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Which will sell better: Halo 3 or SSBB?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 8, 2007
Yeah Halo will win America but even if Brawl did win noone would respect it cause as long as you can play as a puff ball with a red ribbom in his/her/its hair instead of a gun wielding mega cyborg, it'll be a "kid game"
No offense to Jiggy lovers but man it doesnt make Smash look good.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 5, 2007
Ok i have to say that halo was fun i mean i loved having my personal friends come over and woot wed be blowin crap up.. but the problem was the online community which ruined the game. You'd die in the middle of a field and 2 seconds later 3 guys come over and you hear "T-BAG!"
Really ruined it >< so smash might do better but idk how long it can last if updates aren't added.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 14, 2006
halo !!!! duh!.......-_-..... not. brawl had been most wanted game for more than 4 months.

Kid: you got some point there loser!

moderator: so many stupid 6 year olds on this site!


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2007
Who really cares what sales more?

I don't, I just want my game.


Smash Cadet
May 11, 2007
Halo: Copy and paste everything from Halo 2, add a couple uncreative maps and weapons, spruce up the graphics, and replace Halo 2's story mode with Halo 3's.

Brawl: Improve old characters, add new ones, add new combat tactics, implement many different story modes into a collective plot, include plenty of nostalgia from previous titles with brand new elements.
See? There are just as many SSBB fanboys as there are for Halo.

It's obvious Halo is going to sell a behemoth number of copies . . . in America. Brawl may sell more worldwide, it may not. Who knows? Both games might end up sucking and everyone will be back to playing Halo 2 and Melee.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2007
Hmm I think that if Nintendo produces more Wii's that'll increase Brawl's chances. Not all of my friends who want a Wii have one yet because they're so rare still.

Oh, and they need another commercial like the 64 one.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 8, 2007
Boca Raton, Fl (FAU)
Hmm I think that if Nintendo produces more Wii's that'll increase Brawl's chances. Not all of my friends who want a Wii have one yet because they're so rare still.

Oh, and they need another commercial like the 64 one.

yea i agree with you. i still haven't bought a wii and neither have most of my friends. I know down here where I live wii's still sell out every week. and will be for a while. If sells were really as close most people are saying for halo 2 and melee, im sure with all these wii sells it can keep up isells


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2006
Greensboro, NC
I think if people on this site talked to people other than smash players they would realize that the whole gaming country is excited about halo 3 while there are still a lot of people that are completely unaware that a new super smash brothers is in the works.

Also, calling halo players fanboys doesn't do anything but make smash look bad on a whole new level, so please stop making fun of a game because you don't like it. I don't like it either, but that doesn't make it a bad game, and it doesn't make all people who play it fanboys.


also, even though the wii is selling more than the 360 you have to consider that more actual gamers are buying the 360 whereas adults who have never played a video game before and small children make up a large part of the wiis being sold. These people will not buy brawl.


Saying things like "you have to admit that [halo's] fanbase is not very bright." is ignorant and childish and posts like that are the reason that the serious smash players for whom smash world forums was created tend to stay away from the brawl boards.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
Which do you think will be sold to more real gamers and not just the Halo fanboys who don't play any other videogame than Halo?
Don't be an anti-Halo fanboy. It's unbecoming. Honestly, Halo 1 and Melee are my two favorite games of all time. Both are very good games.

Halo: Copy and paste everything from Halo 2, add a couple uncreative maps and weapons, spruce up the graphics, and replace Halo 2's story mode with Halo 3's.
Halo 3: Complete the story arc of an epic trilogy, and a variety of new weapons and vehicles, introduce equipment to add new combat tactics, rebalance all the weapons to refine gameplay, improve what is widely considered to be one of the greatest Xbox Live multiplayer experiences, and top it all off with 4-player online co-op, campaign scoring, a mode that allows modifying scenery, spawn points, weapons spawns, and other attributes of multiplayer maps to tweak them to perfection, and built-in video recording to relive and share exciting multiplayer moments.

Hmm, sounds a lot more interesting when I say it.

That's not to say anything against Halo, of course, but you have to admit that the majority of it's fanbase is not very bright.
Judging by some of the posters on this board, I'd say both games have their "not very bright" fans, present company excluded. :)

Anyways, I think it will be relatively close, but Halo 3 will be significantly ahead early on in the sales. Halo 3 has a ridiculously strong marketing push behind it. It also helps that 360s are much easier to obtain than Wiis.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 8, 2007
Boca Raton, Fl (FAU)
there is quite some time before brawl comes out also, so we will just have to wait and see. i'm surprised that brawl is already on the top 10 wii games sold. ( at least it said that in that link someone put earlier.) and when it comes closer to dec 3rd im sure there will be more wii's sold and more brawls sold. I wouldn't doubt it though if brawl one worldwide. NA will be tough to tell though. But from what i read and hear Xbox 360 is not that big anywhere except in the U.S.

I will have both so i really dont mind whichever gets more :)


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2006
Out of the true and real gamers, I'd say Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Why? Because most "gamers" who buy Halo, in all seriousness, just buy the game because it's the next best thing, or because of its "awesome" graphics.

Smash players are actually gamers. They don't buy the game because it's hot or because it makes you more fan, they buy the game because they think it's fun.

Seriously, Nintendo isn't highly rated with the mainstream, because of its "kiddie" image. Those people never actually play games because they're gamers, they play games because it makes them look cool.


Smash Cadet
Sep 3, 2007
i love both games, but im gonna have to say halo. Its getting so much hype right and microsoft is advertising the game everwhere, including commercials, posters, releasing a beta, a drink, and even a ride (no, i am not joking bout that last one). Both games are gonna b awesome, but in terms of which will sell more, i'd have to say halo3.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Viridian City
Well I preordered both games. So I'll be contributing to both games' sales. I am looking more towards Brawl though. I only like Halo cause I am a shooter fan and its probably the best shooter out there, along with Bioshock.


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2007
Regardless of which one sells better, Brawl will be better.

I just don't really get the obsession with Halo. I've played 1 and 2, and they're decent games. But they're not the be-all-and-end-all of FPS games that they're made out to be. They're fairly average. The 1P mode is mediocre and the weapon selection and customizability don't come close to matching the glory of Perfect Dark.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2007
So is that. You have no idea how innovative the Halo series really is, it is literally the basis for all modern console FPS's.
Ok, looking at my post I'll admit that it was a little over the top. I'll say that I'm more anti-Halo (and yes, I have played it, lol) than fanboy, though. I'll give Halo credit for three or four things I can think of off the top of my head, though if you wanna continue (this vein of) the discussion, link to some other topic that'd be more appropriate. Anywho, it gave melee and grenades their own button, was the first game I can easily think of to make use of a regening health bar (cool for single player as it expands design options, but I have issues with it in multiplayer), and was prolly the one that made vehicles a lot more common, though certainly not the first to use them.

Aside from the Needler and, to an extent, the plasma pistol (and the Brute Shot in Halo 2, I think it was called), I haven't seen a ton of creativity in the weapons. I could probably load up Perfect Dark (64) and do a Random Five and get more creativity. To me, the weapon variety is very important as otherwise it's just gonna be the same game that I've played before (especially with the market oversaturated with fps games these days) with your standard pistol, semi-auto, full-auto, rocket launcher, sniper rifle, and one or two other random ones.

In either case, we all know both series will sell millions upon millions. Halo definately does have the advantage in NA, but with the way things are looking it's not impossible for Brawl to sell more. Don't see what difference it'll make, though. Wii is kinda cementing itself as first, 360 has pretty much taken second, and the PS3 is all but resigned to third place unless it pulls off some major moves. So the amount that the individual games sell won't impact the system's positioning in the long run.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 22, 2007
I never really saw what the big deal with Halo was. It's really not as great as everyone makes it out to be IN MY OPINOIN. It's just like any other shooter.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 18, 2006
Middletown, CT
Regardless of which one sells better, Brawl will be better.

I just don't really get the obsession with Halo. I've played 1 and 2, and they're decent games. But they're not the be-all-and-end-all of FPS games that they're made out to be. They're fairly average. The 1P mode is mediocre and the weapon selection and customizability don't come close to matching the glory of Perfect Dark.
QFT, you sir, are awesome.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 2, 2007
Since Halo 3 is coming out this month, it'll get a lot of sells.

But SSBB is coming out in December so it'll probably get more sells. It's going to be one insane rest of the year lolz. SSBB will get more.


Smash Master
Jun 20, 2007
From what I've seen, Halo 3 isn't that much of an improvement from Halo 2. Sure, better graphics, some new weapons, more bland maps...but the gameplay still looks exactly the same.

Brawl on the other hand is being totally revamped. New characters, new techniques, totally unique stages, and a big change in gameplay. Plus with online, Brawl will be the game that Melee and Smash64 never were. Halo 3 is just an upgrade.

I predict Halo will sell alot more and alot faster upon release, but in the long run, Brawl will have greater sale numbers, if not double what Halo sells.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the number of Wii consoles just recently catch up to the number of 360 units? Wii is selling way fast, so the install base is certainly large enough to combat potential Halo 3 sales. Whether everyone who owns a Wii buys Brawl (or everyone who owns a 360 buys Halo) remains to be determined. It could really go either way.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
How can Brawl be better if they're 2 entirely diferent games?


Smash Ace
Jul 8, 2007
Leeds, UK
Halo 3 will sell more, probably about twice as much, but Brawl will be better. It will be considered better by casual gamers and critics alike. Melee was once voted to be the best game EVER on a GameFAQs poll, after all, and Brawl will be 3 times the game Melee is, just as Melee is 3 times what Smash64 was.

As a side point, I think the Smash Bros. franchise will go on for a lot longer than Halo. I don't know if Sakurai has plans to make more Smash games, but remember, it wasn't Sakurai who decided to make Brawl. He was asked to direct it's production after Nintendo already decided to make it.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2007
I don't see any competition between Halo and Smash Bros. They're two completely different genres. Now Metroid Prime, on the other hand...


Smash Journeyman
Aug 26, 2007
hmm... a tough one id say since most of the nintendo fans rly wanted the wii because of zelda, metroid, and brawl... maybe brawl will sell more... im not sure... but im a fan of both... i reserved both sooo yaaaa...


Oh no she betta don't
Nov 6, 2004
Cape Coral, FL
IMO, Halo 3 will outsell Brawl in the US, but on a worldwide scale, Brawl will beat Halo 3.
The japanese gaming community greatly out-numbers the american, and I doubt very many of them will be purchasing Halo 3.


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2006
I think people are missing the real discussion of this thread.

It's not about which will sell more, it's about which will sell more if you deduct the fanboys from it, only leaving in the real gamers, gamers who really care about gameplay, about the game.

I could have predicted Wii Play would sell more than Legend of Zelda, but how many of these people are actual gamers?

That's why I think Super Smash Bros. Brawl will sell more if you look it that way. You see, Nintendo players are not ********. If a game sucks, they won't buy it. How many of us Nintendo fans have ever bought Luigi's Mansion? I didn't, I only got it as a present. I never bought New Super Mario Bros. simply because it looked too much like just another platformer with Mario. I didn't play half of all the Mario Sport games because I'm not interested in sports game.

I am interested in every Star Fox game, simply because of my hopes of getting a good and decent Star Fox game. I loved the first Kingdom Hearts, not because of Disney or Square, but because I loved how the game was played. For that same reason I bought Kingdom Hearts 2. I didn't really care about the story, even though I did want to know how the story concluded (or not).

Heck, you can say all you want about the Grand Theft Auto series, I have had loads of fun for a while, doing drive-by shootings and running over some civilians. But I do have to recognize it gets kind stale after a while. But hey, every game does.

But really, what makes Halo 3 better than all these other games of that same genre? I think Gears of War deserves more credits, since it really pushed the bar for shooters. I haven't played it yet, but what I've seen so far shocks me. I even dare to say Halo 3 doesn't come near games like Bioshock. It just can't.

Sure, the majority of gamers don't like to play "kiddie" Nintendo games, but the same people mostly bought the console. The very same people just follow the trend, they follow the mainstream. Would that make them "real" gamers? Maybe, maybe not. But mostly they just buy games to impress their friends. That's not what a real gamer is all about.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl won't be the ultimate Nintendo game for the Wii. There will be loads of other games that will surpass this game. I'm pretty sure of it. But we do know that this game will be worth buying, it will be worth every single penny we spend on this game. I just can't say the same about Halo 3.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2007
Victoria, BC
Some of the fanboyism in here is ridiculous. You're kidding yourself if you think Brawl will outsell Halo 3. If you asked this question on any other site (except for, maybe, a PS3 forum :p) you would get flamed just for asking this question.

Halo 3 has over a million reservations already, shattering world sales records. It will have people lining up AT LEAST one day in advance, camping out in Master Chief suits. Even if it sucks balls, it will still get huge initial sales. But I'm betting it won't. Almost every Xbox owner has Halo one or 2, and I'm betting most will invest in number 3, because Xbox owners, by definition, are into those kinds of games.

Wii owners, as others have said, are not so clear cut. Many are new to gaming, and a huge amount haven't bought a game since Twilight Princess (including myself). Most friends that I know (again including myself) have bought DS's to entertain us until the holiday season. Many Wii owners are also too young -- if your young kids want a game for Christmas, you're going to buy them Mario Galaxy, not Brawl.

I will personally buy Brawl and likely thoroughly enjoy it. But if I had an extra few hundred dollars sitting around, I'd also buy a 360 + Halo 3.


Smash Cadet
Aug 27, 2007
what a loaded, bias, leading question. You expect people to conform to your friggin' stereotypes in their responses?

You have no right trying to put a line between ''real'' gamers, and non ''real gamers'' No, I don't play Halo at all, but thats the most aggrivating question Ive seen asked here in awhile. The nerve...
Well now I didn't mean to sound so biased, as I actually really like Halo and will probably be camping out for a copy of Halo 3. It's just that in my experience most people I have talked to only play Halo. I guess by "gamers" and "nongamers" I meant the people who will get it and play it to sound "cool".
Yes that is how it is around where I am from, but I may be a bit biased from all the people I grew up with saying videogames were dumb now playing Halo and yelling "Poned" at each other.
It's really quite hypocritical of them.

And as for my thoughts on the question I believe Halo will probably outsell in America as there is a larger fanbase for FPSes, but in areas like Japan etc it will probably not do too well. With Brawl's online capabilities, I'd say its still up in the air and only time will tell.


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2006
I think people are missing the real discussion of this thread.

It's not about which will sell more, it's about which will sell more if you deduct the fanboys from it, only leaving in the real gamers, gamers who really care about gameplay, about the game.

I could have predicted Wii Play would sell more than Legend of Zelda, but how many of these people are actual gamers?

That's why I think Super Smash Bros. Brawl will sell more if you look it that way. You see, Nintendo players are not ********. If a game sucks, they won't buy it. How many of us Nintendo fans have ever bought Luigi's Mansion? I didn't, I only got it as a present. I never bought New Super Mario Bros. simply because it looked too much like just another platformer with Mario. I didn't play half of all the Mario Sport games because I'm not interested in sports game.

I am interested in every Star Fox game, simply because of my hopes of getting a good and decent Star Fox game. I loved the first Kingdom Hearts, not because of Disney or Square, but because I loved how the game was played. For that same reason I bought Kingdom Hearts 2. I didn't really care about the story, even though I did want to know how the story concluded (or not).

Heck, you can say all you want about the Grand Theft Auto series, I have had loads of fun for a while, doing drive-by shootings and running over some civilians. But I do have to recognize it gets kind stale after a while. But hey, every game does.

But really, what makes Halo 3 better than all these other games of that same genre? I think Gears of War deserves more credits, since it really pushed the bar for shooters. I haven't played it yet, but what I've seen so far shocks me. I even dare to say Halo 3 doesn't come near games like Bioshock. It just can't.

Sure, the majority of gamers don't like to play "kiddie" Nintendo games, but the same people mostly bought the console. The very same people just follow the trend, they follow the mainstream. Would that make them "real" gamers? Maybe, maybe not. But mostly they just buy games to impress their friends. That's not what a real gamer is all about.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl won't be the ultimate Nintendo game for the Wii. There will be loads of other games that will surpass this game. I'm pretty sure of it. But we do know that this game will be worth buying, it will be worth every single penny we spend on this game. I just can't say the same about Halo 3.
Read plox.

Next time, size 24.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 7, 2007
halo 3 will out sell at first but brawl wont be far behind, both will continue to sell like hotcakes for they are a must buy for bothesystems but in the long run i think brawl will come out ahead much like melee did which is still selling strong
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