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Westminster, May 5th Biweekly

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ken combo
Nov 26, 2002
is everyone OKAY with a biweekly on SATURDAY the 31st?

I can change it to Friday the 30th if its better since its not new years eve

Chu won be able to make it tot he special biweekly since he is spending christmas with his family but he will be here on the 25th of christmas... he'll miss it by one day sadly~

but vidjo and mikemonkey will be here =D


Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2005
Knotting Falls, Linistar
sephirothken sezs......
is everyone OKAY with a biweekly on SATURDAY the 31st?

I can change it to Friday the 30th if its better since its not new years eve
Well, not on Friday.
Just that I'm wondering if there people have New Years celebration.

Oh and, when should I show up? Because of my dad's work, I might be there at 10am :ohwell:

We can talk on AIM to discuss about it. ;)

EDIT: Not Friday for next Bi, for my vote. :p


Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2005
NAZN TYR said:
ken, mana, arash, tavo, and i'm forgetting the last one, and it's not dsf,neo,isai, or hugo....

it's a crew dude, not the actual top 5 people... which some of the people you listed wouldn'tbe in...
ok so maybe hugo slipped up but dsf,neo and isai arent in the top 5 in general, really, if no one will agree with me then i must be wrong. my bad.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 27, 2005
The OC
yes, you are wrong. your bad indeed.

edit: that was pretty mean of me... i'm pretty sure the general attitude for top 5 is ken, isai, azen, chu and... someone else...


Smash Champion
Aug 16, 2004
there's a biweekly on saturday (12/24).

I think the one near new years is just a different one.


Smash Lord
Dec 28, 2003
*******es (lol) theres one this weekend and next i believe it's clear to see it.

anyways i'll only go if Azeem or Edreese go like always


Smash Journeyman
Jul 27, 2005
The OC
well he said, hugo, dsf, and wes afterwards..

and the 5th spot is debated, chillin + hugo's list is just their personal oppinions... all i know that it's generally agreed upon who the top 4 is, not top 5


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2005
i dont believe he said wes and it is top 4 who is set well in stone but neo did place 2nd and win teams at the most recent mlg


Smash Journeyman
Jul 27, 2005
The OC
well he did say "i saw the vid of wes and hugo so unless you can show me a vid that proves otherwise" and then he edited his post...

but anyways, i'm over this man


Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2005
NAZN TYR said:
well he did say "i saw the vid of wes and hugo so unless you can show me a vid that proves otherwise" and then he edited his post...

but anyways, i'm over this man
yeah sorry bout bringin in wes i was conversing wit someone else on a dif thread at the same time and i got mixed up.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2004
Mike, I might be able to come tomorrow with Hugo, Gabe, and Jose. I was wondering if I have to bring an "extra item," since I saw something about out of state atendees not needing it. I was just planning on buying 3 pizzas for the 5-5-5 deal at Dominoes. Just wanted to run it by you first.

Edited from earlier: I thought Neal was going to be driving. Supposedly he's not going at all now, so, never mind on that; Jose will be the one giving us a ride if we go.


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county
oh wow

this bi weekly was a blast, so many hard people etc,but it was fun. I would like to thank everyone who brought something and those who came. Sorry if you had a hard bracket it was pretty tough. I mean like omar got mike monkey first round etc.

Also hope to see u all this saturday later.


Smash Lord
Dec 28, 2003
what a great bi weekly I had so much fun and I"m glad to retain my title of 2005 for gettign no lower then 5th at every cali tourny i been too it's been fun guys. what a good year lotsa intense things have happend I think Omars shown the most improvement outa all the socal smashers I believe. even though he lives in AZ now I still consider him a fine socal player, and he's shown the most improvement to me at least.

MikeMonkey-your DKs to muuuuuch i had you I thought but yeah it was really fun chilling with you agani your like the coolest smasher I"ve ever met and i had LOTSA fun playing you all our random matchs i wish we could play more often, but was really fun hangin out with you again thanks for coming and make that day as fun as it was.

Vidjogamer(Jesse)-WTF I hate you but your my hero your to good man next time hopefully, it was really fun playing you i don't know why i lost wtf your effin vidjogamer oh well it was a blast chillin with you again

Jim-the guy i fought first, sorry i went fox you beat my DK and i was angery at that oh well next time

Inks-sorry i had ot beat you i just wanted vidjo so badly! it was fun playing you again we need to play more often hopefulyl i'll go up there sometime

Mike-man i just had ot win i had ot fight vidjo gamer again like i said, it was REALLY close I just had to give you a Deep SoCal Spiecal did it taste any good? thanks for the gift things though I reall appericate it maybe i can stop by sometime next year oh well takl to you lata bro

Champ-HAHAHAHAHA to much fun i can't believe you almost took me out again TOO GOOD WITHT HE CHAMP COMBOS

Ken-wtf man your to good still I do everything aniki does i'll gety ou next time everytime i go ot a tourny i gwet alot beter ;)

Hugo-LOL I win again with Falco, sorry i had ot take the TV for me vs mikemonkey we just needed it, but yeah it was fun chillin again to funny with your **** talkin, me and the rest of the crew needa go up there and beat on yall some more lolz see you next time.

Omar-bill? haha to funny man it'sd been a great time spending all these recent days with you, since we don't see each other to often nowadays =(. but yeah man your so good now it's crazyyyyyy i'll see you in Az though hopefully

Gabe-I love the way you ****ing buster out laughing at the most random things it's great cause you dno't give a **** ti's just funny and i love that. to bad we didn't play next time or when we go up there hopefulyl lol.

Wolf-wtf where were you?

Thomasexy- =( sorry you got double eliminated thats just lame, we didnr play either =( but still i se you be playin Zelda noqw its tight see you next time bro though

thanks Ken and Mike for hosting a awsome bi weekly lotsa food and eveything reall fun and MERRY CHRSTMAS TO ALLLL


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2003
Culver City, CA
Sorry guys. Minutes before me and my ride were about to head out, a family friend get's a kidney stone and is sent to the local kaiser permanente. My ride (being my mum. >.>) said going to westminister was a no.=(!

Oh well, I hope everyone had fun. xP!

Edit: Say, who here got KH2? Cause I did! :):):):) I also got Jump Super Stars, but I totally blow right now...so don't ask, ken! xD!!!!!!! jk maybe the next time i go to a biweekly then i'll bring it :D~


Smash Journeyman
Jul 27, 2005
The OC
freaking great biweekly. too much food, mike. everyone got owned... how's the 2 feet of leftover sub?


Smash Lord
Aug 25, 2003
Irvine, CA
ganon's dreamland 64

this was seriously too good to be missed

a special thanks to the hoang family, always opening your house to random strangers and helping socal stay good at smash... i'd hate to even imagine how it would be without you guys:)

caotic - always good to see another bowser (btw love your accent).. hope you enjoy socal

omar - **** you and your needles... nah seriously you're freaking good, bill would be proud

trevyn - rofl your roy beat my bowser at last... i guess trevyn really has a roy after all

hirsine - every time i play you you get better... i better watch out next time!

champ - as if the champ combo wasn't enough, you had to reverse champ combo me too... i have nightmares now:(

azeem - wtf we live in the same city and never play each other... how sad. was awesome seeing you again

edrees - the man at mkds... i'd like to see you vs ultraluigi some day

team nazn - you guys are getting better, but no amount of skill can take the DK/bowser super edgeguard:)

mikemonkey - ganon > jiggly... imma learn ganon just to prove it to you

vidjo - i still can't believe i got mewtwo spiked.. we oughta go to black star cemetery now that it's not christmas morning anymore:)

dan - too good winning holdem.. my pocket 4s will get their revenge :chuckle:

thomas - gets the award for coolest smasher:)

happy birthday to jenny, and happy holidays to all


Smash Champion
Aug 16, 2004
This is probably the hardest biweekly this year since only good people were there.

Thank you to Mikemonkey and Vidjo for coming over, and let us play you guys.

Thank you to the Hoang family for holding this great biweekly. You guys are too good.

Azeem - You try to spike everything man. Us teaming did pretty good except we keep having random suicides haha. I still haven't play you in a tourney yet.

Edreese - I don't think I even paly you once there besides team. Oh well there's always next time. I hope you learn new tips from vidjo so you'll be better than ever.

Trevyn - Dude you got Champ Combo from 0 to death hahahaha. Still you beat me though but they were fun matches. But yeah your falco is too fast for me. Once I learn how to fight falcos then I'll beat your falco next time. Trevyn = Semi Aniki???

Hugo - I didn't get to play you, and you left so soon. You were going crazy with the food though haha. Trying to stuff yourself as much as you can. Good stuff Hugo.

Inks - Nice seeing you again, but how come you didn't eat anything? You're already skinny as you are man n_n

Omar - Dang it we didn't get to finish the set so I'm going to say we're even until next time. Well I know you're better than me but still. We're even =p

Gabe - OMG that pokefloats stage was scary! I though I was going to lose already when I fall through that seal x_x. Also your fox was owning me so bad. I just got that lucky forward smash for the win. Gabe is too good.

Caotic - Your accent is so awsome. I could understand some, and I couldn't understand some. Too bad you couldn't stay all the way, but from what I saw you were pretty good. 2nd place is Aussie torney right? Too good Caotic.

Thomas - Your Zelda is getting better and better slowly. It's going to be come deadly soon. Nice seeing you, and I thought you would be that kind of person who would play hold em haha

Mikemonkey - I didn't ment for you to start trying in our matches. I was just playing for fun but sometimes I make a "deep socal comeback" without knowing. You are a really good player, and I hope you come back again.

Vidjo - Your peach is too good. So is your other characters. Chaingrabbbing with pikachu on fox? Toooooo goood. Well you were a really nice guys, and I hope you come back again too. I'll be cheering for you too now in other tournaments.

Hnr - I didn't get to play you but I'm assuming you are getting better. I hope your fox surpasses mine soon because I'm going to use Link soon n_n. We need a new fox to be fear of right?

Tyr - Watch out for the boomerang! Haha our matches was fun right? If you were annoy by it then sorry. I didn't meant to do it on purpose but you pick rainbow cruise! Haha anyways good time playing, and I hope you get better.

Hirsine - It seems that everytime we team we do so well huh? You are getting a lot better as time passes and before you know it you'll have a killer Samus/Peach like Hugs/Vidjo right? Keep up the good work man.

Helen's friends - I didn't get to play you guys but you seem good. Come again next time and we'll paly for sure.

Dan - The poker king. You were bullying people around haha but it's all good. I'm guessing you won the poker from instinct. Ofcourse if I were to continue playing then I would win =)

Chris - I already forgot waht that chocolate was call... but it was tooooooooooooo good. That's the first time I actually like eating dark chocolate. Marshmellow with dark chocolate eh. Thanks for the chocolate again.

Jenny - You should have play poker with us because your face would so throw me off haha. Thanks for hosting this biweekly, and you were a big help in organizing it too. Also I also ahve to agreed with Trevyn hehe.

Helen - Why am I always in your way??? Thanks for hosting this tournament, and make it a really good one. Maybe next time I'll purposely stand behind you so I can tell you that you're in MY way haha. Thanks again.

Arash - Green greens is mine haha. Your falco don't listen to you because you always beat him up with bowser =). If you didn't pick mute city then things might have been different. Good games anyways, and I love the way you speak in poker. 3RD person rocks.

Mike - Tooooooo much food. You were asking me if I want more but I already got 4 stocked hahaha. Thanks for hosting this, and I'll get you that jamba once I come over. I never drank one before so I'll try it out too. Thanks again.

Ken - I hope you aren't sick anymore because you didn't sound so good. Ofcourse after a bit of melee you sound better haha. Yes yes you beat me on green greens=(. I don't understand why I can't do Champ Combo on you but I can do it on anybody! Haha you and your Ken Combo.... too good. Well thanks for hosting this biweekly, and let us come in to your house and trash the place... I mean smash haha. Thanks again.

Champ - Dude your Champ Combo is toooooooooooooooooooooo good!!!!

I think that was everyone, and I hope I didn't miss any1. Good stuff everyone, and hope to see you all at the 12/31 biweekly.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
I think that was everyone, and I hope I didn't miss any1. Good stuff everyone, and hope to see you all at the 12/31 biweekly.
You missed bye man, i guess you're just disrespecting him! ;)

Great tournament everyone!! I'd also like to thank the Hoang family for opening their place on Christmas eve for a blast!

Everyone at the tourny was good and i really had a lot of fun at this one too, probably the best one i've been to as well. Unfortunately I can't come Saturday because i'll be out of town, but thankfully even when school starts I can make more bi weeklies this upcoming quarter because I have alot more free time! So see you guys next time around.


ken combo
Nov 26, 2002
chu dat will be at the biweekly on the 31st of December

he couldn't make the special one so he will be here on the 31st i hope everyone can make it


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2004
Chino, CA
I'm sorry I was so whiney and running my mouth all day long. Listen, I probably won't go to the next bi-weekly. I'm really depressed right now. I was dating this girl for 5 months and I asked her out on Christmas and she said no. So I'm just really hurt right now and I really don't want to deal with the stress of another tournament right now. Sorry.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2005
Knotting Falls, Linistar
Wow! That was a great biweekly! Now I wonder how much food is left......... :hunger: :hunger: :hunger: :hunger: :hunger: :hunger:

My controller is fine now, just that I hope the left spring doesn't screw up again. :evil:

And I what observed is that whenever I win 1 match against Arash or Gabe is that because the stage is Onett with Peach.(or in this case with Arash this Bi, Samus) Also, I do well on Rainbow Cruise on a Team match.
Why do well? I can think more effectively and umm........CAMP! :rotfl: But seriously, I just need more mindgame experience, so that I can deal with tight-knit stages like Fountain of Dreams, FD, Pokemon Stadium and all those boring stages :tired: ...................................................


Vidjogamer- Nice meeting you. I have a short attention span when I'm not playing smash. :roll:

Caotic- We did good in teams. I wish we had a 1 on 1. Maybe next time ;)(or maybe we did? :dizzy: )

Champ- Green Greens! Man, that stage makes you win everytime. We do well on teams, But I gotta stop bein Peach, Dsmash is too cheap :psycho:

Ken- I hope you get better from being sick. I wasn't expecting the 1st Team match to be you and Mike Monkey, I guess stuff like this happens in a tournament. :laugh:

ThomasSexy and Helen- I didn't expect Helen to pick Ice Climbers, which is my weakness, but I do get over it once I do alot more ICS. Great job being on a team!

Arash- Pichu Masta! I still need to overcome your F-air & Up-b. One day, I will become a great Pichu!

Gabe- Danggg freaken stare downs with the mindgames :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Hugo- WHAT!?!?!? I thought you were suppose to eat everything on the table was legendary :cry: lol still want a match each time we meet :)

Well, I can't really think what else I can think, I have a DS know and Mario Kart.
Would like to know were the best place to get Jump Superstars even if I can't read Japanese.

See you next Bi weekly

EDIT: oops! I was suppose to say ":( my heart goes to Sexy too!"


Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2004
Wow...my shoutouts just vanished into the oblivion that is smashboards...that always seems to happen...how lame...ANYWAY, as I was trying to say...

Thanks a million to the Hoang family for hosting the special bi-weekly on Christmas Eve. I had a great time. Mike, Ken, Helen, Jenny, thanks a bunch. It's been a while since I've been to a bi-weekly after moving, but it was just as fun as always, if not more so.

Well, first...as far as my tourny performance went...I got 4th, once again...I think I'm destined to get 4th no matter what I do, lol. Oh well, maybe I'll do better next time...

I didn't get any warmup matches when I arrived...we all went straight to eating, except for Jose; he didn't have any food =/. So...pretty soon it was time to start singles...and my first match of the day was against Mike Monkey. Man, I had no idea he was still that good, lol. His falcon is pretty fast on his feet, and I went down, 0-2. I was pretty startled, lol. Was it the Ken training, or just the Canadian touch? Lol, either way, good games.

So, I was out, 0-2 against Mike Monkey...quite a wake-up call. So, first match in losers, if I remember correctly, was against Azeem. Azeem's pretty good, and I definitely noticed improvement since last time we played, but, Hugo's given me too much samus training, and I took the match in the end. Regardless, good games Azeem. Next up, I had to play Edreas, who's Peach is pretty darn good. But, once again, Peach training from Wolf gave me the experience to secure the win. Edreas is definitely improving, however, and the matches were good.

Then, I had to play Hugo. Neither of us wanted to play the match, but, that's how things turned out. I don't know about him, but I gave all the concentration and effort I had in me. The matches were too intense, and way too close, but they fell in my favor in the end. It was a difficult match to play.

Next, I had to play Arash...I took the round on FD, and he counter picked with Mute City, finishing me off in the end with two rests. I proceeded to take him to Fountain of Dreams, and assault his jiggly with various sheik setups off the platforms (namely the needle cancel on platforms to run, and fast fall slap). That round was mine, and I took the victory, 2-1. Always a challenge playing Arash, since you gotta' stay on your feet if you want to avoid the fatal rests.

My wins came to an end after that, unfortunately, lol. Next up, I had to play Vidjo, a match that I wasn't worried about at first, since I usually fair well against Peaches. Vidjo wanted to play on FD, so, that's where we went first. Somehow, he managed to get 3 zombie turnips, which was scary as hell. Despite that, I managed to win. Vidjo pulled a little bit subtle planning at that point. He asked if I would concede to going to FD again, and I agreed. I should have asked what character he was going to pick, but, I didn't think he would switch from Peach to Fox. Although I usually play well against fox, I lost the match in the end. I chose FoD for the third round, and expected a good match...I was keeping things pretty even, but after I lost my second stock, with Vidjo in high percent on his third, I went for an edge guard at some point, and just before hitting him with a fair, he dropped a turnip which hit me, killing me at somewhere around 15 percent...at that point...it was my one stock to his three. Needless to say...I lost. Vidjo later told me that the turnip drop was intentional...very impressive, lol. I lost to some pretty cool dudes...both of them being the out of state guests. I would've liked to have done better, but, I guess I'll have to settle for fourth this time. Good games Vidjo.

SO, that's that, lol. Some shout outs now.

For the Hoangs:

Ken: Good seeing you again. Thanks for having us over. A shame I didn't get to play you. But, maybe next time I come down. Take care.

Mike: Nice to see you. Thanks for letting everyone come over on Christmas Eve for the special. We didn't get to play, but, maybe next time.

Helen: Helen's almost as tall as I am, lol. Great seeing you as always. See ya'.

Jenny: When we arrived, you weren't there, so, I was glad to see that you showed up later. It's been a while, but it was good seeing you. Take care.

Out of state guys:

Mike Monkey: OUCH...you beat my pretty bad dude, lol. Good matches anyway. It's been like a year since I last saw you...I think the last time was the special bi-weekly on New Years Eve. Good seeing you; you're a really cool guy. Maybe we'll meet up again at a tourny, or something. Peace.

Vidjo: VIDJO GAHHHHHHHH you beat me, lol. You did it somehow, hahah. Nah, seriously though, you're pretty good man. I was impressed with that turnip drop. That alone was enough to secure the match. Your Peach knowledge and technique is pretty refined. WOW, 3 zombie turnips in one match though (FD)? That was some crazy stuff. A shame I didn't stay longer, or we could've played some more matches, and chilled or something. Oh well, maybe I'll see you at the next big OOS tourny. Take care man, and good games.

Edreas: EDREASSSS, you're a really nice guy, and your Peach is equally nice, lol. We had some good matches, and some fun friendlies. You got me in a couple of them, finally, huh? Lol. OH, you said that was the first time you ever beat me in a match, but remember that one bi-weekly where you beat me on Dream Land? That was the first time, lol. Either way, good to see you again.

Azeem: Azeem! **** man, too bad I don't like in CA anymore. We could do some more smashing. Ah well. Your samus is pretty intense, lol. I hope you still practice, 'cause I think you got potential. Good matches man. Peace.

Trevyn: Trevyn, you gotta' be like, one of the coolest dudes ever. You're too crazy. And you give your tourny matches away! You're like, "I'm ****** this fool, but, I think I'll stop." You got the power to win man, I know you do. YOU know you do. That Link is a force to be reckoned with, that's for sure. See you around some time, hopefully, huh? We gotta' hang out more. Peace out dude.

Thomas Sexy: Thomas, we didn't get to play, but, I'm sorry to hear that you didn't fair too well in the tourny. Better luck next time. Hey, you got girl trouble? That sucks man, lol. Hope things work out for you. Take care.

Hirsine: Nice meeting you...you're an interesting character, lol. A shame we didn't get to play. You probably don't even remember meeting me, but that's okay. I live far far as it is. o.O

To my crew: Fun as always. Best times at tournies are always with the crew, except when we have to play eachother, of course. Either way, it was fun going to NCT, and doing some smashing at Wolf's. Jose, glad you came to the bi-weekly. Haven't seen you in months, lol. Good times guys, hope to come back to Cali some time soon. Let's keep reppin' Superfriends like true champs, lol. Later guys.

I hope I didn't miss anyone. o.O But yeah, that's about it. Take care everyone.


Smash Champion
Aug 16, 2004
"Let's keep reppin' Superfriends like true CHAMPs, lol. Later guys."

Thanks for the shout out Omar hahahahahahahahha


Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2004
ROFL OMFG Champ you know what's funny about that. When I wrote, "like Champs," I accidently capitalized "Champs." I was like, "Whoops, lol, not THAT Champ. I already DID that shout out." Omg, so yeah Champ, I'm really sorry.

Champ: Champ, you're too cool. LOL Good playing you in NCT. I'm sure you'll be one of the emerging SoCal competitors, after what I've been hearing about your bi-weekly performance. You beat me in some matches, so I KNOW you're getting better, lol. You're a cool guy, and I hope to play you again soon. Ttyl man.


Smash Champion
Aug 16, 2004
BloodOfTheFallen said:
ROFL OMFG Champ you know what's funny about that. When I wrote, "like Champs," I accidently capitalized "Champs." I was like, "Whoops, lol, not THAT Champ. I already DID that shout out." Omg, so yeah Champ, I'm really sorry.

Champ: Champ, you're too cool. LOL Good playing you in NCT. I'm sure you'll be one of the emerging SoCal competitors, after what I've been hearing about your bi-weekly performance. You beat me in some matches, so I KNOW you're getting better, lol. You're a cool guy, and I hope to play you again soon. Ttyl man.
Omar is too funny haha. I got my own post heeeeeeeeeeeee n_n


Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2005
EdreesesPieces said:
You missed bye man, i guess you're just disrespecting him! ;)

Great tournament everyone!! I'd also like to thank the Hoang family for opening their place on Christmas eve for a blast!

Everyone at the tourny was good and i really had a lot of fun at this one too, probably the best one i've been to as well. Unfortunately I can't come Saturday because i'll be out of town, but thankfully even when school starts I can make more bi weeklies this upcoming quarter because I have alot more free time! So see you guys next time around.
hey man, what bout friday, i hope i see u at the smashfest tom. i could use great practice on fighting peach. and will azeem go?


Smash Cadet
Oct 5, 2005
Santa Ana, CA
I keep hearing Hoang Hoang Hoang... Thats my real first name! Woo!
Great Biweekly, i wish i could have stayed longer and sorry i couldnt say goodbye to everyone.
Great to meet new people and Caotic ..... Asian with an Aussie Accent?? o_O
haha.. good times... Have Fun Today!
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