Oli just fit naturally for me. I think it's because when I first started playing the friends I played with (who almost all quit because Tiff and I scared them away hahaha) never used to attempt to gimp me, so his recovery was an after thought. Nobody really tried to knock off pikmin, and everyone walked into my grabs, so I was essentially untouchable and ungimpable, and I could rack up damage crazy fast.
Gradually over time I learned to keep track of my line and have pikmin on the field. Both have become an afterthought now, which is nice since I play against good players now. A lot of people who have never really played/played against an Olimar tend to ask me if I keep track of my line, and it actually surprises them when I say yes. So yeah, I think a lot of people are scared away by Olimar because at higher levels of play there is actually a LOT to keep track of. Of course, if you can keep track of it, then you ****.
I've been playing pikmin 2 for the past week to get in touch with my inner oli, and I must say I feel really refreshed/connected LOL
This is the longest non-topic post I've made in recent memory