But string theory is all technically just mathematical conjecture with no scientific support, because all the things theorized in it cannot be tested by experiment. Basically string theory is just Mathematicians' way of perpetuating their status quo, their way of keeping students busy, and their way of seeming like they're still useful to society. And the fact that it catches on like a religion in which the people who most believe [ i.e. the students and teachers] are the people most deceived-- THAT, my friends, is phenomenal.
Well, my physics teacher, although she was a total flake, said that scientists broke the speed of light by accelerating photons in some environment which was conveniently unable to be reproduced, and for a moment I believed her. I wanted to believe her. But now I think she might have been lying.
And there's no logical reason for sound to set the universal speed limit, since sound is just vibration.
However, the speed of gravity is a perplexing idea. Since matter has never been created, the speed of gravity is unknown, and it may very well be infinite, instantly taking effect when matter is introduced into space [like the speed of darkness]. But if we could convert energy into matter as E=mc^2 declares possible...we might be able to discover the speed of gravity.
sombody might have said this but the spped of gravity is the same as the speed of light. People are confusing the causation here, because the universal speed limit is whatever it is, light can only go that fast because by it's nature it moves as fast as it is possible to move.
Also, string theory does not have scientific support
yet. THe problem so far that I am aware of is that nobody can do the math to get the exact equations and right now only approximations can be used. Other problems such as finding the correct calabi yau space also are unsolved. The thing is, I doubt that most string theorists believe that string theory is definitly true, I think that they believe that is is the most likely theory we have so far.
Also, you dont have to create matter to test the speed of gravity. You can just move an object and see how much delay another object some distance away has on "feeling" the gravity. For example, you could decide to move the sun away, but since the speed of light (and gravity) is what it is, the earth won't notive that the sun has moved for 8 minutes.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
I don't see what's so difficult about this question, it's the egg... duh
2 reasons why:
Creatures that used eggs to reproduced were around before chickens
If you are talking about a chicken egg, according to evolution the egg came first because it came from 2 non-chicken parents whose DNA would kind of mix to create the first chicken egg, which hatched into a chicken.
Also, black holes don't have infinite density, zero volume or infinite mass. THe universe does not deal in any of these. All a black hole is is a mass of enough density so that things like light can get so close to the center that they cannot escape. This comes from the inverse square law of gravity. Everything has a certain radius at which it becomes a black hole. For example, if the Earth were compressed into the size of a pea, it would become a black hole. Finite, non-zero mass, density and volume.