EDIT: I missed the fight about sexualization?! Probably for the better, since I don't want to get dragged down into an argument. I did want to say one thing - theoretically, I don't have a problem with fanservice. I
enjoyed a fair portion of MGS3 because of its ruggedly handsome, in-shape, and Beyonce-booty'd protagonist.
But the problem is that sometimes, especially with regards to female characters, that's all there is. It's one thing to say "everyone likes attractive characters." I agree. Most people don't want to play as an ugly character. But attractive doesn't have to mean sexually attractive, and moreover sexualized. Rosalina is attractive, but she's not showing T&A and wearing something a stripper with no fashion taste would wear. She's wear an off-the-shoulder gown. Maybe in the 1600 this would have been provocative, but the year is 2015 and she's almost downright prudish. Yet she's got a very...
devoted fanbase. Goes to show you don't
need to portray a woman as a go-go dancer for her to be seen as good-looking.
If you're not a woman, maybe you don't really care that giant boobs and tiny waists are everywhere. Maybe it's your new normal. But I'm just
tired of it. It's
boring. Not to mention there's nothing tasteful about it. Everyone mocks sexualized music videos, but how are video games any better than a Nicki Minaj music video? They both use the human body in a base and crude way, trying to get people titillated so they'll pay attention. As opposed to using the human body in an artistic or even grotesque way. e.g. Snake is forcibly shirtless for part of MGS3, but the circumstances of that shirtlessness are horrifying and grotesque, and you're not supposed to be saying "
yeah, take it off
reeeeaaaal slow, daddy," but rather "dear lord what are these awful things I have just witnessed and how am I going to survive." Similarly, the Boss shows cleavage in the final fight, but the focus is not on her boobs but on a C-section scar. It's supposed to be a sad, humanizing moment. EVA, on the other hand, obviously shows cleavage for the purpose of titillation, and she's even got some very low-budget jiggle physics going on. Now, I don't consider the Rihanna video BBHMM (not safe for work) a work of art, but I will bring it up as an example of nudity where the primary purpose wasn't to make you feel sexysexy, but horror (since the woman in question has been kidnapped, beaten over the head with a blunt object, and was being tortured).
I just say, how about giving us the option to put some clothes on? Maybe you can have some women that don't look like they're on-duty at the Detroit gentleman's club. It's not all or nothing. You can have sexy women, but maybe let us play as women that aren't sexy, or that aren't sexy all the time. And in the interest of being fair, maybe a bit more male fanservice, hmm? The human body is a beautiful thing, regardless of your personal sexual orientation, amirite?

Balance is the key.
Regarding fighting games for a second: I could never understand the concept behind replacing a character just to put in another character in their place with a similar gameplay style. I mean, why?! It baffles the mind!
One, if people didn't like the idea of moveset clones already, how does replacing a character somehow make that better? Lucario already got under how water for quote "replacing Mewtwo" end quote. How would they fare better?
Two, if they're going to go through the trouble of replacing a character just to introduce the same concept, why bother going through the trouble of getting rid of the former and simply keep them? It seems like a waste of time for something that's basically reincarnation.
Three, why can't they both exist together? I mean, games have had clones and their original counterparts before. It's not like if we have both the universe is going to collapse.
For example, I remember when people were trying to bring down Sheik claiming that she could and probably would be cut (often for reasons involving relevancy). But who did they want to replace her with? Impa. With a similar moveset and all. Because it's not like both can't be in am I right?
It's sounds inane sure, but I've seen it used as a legitimate argument; Even on Smashboards. And to this day I still can't figure out who people think it's a good idea.
Some people were, honest to goodness, suggesting Snake's moveset should be given to an Advance Wars character.
1. This
so does not satisfy Snake fans. They want to play as Snake, not someone else who happens to have Snake's moveset.
2. This probably won't satisfy AW fans either since they're getting a rehashed old moveset, not an actual new moveset
I was going through lists of Gamecube games and collectors threads and such and I feel like the GC really is such a solid system. Yet I feel like people give it a hard time (inferior graphics and not enough games!). Same for the N64 nowadays (nostalgia goggle garbage!). Don't even mention the Wii (shovelware!) or Wii U (no ware!). Honestly, sometimes it seems like the only Nintendo consoles people still like are the NES and SNES. I don't know what the Good and Holy Internet has to say on these matters, but it's frustrating hearing someone say "yeah, I'm a Nintendo fan" and then proceed to trash talk nearly all of their consoles.