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What are your unpopular gaming opinions?

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Smash Lord
Aug 23, 2014
Northwest US
To be fair, the reason why Sonic went 3D in his fourth (or fifth, if you count CD) adventure (ba-dum *tish*) is because there was a ton of pressure at the time to make games 3D. Everyone else had made the jump, so everyone was eargly waiting to see Sonic in the glorious, glorious third dimension. Sega really had no choice but to migrate away from the style of the first three games, lest Adventure be bashed for being "dated."

Believe it or not, this is what happened to Street Fighter III back in the day.

Not to mention that 2D throw-backs to old school platformers didn't become acceptable among the gaming community until the late 2000s.
Well I wasn't specifically referring to the jump to 3D, but I see your point. I was more referring to the cluster of questionable design choices from SA and up. What was stopping them from implementing their more successful gameplay styles in 3D(with appropriate tweaks)as opposed to using a particular idea in one game(whether it's suitable or not is debatable)and then scrapping it shortly after, only to use a new idea which meets the same fate?

Some have argued that Sonic's gameplay in the Adventure era was reminiscent of the Classic style, which I can kinda see. That being the case, could it have been hard for Sonic Team to maintain and refine this style instead of just completely tossing it out the window?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 11, 2013
-Black ops is the best Call of Duty game, in terms of story anyway
-Super Mario 64 DS is better than the original SM64 but Nintendo has not ported it to the Wii U store for reasons I can't fathom
-The Megaman Legends series was the best Megaman. I liked the aesthetics and gameplay a lot
-The Marvel Ultimate Alliance games should have more games in the series, especially with Marvel's skyrocketing popularity
-Star Wars Battlefront looks gorgeous and I would buy it if I had a next gen system that wasn't a Wii U
-Splatoon looks overrated. Like I get that the appeal is that it's not a CoD style shooter, but calling it "The reason to purchase a Wii U" is a little much.
-Star Fox Command should be considered a war crime and given the "ET Atari" treatment
-Using "Baby ___" characters in a Mario spinoff in your roster is unacceptably lazy unless you're talking Mario or Luigi. The Mario universe has so many LPs that putting "Baby" in front of its main ones and calling it good use of roster makes it seem cheap.


Will Thwack You At 0%
Mar 20, 2015
Black Ops has a kind of cliche terrible awful story. Sorry.
What's the story, if I may ask? I have no knowledge on it whatsoever apart from the fact that its community mostly consists of screaming and cussing minors and that the gameplay is a simple shooter. In my perspective, anyway.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
What's the story, if I may ask? I have no knowledge on it whatsoever apart from the fact that its community mostly consists of screaming and cussing minors and that the gameplay is a simple shooter. In my perspective, anyway.
Something that people forget is that CoD4 completely changed the way shooters were designed and was, at one time, like absolutely nothing else on the market.

-Star Fox Command should be considered a war crime and given the "ET Atari" treatment
Haha, this is not unpopular.

I'm sure the entire SF fan base would gladly agree with you.
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Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
-Splatoon looks overrated. Like I get that the appeal is that it's not a CoD style shooter, but calling it "The reason to purchase a Wii U" is a little much.
When you have such a big and supportive online community to play with on top of the game being extremely fun, I think saying it's the reason to buy a Wii U is a very fair statement.
-Using "Baby ___" characters in a Mario spinoff in your roster is unacceptably lazy unless you're talking Mario or Luigi. The Mario universe has so many LPs that putting "Baby" in front of its main ones and calling it good use of roster makes it seem cheap.
Agreed. Baby characters are the worst.
-Super Mario 64 DS is better than the original SM64 but Nintendo has not ported it to the Wii U store for reasons I can't fathom
I actually prefer the original for the most part. A lot of the new missions in Super Mario 64 DS feel like padding. It's also a bit too easy thanks to Luigi being OP.

I mean that by the way. Luigi in SM64DS is really OP. He has the best controls and his backflip is useful for anything, whether it's skipping parts of levels by gliding over them, or invalidating tricky jumps.

I've always wanted a Super Mario 64 remake that wasn't DS. I don't think the DS remake captured the charm of the original and because the graphics are so primitive they could totally reimagine the visuals of the game.

Kinda like Final Fantasy 7, incidentally.

Heroine of Winds

Smash Ace
Dec 3, 2014
United States
Sonic and Sega in a nutshell.
Nintendo: Hey, SEGA! Let us make a Sonic game! We're known for making the best video games in the world and of course, the greatest selling video games in the world. You can totally trust us! SEGA: Nah, we don't trust you.

Sony: Hey, SEGA! Give us a shot to make a Sonic game! We're one of the greatest in the industry and we have made the best games the world has ever seen! SEGA: Nah, we don't trust you.

Microsoft: What do you think, SEGA? We can make amazing games. Just trust us. We can make a good Sonic game. SEGA: Nah, we don't trust you.

Big Red Button: Hi, we are Big Red Button. We don't have any experience whatsoever, we haven't released any games yet, and our presence is really shady. Can we make a Sonic game? We can't make any promises it will be good, though. SEGA: Yeah, we trust you.
They're ex-Naughty Dog members for a reason! :D

This is probably the most accurate depiction on how weird Sega's choices are when it comes to which developer should make Sonic games. Why pick a noob developer of all things?

Ocarina Stealer

Smash Apprentice
Apr 11, 2015
-Star Wars Battlefront looks gorgeous and I would buy it if I had a next gen system that wasn't a Wii U
-Splatoon looks overrated. Like I get that the appeal is that it's not a CoD style shooter, but calling it "The reason to purchase a Wii U" is a little much.
-Star Fox Command should be considered a war crime and given the "ET Atari" treatment
-Using "Baby ___" characters in a Mario spinoff in your roster is unacceptably lazy unless you're talking Mario or Luigi. The Mario universe has so many LPs that putting "Baby" in front of its main ones and calling it good use of roster makes it seem cheap.
I have a couple of issues with your post. Battlefront LOOKS gorgeous. Splatoon LOOKS overrated. How the hell can you judge a game by the way it looks? Splatoon has a massive community following and I would classify it as a reason to buy a Wii U. Star Fox opinion is not unpopular. Also handheld Mario 64 is not better than the original. A handheld remake of a classic game is impossible to make better.

Also I'm starting to get pissed off about Star Fox fans thinking every Star Fox game should be a Lylat Wars clone.
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Feb 14, 2015
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Also I'm starting to get pissed off about Star Fox fans thinking every Star Fox game should be a Lylat Wars clone.
To be fair, Adventures kind of left a baaad taste in our mouths. Assault was better, but of course the vocal minority were whining about it still having ground-based missions (which I found to be a welcome change in Assault). Zero looks to be pretty good, but I'll need to wait and play for myself to see how good it is.

And again, the ones wanting everything to be like 64 are a vocal minority; most of us are fine with ground missions.
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Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
You know what I find funny, people ***** about Star Fox games should be like 64/Lylat Wars but Zero is almost goddamn close to 64 (it's more like the unreleased Star Fox 2) and they hate that.

I know what they want, for every Star Fox game to be like Star Wars Battlefront but with 90% air missions

Heroine of Winds

Smash Ace
Dec 3, 2014
United States
-Splatoon looks overrated. Like I get that the appeal is that it's not a CoD style shooter, but calling it "The reason to purchase a Wii U" is a little much.
-Using "Baby ___" characters in a Mario spinoff in your roster is unacceptably lazy unless you're talking Mario or Luigi. The Mario universe has so many LPs that putting "Baby" in front of its main ones and calling it good use of roster makes it seem cheap.
Well, with how popular Splatoon is along with being universally praised by everyone, it is pretty understandable on why many people say it's the one game you need to purchase a Wii U for. It's one of a few games the system has going for along with Mario Kart 8 & SSB4.

I have no idea why Nintendo thinks it's a good idea to constantly make baby versions of Mario characters in spin-offs. There are tons of characters in the games they can use like Birdo & Diddy Kong, but more babies? Mario Kart 8 was pretty much the final straw for me after seeing Baby Rosalina as just an excuse for making a baby version of a well-beloved character.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2014
Super Paper Mario is a very important game in the PM series. Both for good and bad reasons. With TTYD, I think they felt they hit a wall, or rather, a plateau. They'd taken the PM formula and took it to near-perfection. What's left to do? The change from PM to TTYD surely can't be replicated. "Screw it," I imagine some feisty young employee saying out of turn at a meeting, "let's not try to make TTYD2. We've got all these incredible news ideas. Let's just go all out." Silence. And a nearby senior says, "you know what? I agree. Screw it."

SPM is truly ambitious compared to any other PM game. The whole thing feels like a gamble - what if we change this and that? The art style was unlike any other PM game, or game, period. Many mocked the shapes approach to character building, but it gave the game a very unique aesthetic that made it feel like it was taking place in a universe beyond that of previous Paper Mario entries, or even SMRPG. I can't say it always turned out well (see: the townsfolk), but it made the entry itself artistically identifiable.

The story was a gamble, too. The Mario RPG games have always been commended for having good writing and interesting characters. How about investing more in the story? They give us this weird, interdimensional tale of romance and angst and sacrifice. They really amped the stakes up, too. The consequences of failure in PM were no wishes for the Mushroom Kingdom. The consequences of failure in TTYD was a world under the tyranny of the Shadow Queen. The consequences of failure in SPM was the destruction of all dimensions. There's no way out! You can't hop to another country or planet - it's really game over if you fail. And SPM gives you a taste of this by showing you what awaits existence if you don't buck up in Chapter 6, where you watch a lively little warrior dimension get reduced to nothingness. The story is grandiose, and it tries to hit you hard in the feelings. Once again, it may not be your cup of tea, but they had lofty hopes for the story.

The gameplay is probably the biggest gamble they took, and arguably the one that didn't pay off. The PM games had a very well-loved and unique combat system that was suddenly replaced by platforming with oddly incorporated RPG mechanisms. If you liked PM's gameplay and wanted to play a game like that, you had no choice but to play PM1 or TTYD, because no other game played like that, not even SMRPG or M&L. You can imagine the frustration of having this unique gameplay changed for something entirely different that maybe didn't work. But once again, this was not a half-baked attempt at gameplay change (unlike, say, Sticker Star, which took the unique combat system and removed a lot of features and added some new ones nobody wanted and said "THIS IS IT"). This was an overhaul.

I feel like there were really high hopes that this game would do well. All the changes to this game from TTYD are bold, perhaps experimental. They weren't always the best, but I feel like there was real love in that game. I can imagine the disappointment when it failed to live up to expectations. And that led to the absolute bottom point of the series, the much-maligned Sticker Star, which is SPM's opposite in every way. Is the story too big and crazy? Let's have a very small, traditional story that we know the beginning and end to. Are the graphics unusual? Don't worry, we're going back to the old style. In fact, we're going to draw from the mainline Mario games and remove the RPG-original characters so that you only see familiar faces. Even the enemy Koopas will be friendly-looking! Didn't like the gameplay? We'll go back to turn-based combat... but make it unrewarding and unfun. I really have no explanation for this one other than the freaking Nintendo Gimmick Ghost haunting some developer.

And the bizarre part is that despite the mediocre reviews and general outcry from fans, Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam follows Sticker Star's lead. No new characters. Same old plot. A weird fetish with the paper part of Paper Mario, as if that were ever the most important part of the game. At least Bowser talks now, that's a step up. And to be fair, it is a Mario and Luigi game, not a Paper Mario game. But it's disappointing to see the path Paper Mario might be taking. Maybe it works, supposedly Sticker Star sold very well. But it feels soulless compared to the first three games, which were really something special. It's playing it safe in the places it shouldn't be (the plot) and taking unnecessary risks where a lot of fans want the old style back (the gameplay).

And I bet you Sticker Star wouldn't have happened... if Super Paper Mario hadn't. Sticker Star is in every way a reaction to the excesses of Super Paper Mario. A lot of fans considered Super Paper Mario awful before Sticker Star came out, and it was usually considered the worst of the Paper Mario games. Now that Sticker Star has occupied that bottom slot, reception is a little better. But there's still some resentment that this weird game came along and ruined our perfectly good series, and resulted in the reductive Sticker Star that, unfortunately, appears to be sticking.

The unpopular opinion part is that I don't resent Super Paper Mario's excesses. I appreciate that it tried to be something more than what everyone expected, something more than the rehash that would eventually come. Gameplay-wise, I don't think it lives up to PM1 and TTYD, but I enjoyed playing that game. The plot and characters, ridiculous as they could be, still have that charming humor that characterizes PM games - plus, it gave us Dimentio. The aesthetic got a bit elementary at times, but when it worked, I thought it was gorgeous, and it really made the game seem refreshing. Otherwise they'd have gone with recycled TTYD assets (which they did where they could), resulting in a less visually distinctive game. I really wish Super Paper Mario had worked. I don't think it would have led to a string of platformer-RPGs. I think it would have given the folks at IS the freedom to keep experimenting with the games. Instead the Miyamoto hammer came down. Fans resent Super Paper Mario as the beginning of the Dark Ages, when I view it as the last entry in the Golden Age.


Smash Cadet
Apr 29, 2013
Also handheld Mario 64 is not better than the original. A handheld remake of a classic game is impossible to make better.
I agree about SM64DS; it was promising with its content, but scrapped co-op notwithstanding, it still astounds me how Nintendo thought it'd be a good idea to port a game that so heavily emphasized analog control... onto a system with a D-pad in lieu of a stick. (IIRC the touchscreen offered analog-ish control, but did they honestly expect that to catch on?) However, some ports/remakes are debatably superior if nostalgia isn't a factor; for instance, Ocarina of Time 3D massively improved the original game in presentation, content and mechanics.

I enjoyed Undertale and I consider it one of the best games released this year, but christ almighty, the 24/7 hype party surrounding this game is borderline unbearable.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
The fact that the only aspect of Soulcalibur that people care about is Link upsets and disappoints me.
What's especially depressing is that the game Link appeared in, Soulcalibur 2, is in my opinion, the high point of the series. The aesthetic, roster, music, and overall feel of the game are all wonderful.

That's not going into the countless modes the game has too.
The fact that we didn't get Soulcalibur 2 HD for Wii U along with Link very much saddens me.

And I know this isn't an unpopular opinion, but Soulcalibur 5 and (especially) Lost Swords sucks in every conceivable way sans maybe the character creation (even then, it has a lot of issues).


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
What's especially depressing is that the game Link appeared in, Soulcalibur 2, is in my opinion, the high point of the series. The aesthetic, roster, music, and overall feel of the game are all wonderful.

That's not going into the countless modes the game has too.
The fact that we didn't get Soulcalibur 2 HD for Wii U along with Link very much saddens me.
You'd be hard pressed to find anyone who disagrees. The fact that's probably the deepest and most balanced game in the entire series really helps its longevity. I've literally 100%ed the game at least six times across all three consoles and I'm in the middle of doing it again. To this day its my favorite fighting game.

The unfortunate thing about Link is that he's honestly kind of a garbage character. Out of the three guests he always sat quietly at the bottom of the tier list due to his wild yet predictable attacks that always left him open and the fact that he's basically countered by everyone in the entire game.

On a personal level I never had fun playing Link, and I honestly wouldn't care if he never returned. But that's why its the unpopular opinions thread.

And I know this isn't an unpopular opinion, but Soulcalibur 5 and (especially) Lost Swords sucks in every conceivable way sans maybe the character creation (even then, it has a lot of issues).
I'm gonna be upfront about this, but character creation was a mistake.

It was a neat concept, but ever since they introduced it in III Namco has used it as an excuse to put less and less content into each SC game.

I enjoyed Undertale and I consider it one of the best games released this year, but christ almighty, the 24/7 hype party surrounding this game is borderline unbearable.
I still haven't played it, but Christ almighty it beat Mario World, Fallout 3 and RED AND FREAKING BLUE in a popularity contest. Next time voting comes around its going to be going up again Mario 64. Sorry, Mario. Your legacy has no chance against a hype train.

I'm just waiting for 2016 when the next artsy emotion indie game gets released that makes everyone lose their mind and simultaneously completely forget about Undertale.
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Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
You'd be hard pressed to find anyone who disagrees. The fact that's probably the deepest and most balanced game in the entire series really helps its longevity. I've literally 100%ed the game at least six times across all three consoles and I'm in the middle of doing it again. To this day its my favorite fighting game.
Yeah, the Weapon Master mode is a dream for someone who liked the game but didn't have anyone to play it with. (That's me BTW)
It's just a great mode all around. I love the way the story is presented to you and the music from the map screen is permanently ingrained in my memory.
The unfortunate thing about Link is that he's honestly kind of a garbage character. Out of the three guests he always sat quietly at the bottom of the tier list due to his wild yet predictable attacks that always left him open and the fact that he's basically countered by everyone in the entire game.

On a personal level I never had fun playing Link, and I honestly wouldn't care if he never returned. But that's why its the unpopular opinions thread.
Well, I'm guilty of only getting Soulcalibur 2 as a kid for Link, so I have several fond memories of playing him and I still like him. However obviously I prefer the actual characters way more. I main Raphael. I thought he was good because of how easy it is to cheese the CPU's with his items.
I'm gonna be upfront about this, but character creation was a mistake.

It was a neat concept, but ever since they introduced it in III Namco has used it as an excuse to put less and less content into each SC game.
I'd say the lack of content comes less from the character creation and more from Namco's general apathy of Soulcalibur. For some reason. I say this because of the fact Soulcalibur 3 has a lot of content as well, with something akin to Weapon Master, alongside a really deep character creation system with many unique playstyles.

Whereas Soulcalibur 4 and 5 have a comparably barebones character creator, with reused moveset assets and only adding new visual customization options, yet...that's pretty much all there is.

My guess is we COULD get a Soulcalibur game with as many modes as Soulcalibur 2, a character creator with as many options as Soulcalibur 3 and 5 combined, and a 30+ roster of wholly unique characters...if Namco gave a damn about the series.

Which they don't. We barely got Soulcalibur 5, and that game is a disaster. A reskin of Soulcalibur 4 with new characters. The very latest release in the series is a reskin of THAT game, but with P2W elements in order to milk fans.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Well, I'm guilty of only getting Soulcalibur 2 as a kid for Link, so I have several fond memories of playing him and I still like him. However obviously I prefer the actual characters way more. I main Raphael. I thought he was good because of how easy it is to cheese the CPU's with his items.
I actually grew up with the PS2 version, so I personally don't have any emotional connection to him.

Heihachi was actually kinda bad too.

Which they don't. We barely got Soulcalibur 5, and that game is a disaster. A reskin of Soulcalibur 4 with new characters. The very latest release in the series is a reskin of THAT game, but with P2W elements in order to milk fans.
While I agree with everything else you said, calling SC5 a reskin of SC4 is like calling Brawl a reskin of Melee.

Like, at least Namco gave enough ****s to actually finish every character in SC4 and to test them for balance. SC5 has characters with dead end move sets, atrocious balance issues and completely overhauled mechanics that don't need to be overhauled for the sake of overhauling them. In other words, removing guard impact, a staple of the series since SC1 that the entire franchise was balanced around, adding in a new, poorly implemented counter system also named guard impact, and yet still trying to balance the game around the old guard impact.


Thane of Smashville
Jul 5, 2010
Unpopular opinion? Until Dawn is awful. The story is as generic as it gets, the gameplay is shockingly minimal even for a cinematic game, the characters are generally unlikable, it's not scary in the slightest, and twist is one of the worst I've seen in years.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 11, 2013
Steve the Minecraft guy would be a fine addition to the Smash Bros roster if for no other reason than team. mixups with Villager


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2014
Am I the only one who actually liked PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale? I actually find it pretty underrated. It totally deserves a sequel for PS4.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 11, 2013
Am I the only one who actually liked PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale? I actually find it pretty underrated. It totally deserves a sequel for PS4.
Absolutely not. It had a good premise and what have you. I think it was mostly because A. It wasn't Smash Bros B. It was missing Crash and Spyro. Those are the only two reasons why the fanbase turned away.

Deleted member

Absolutely not. It had a good premise and what have you. I think it was mostly because A. It wasn't Smash Bros B. It was missing Crash and Spyro. Those are the only two reasons why the fanbase turned away.
Absent essential third party characters (Crash, Spyro, Cloud, Snake, etc., the latter two of which are ironically in Smash 4 and Brawl, respectively) and simply not being Smash aside, I'm sure the gameplay wasn't appealing to some people. During my time playing the beta, the gameplay just didn't click with me, though that might be because I've been accustomed to Smash for a long time.
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Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
People hated it being a gun fest. Sheesh.
What do you mean "Sheesh"? Just saying "gun" doesn't mean anything, especially to people who never played the game (which is a lot of people).

I'm gonna be honest, this is the first time I've heard "too many guns" as a reason for why PSASBR is bad. It's usually something about how Supers are the only way to kill.

Ocarina Stealer

Smash Apprentice
Apr 11, 2015
What do you mean "Sheesh"? Just saying "gun" doesn't mean anything, especially to people who never played the game (which is a lot of people).

I'm gonna be honest, this is the first time I've heard "too many guns" as a reason for why PSASBR is bad. It's usually something about how Supers are the only way to kill.
The guns are why the game was badly received. And sooory for not catering to people who haven't played the game. Only the people who played it are going to have a friggin' opinion about it.
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Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
While we're on the topic of fighting games, I don't really like Tekken as much as I used to.

I used to be in agreement with the majority that its the best 3D fighter around (although I've always prefer Soul Calibur as a personal favorite). But in the time between then and now I've played so many more 3D fighters like Dead or Alive or Virtua Fighter, to name a few.

Going back and revisiting the series, it feels really sluggish, unresponsive and very clunky. Even my favorite game in the series, Tekken 5, just isn't as much fun as it used to be.


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
I haven't played PSABR myself, but to my knowledge guns have never been a factor in how it sucks. I've heard about its awkward gameplay, its disappointing roster, how it's a "Smash clone", but never about guns.

It could help if you elaborated on why guns are a negative rather than act condescending. Just saying.


This strength serves more than me alone.
Nov 15, 2015
South America
Since we are still talking about fighting gams
Virtua Fighter is better than Tekken, and is miles better than Dead or Alive.
This is a completely unbiased opinion from someone who clearly did not grow up on Virtua Fighter, and is not at all judging Dead or Alive based on the couple of minutes I played the arcade version of the first one, and one short gameplay session of the Dreamcast one.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Since we are still talking about fighting gams
Virtua Fighter is better than Tekken, and is miles better than Dead or Alive.
This is a completely unbiased opinion from someone who clearly did not grow up on Virtua Fighter, and is not at all judging Dead or Alive based on the couple of minutes I played the arcade version of the first one, and one short gameplay session of the Dreamcast one.
Ironically, as somebody who has played all three series thoroughly, I most agree.

Virtua Fighter is the best of the three thanks to its depth, sheer dedication to balance and for mastering the whole "easy to learn, hard to master" thing. Not to mention it just feels good to play.

Dead or Alive is horribly under-appreciated IMO. The volley ball game don't really help its image. I think out of the three of them DOA is the most fun to watch and play. Its easy to learn, its good a nice speed and rhythm to it, every character feels just right and if offers a ton of depth if you're looking for it. The only reason why I'm not sure if I can put it above VF is because I haven't looked into the competitive side of things so I don't know how balanced it is.

Tekken is balanced and has depth, but it just don't feel good to me anymore. As I've said before, its sluggish, feels clunkly and unresponsive and just isn't that much fun.

For the record, this is coming from a guy who grew up playing Tekken (since T2!) with a childhood friend, started playing VF on VF4 when he was in middle school and has been playing DOA since DOA4 when he was in high school.

While I've played both DOA and Tekken recently, it's been a while since I last picked up a VF game. I should pick up the series again in the near future. My opinion might change if I do.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2015
Care to elaborate on why you think so?
Well I'll admit I was wrong to say it sucks, but I don't think its any better or any different from all the other NES throwback games. It's just the first NES throwback game a lot of people had played for a while because all the popular YouTubers talked about it. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure its fun, but it wasn't the greatest game of 2014 and Shovel Knight has no place in Smash Bros.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
I don't know, I thought that Shovel Knight was pretty fun.

It didn't change my life or anything, but its the first game I've ever played where I wanted to go play and replay it as soon as I beat it. That's gotta count for something.
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