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What Happened Today. (truth)


Smash Legend
May 28, 2007
Orlando, FL (walking distance from the Loop)
I come home, as usual, and get out my Algebra homework, and go on SWF. (Gigs thread)

I'm sort of bored, so I go to my friend Chris's house and he says we should hang out at my house.

So we walk back home, chill there for like 5 minutes, and my mom tells me to go to Chris's house for a little.

I go. I come back.

I see: My brother and my parents outside in the patio, my mom hysterically yelling at my dad with my brother in the middle of it.

Apparently, some issue happened with splitting the money of a real estate business or something more complicated.

I get involved. My mom tells her side of the story, telling me how much of a coward and a liar my father is. My father tries to be more rational and tries explaining what is happening to me but my mom keeps interrupting and threatening to call the police.

She goes inside. I'm starting to cry a bit. I follow her and sit with her, trying to comfort her while she cries while my brother and my dad are outside.

She tells me in Spanish, "I cannot live with this man anymore. I want to die. I want to die. I WANT TO DIE!"


She gets up, knocks down all of the chairs, topples over nearly ten glass vases full of decorations, soils, and plants, lunging at my dad. The floor is covered in many things, like never before. She throws a glass bowl at him. She shrieks like a ****ing demon. I am now crying my eyes out, trying to restrain her from hurting my dad. My dad mutters, "I can't deal with this", and storms out.

Me and my brother are holding her down on the ground, as she is frantically trying to get up and make sure that my dad is gone (and apparently never come back). She starts crying, trying to call her friends, but no one is picking up. My dad goes to his friend's house. Tomorrow they will see a lawyer or some ****ing bull****.

My mom says she cannot live with him. My dad says that it is a warzone when it is only him and her in the house while we are at school.

My mom left to where my dad is 10 minutes ago.

I haven't heard back yet.

In case you didn't know, I am 14 years old.

Fellow smashers, i'm sorry that i had to share this with you, but i needed to tell what happened. I am sorry, WATO, but now you see the truth of my life and what is really going on.

Why i really like leaving my house on Saturdays. Why I wish Brawl never came out.

Until this resolves,

I am retiring.

Sorry Brian.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
Juan, I understand what you're going through my stories will not be shared on this forum (352) 495-6396 call me if you need anything.

Stay strong man.


Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2007
orlando, near Kissime. Vistas
Hey man you know you always got support from me. If you ever need anything, need to get away from the house w.e. You can always pass by. Chin up, and remember none of this is your fault. Best wishes,
Your friend, Luis.


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2005
Naples, FL.
Oh wow.

Sorry to hear that HungryBox. Don't let it get you man. Stay strong like Renth says in times like these and pray for your family. I'll keep you in my prayers.


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2006
San Antonio, TX
I am sorry to hear that Hbox. Just know that we're all hear to talk if you need at any time. I hope everything works out.


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2005
I'm honestly sorry to hear that. I hope everything works out for you and your family.


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2006
Dude, my parents just had a long separation that ended in divorce, so I know that kind of **** ****ing sucks. Sorry man, I hope things get better.


Smash Champion
Oct 25, 2007
Miami, FL (Ives Dairy)
Maybe you should suggest marriage counseling to your folks, so maybe they can work out their differences. It's worth a shot. Well Hungry, I'll pray for you and your family, and I'm sure the rest of SFL has your support too. Hang in there man.

C@sH Mooney

Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
Probably playing TF2.
wow Juan, this is sudden.

I wish the best for you and your family. Try to stay strong as others say and not focus on the bad things that have happened recently.
And you are 14, it shouldn't happen. but shiesse happens man. I lost my dad when I was 13. And boy did that suck. But in time i got over it. I did other things to forget about it as much as possible. Go to a gym and work out. punch a punching bag, or listen to musik and lay down. Practice some smash, or go for a walk. Read a book, etc.

hey, would you be interested in coming to G4S5?

just find somebody to drive you here and your free to come. :D

Stay in touch man.

If you wanna talk, IM me or gimme a call. I'm on aim 24/7 anyways lol


Smash Legend
May 28, 2007
Orlando, FL (walking distance from the Loop)
Thanks, everyone.

I don't understand my parents sometimes.

And I'm hoping things will turn out for the better.

I'm also hoping that I do well in NOOB1 without anything on my mind. I know that a bad mindset will make you lose the match.

And I mean everytime.

Wow, this is another reason FL is too pro.

Helping others out....I really appreciate it.

<3 FL.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
Although this is not the place to be sharing such stories I will give you some advice.

As bad as this is, you are still young, and this is probably the first time something so dramatic has happened. I was lucky enough that my mom's first divorce was basically without incident (at least not with me and my sister). But back in more blissful years when my mom divorced again it was pretty brutal, I wont get into details but I have plenty of stories to tell about parents seperating PM me if you wanna talk more cause I can definitely level with you on this. But this is life you'd be surprised how crazy all of our lives are. Most definitely it is the truth which is stranger than fiction. Be assured that this is neither the first nor the worst thing to happen to someone your age. I will tell you that quitting smash is not necessarily the best answer. I dont think anyone aside from green mario could possibly understand how much smash and the community has helped me through my tough times in life. It is the perfect escape, something I understand much more than life. I get a sense of accomplishment in my tournament performance, in every match I win, in every one that I even lose but I know that I was playing my best. My experiences in the smash community are invaluable and something I would not trade, and while you may be going through a crisis in your life, you'd be surprised how much smash can help if its something you truly do out of love of the game.


Smash Legend
May 28, 2007
Orlando, FL (walking distance from the Loop)
Although this is not the place to be sharing such stories I will give you some advice.

As bad as this is, you are still young, and this is probably the first time something so dramatic has happened. I was lucky enough that my mom's first divorce was basically without incident (at least not with me and my sister). But back in more blissful years when my mom divorced again it was pretty brutal, I wont get into details but I have plenty of stories to tell about parents seperating PM me if you wanna talk more cause I can definitely level with you on this. But this is life you'd be surprised how crazy all of our lives are. Most definitely it is the truth which is stranger than fiction. Be assured that this is neither the first nor the worst thing to happen to someone your age. I will tell you that quitting smash is not necessarily the best answer. I dont think anyone aside from green mario could possibly understand how much smash and the community has helped me through my tough times in life. It is the perfect escape, something I understand much more than life. I get a sense of accomplishment in my tournament performance, in every match I win, in every one that I even lose but I know that I was playing my best. My experiences in the smash community are invaluable and something I would not trade, and while you may be going through a crisis in your life, you'd be surprised how much smash can help if its something you truly do out of love of the game.

Smash is an escape, an anti-drug, etc.

Thanks for the insight, man.

Smash has helped me though hard times as well.


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2005
P-Cola Florida
My parents divorced when I was about 5, so I don't really remember it and thankfully missed out on situations like this. Just know that FL loves ya.


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2007
Tampa, FL where the hoes be at!
**** bro that sucks. Remember **** happens for a reason maybe your parents just had to much **** bottled up inside, and let everything go. My parents fought alot when i was younger, and they always threatend to divorce. Give it time, and seriously consider counseling for your parents. And remember FL loves u in smash and where here for ya buddy. Ill pray for you as well. I hope thigs turn out for the beter.

classic zero

Smash Cadet
Mar 6, 2007
South Fl
::my Rents split when i was 3 every time they saw eachother = clash of the titans::
but you cant lose sight of life you have to persevere for your self and with your family
things will work out
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