels laggy and they don't know what kind of game they're going to get thrown into, so they feel it's a waste of their time. Time better spent on one of their other games. Not a single one of them has any interest at all in ever playing any of the single player content. World of light eats up too much time for really no reward and no one likes to just beat up a computer in classic mode, it gets boring real quick. The only reason they ever touched single player, was to unlock all the characters.
I was implying local multiplayer was what drives sales, along with all the fanservice. Also, didn't know Ubisoft was a small indie company.

Brawlhalla caters heavily to competitive players with all the tech and online infrastructure, but as a party game it is sorely lacking. That's fine and all, different strokes for different blokes, but most fighting games following that philosophy have struggled to bring in huge sales numbers. I'd hardly consider it a budget title though, with the staggering amount of cosmetics for sale and walls of text lore for every fighter. It's also a multiplatform game, not exclusive to Switch, which makes server costs further justified. You don't stay rich by frivolously spending lots of money just because you can.
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Smash Rookie
Mar 6, 2019
Ubisoft publishes the game, the development was done by blue mammoth, which is an indie studio. Just because a big name company publishes your game, this does not generally mean they give you any kind of budget to do so. I will admit to not knowing the specifics for ubisoft's platform, but I wouldn't be surprised if it works in much the same way as steam does, where they offer you the option of reaching a larger target audience than you would be able to reach on your own, in return for a % of all sales and profits your game makes.
As for the cosmetics for sale, i actually agree with that choice. People loves swag, it is a great way to make money for smaller companies, and for people to support a game they like, while in no way gaining a competitive advantage from it. It works for a ton of titles, I believe it would work well for smash as well.

As for implying local multiplayer drives sales. If that is the logic, than the next logical step from a development progress is to optimize multiplayer when local is not an option for whatever reason, which means online.

Personally, I feel nintendo loves to make party games, they love it when people get together and play their games, and yes I love that too, and blindly, they make that their focus for games.
Nothing is better than getting together with my friends and playing games for a few hours. However, what nintendo has failed to see for the last decade+ is that we no longer live in the 90's when kids played consoles and people thought they'd grow out of it. Those kids have now all grown up, but most of them never outgrew gaming. The majority of people buying consoles/games (or having them bought for them) are no longer children that can afford to go next door to their friend's house and play smash every day for 3 hours after school. The majority of currency spending gamers are in their 20's and 30's. They have lives, obligations, jobs, other obligations after that job. You ever try to get all your friends together to hang out when you're over 25? The **** isn't easy. All those people want is to be able to get online and have a few good games the few hours a week they may have available to play, when they can't make it to a friend's house. Or even better, play online against their friend without the game lagging out.
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 24, 2018
Ubisoft publishes the game, the development was done by blue mammoth, which is an indie studio. Just because a big name company publishes your game, this does not generally mean they give you any kind of budget to do so. I will admit to not knowing the specifics for ubisoft's platform, but I wouldn't be surprised if it works in much the same way as steam does, where they offer you the option of reaching a larger target audience than you would be able to reach on your own, in return for a % of all sales and profits your game makes.
As for the cosmetics for sale, i actually agree with that choice. People loves swag, it is a great way to make money for smaller companies, and for people to support a game they like, while in no way gaining a competitive advantage from it. It works for a ton of titles, I believe it would work well for smash as well.

As for implying local multiplayer drives sales. If that is the logic, than the next logical step from a development progress is to optimize multiplayer when local is not an option for whatever reason, which means online.

Personally, I feel nintendo loves to make party games, they love it when people get together and play their games, and yes I love that too, and blindly, they make that their focus for games.
Nothing is better than getting together with my friends and playing games for a few hours. However, what nintendo has failed to see for the last decade+ is that we no longer live in the 90's when kids played consoles and people thought they'd grow out of it. Those kids have now all grown up, but most of them never outgrew gaming. The majority of people buying consoles/games (or having them bought for them) are no longer children that can afford to go next door to their friend's house and play smash every day for 3 hours after school. The majority of currency spending gamers are in their 20's and 30's. They have lives, obligations, jobs, other obligations after that job. You ever try to get all your friends together to hang out when you're over 25? The **** isn't easy. All those people want is to be able to get online and have a few good games the few hours a week they may have available to play, when they can't make it to a friend's house. Or even better, play online against their friend without the game lagging out.
With that thinking they are actually making people enjoy less their games, that yes, may be awesome to play together, but in comparison with the time you could enjoy the game properly online, its almost riddiculous that they dont make an investment in the online system of their games. They are just choosing for the players that have 3 to 5 days of fun in a year that you will be able to reunite your friends to play is better than have 365 of possible days of fun.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2018
time for another complain.. yeah it just keeps happening.. i start to hate team matches now cause of the matchmaking.. ok so heres the thing..i decided to give it a try again but all of a sudden the matchmaking give ME the low GSP teammate and no it's not once..it's almost each frigging match now..
i get the lame teammate and i basically got to carry which of course fails miserably since i am not a pro player here...most of the time these team matches end with me vs 2...
why do my opponents always get matched perfectly GSP wise but i get the 1 under 2/1,5 mil?
i swear game do you just want me to throw you in the trash can? -.- is it just to much to ask to get a teammate with at least the same level as me as well?

aaaaand that was all for now!
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 19, 2016
It happens and you don't realize it as much until you get the clueless teammate. I got this gungho Link on my team who just ate gravity the whole time. Wasn't even getting knocked off stage, he was just that wild. Also took my stocks while he was at at and continued to do it over again.

I sometimes see it when it happens on the other team and it is annoying. Mostly because I wanted a fair fight and I feel bad for the other dude who is trying and doing fairly well, but is doomed because of incompetency on his partner's behalf. Normally I will slack off a little when this happens. It's just how things go when there's not a competitive and fun section and everyone gets lumped together.

It took me forever guys, but I got Olimar out of gsp hell. You know why it was hard? Whenever I did win, someone on the match was salty and ragequit. Of course the times I came close, but still lost it took a huge chunk of my gsp. Also most of the battles were not what I wanted and a lot of times it was items on cheese. But I had to get him out of that hell to get the matches I actually wanted.

Deleted member

Yeah I still can't completely put down Smash Bros. because I'm too attached to the gameplay and characters....but the complete garbage that is online is a really big turn off. When I kinda forget how bad the online is I'll boot it up, and then after a few minutes I realize why I keep taking the cartridge out in the first place. It's a waste of time, and it's not fun anymore. I've got other games to play that I'll actually enjoy.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 19, 2016
I was sort of liking the past few days of quickplay online, even when they gave me everything but what I wanted. Of course, today I decided to can online play for the weekend. Literally every game I did for free for all somehow was a combination of lag, not what I wanted, cheesed matches, and for some reason everyone was hellbent on targeting me.

I didn't catch on to it at first, but after a while the matches started to seem fishy. Kind of took a backseat to see the mannerism of the others and sure enough they were all chasing me to one side and to the other. Either I stumbled into 15 some taunt parties (god I hope those things don't start to rise in popularity like they did in Smash4) or it was a one-sided team battle.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2018
I was sort of liking the past few days of quickplay online, even when they gave me everything but what I wanted. Of course, today I decided to can online play for the weekend. Literally every game I did for free for all somehow was a combination of lag, not what I wanted, cheesed matches, and for some reason everyone was hellbent on targeting me.

I didn't catch on to it at first, but after a while the matches started to seem fishy. Kind of took a backseat to see the mannerism of the others and sure enough they were all chasing me to one side and to the other. Either I stumbled into 15 some taunt parties (god I hope those things don't start to rise in popularity like they did in Smash4) or it was a one-sided team battle.

which character did you play as if that's ok to ask? ^^''

cause this is exactly what i have if i play as Ganondorf.,.but you know i can't really blame people..alot of people see Ganondorf as a major threat so they want him out first.. oh man the last time i played him these 2 Lucario players after Mewtwo was defeated kept attacking me even to the point of working together in a attempt to defeat me..but i still won at the end xD

but Samus players also get this same treatment..in this 1 FFA match my shield broke so i was basically waiting for the finishing blow (already had high damage) but this Ganondorf player spared me cause he instead went after this Samus player..i was honestly not expecting this! o.o

people really seem to have a hatred for Ganondorf & Samus so if you played 1 of them..then it's easy to explain why people kept going after you.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 19, 2016
Yeah I can see why some would target Ganondorf or Samus depending on their playstyle. For Ganon it's mostly because he has that unfortunate mindset that only disrespectful trolls main him and Samus for being a spammy camper. Not saying that's how everyone is when they play them, but enough people do it for it to stick to their character.

I kind of switch up fighters a few times during the match-up and was maining some and messing around with others. ToonLink, Olimar, Jigglypuff, and one time Ike. Pretty sure I know why they did it all times. Puff and Olimar are seen as the weakest links and lightweight while they could see Ike as a threat similar to Ganon on account of his heavy attacks. And ToonLink cause of arrow spammers.

It was just kind of funny that they focused on me when there were clearly better opponents they should had divided their focus on.


Smash Cadet
Aug 15, 2018
I don’t really get lag per se, but I get a **** ton of input lag. Currently using a power line LAN adapter network and get 40 download and 11 upload, any way to fix this?


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2015
Got a match where the other person had assist trophies on high. Lol. Thanks sakurai.


Smash Rookie
Mar 27, 2019
Is it just me, or is online lag even worse after patch 3.0. I can barely even play a 1 v 1 now let alone a 4 player ffa.

Mental Surge

Smash Apprentice
Jul 20, 2015
on another note, why do people make public lobbies and just kick everyone before they get a chance to play? What is the point of making it public?

also apparently there is only one other person on the planet playing 1v1 ES right now. I have now gotten the same person 7 times in a row. And of course it's a terrible matchup for dedede AND of course I keep getting maps I dont want but I guess I'm stuck if I want to play ladder.

Deleted member

So I'm not sure if I was imagining things, but I thought that the last time I was playing in Quickplay after 3.0, the teams were no longer static? Like sometimes a player would be on my team and then against me? Has anyone else noticed that?

If so, that would fix like 1 out of the 10 major issues I have with Ultimate's online compared with that of Wii U. And yes sometimes the pool of players seems so small that I wonder if I'm the only one playing in Elite Smash in the world on some nights. I honestly wish there were an easier way for me to drop out of Elite Smash for my favorite characters because it's not worth it to me (in regular Quickplay I can much easier get the kinds of matches I'm looking for). That may sound silly but it's not so simple.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 24, 2018
With recent news that the online mode of Mortal Kombat 11 is flawless, in organization and in quality of the connection (basically the game has no lag, even in handheld mode according to some reviewers and youtubers), I'm even more sad about Smash. Why can't we have a good online system too?

Crazy Hand 2001

Banned via Warnings
Aug 30, 2016
The Great Maze
With recent news that the online mode of Mortal Kombat 11 is flawless, in organization and in quality of the connection (basically the game has no lag, even in handheld mode according to some reviewers and youtubers), I'm even more sad about Smash. Why can't we have a good online system too?
Because nintendo is unwilling to listen to customers


Smash Cadet
Sep 7, 2014
I usually don't play online much as I prefer local play, but I keep having the same issue appear now and then that only appears online.

My controller set up doesn't appear sometimes when I play online. My controller set up has Jump Stick turned OFF, but when I play online with my username selected it randomly has Jump Stick turned ON.

It's really annoying, just wondered if it's happening to anyone else?


Smash Cadet
Apr 3, 2019
I usually don't play online much as I prefer local play, but I keep having the same issue appear now and then that only appears online.

My controller set up doesn't appear sometimes when I play online. My controller set up has Jump Stick turned OFF, but when I play online with my username selected it randomly has Jump Stick turned ON.

It's really annoying, just wondered if it's happening to anyone else?
If you are a in battle arenas the only way to change it (that i have found) is to change the no name control setting to your preference since I cannot select a name. But in quick play I never had an issue with it, if I have the wrong control settings it is always because I accidentally had the wrong name selected.


Smash Cadet
Sep 7, 2014
If you are a in battle arenas the only way to change it (that i have found) is to change the no name control setting to your preference since I cannot select a name. But in quick play I never had an issue with it, if I have the wrong control settings it is always because I accidentally had the wrong name selected.
This was in Quickplay with my correct name selected.

Deleted member

This was in Quickplay with my correct name selected.
This happens in other game modes too, where sometimes the game will revert to the default or "no name" controller, EVEN IF it displays your selected name. Once you go to change your name, you'll see it was actually secretly not selected. It's a glitch and I'm honestly appalled they haven't fixed it these many months later.

Crazy Hand 2001

Banned via Warnings
Aug 30, 2016
The Great Maze
This happens in other game modes too, where sometimes the game will revert to the default or "no name" controller, EVEN IF it displays your selected name. Once you go to change your name, you'll see it was actually secretly not selected. It's a glitch and I'm honestly appalled they haven't fixed it these many months later.
must be because Nintendo is terribly bad at accepting feedback from customers


Smash Chachacha
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
must be because Nintendo is terribly bad at accepting feedback from customers
America is screwed when it comes to Nintendo customer service it's other Americans just working for a living which means those heartfelt pleas really just fall on deaf ears. If I could read Japanese I'd research Japan's reception of SSBU.

Crazy Hand 2001

Banned via Warnings
Aug 30, 2016
The Great Maze
America is screwed when it comes to Nintendo customer service it's other Americans just working for a living which means those heartfelt pleas really just fall on deaf ears. If I could read Japanese I'd research Japan's reception of SSBU.
do you suppose the japanese live close to each other which is why they don't complain about online?


Smash Rookie
Mar 6, 2019
Allegedly, Japanese people are also complaining about the online system. Or so I've read on some other forums.

their proximity to one another might help somewhat with lag. But you could be literally next to each other on the same wifi and there would still be some delay due to the poor net code.

On a totally unrelated note. Has anyone noticed just random drops since patch 3.0.1? Since the patch came out I just randomly disconnect every 4 or 5 games. Communication error blabla. Yet i can immediately play online after that, and having monitored my internet, it at no point actually drops or gets interrupted so it has to be a software issue. It also works smoothly with no drops for any other game on my xbox or pc as well as for mario tennis


Smash Chachacha
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Allegedly, Japanese people are also complaining about the online system. Or so I've read on some other forums.

their proximity to one another might help somewhat with lag. But you could be literally next to each other on the same wifi and there would still be some delay due to the poor net code.

On a totally unrelated note. Has anyone noticed just random drops since patch 3.0.1? Since the patch came out I just randomly disconnect every 4 or 5 games. Communication error blabla. Yet i can immediately play online after that, and having monitored my internet, it at no point actually drops or gets interrupted so it has to be a software issue. It also works smoothly with no drops for any other game on my xbox or pc as well as for mario tennis
Do you get temp ban warnings?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2019
Raleigh, North Carolina
Switch FC
Did indeed. it said if I kept disconnecting I would get temp banned. But again, it is clearly not my internet causing it, as I can literally play other games for hours with no drops or interrupts
That happened to me a couple times as well, but it was before 3.0.

Is it just me, or is online lag even worse after patch 3.0. I can barely even play a 1 v 1 now let alone a 4 player ffa.
I'm not sure either, but I haven't really played online more than a couple super-frustrating sessions since 3.0. I've stopped playing online entirely and just seek out LAN play or do training mode.

The lag feels bad enough to me (with an ethernet connection / super good internet in a semi-urban area) that I just feel like I'm playing really awful. None of my timing is right. I can't string moves together properly. I constantly self destruct due to misjudging my input lag.


Banned via Administration
Apr 30, 2019
must be because Nintendo is terribly bad at accepting feedback from customers
Ridiclous. This online game is straight garbage. I only play it constatly because I just love smash. But sakurai and his online devolpers should be ashamed of themselves. Elite smash is basically for glory hell - except less toxic. I can never find a teambattle in there and I'm constatly getting 1v1 only. Preferred rule sets is the STUPIDEST thing ever. They should just return back to modes like regular online games. Have stanrd online modes. Preferred just give a voice to people who want to impose their whack-a-muffin ruleset on random strangers online. there's no point for preferred rule sets. If you want to have a whack game, go play offline or in a friends room. This leads me to my 2nd point.
BATTLE ARENAS ARE.......Okay but flawed! Really flawed. First of all, nintendo needs to just set up ninentdo hosted battle areans. And having a stanrdard ruleset each option. Like smash 4 did with tounrey. This is because most of the owners in battle areans have two inch genitals and boot out people who they lose to like 10 year olds.
Bring back tournaments as well.
Erm.... yeah. That's really it. Also, allow us to pick a differnt character after battle and try that gsp system. Make it just a ranking system from rank (insert how many online people there are to rank 1.

And they make you pay 20 bucks for this infeioer garbage as well. Sakurai, either ruthless fire all of the people who worked on this horridexcuse of an online system, or better yet. Step down and sell off the franchise to more devoted competitive online devolpers. Smash 4 online was basic, but still playable. This is just garbage. With all that said, i'm almost at 4.6 million gsp. lol.

Edit: And yes I believe battle areans should be standard online hosted, instead of owner hosted. If you want speicfic rule sets, you should go make some friends either online or in real life and go do whatever ya'll want to do there. Boot people and that sort of stuff on friends mode. Not stnard online modes. And that leads me to this complaint. WHY DID THEY NOT RETURN FRIENDS MODE IN SMASH 4. It would help solve this issue. ARGH!!!! This online system is a DISGRACE! THOSE IMBECILES!
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Deleted member

Ridiclous. This online game is straight garbage. I only play it constatly because I just love smash. But sakurai and his online devolpers should be ashamed of themselves. Elite smash is basically for glory hell - except less toxic. I can never find a teambattle in there and I'm constatly getting 1v1 only. Preferred rule sets is the STUPIDEST thing ever. They should just return back to modes like regular online games. Have stanrd online modes. Preferred just give a voice to people who want to impose their whack-a-muffin ruleset on random strangers online. there's no point for preferred rule sets. If you want to have a whack game, go play offline or in a friends room. This leads me to my 2nd point.
BATTLE ARENAS ARE.......Okay but flawed! Really flawed. First of all, nintendo needs to just set up ninentdo hosted battle areans. And having a stanrdard ruleset each option. Like smash 4 did with tounrey. This is because most of the owners in battle areans have two inch genitals and boot out people who they lose to like 10 year olds.
Bring back tournaments as well.
Erm.... yeah. That's really it. Also, allow us to pick a differnt character after battle and try that gsp system. Make it just a ranking system from rank (insert how many online people there are to rank 1.

And they make you pay 20 bucks for this infeioer garbage as well. Sakurai, either ruthless fire all of the people who worked on this horridexcuse of an online system, or better yet. Step down and sell off the franchise to more devoted competitive online devolpers. Smash 4 online was basic, but still playable. This is just garbage. With all that said, i'm almost at 4.6 million gsp. lol.

Edit: And yes I believe battle areans should be standard online hosted, instead of owner hosted. If you want speicfic rule sets, you should go make some friends either online or in real life and go do whatever ya'll want to do there. Boot people and that sort of stuff on friends mode. Not stnard online modes. And that leads me to this complaint. WHY DID THEY NOT RETURN FRIENDS MODE IN SMASH 4. It would help solve this issue. ARGH!!!! This online system is a DISGRACE! THOSE IMBECILES!
Yeah I feel you man. I also like team battles but that's practically impossible when you get into Elite Smash. So now I have to choose between playing as the characters I like the most, or having a chance to play the way I want. Neither is ideal, and like you said Battle Arenas are good on paper but not in practice.

What they need to do is revamp the online modes. They should reduce the number of options in the "preferences" (like item selections) and then just turn them into queues, like in every other online game. So you could queue up for 1v1 or 2v2 items off, or whatever you want. Some "queues" will be more popular than others, but if you really don't want to play with items on or 1v1 or whatever, it shouldn't force you to be in that "queue". The player should have the choice between waiting longer to get the battle they want, or playing sooner by entering multiple queues. Currently, all players are essentially forced into the latter with only the promise of the game trying to give you the rules you want. It's really just so messed up, and I haven't even touched on all the other problems.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 21, 2005
Yeah I still can't completely put down Smash Bros. because I'm too attached to the gameplay and characters....but the complete garbage that is online is a really big turn off. When I kinda forget how bad the online is I'll boot it up, and then after a few minutes I realize why I keep taking the cartridge out in the first place. It's a waste of time, and it's not fun anymore. I've got other games to play that I'll actually enjoy.

Sigh, this is my relationship with the game as well. Why bother playing at all if you can't even be at your best? Slog slog sloggy online mess. I find I can't even motivate myself to play well when a good match comes about once every 1/2 hour.


Banned via Administration
Apr 30, 2019
Yeah I feel you man. I also like team battles but that's practically impossible when you get into Elite Smash. So now I have to choose between playing as the characters I like the most, or having a chance to play the way I want. Neither is ideal, and like you said Battle Arenas are good on paper but not in practice.

What they need to do is revamp the online modes. They should reduce the number of options in the "preferences" (like item selections) and then just turn them into queues, like in every other online game. So you could queue up for 1v1 or 2v2 items off, or whatever you want. Some "queues" will be more popular than others, but if you really don't want to play with items on or 1v1 or whatever, it shouldn't force you to be in that "queue". The player should have the choice between waiting longer to get the battle they want, or playing sooner by entering multiple queues. Currently, all players are essentially forced into the latter with only the promise of the game trying to give you the rules you want. It's really just so messed up, and I haven't even touched on all the other problems.
Why do those people create a garbage online system and just feel good about themselves! And why did they go out of there way to tear down everything they did in smash 4? Smash 4 needed to be improved upon and advanced, not just tore down from scratch. I have no idea what queues are.... but that works. All I want is when I quick free for all, I get FFA. When I get team battle, the game doesen't start till I get a team battle. And what ultimate used to do is I'd wait a bit, and if I couldn't get a team battle in elite, it'd throw me with the best players out of elite smash so I can get TB. That's fine. Now it just forces me into 1v1 or 3FFA no matter what. This online is a disgrace, and to heck with the losers who feel good about it. LITERALLY, NO ONE SHOULD FEEL HAPPY ABOUT THIS ONLINE SYSTEM. NO ONE! ANY PERSON WHO SAYS THEY LIKE THIS ONLINE SYSTEM GIVES FURTHER REASON FOR NINTENDO TO KEEP THIS GARBAGE AS IT IS!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 24, 2018
I like the idea of Preffered Rules, but only as a casual quick play secondary option. The perfect organization of the online system of this game, to me, should be something like:

Competitive Modes:
- 1v1 - 3 Stock, 7 min battles, No items.
- 2v2 - 3 Stock, 7 min battles, No items.

The players would be able to play this mode in Squad Strike - Tag Team mode and stages would be randomly selected between Omega and Battlefield modes.
I think an option to allow Smash Balls or Final Smash Meter are accpetable AS AN FORCED OPTION OF THE PLAYER, NOT PREFFERED OPTION.
Competitive Modes should have a Ranked system, like Overwatch or any other recent decent online game. GSP is not a good system.

Casual Mode:
- Quickplay
Here enters the Preffered Rules menu, it's a casual mode, but even here, you should have the option to force waiting until you find a game with your preffered rules, if the game is taking too long to find any room, well, disable the forced flag rules flag. This mode should be appart from the Competitive mode and would not impactate in your rank. Today it really works in the opposite way! You chose to play a quickplay and it counts your GSP, this is so ********... Even for a casual gameplay, you shouldn't be inserted in a mode you dont want to play.

Free Mode:
- Arenas (just making them better, and allow to add CPU players to play with friends online. And please, can't they just save the last name of an arena I created before?)

And Jesus.. even Spectator Mode is kind of bad. Sometimes I just wanna watch some more competitive players playing a 1v1 game, and I can't even have an option for that. If they store the games of everyone playing this game on their database, the cost to add a simple search tool would be next to zero. But well, this is the least of the problems...
And god, add dedicated servers for this game. Even Brawlhalla works better than Smash online, being a free game from a small company that has dedicated servers. Serious, they created the biggest Smash Bros ever, that will ends with at least 80 characters, it's named "Ultimate", it costs $60 and $20 each year to platy online, plus the cost of each new character they will add to the game, all this to Brawlhalla... to Brawlhalla works best. And every new direct the developers or a representant of the game appears like if they created a gem of a game because no reviewer in the world had the courage to expose the game to a lower score because the online system sucks and the game ended with a 94 Metacritic acclaimed score.. it just makes me sad, because this score is totally false. By not working properly on the most playable mode of the game, it just should not be so acclaimed. And appart from that.. as developers... they dont feel ashamed for their big tittle not working better than a free game? Seriously, I would be working on a way to fix that because I wouldnt accept this personal failure.

And serious.. appart from Dedicated Servers... 99% of the problems of the game could be fixed with interface programming, that would change nothing on the gameplay itself, just.. options. They are ruining the game by not adjusting the interface and providing options for the online players like they provide for the offline players. This is the saddest thing, cause all this would require no real extra work more than interface work and a work of organization of menus, options and forced options. With the game at the state it is now, is so easy to fix these things...
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Banned via Administration
Apr 30, 2019
I like the idea of Preffered Rules, but only as a casual quick play secondary option. The perfect organization of the online system of this game, to me, should be something like:

Competitive Modes:
- 1v1 - 3 Stock, 7 min battles, No items.
- 2v2 - 3 Stock, 7 min battles, No items.

The players would be able to play this mode in Squad Strike - Tag Team mode and stages would be randomly selected between Omega and Battlefield modes.
I think an option to allow Smash Balls or Final Smash Meter are accpetable AS AN FORCED OPTION OF THE PLAYER, NOT PREFFERED OPTION.
Competitive Modes should have a Ranked system, like Overwatch or any other recent decent online game. GSP is not a good system.

Casual Mode:
- Quickplay
Here enters the Preffered Rules menu, it's a casual mode, but even here, you should have the option to force waiting until you find a game with your preffered rules, if the game is taking too long to find any room, well, disable the forced flag rules flag. This mode should be appart from the Competitive mode and would not impactate in your rank. Today it really works in the opposite way! You chose to play a quickplay and it counts your GSP, this is so ********... Even for a casual gameplay, you shouldn't be inserted in a mode you dont want to play.

Free Mode:
- Arenas (just making them better, and allow to add CPU players to play with friends online. And please, can't they just save the last name of an arena I created before?)

And Jesus.. even Spectator Mode is kind of bad. Sometimes I just wanna watch some more competitive players playing a 1v1 game, and I can't even have an option for that. If they store the games of everyone playing this game on their database, the cost to add a simple search tool would be next to zero. But well, this is the least of the problems...
And god, add dedicated servers for this game. Even Brawlhalla works better than Smash online, being a free game from a small company that has dedicated servers. Serious, they created the biggest Smash Bros ever, that will ends with at least 80 characters, it's named "Ultimate", it costs $60 and $20 each year to platy online, plus the cost of each new character they will add to the game, all this to Brawlhalla... to Brawlhalla works best. And every new direct the developers or a representant of the game appears like if they created a gem of a game because no reviewer in the world had the courage to expose the game to a lower score because the online system sucks and the game ended with a 94 Metacritic acclaimed score.. it just makes me sad, because this score is totally false. By not working properly on the most playable mode of the game, it just should not be so acclaimed. And appart from that.. as developers... they dont feel ashamed for their big tittle not working better than a free game? Seriously, I would be working on a way to fix that because I wouldnt accept this personal failure.

And serious.. appart from Dedicated Servers... 99% of the problems of the game could be fixed with interface programming, that would change nothing on the gameplay itself, just.. options. They are ruining the game by not adjusting the interface and providing options for the online players like they provide for the offline players. This is the saddest thing, cause all this would require no real extra work more than interface work and a work of organization of menus, options and forced options. With the game at the state it is now, is so easy to fix these things...
I agree with the serious ruleset. But I don't think there should be ANY ITEM option. If you want items, go to casual mode. And honestly, I don't think there should be able preferred rule sets for any mode. Specfic rulesets should be with friends or offline, not with strangers. Just make a stanrd causal rule set and then give players the options what mode they want to play in wether that be ... OR BETTER YET. Just have serious mode, and then BA with standard nintendo given rooms for each Battle arena level... and then in that battle arena, allow the option for tourney.

Or better yet, just have a ranked tounrey mode in serious play as well. I mean, you already have a offline tourney... so make a serious tourney as well. I think squad strike should be a BA option rather then in any ranked mode, but I'm open for more discussion on that.
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Smash Demon
Jul 16, 2018
I like the idea of Preffered Rules, but only as a casual quick play secondary option. The perfect organization of the online system of this game, to me, should be something like:

Competitive Modes:
- 1v1 - 3 Stock, 7 min battles, No items.
- 2v2 - 3 Stock, 7 min battles, No items.

The players would be able to play this mode in Squad Strike - Tag Team mode and stages would be randomly selected between Omega and Battlefield modes.
I think an option to allow Smash Balls or Final Smash Meter are accpetable AS AN FORCED OPTION OF THE PLAYER, NOT PREFFERED OPTION.
Competitive Modes should have a Ranked system, like Overwatch or any other recent decent online game. GSP is not a good system.

Casual Mode:
- Quickplay
Here enters the Preffered Rules menu, it's a casual mode, but even here, you should have the option to force waiting until you find a game with your preffered rules, if the game is taking too long to find any room, well, disable the forced flag rules flag. This mode should be appart from the Competitive mode and would not impactate in your rank. Today it really works in the opposite way! You chose to play a quickplay and it counts your GSP, this is so ********... Even for a casual gameplay, you shouldn't be inserted in a mode you dont want to play.

Free Mode:
- Arenas (just making them better, and allow to add CPU players to play with friends online. And please, can't they just save the last name of an arena I created before?)

And Jesus.. even Spectator Mode is kind of bad. Sometimes I just wanna watch some more competitive players playing a 1v1 game, and I can't even have an option for that. If they store the games of everyone playing this game on their database, the cost to add a simple search tool would be next to zero. But well, this is the least of the problems...
And god, add dedicated servers for this game. Even Brawlhalla works better than Smash online, being a free game from a small company that has dedicated servers. Serious, they created the biggest Smash Bros ever, that will ends with at least 80 characters, it's named "Ultimate", it costs $60 and $20 each year to platy online, plus the cost of each new character they will add to the game, all this to Brawlhalla... to Brawlhalla works best. And every new direct the developers or a representant of the game appears like if they created a gem of a game because no reviewer in the world had the courage to expose the game to a lower score because the online system sucks and the game ended with a 94 Metacritic acclaimed score.. it just makes me sad, because this score is totally false. By not working properly on the most playable mode of the game, it just should not be so acclaimed. And appart from that.. as developers... they dont feel ashamed for their big tittle not working better than a free game? Seriously, I would be working on a way to fix that because I wouldnt accept this personal failure.

And serious.. appart from Dedicated Servers... 99% of the problems of the game could be fixed with interface programming, that would change nothing on the gameplay itself, just.. options. They are ruining the game by not adjusting the interface and providing options for the online players like they provide for the offline players. This is the saddest thing, cause all this would require no real extra work more than interface work and a work of organization of menus, options and forced options. With the game at the state it is now, is so easy to fix these things...
I agree with this. A system to separate casual and competitive play is very much needed. It's complete bull s*** that they mix with each other. Also, thanks for being a man of culture and referencing Brawlhalla. Seriously, it is sad that Brawlhalla online is in a better state than Smash Ultimate online. I should know, I avidly played that game for a whole two years. It even inspired my profile picture which I still hold to this day.


Banned via Administration
Apr 30, 2019
My comment got deleted. Am I not allowed to curse Sakurai or something? Is he some holy figure or something in this place? Anyway, I said that I’m done playing this online system because it’s bad and the game itself has terrible mechanic. Sakurai should sell the franchise, and fire everyone who worked on this online system. Also, I advise anyone not to pay for online. It’s trash.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2018
not paying for online means i can't even play splatoon 2 online..and in all honesty other then a disconnect here and there the game still does great online!

smash can learn alot from splatoon 2 online already..
Splatoon 2 has no lag, if someone disconnects/ragequits only the disconnected player/ragequitter gets punished for it, the winners get their points and the losers won't lose any.
you can actually change gear/weapons after a match (they added this later in the game because i think they noticed the complaints about it lol)
and most importantly..they have ranked mode & goofing off mode separated!

i used to talk bad about Splatoon 2 online but not anymore after all the fixes they tried to do.

Smash online feels like a beta online version you can try out to see how it's like

Crazy Hand 2001

Banned via Warnings
Aug 30, 2016
The Great Maze
My comment got deleted. Am I not allowed to curse Sakurai or something? Is he some holy figure or something in this place? Anyway, I said that I’m done playing this online system because it’s bad and the game itself has terrible mechanic. Sakurai should sell the franchise, and fire everyone who worked on this online system. Also, I advise anyone not to pay for online. It’s trash.
i wager several users here are mostly a Nintendo fanboy who don't like seeing you talk **** about the company


Smash Journeyman
Apr 19, 2016
If you used excessive language or broke the rules that's why your post was deleted. I didn't see what you posted, but that's my best bet. You did resort to claiming about battle arena being filled with people with 'two inch genitalia' I get what you are saying, but you were probably posting that in the heat of the moment when the anger was still boiling.

We only talk bad about Smash because unlike Splatoon they have tried to make it better. In Smash Ult's case they didn't do that. They just took what was existing (and workable) and cleaned the entire slate. There would not be so many complaints if what they reworked was better, but it is way more flawed then it needs to be. And here it is five months and little progress has been made to fix it.

I still get games that I don't ask for. Others claim they do, but there are a lot of factors for that. If your gsp is low or to high it just gives you whoever is around. I can't tell you how many times I would get a 1v1 because my Jigglypuff is way too low. My little cousin came over one day and just tanked Puff's/Olimar's gsp to like 5000 lol. And now I can't get her out of it.

When I win everyone quits and when I lose I stay.
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