There are many, many things that annoy me.
1. People who use the phrase "Half expect"
2. People who use the phrase "Turn of phrase"
3. People who use the phrase "Scared me half to death" (then maybe i hsould scare you again)
4. People who get overexcited about seeing a beluga whale at sea world.
5. That you have to use your wii mote to select brawl and then you go into "Group" mode, the wiimote thinks it can play. so I end up taking the batteries out of it.
6. Toon Link
7. When a TV network replaces your favorite show with some generic soap opera crap. Or it gets moved to an unwatchable time like Tuesdays at 4:30 A.M
8. When girls crush your heart, and don't even care about you.
9 When people lie abot some really small crap. e.g: I didn't take the penny!
10. Little Kids on mics in certain games. It's rated T for Teen, not Toddler.
11.Superstitious People. Example: The World is going to end in 2012.
12. People who say "I know what you're thinking". NO YOU DON'T! STFU!
13. Bedtimes.
14. 7chan
15. People who put their names in leet speak so it takes 5 minutes to figure out what it says. Like so:
|3@|2|2y \/\/h|73
16. Valley Girls
17. Over-religious people.
18. Pennies
19. When you're in a rush to get to the bathroom and you whip it out, but not far enough, so you end up just barely nicking the edge of the button flap on your pants and it goes f*cking everywhere.
20. People who use meme's IRL. "SHOOP DA WHOOP"
21. People who take advantage of a problem in the family. Example: My Great Great Twice Removed Uncle Yigoshlav Neeshtick from Yugoslavia whom I've never met before died 3 months ago so i can't do my homework for a couple years.
22. People OBSESSED with football
23. Sydney Crosby
24. When youre in an elevator all by yourself on your way to the 57th floor and then you stop at the 12th floor for some reason and a group of about 600 ******s get in and want to go through every floor between.
25. People, who, overuse, commas, lawl.
26. People who use the word "Like" in their sentences. "I was all like 'Dude ,like, wheres your,"
27. When people in the movie theater that have already seen the movie start yelling out things like "OMG WATCH THIS LAWL HES GONNA POP OUT AND SCARE HER HALF TO DEATH! SHE DOESNT EVEN HALF EXPECT IT!!!!" FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-
28. People who boast because they figured out how to find a hypotenuse of a 2nd graders.
29. People who say "your mom".
30. Any number ending in 3.
And many, many more.