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Who needs help with Combos, Damages, Advanced Tactics for Falco, etc.


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2005
Towson, MD
im sure utilt is his highest priority move.
this may be like surprising, but utilt is also a very good edgeguarding move. it is very useful to set up for a bair or something


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2006
Netherlands Antilles
utilt can interupt mostly any dair from other characters .I tried using it to counter ganons dair but that requiers uber timing and it doesn't realy work against marth since we all know he is f****** broken.


Smash Ace
Nov 20, 2006
Laredo Texas (training mode), offseason :)
It amazes me how people look up to the pros and ask for every little tip instead of testing for themselves. Just ask them for critique, not try and become a clone of them by asking them what and how they would do it. Not to be rude or anything man, but you could just... grab them.

SHFFL Attack to grab instead of shine too.

Jump in front of them as your leaving the ground and shine, jump out of that and land behind them.

Multishines and Pillaring come in handy, but really I think you should use those as a spare the moment type of thing. When you do the SHFFL attack to shine and think they are gonna sheild grab you or know it then start the pillar or multishines.

Change up your approaches man.

SHL --> Reverse SHL behind them to grab, or if you are behind them you can try and pillar.

There are alot of options man.

Don't copy a persons style, make your own. To many people trying to become clones of others out there already.
**** you man I ain't a copy just asking for tips..... anyway thanks. I have my own style and hardly any plays like me, and not that many ppl use falco in this city. HATER!!! Maybe you are a copy :laugh: . And dashiz is not a pro, and I really didn't care. And I have tested myself, just wanted to know what other falco players do.

K.C. Cloud

Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2006
**** you man I ain't a copy just asking for tips..... anyway thanks. I have my own style and hardly any plays like me, and not that many ppl use falco in this city. HATER!!! Maybe you are a copy :laugh: . And dashiz is not a pro, and I really didn't care. And I have tested myself, just wanted to know what other falco players do.
Wasn't being extremely rude, but it seemed like you wanted to know exactly what HE would do to counter it and you completely looked over the fact that you could grab him and approach differently.

They way I play falco isn't all about pressure, though like Shiz I borrowed techniques and situational things from 'pros' but about 70% of my style is completely mine. The other 30 comes from Forward (Mainly) and other good falco players by just borrowing some of their techniques. Like mathos for lasering, Forward for his platform work, PC for his grab tricks (That I have seen first hand) and Dope for some of his outragously simple tricks that catch people and his edgeguarding.

Asking for tips is alright, but I'd say don't ask for specific situational stuff like that. I personally don't think abot of falcos grab enough. Alot may think that his grab game isn't that great, but it won't be unless you make it good.

Shiz may Technically not be 'pro', but he does play at that calibur. Alot of people play at that calibur, especially around the area I live in.


Edit: Nurok is right about Utilt being a good Edgeguard set up. Good **** at pointing that out, I didn't remember that lol.

Also, we'll get matches in before pound 2.

All of you people should come to pound 2, it's gonna own hard.


Smash Cadet
Jan 31, 2007
Vancouver B.C. Knight 41 th
hi... umm i was wondering if i should use the dash attack sparingly or if its ok to use it a bit ... i kinda use it out of a dash dance and i was wonderin if i would get the same effect if i shffl naired it or if it would be better.... and my second question is: is it safe to ff off a level ( FD ) and bair ppl or should i find sum other way to attack them?


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2006
Netherlands Antilles
There is no problem in fast falling of of stages with a bair as long as you have some way of getting back on the stage. I wouldn't realy recomend it thought because Falco isn't 1 of the best off-stage-attackers.


Smash Cadet
Jan 31, 2007
Vancouver B.C. Knight 41 th
well wat about the dashes? and i guess i should clarify wat i meant... wat i meant was to run off the edge ff and immediatly jump back on the stage with a bair... not the one were you jump off the edge and bair sum1 trying to recover... and excessive amounts of lasers are good right?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 26, 2007
Ann Arbor, MI
Yeah ok, sorry, I hate shield grabbers they suck!! I like to see their faces after they try to grab me and I shine them. But still they do get you some times. Uh :ohwell:
Haha, I got my friend in a huff just this morning because he hasn't figured out not to try and shield-grab me yet.

I got a question: I play falco dittos with another friend on a fairly regular basis. He plays very defensively though, with tons of laser spamming, and I have real trouble trying to approach him without falling into an easy combo. Any timps?


Smash Champion
Nov 8, 2005
Spam him back, if you fight a spamming falco, spam him back. And just try your hardest to avoid the lasers. If you can jump over them and get him with a shine or get him into any shine, combo the heck out of him. Combos are a major part of falco dittos. Its usually who ever gets the first laser or combo that will win in the ditto.


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2006
land of the free
the easiest way to apply pressure is to laser a lot until you see/create an opening. other than that just shffl nairs and dairs. check out the vids if you haven't all ready.


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2006
Bay Area, CA
So I just went to a small tourney, and I got knocked out of winners and losers by Bernard, a CF. Now a lot of people say that CF is a decently easy matchup for Falco, but I find it to be one of the more unfavorable matchups for Falco, since a CF can easily get past lasers, and once he gets a nair or other aerial in, its not too hard for him to start tech chasing you all over the place.

http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=101586 <- that's the video thread, and I have 3 vids somewhere close to the bottom of the first post.

It'd be nice if anyone could take a look and tell me what I'm doing wrong, and what pretty much to do in general against CF.

K.C. Cloud

Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2006
HK to me it didn't seem as though you took advantage of his blocking by grabbing him enough. What I did notice is that it wasn't he was getting around your lasers, but you didn't seem to use enough. Maybe because of of his speed and how quickly he can close distance. Trust me I know that feeling but in those times you gotta stick to your game, which for the most part you did great. Solid Falco with alot of tech skill and good pursuit.

One thing you could have also changed, that I know it is sometimes hard to catch during a match is that you could have use the laser coming out of the sheild/shine since he would roll away from you after sheild blocking you to atleast give himself a bit of breathing room. Also, do some l-canceled ariels into grabs, it works well. It also seemed as though you pursued too much. Almost like you panicked or got over aggressive because you were down a stock. Slow down a tad bit ( I noticed while playing people I have/had the same problem).

For the tech chasing, really you just have to keep the advantage. Hard to do but if you can keep it in your favor by tech chasing him while you have that advantage it won't be as hard for you to keep it.

What I usually do for falcon is shoot my lasers and different heights, between full jumping and short hopping to limit his movement more. It doesn't work 100% of the time but it does come in handy when you have some distance between you and the falcon.

Edgeguarding falcon is pretty easy if you can keep the ledge occupied and force him to go onto the stage where he has to take those landing lag frames, after that you can just kick him back off and even further afterwards.

Really, truth boils down to the fact that you ran into a very good opponent who, from the looks of it, knew that match up pretty well. In two of the matches it looked as though it could have gone either way but he kept you above him so that he had the advantage. The best thing you could have done though is run away a bit more, and once you got an opportunity to combo, even it you have to cut the combo short, do a move that you know will most affectively put him off the side of the stage. What I have started doing lately is just doing combos that carry towards the end of the stage and put people off, from there it's just edgeguarding.

Were good matches and I enjoyed watching them. This post is not up or in any way meant to be demeaning towards you. Your falco is very solid, I'm just telling you some things I noticed and/or would have done a bit differently.


Smash Master
Jun 6, 2006
im having trouble comboing this, witch i think everyone does:

shine>WD>shffl down air>L-cancel> shine > Repeat

the part im most frustrated of not getting is the L-cancel, but i think i only need practice in that

now im asking, what good combo besides that would fit falco vs these characters:

- Mario
- Marth
- Samus
- Fox
- Ice climbers
- Captain Falcon


Smash Journeyman
Oct 9, 2005
Been practicing the shine to bair. I often shined to an aerial, but never as instantly as you do with the shine>bair. And now I can do it pretty much instantly too! lol.. you rock Shiz. Your Falco has inspired me more than any other.. I guess with the exception being Bombsoldier's old vids. :p


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2006
land of the free
@hydrokirby: nice falco. i agree w/most of what kc said.. you played very well in the first match and you didn't need to use lasers to dictate the pace, b/c you were often a step ahead of him. but after that match it seemed like he picked up on your tendencies relatively quickly (i don't know your history with this falcon) and was able to grab you and keep you above him more easily. i'm not saying you should spam lasers just for the sake of using them, but they give you a lot more latitude in your approaches. the only point i disagree w/kc with is about being aggressive. i think your aggression ultimately worked against you b/c as i said b/f you weren't using many lasers. it's preferrable to stay on the offensive against falcon and the easiest way to do this is to keep him off balance using lasers.


Smash Rookie
Feb 28, 2007
Is there a certain way to follow up Jabs? I've been trying to follow up with D-Smashes, but I just get a Double Jab, or when I spam the C-Stick it comes up slow :|

And I can't seem to do RSHL either. If I try to do it fast, I just end up with a Phantasm.

K.C. Cloud

Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2006
Depending on the damage you can:

Jab to Grab.
Jab to Nair.
Jab to Dair.

Higher damages:
Jab to F Smash.
Jab to Nair.
Jab to Bair.

For your RSHL problem, you are still holding the directional pad when you press B. Let go of it before you press before you press B. After you press B, you can continue pressing the Direction your going in.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 9, 2006
@hydrokirby: nice falco. i agree w/most of what kc said.. you played very well in the first match and you didn't need to use lasers to dictate the pace, b/c you were often a step ahead of him. but after that match it seemed like he picked up on your tendencies relatively quickly (i don't know your history with this falcon) and was able to grab you and keep you above him more easily. i'm not saying you should spam lasers just for the sake of using them, but they give you a lot more latitude in your approaches. the only point i disagree w/kc with is about being aggressive. i think your aggression ultimately worked against you b/c as i said b/f you weren't using many lasers. it's preferrable to stay on the offensive against falcon and the easiest way to do this is to keep him off balance using lasers.
What he said. You've got a very solid Falco, but in the first match you didn't need to spam lasers a lot. I think as a result, you played the other two levels (Pokemon Stadium and Battlefield) the same, and Bernard took advantage of it. Also, he's got that fair down really well and abused it. Counter-pick Roy for aerial counters (kidding). You shuffle your attacks well, but you need to mix it up with the lasers. He can't really counter lasers, but he can counter shuffled aerials. If you're shuffling a lot of aerials, through in a single laser before you go in, or a couple, or just sit there and spam for awhile and make him come to you.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2007
Liverpool, UK
4 words "i suck at smash" im only just starting to sh lazer but i can't shffl at all and im having my first tournament soon, my friend thinks it will improve my game playing advanced players but i think they will just own me and i won't learn anything. Any advice you could give would be appreciated. :)


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2006
land of the free
if you have literally just started to play falco i suggest that you try not to learn too many things at once. for now concentrate on shl (approaching, retreating, and in place), jc-ing shines and l-cancelling. everything else is derived from this.


Smash Ace
Oct 22, 2006
Hey, thanks for the feedback everyone, I'll see how it works out next tournament ^^

But I'd still like to see what Shiz says though. Since it is his thread lol.

I used to main Kirby >_>
shiz barely says anything. not much help.

just watch vids
soak up info
learn shot hops
lasers(shl lhdl)
then go to advance stuff

jc grabs not as important as the rest...learn it on freetime


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2006
Netherlands Antilles
shiz barely says anything. not much help.

just watch vids
soak up info
learn shot hops
lasers(shl lhdl)
then go to advance stuff

jc grabs not as important as the rest...learn it on freetime
If you watched his vids you would have seen that he already can do all of the stuff that you just mentioned.

I think he was mainly looking for tips on strategy not technical stuff.


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2006
Bay Area, CA
So I just went to a small tourney, and I got knocked out of winners and losers by Bernard, a CF. Now a lot of people say that CF is a decently easy matchup for Falco, but I find it to be one of the more unfavorable matchups for Falco, since a CF can easily get past lasers, and once he gets a nair or other aerial in, its not too hard for him to start tech chasing you all over the place.

http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=101586 <- that's the video thread, and I have 3 vids somewhere close to the bottom of the first post.

It'd be nice if anyone could take a look and tell me what I'm doing wrong, and what pretty much to do in general against CF.
^^ There's my question lol

UMBC Super Smasher

Smash Lord
Oct 12, 2006
University of Maryland Baltimore County
dashizwiz or anyone who can answer this question:

How does falco, or any character, fast fall through a platform quickly? I try to smash down the joy at a whole bunch of different times when I land a on a platform, but I'm also slow as granny when going down through a platform. How can I be super leet and do crazy fast dairs going through platforms? ;) Basically, tell me everything technical about platform maneuvering (for falco). Thanks.


Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2005
Southaven, Mississippi
dashizwiz or anyone who can answer this question:

How does falco, or any character, fast fall through a platform quickly? I try to smash down the joy at a whole bunch of different times when I land a on a platform, but I'm also slow as granny when going down through a platform. How can I be super leet and do crazy fast dairs going through platforms? ;) Basically, tell me everything technical about platform maneuvering (for falco). Thanks.
If you L-cancel an aerial on a platform, you can drop through pretty immediately if you press down with the correct timing.

There's another way to do this as well, and it's especially useful for when you just land on the platform from a jump; not doing an aerial or anything. When you land, there is a small amount of lag time before you can drop, but you are allowed to run forward or jump again immediately. So if you press forward, down right/left, down then you will fall through immediately. It's quarter circle rotation of the joystick, similar to performing a hadouken on Street Fighter, only you start with forward instead of down first.


Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2006
G.I./Lincoln, Nebraska
dashizwiz or anyone who can answer this question:

How does falco, or any character, fast fall through a platform quickly? I try to smash down the joy at a whole bunch of different times when I land a on a platform, but I'm also slow as granny when going down through a platform. How can I be super leet and do crazy fast dairs going through platforms? ;) Basically, tell me everything technical about platform maneuvering (for falco). Thanks.
The reason you see the pros appear to move so quick is because they are preforming the "Isai platform drop". This is as soon as you land you do a dash but at the same time you press down. Its like doing a half circle or a Hadoken. You do it corresponding to the direction you are facing. This allows your charcter to fall through the platform quickly. If done correctly you can then perform a d-air or w/e you want. This is most likley what you wan't to do its pretty muching timing. Any character to my knowledge can do the "Isai drop" heres a video of it being performed with a DK.


There really isn't a whole lot of information out on this like wavedashing ect. I myself have looked it up and picked stuff up here and there. For the most part as soon as your charcter lands on the platform if you perform the half circle movement from (right to down if facing to the right, or left to down facing to the left) your charcter will fall faster than just pressing down on the platform. I hope this is what you were looking for because it appears to be what your asking for.


Smash Champion
Nov 8, 2005

HydroKirby, just watched your matches vs Bernard. You have a good Falco, but as I learned from INN fighting Darkrain and watching how Forward played against Darkrain, you have to play campy. What you have to do vs CF, is go in, attack, try to get that shine in when you approach, and try to combo him, once you are fully done with the combo, or if you approach and you never got that shine in to do the combo, run away with a couple of lasers, then come back in and do the same thing. But when I say the same thing I mean come back in with approach looking for a shine to combo or give damage, then run away and shoot lasers and look for another opportunity. But don't always come with the same approach.

Like being technical is a part of my Falco so its hard for me to run away and shoot lasers, but try to incorporate it into your game. I know its hard for me to run away and shoot some lasers. And I assume its going to be pretty weird for you also. Because you look like my Falco.

Another thing, it looked like on the first match on Yoshi's Story you were doing a lot of unnecessry things. Like turning around in wavedash when you didn't need to. I only suggest turning around in wavedash while going to edgehog, only use it a little because on Pokemon Stadium and Yoshi's Story I think you got knee'd because of it.

Overall though, real nice Falco. Keep the practicing up, and I saw you trying to do double shiens while he was dead, I really recommend you don't use the control stick, it is really easy to phantasm off the stage doing it with the control stick. Thats why I use the Y button.

I hope this helped.

Sorry guys I havn't been able to answer that many questions lately, been real busy, kind of stressed from school. I'm not doing too good in Geometry, lol.
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