After having about five different players switch to my main Ryu after I beat them within the last hour, the salty ditto is starting to get on my nerves. It's one thing if you also main Ryu or if you are legitimately interested in playing him when you switch, but when you immediately leave or switch back to your original character after I beat you, then we have problems.
It was kind of entertaining the first couple of games since they had no idea how to do anything with Ryu, but it quickly became very infuriating due to how often my opponents tried to beat me with my own main.
Holy crap this.
I fought this guy named Nipah yesterday. My Rosalina lost to his Falcon, then I switch to Meta Knight and just narrowly lost against him again (he charged an f-smash and me, thinking I was far away enough from it, tried to charge my own to catch him). I finally switch to Palutena and what do I see in match 3? A Meta Knight. This guy wants to PROVE I didn't know what I was doing. Another close match ended in my loss and his taunt, and I say to myself "OK, I'll entertain him, let's see what he's got." I switch back to Meta Knight thinking we're going to ditto. Match 4? I'm looking at Palutena. "Ohhh, he's one of these guys." Keep in mind, we had lag going, but the salt in me wouldn't let me just walk away. Needless to say, I lost again and recieved a taunt.
Match 5, I stay with Meta Knight thinking he's going to switch. He does, and it's a ditto. Miraculously, the lag dissipates. The match ends in my win, and he clearly couldn't keep up. No taunts this time. I switch to Palutena, and him seeing my color change, calls my pick and switches to her as well. I beat him again. He's pretty ticked off, so this time I get his Falco, the character on his tag. I had such a lead on him that by the time he took my first stock I was able to just hop off the platform and ram him. I left shortly afterwards, annoyed that I let him get to me, and disappointed that he only seemed good because of the lag. I keep telling myself that win or lose, if they lag, just leave, but these a-holes get the better of me every time.
In the meantime, I'm getting more and more people with pocket Ganondorfs after I beat them with Palutena, Meta Knight, or Rosalina. They ALL try to catch me with Flame Choke offstage and they almost ALWAYS time out the match. If I take their first stock, they will set up a trailer on the edge of the stage (T_T)
The few good players I fight, either we play a lot and have fun with it, one of us wins and they immediately leave afterwards, or they win and taunt like crazy. Go figure.