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What grinds your gears in For Glory mode? (THE ROLLENING)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2014
I feel if they're truly disrespectful, rotten players then it's fine to give them what they dish out back.

I tend to mimic the opponents behavior. Be respectful and I'll do the same. I'll taunt at the start at the match if they do so and so on. I do my hardest to be a nice, respectful opponent as long as they are; however, if I come across someone who does nothing but insult, taunt after everything, teabag, you name it I will happily give them that same treatment in return.

No point in showing respect to someone who obviously can't do the same. Sometimes it's funny to see those kind of players unable to handle the same treatment and leave in a fit of salty rage. Long as they deserve it I say go for it.
Giving bad players a taste of their own medicine really works.

Whenever I encounter a projectile (and sometimes additionally roll) spammy Link on For Glory (or any other projectile spammable character), I will do my best and try to beat them. Win or lose, I will switch to their character the next match and do nothing but roll and spam projectiles.

They usually ragequit by SD.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2014
Switch FC
Just fought a dude on 3ds named #Mario# or something

Saltiest guy ever.

First match, he was Dr. Mario and I was Roy and right off the bat he tried dash grabbing me like 5 times in a row and I dodged them all. And then he suddenly runs off to the other side of the stage and starts spamming back rolls and taunts. Like literally 10 secs into the fight smh

Anyways, after beating him, I was surprised he didn't leave and instantly got ready for the next match. Thinking he was gonna pick Link or Villager etc to projectile spam me, I switched to Falco. Instead, he went Roy (same colour I was rocking too) and did the same bs he did earlier. So I just spammed lasers most of the match and he eventually SD'd.

Surely he would leave now, right? Nope, instead he's ready to go again. However, me not in the mood to deal with his saltiness just let the timer run down to 1 second before leaving.

KevN くコ:彡

Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
Lately it has been Shulk. Always seems to be the same thing every time, match starts, they jump, go for speed and proceed to rush at me. However, some make fools of themselves an SD of the edge. I'll admit, it makes me chuckle.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2015
ill be honest, i do FG 1v1 all the time, my biggest issue is that i can't punish to save my life, because of the inherent 5 frame lag in that mode (sometimes worse). and spot dodging and rolling all have long intangibility and short ending lag, its hard to punish right, so i end up hard reading someone instead. one of my mains is little mac, and someone throws out a front smash, i shield then throw out my front tilt (which comes out frame 4) he shields then grabs me before i have a chance to do anything, even though i had already put in an input for my jab. so i can't play like i do offline, because timing is all off. and i think FG encourages bad players and habits, because they can get away with camping/spamming rolls or projectiles, because you can't properly punish them.

edit: i should point out im a little salty, because i got beat 5 times in a row by a player i know im better than, but couldn't punish him accordingly.
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2015
Why do some people assume that just because I pull a few turnips to cover my options means that I'm raining spam upon them?
After I win the match, they usually go to Link and try to out spam me, not realizing what the turnips are actually for. I still win and they realize they need to deal with the fact that tossing out items are actually a part of a calculated move.

How it usually goes: Float with turnip, they roll, throw turnip and d-air to cover a large ground, and they get hit and combo'd, then I read their rolls, Rinse repeat. THEY DON'T EVEN CHANGE THEIR HABITS WTF?

Really though :V w0t


Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
:4pikachu:'s that constantly use up-B to go left and right annoy the crap out of me. I remember one time me and my brother were playing 2v2 For Glory and we ran into a Pikachu and a Villager. They were winning by 1 point and the Pikachu had like 120%, so for the rest of the match (which was about 30 seconds) the Pikachu did nothing but up-B away from us. Hitting him was hard since he was moving so fast and Villager was spamming Lloyds and slingshots. He even had the audacity to do the "PIKA-PIKA!" taunt a few times. Of course they left when they won (though they ended up joining us again and we eventually beat them).


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2014
Queens , New York
Switch FC
SW 1823 5909 5682
While Pikachu players are super rare, I absolutely hate it when they do Quick Attack like crazy, the up throw to Thunder, and the Thunder Jolt Spam just to grab me.
On a side note, is anyone else having a lack of people to play with on the 3DS Online in general?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2015
Leaving after you
While Pikachu players are super rare, I absolutely hate it when they do Quick Attack like crazy, the up throw to Thunder, and the Thunder Jolt Spam just to grab me.
On a side note, is anyone else having a lack of people to play with on the 3DS Online in general?
Yeah and the cute little creature is really small too, so is hard to hit. :dizzy:


Smash Apprentice
Aug 23, 2014
When people call the staple of my main's playstyle spamming or disconnect because I wouldn't let them rek me. That is, people who don't understand that as a Dedede main, I need to pull out Gordos often to bait the opponent into making mistakes, or else I'll get eaten alive.

I also recently fought a Diddy Kong with the status message "read this = noob". How ironically beautiful.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2014
I fought a Dedede yesterday, never have I been so mad on FG. I really should've stopped playing against him earlier than I did, but I just wanted to beat him so bad...

His playstyle was so cheap, it angered me so much that I couldn't beat him. His play consisted of throwing Gordos, going down to the ledge while throwing a Gordo, then an up B either towards me or back to the ledge.

I played at least 10 matches with him then finally said "enough is enough" and left.


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2015
Crimea, Tellius
As an Ike main, I just can't stand megamans. I've trained to practice fighting characters with spammy projectiles and can handle them perfectly fine now, but when it comes to fighting megaman it's just hell, and Ike's not fast enough to block/dodge, catch up and strike. I've got some good back up mains that can fight against Megaman, but even so, he's still my least favourite character to play against. I've got no problem fighting speed characters.
:4pikachu:'s that constantly use up-B to go left and right annoy the crap out of me.
Pikachu is one of my secondaries, and I've gotta say, I don't do this, but find it hilarious when others do it. Maybe it's because having used the character I know him will, but once you figure it out it's fun to punish the spammy up-b's.

I hate people who pick a character with counter and JUST spam counter. Easy to defeat once you realize that's all they're doing, but seriously man, play the game. It can't be fun to just sit there and counter all day long.

Edit: Am I the only person that doesn't have lag issues?
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Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
When people call the staple of my main's playstyle spamming or disconnect because I wouldn't let them rek me. That is, people who don't understand that as a Dedede main, I need to pull out Gordos often to bait the opponent into making mistakes, or else I'll get eaten alive.
Agreed. Gordos can be used in other ways than just a projectile attack and I suppose not many understand that.

They're perfect for baiting and even more so for adding pressure. Half the time I don't even use them for actual attacks. It's really fun to make the Gordo bounce in place up close and watch the opponent suddenly go into a derp-like state, not knowing if they should back off or attempt to shield it and risk getting death hammered for their mistake.

I think they just get mad at themselves for falling for all that Gordo bait.
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Deleted member

I went on For Glory to get some practice in (and I couldn't ask a friend or go on Anther's, I needed some matches quick).
My first match was against this Greninja and I used my Luigi.
Now, I feel a bit rusty and I am tired, so I made some very mediocre and poor moves.
When he took my stock off, he was ducking in celebration. So, I decided to pick up the pace and hustle. I did manage to win the match, but it was the ending that irked me.
Right when it said "GAME!", the game lagged. I checked the Internet on my laptop and everything was fine, but then I realized that my opponent left...
He either had a terrible connection at the end, which really wouldn't make sense because our connection was just fine, or he just rage quit by unplugging his Wii U or router.
In one way, I do feel a bit bad if he felt discouraged. In another, I just don't understand why people would go to such lengths over a meaningless percentage. I do quit at times, but it's either because I need a break or I am not really feeling great during the match; I wouldn't try to conserve my percentage because it's meaningless.

And yeah, the rolling bugs me. I encountered this Dr. Mario and when he took a stock off of me, he spammed his neutral B and rolled away from me.


Smash Rookie
Jul 20, 2015
Oh god. I hate Lucario with a passion. Even if I have a huge lead, all it takes is a lucky smash or aura sphere to kill me. If I lose they taunt and save the battle :/


Smash Journeyman
Jan 27, 2015
Lawrenceville, Georgia
After having about five different players switch to my main Ryu after I beat them within the last hour, the salty ditto is starting to get on my nerves. It's one thing if you also main Ryu or if you are legitimately interested in playing him when you switch, but when you immediately leave or switch back to your original character after I beat you, then we have problems.

It was kind of entertaining the first couple of games since they had no idea how to do anything with Ryu, but it quickly became very infuriating due to how often my opponents tried to beat me with my own main.
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Purin a.k.a. José

Smash Lord
Mar 27, 2015
Americana, São Paulo, Brazil
People who just assume they won. I just played against this Falcon on FG who was winning by a big percentage difference. He started tea-bagging and Spamming the Falcon Punch. I did a incredible comeback and he insulted me on the CSS. Talk about salty!


Smash Apprentice
Apr 6, 2015
> Get grabbed
> Near edge
> Try to mash out
> Input lag
> Lag
> Escapes grab
> Fast fall and/or special move/aerial to death


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2014
I have a tale for you all, of salt and spectacle, of taunting and triumph.

It begins when I get matched up against a guy named Marco and his Fox. The guy handily beats my ROB, and we go on to game 2. He then beats my ROB easily with Captain Falcon. Game 3, he decides to add insult to injury and beat me fairly badly in a ROB ditto, I think a 2 stock. The salt was real.

We move to Game 4. He decides to use Villager, and I get my first win, a reasonably comfortable one at that. Game 5 is ROB vs Villager again, which he wins by the smallest of margins. Evidently satisfied Game 4 was a fluke, he goes Rosalina for Game 6, and loses by a small margin. Game 7 he goes Greninja, and gets 2 stocked.

We move onto Game 8. Evidently he has had enough, so he decides he is going to Ditto my ROB again to put me in my place. But this one is different. After an auspicious start where I very nearly lose the first stock fairly early (red lightning), a short hopped Back Air over a Down Smash gives me a stock lead at 92%. Then, something glorious happened. I survive until 203%, bringing his ROB up to 130% in the process. A few more exchanges later and I Up Throw his ROB to oblivion whilst sitting on only 35% myself.

I save the Replay, and leave the room. The guy wanted a rematch, but I didnt care. My duty was done.

In all seriousness though, if you decide to ditto someone you're beating badly just to beat them with their own character then you are a terrible person and I hope you get what's coming to you.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2014
Chicago, Illinois
After having about five different players switch to my main Ryu after I beat them within the last hour, the salty ditto is starting to get on my nerves. It's one thing if you also main Ryu or if you are legitimately interested in playing him when you switch, but when you immediately leave or switch back to your original character after I beat you, then we have problems.

It was kind of entertaining the first couple of games since they had no idea how to do anything with Ryu, but it quickly became very infuriating due to how often my opponents tried to beat me with my own main.
Holy crap this.
I fought this guy named Nipah yesterday. My Rosalina lost to his Falcon, then I switch to Meta Knight and just narrowly lost against him again (he charged an f-smash and me, thinking I was far away enough from it, tried to charge my own to catch him). I finally switch to Palutena and what do I see in match 3? A Meta Knight. This guy wants to PROVE I didn't know what I was doing. Another close match ended in my loss and his taunt, and I say to myself "OK, I'll entertain him, let's see what he's got." I switch back to Meta Knight thinking we're going to ditto. Match 4? I'm looking at Palutena. "Ohhh, he's one of these guys." Keep in mind, we had lag going, but the salt in me wouldn't let me just walk away. Needless to say, I lost again and recieved a taunt.

Match 5, I stay with Meta Knight thinking he's going to switch. He does, and it's a ditto. Miraculously, the lag dissipates. The match ends in my win, and he clearly couldn't keep up. No taunts this time. I switch to Palutena, and him seeing my color change, calls my pick and switches to her as well. I beat him again. He's pretty ticked off, so this time I get his Falco, the character on his tag. I had such a lead on him that by the time he took my first stock I was able to just hop off the platform and ram him. I left shortly afterwards, annoyed that I let him get to me, and disappointed that he only seemed good because of the lag. I keep telling myself that win or lose, if they lag, just leave, but these a-holes get the better of me every time.

In the meantime, I'm getting more and more people with pocket Ganondorfs after I beat them with Palutena, Meta Knight, or Rosalina. They ALL try to catch me with Flame Choke offstage and they almost ALWAYS time out the match. If I take their first stock, they will set up a trailer on the edge of the stage (T_T)

The few good players I fight, either we play a lot and have fun with it, one of us wins and they immediately leave afterwards, or they win and taunt like crazy. Go figure.
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Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
Well, obviously, not every character is equal, the characters ARE different, after all except Dark Pit and Lucina heheheh. However, the tier gap is much, much less than it was in Melee or Brawl. It's no longer about "A tier or death" because a much larger portion of the cast are seen as competitively viable and seeing tournament representation. Heck, even Bowser Jr. has a few rising stars nowadays.
Tbh the tier list is the same as in the ratio of viable characters.
Compared to melee and well...i dont know about brawl neither do i care about that game..

I still think Diddy is too good.
Alot more characters need buffs like WFT/DK

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
Lag is one; my Greninja and ZSS require precision and lag completely ruins that.
The other is after I've won a match, and they switch to Ganon and play the roll/camp/side B/down B game. Sometimes I win, but when I don't I can expect a taunt as I fly off the screen and a quick evac of the room.
Do people actually do that with Ganon?
Wow..if you want to spam what a character to pick....

Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
In the meantime, I'm getting more and more people with pocket Ganondorfs after I beat them with Palutena, Meta Knight, or Rosalina. They ALL try to catch me with Flame Choke offstage and they almost ALWAYS time out the match. If I take their first stock, they will set up a trailer on the edge of the stage (T_T)
Infinite this.
Notice how everyone on FG carries a "pocket Ganondorf," yet he sees next to no tournament representation. Really says a lot about the people who carry "pocket Ganons" and only use him on FG. I absolutely despise when they intentionally fish for offstage Ganoncides and spam incredibly slow ("disrespectful," lol) moves like Up-Tilt and Neutral-B so they can brag to their friends about how MLG they are. What, do you honestly think I'm gonna fall for that more than once? What's way worse, though, is when they have enough lag to make Snorlax look like it could beat an F-Zero machine in a race and they manage to win the match because of it and taunt. The fact that there are people who have fun with this game by intentionally lagging their connection and using a character with super slow and powerful attacks simply baffles me. The day Ganoncide finally gets fixed will be a day of much rejoicing indeed.
TL;DR, screw:4ganondorf:, especially in lag.
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Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2009
After having about five different players switch to my main Ryu after I beat them within the last hour, the salty ditto is starting to get on my nerves. It's one thing if you also main Ryu or if you are legitimately interested in playing him when you switch, but when you immediately leave or switch back to your original character after I beat you, then we have problems.

It was kind of entertaining the first couple of games since they had no idea how to do anything with Ryu, but it quickly became very infuriating due to how often my opponents tried to beat me with my own main.
This is why I only play people once in FG, even if I lose, even if I win. I don't give my opponent a chance to learn how I play nor do I allow dittos to begin.
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Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
I hate fighting cocky players that can't admit that they messed up.

A long time ago I found a Marth on 1v1 who would spam his taunts whenever he KO'd me. He barely beats me, then switches to Link and beats me again (and again he kept spamming Link's taunts). For the next match he switches to Falco, and accidentally SD's his last stock (he used side-B into Wario's chomp which caused him to get hurt a little and mess up his up-B). I laughed at him and he spent a long time on the "viewing results" screen. I didn't feel like waiting to fight this punk again so I just left.

Later on I find out I have a friend request sent by none other than the guy mentioned above. His message? "Want a rematch because you got lucky".

Apparently his ego was so high that he went through all of the trouble to message me, just so he could say that my victory was based purely on luck and not him screwing up his recovery. I rejected his invite though looking back on it I should of said "that's a weird way to say "I screwed up" ".


Smash Journeyman
Jan 27, 2015
Lawrenceville, Georgia
I hate fighting cocky players that can't admit that they messed up.

A long time ago I found a Marth on 1v1 who would spam his taunts whenever he KO'd me. He barely beats me, then switches to Link and beats me again (and again he kept spamming Link's taunts). For the next match he switches to Falco, and accidentally SD's his last stock (he used side-B into Wario's chomp which caused him to get hurt a little and mess up his up-B). I laughed at him and he spent a long time on the "viewing results" screen. I didn't feel like waiting to fight this punk again so I just left.

Later on I find out I have a friend request sent by none other than the guy mentioned above. His message? "Want a rematch because you got lucky".

Apparently his ego was so high that he went through all of the trouble to message me, just so he could say that my victory was based purely on luck and not him screwing up his recovery. I rejected his invite though looking back on it I should of said "that's a weird way to say "I screwed up" ".
I had something similar happen a while back. I found one of the elusive Palutena mains on For Glory, so I got to play a good number of ditto matches. He was pretty good, but I ended up beating him twice. After our second match, I changed my tag to "GG" and started the next match, but when I got to the waiting room, I saw he changed his tag to "HopeUBurn".

Best part was that after I finished playing on For Glory, I decided to check my friend list in order to see if any of my friends were playing online, and I noticed that he had the audacity to send me a friend request. It didn't say anything, so I'm assuming that it was sent after out first match since he didn't get upset when he lost that match. Whatever the case, I made sure to decline it.


Smash Cadet
Jan 13, 2015
somewhere, probably
i usually dont mind if i lose a battle or if my enemy taunts, but the thing that gets me the most is when they save replays when im losing.

like, im trying to be a better player, and they just save boring replays of them winning. sure, if something AWESOME happened during the battle, (like say, a ganoncide while someone is trying to come back stage) then i wont be salty. but that rarely happens.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 19, 2015
4stock on FoD
The fact that For Glory doesn't have platforms. Not even Battlefield is available on For Glory despite it being the most balanced stage in Smash on both 3DS & Wii U to many.

And then there are the following players on here.

• Sonic, Luke & Links
• Rollers
• Spammers + Rollers (ofc)
• People who leave before we even battle (looking at you, Japanese players)
• People who leave after one match or because they won against you (or both)
• Cocky little kids who taunt, double taunt, teabag & even try to triple taunt after every kill even though they are getting rekt
• People who take too long at the results screen (these are generally spammers that are saving a replay to show how bad they are to their friends)
• People who try to switch to your character (its as if they're thinking playing ur character will help them win, even if they dont know how to use him/her/it)

That's only some of it, otherwise the list would go into 2016.

Roy of Pharae

Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2014
japanese players mostly leave because of potential lag, no reason to get annoyed with that.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 19, 2015
4stock on FoD
japanese players mostly leave because of potential lag, no reason to get annoyed with that.
It is still very annoying. I want to see what my opponent is all about as most Japanese players aren't as spammy or toxic when compared to American players.


Smash Rookie
Apr 30, 2015
Rotterdam, NY
- People who use spammy strats that do ridiculous damage/knockback, like a) spam Utilt as :4mario:(Seriously? 55%!?) or b) play :4zelda: and spam UpB.
- Salty doods who say stuff like "USUCK" after I say "GG".
- People who fish for throws for an OU followup like the aforementioned Utilt or:4pikachu:'s Thunder.
-:4tlink:/:4link:. 'Nuff said.


Smash Ace
May 31, 2015
One day on For glory, I was playing against a kirby player and he keep running away from me. I lost to him three times and he got the nerve to insult me by saying ''quiting'' like he's better. As soon I pick Pikachu, I shown him the meaning of h***. After beating him twice, he quit and I laughed since he deserve it for disrespecting me.

I used to like Little Mac, now I don't since the players keep rolling and spamming smash attacks, especially forward smash which is hard to punish sometime because of that stupid armor. Also, I die off the ledge from it too, early. I can see why people wanted little mac nerf when the wii u version of SSB4 came out. No offend to little mac players, but I just can't stand him and I hate fighting him because of it.
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Smash Cadet
Dec 16, 2014
I just played someone who was using Luigi and I was Jigglypuff. I got absolutely bodied since I don't main Jigglypuff at all and was just using her for fun. I was hoping for another match because he was a good player, so I switched to my main, Peach. He left after that obviously thinking I was bad. We then got placed in the same room again though and it ended up as a Peach ditto. I won by a margin and changed my tag to 'Main!', to express that Jigglypuff wasn't my main and that I used Peach. He then switched to Sheik for the next match and then taunted after each stock, winning on his last stock with me getting him to about 60%, so it wasn't a one-sided game at all. He then changed his tag to 'LOSER' back on the character select screen and left the room. I just laughed at it tbh. He was obviously salty about the Peach ditto. It's a shame that someone good at the game has to act like that.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2015
I got a Lucario to 140 and I was at 50% and he killed me with one side b
Little Mac also killed me with his side b while I was at 50% (at the edge)

I know I use floaty chars, but this is ridiculous tbh :rotfl:


Smash Rookie
Jul 26, 2015
Definitely when someone plays the C-Stick game (only mashing that) or Kiting.

It's a fight. Not a game of keep away.


Smash Rookie
Jul 20, 2015
The amount of people I have ran in to who have rage quitted is very annoying. I mean, why bother playing online if you're going to rage quit when you're losing? When I'm losing, I don't quit, I just accept that the other player is playing better than me XD

Abyssal Lagiacrus

Fly across the high seas and mountains
Jul 30, 2014
Arkadelphia, Arkansas
One of my irks is when I'm playing with someone who literally only tries to grab. Just makes the match not fun since shieldgrabs are so potent (looking at you, lack of shield stun).

Just play instead of running around and shielding for a grab


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2013
I had a fun battle where I was owning some noob. So he goes away after a few games and a few seconds after he left he gets paired up against me again. So I taunt him because he probably just D/Ced because I am too good and now he still had to face yet another loss.

So I owned him that match too and he left again. I bet he was thinking "That guy is way too good for me I hope that I will never play anyone that is so insanely good again".
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