: Samus has dealt with enemies capable of producing flames, possessing hard shells, and dwelling in lava and magma. The ice beam is able to prevent Ridley's fireballs in MZM and is capable of freezing the chalae on space pirates so that they're unable to shoot at Samus. The combination of the diffusion beam or diffusion missile should greatly assist Samus in battle so that Bowser is immobilized.

: I haven't seen any impressive feats from Bowser Jr. I own both Super Mario Sunshine and the New Super Mario Bros. for the Wii, so unless there's another game with Bowser Jr. in it (aside from Mario Kart: Double Dash), I don't see Bowser Jr. winning if his dad couldn't.

: While Captain Falcon's Blue Falcon is fast and speeds up faster than Samus' speed booster, all Samus needs is that one second in order to travel supersonic speeds. The Blue Falcon is vulnerable to extreme heat, as demonstrated in F-Zero GX and does not perform well on icy surfaces, which Samus can take advantage of. Samus will also be able to react in time, should Captain Falcon attempt smashing into her.

: Charizard's flame is able to melt boulders, meaning that Charizard's flame could at least produce 700°C. He is also capable of flying very high, so it's not like Samus could escape Charizard if she wanted to. However, Samus has dealt with Ridley, who—as far as I'm aware—has better feats. Samus has the ice beam, which is effective against creatures capable of producing flames of their own, and considering Charizard's size, it would be possible for Samus to completely freeze it with either the diffusion beam or diffusion missile.

: While Dark Pit is capable of flight and possesses weapons that can fire over 100 meters, Samus is much faster and equally possesses the abilities Dark Pit has. If the screw attack can instantly kill dragotixs, FG-1,000s, gigafraugs, kyratians, and space pirates, then it shouldn't be a problem for Samus to do the same against Dark Pit.

: King Dedede is neither more durable, nor faster than Samus, and if spark attacks can harm King Dedede, then he'll stand no chance against Samus' plasma beam.

: Diddy Kong's firepower and flight is no problem for Samus.

: With his inability to react and respond to Samus' firepower, speed, and flight, DK doesn't stand a chance. He'll need to rely on close-combat to have a possible chance at winning.

: No comment.

: No comment.

: Since Falco will be flying in his ship, it'll be more difficult for Samus to attack if he flies too high. She'll have to wait for Falco to come and attack her, just as she had done so against Meta Ridley in Metroid Prime. I'm not aware of what the arwing can attack with, except lasers and a bomb of some sort. I'm not sure what the range is for the bomb.

: See Falco's critique.

: Ganondorf is very powerful with magic and his ability to take punishment comes from the fact that he possesses the Triforce of Power. However, like a good majority of demons, Ganondorf is vulnerable to light attacks. The light beam shares some qualities of the light arrows in that it is a weapon used to combat dark creatures of hatred from a dark world known as Aether. If the light crystals and beacons, as well as the lightbringer possesses life-giving energy, then it might be possible that the light beam also possesses this quality. Samus could defeat Ganondorf by charging up the light beam, stunning Ganondorf (if not outright killing him) and then fire the darkburst to send him in another dimension or the sonic boom to rip him apart.

: No comment.

: Considering water-types are vulnerable to electric-types, Samus could fire the wavebuster to electrocute Greninja.

: I don't know enough about Ike.

: Jigglypuff should be no threat to Samus.

: Kirby shares similar abilities to Samus, but he's not as durable or as fast as Samus, even with his wheelie ability. If Kirby is granted his warp star, then Samus is granted her gunship, still putting her above Kirby.

: Little Mac supposedly knocked out Donkey Kong, but considering that game was out before Donkey Kong Country Returns, that feat will be ignored. Little Mac has no way to keep up with Samus.

: While Link possesses a vast quantity of gear and other useful items, he has no way to keep up with Samus' speed and firepower. His magic armor can protect him, but only to a certain degree. If Link decides to use the magic cape, Samus will be able to see him with her x-ray, thermal, dark, or echo visor. With her reaction time, Link won't be able to hit Samus.

: There might be more to Lucario than I know, so I won't do anything with this yet.

: PSI love and PSI flash might be a devastating attack. I'm not sure how powerful it is in the real world, nor do I know the range of the attack, but I think this is an attack Samus should be careful with. With his shield some attacks can be halved. I don't know if this applies to elemental attacks as well. Otherwise, it could be of use. Counter will reflect physical attacks. If I understand this correctly, it's referring to attacks that come in direct contact. However, there is PSI shield and PSI counter. The former is similar to shield, and the latter only protects Lucas from PSI attacks, none of which Samus has.
Lucas can constantly increase his attack power using offense up and increase his defense with defense up. I'm not sure how defense up works. I don't know if this would actually apply to the shield and counter attacks, or if it's making Lucas temporarily dense. Either way, I don't know how Lucas will be able to keep up with Samus, regardless. With the use of the Franklin badge, Lucas will be immune to Samus' plasma beam from the 2D games and the wave beam from Metroid Prime, but he's still vulnerable to other attacks.

: I don't know enough about this character.

: In Super Mario 64 DS, Luigi is able to charge up for about 1.5 seconds before running on water. This means that Luigi is capable of running at least 30 m/s (67.11 mi/h). With the Poltergust 3,000, Luigi can shoot flames, water, and even freeze things, although he can only use one at a time. From what I recall, he needs to collect medals to do this, so I don't know if the Poltergust 3,000 will be as helpful.

: With the super suit, Mario will be able to counter most of Samus' beam weapons. However, the suit likely protects only the parts covered, similarly to a bullet proof vest and not the parts exposed. While the super suit will protect Mario from elemental attacks, we don't know if this applies to dark or light attacks, as it isn't demonstrated to my knowledge. The wave beam from the 2D games also functions differently from the wave beam in the Metroid Prime trilogy. Samus also has missiles, super missiles, and power bombs. Should beam weapons fail, Samus has other means. Perhaps the starman would assist Mario with brief invincibility, but the wave beam and nova beam can pierce defenses, so it's not certain if the starman would protect Mario.

: I don't know enough about Marth to make a critique.

: Mega Man has the ability to stop time, and while he is unable to harm his opponents with the exception of one boss, he can use the time stopper to get behind Samus and attack with any other attack. In Metroid: Other M, Samus has a 75% damage reduction. Adding the Phazon suit's 50% damage reduction gives a total of 125%. Then there is the unnamed armor Samus acquires at the end of Metroid Fusion, but this just may be Samus' original defense, not a new type of defense. So at 125%, if Samus is hit by atomic fire, she should be immune. Think of it this way. At 75% damage reduction, she should be receiving 9,000 centigrade. Since 125% of 12,000 centigrade is 15,000, and since 15,000 is greater than 12,000, it completely ignores the damage.
Assume this isn't the case, however. How far is Mega Man going to be from Samus? We know he's vulnerable to extreme heat, and even if we assume his body is made up of an equivalent to titanium carbide, a single power bomb is going to be devastating, especially if the temperature is 6,000 K (5,726.85 centigrade). I feel this battle could work either way, honestly, so I am going to say the match-up is fairly neutral.

: I don't think Meta Knight has a chance against Samus. While one might say that Meta Knight flies through space, putting him at hypersonic speeds, the same has been thought of for Ridley in the early Metroid games. The Super Smash Bros. Melee trophy says Ridley flies through space. This is based on Super Metroid where Ridley steals the Metroid larva. This was still thought to be the case, as we can see Meta Ridley flying through space towards Tallon IV. The difference here is Samus fights Meta Ridley, who was able to fly to Tallon IV.
If Meta Knight is given this hypersonic speed, then he shouldn't be an issue for Samus anyway, considering she fought Meta Ridley. Yet, we also know that Meta Knight has a ship of his own, just like Ridley, so Meta Knight's speed might not be consistent, making it an outlier. I think Samus would win because Meta Knight doesn't have the defense or speed to defeat Samus.

: Considering Mewtwo is vulnerable to dark-type attacks, the dark beam should prove effective against it. However, with other means of TMs and HMs that can be learned, it might be possible for Mewtwo get close to winning. For this reason, I will make the match-up neutral.

: Ness can learn PSI flash, which could be a rather destructive attack. I do not know the range of this attack and it only has a 40% chance of killing enemies. PSI rockin' looks like it relies on lights and loud sound, possibly associated with a rock concert. It is the most powerful attack used by Ness and just might kill Samus if he decides to use it. With PSI shield, Ness can protect himself with a psychic shield, which will reflect the enemy's PSI attack. Maybe I should be fair and say this works against Samus' beams. However, because of Samus' immense firepower, durability, and speed, Samus may be too much for Ness.

: No comment.

: It will be best for Samus to fight at a distance, as Palutena can create a light barrier and push her opponent away. She could also create a flash to blind her opponent temporarily. In this instance, it would be best for Samus to use her x-ray or echo visor, as she will see a different light spectrum or simply just sound. While Palutena is formidable, if Pit could stop her, then Samus could, too.

: No comment

: I'm sure there's more that Peach can do. For now, I will suspend my judgment.

: Pikachu will be immune to the wave beam from Metroid Prime trilogy, but it is known to be vulnerable to other elemental attacks. Quick attack is said to make the Pokemon so quick that it turns invisible. This may be referring to the concept, "faster than the eye can see". I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean, but it seems common in Japanese media. Anyway, it doesn't look like there are that many useful TMs and HMs for Pikachu to use against Samus.

: Pit's top speed is over 200 mi/h, which is slower than Samus. While Pit can withstand slamming into the ground from 5,000+ feet, this does not translate to Pit's ability to withstand extreme heat, which is clearly made known in Kid Icarus: Uprising. If Pit becomes invisible, Samus can find him. Pit could become temporarily invincible, but it's only brief. Pi can even increase his speed, but this is not as fast as Samus'. While Pit may have many options in firepower and defense, I do not think it will be enough against Samus.

: No comment.

: I'm not familiar with him.

: I have doubts that Rosalina could survive destruction from the Universe, especially considering she's harmed by less impressive attacks in one of the other Mario games. While Rosalina has a force field, Samus' wave, plasma, and even nova beam should be able to penetrate it. The annihilator beam produces sound, so that could be harmful against Rosalina, regardless of her force field. Since Rosalina has very little options to counter-act Samus' firepower, I feel she would lose.

: A featless character.

: I honestly haven't been paying attention to the debate about Shulk, so I'll withhold my judgment.

: Sonic may be too fast for Samus to attack. If the wave beam is firing x-rays or gamma rays, then Samus' beams will be able to keep up. Samus could also activate the power bomb if necessary, as Sonic hasn't demonstrated the ability to withstand extreme heat that goes beyond the temperature of lava. I personally feel this match-up can work both ways, as Sonic would have no means of harming Samus by ramming into her. Yet, he moves faster than her.

: If Link couldn't defeat Samus, then neither could Toon Link. (By the way, since Toon Link represents the younger incarnation, shouldn't he be granted magic armor, not adult Link? After all, if adult Link can have all the items from every incarnation, then this version should be granted the same, or the younger and older incarnations should be separated.)

: I'm not familiar with Wario. I can't say I expect much from him, however.

: No comment.

: Yoshi doesn't have much going for him.

: Another featless character for the most part. She can wield the bow and from TP looks like a blade as well. However, Samus is too fast for her.

: The armor always trumps the defenseless.