I think it's fair to use each consumable item (power-ups, potions, etc.) only once, but ammunition (such as Link's arrows or even Rings for Sonic, since they fuel Super Sonic) should be put at its maximum level at the start of the battle.

has to stop time to not get dominated TF2 style by anyone who can throw stronger punches than his, what if he goes against someone that can't be affected at all? Prepare to meet Spongebob! Yes, I know, the Sponge is not in smash. Yes, he might never be. But even Squarepants is more physically capable than a hedgehog who had to go super duper pooper scooper godly to get stuff done.
If you've played a Spongebob game you know that the Bob has a happy-go-lucky fighting style. (Like

.) So laying the smack down in a mind-controlled citizen is normal. Spinning through robots with spiky hair might be cool, but what if you could destroy a mini-tank with a bubble wand? Electric explosive bowling balls? What an, odd ball! Despite his goofiness, Spongebob likely has the arsenal to take down Super Sonic since he even blew robots to pieces with his bare hands! Imagine Squarepants using metal karate gloves to break the emeralds. (Yes, Metal Karate Gloves were a thing in The Movie Game.)
Then we reach Plankton. The evil microscopic organism that has dedicated his whole life to getting a recipe for disaster. Eggman has lots of robots but they lake personality. Plankton's how ever DO have character, at least when set on disobey. I love it when games give their enemies some emotion, even when it is minimal.
Not to forget that Sheldon (that is Plankton's last name...) actually succeed when the Krabby Patty Formula, and guess what happened..... It had to same result of Robotnik capturing the Emeralds. And don't think that it was godly or anything.... because the KPF is a recipe for a burger. That's like

trying to rule the Mushroom Kingdom, with fish, or

with fried chicken... And he's even more evil considering that Restaurants are there for money to keep running and nothing else.
If you want me to stop just don't use instant wins for wimps to not be in absolute last place. I even know that

has fighting capabilities, so no trying to fool me that he can..... Because I know!!
I'm pretty sure ur just drumming up discussion, but I'll play along. So what feats should we attribute to the current donkey Kong since this one is like the great grandson of the original or something.
And do Diddy feats carry over to donkey when the new one takes up the mantel?
I cause trouble when it happens.
Maybe we shouldn't Cranky's feats transferring to

except for TF when he went on an adventure with

and Dixie too.

's feats would transfer with

on the DKC 1, Returns and Land 1 since they both were on it together.