Smash Lord
(you know it's good from the punctuation)
Date: May 5th, 2007 AD
Time: 10 AM - 8 PM
Venue: UW-Whitewater on campus in the Williams Center in Room 183B
Address: 800 W Main Street, Whitewater WI 53190
Cost: $10 for Singles; $5 each for teams
The address is very misleading. This is just the address of the campus as a whole. The building is actually off of Warhawk Drive. From Main Street, turn onto north Prince Street, then right onto Starin Road, and left onto Warhawk Drive. Below is a link to the campus map (main street is on the bottom).
The Williams Center is WC on the campus map. It's the big building with all of the gyms, so it's easy to find. Lot 9 and 11 have the closest parking.
This is going to be a console free-play event, with emphasis on Smash. If people want to, we can run other tournaments (smash64, guitar hero, etc). There will most likely be a Wii bowling tournament at some point (if we can get enough Wiis).
Sign-ups will start at 11, and doubles will start at noon, and singles an hour after doubles finish. We can do crews if there's time/interest.
We will have 4 TV carts and a projector for this, with 2 or 3 being used for free play. I will be bringing 2 other setups, so we could still use some more, but we mostly need cubes.
- Pot Split: 60/30/10
- Double Elimination bracket with random seeding
- All matches are best of 3, with finals best of 5
- Ties go into sudden death
- 4 stock, 8 minute limit
- Items off
- No stage may be used twice in a single match, either by random select or by picking.
- Each person can ban one stage for the entire match. This stage must be selected at the beginning of the match, after initial characters have been chosen.
- Advanced Slob Picks: Loser may choose the next stage or elect to go random, then winner may choose to change characters, then loser may change characters.
- Double Blind pick may be called at any time, forcing a double blind character pick for the first match.
- Controller mods of ANY kind (short-hop mod, L-trigger mod, etc) are not allowed.
- Glitches used to stop your opponent from controlling their character or indefinitely freezing them (Mewtwo's Soul Stunner, the Ice Climber freeze glitch) or any glitch or trick that freezes the match, or stalls indefinately, or makes it in any way unfinishable are not allowed. Using them will result in the immediate forfeit of the match
- The 6 "neutral" stages will be on random: Yoshi's Story, Fountain of Dreams, Pokemon Staduim, Battlefield, Dreamland, Final Destination
- Stages banned: Venom, Hyrule Temple, Fourside, Green Greens, Flatzone, Brinstar Depths, Icicle Mountain, Great Bay, MK1, Yoshi’s Island, and Yoshi's Island 64
- Mute City and Fountain of Dreams will also be banned in teams
- All others will be open for counterpicks
1ST Place: 60% of pot
2ND Place: 30% of pot
3RD Place: 10% of pot
If people want to do pools, or don't want to do double elim random seeding, I'm open to suggestion.