So I had this dream last week where I was just chillin on this bus with some people from my school, and then some random people I hadn't seen in years. Then we went into this shady building and they played some music video thing my friend had made (in the dream, he hadn't actually made a music video) and then we went into this room with a table. For some reason I didn't have any shoes on, and then ALL THESE NAILS just got stuck in my feet. So I'm sitting at the table with some friends, yanking nails out of my feet. So then we had to go to some movie, but I guess beforehand they had told us that we didn't have to go if we didn't want to. So no one at the table wanted to go, but they made us go anyway. So I guess we just teleported or some **** to the movie, and I was sitting next to someone who seemed vaguely familiar, still pullin nails out. So almost all of the nails were out of my feet, and then I woke up.