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Westminster, May 5th Biweekly

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Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2004
Chino, CA
Ya know, Smash sounds like fun right now. I think I'll go. Could we please start on time this time? I don't want to get all cranky again. I'm sorry you had to see that side of me. But yeah, just don't ask me anything about my personal life and I'll be okay. I'm going to leave early though. I just don't want to deal with any stress today. Thanks. See ya all there!


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2004
Los Angeles (310)
well, late post but the biweekly was fun. I didn't eat with the rest of the people because i had already eaten lots of food at home and decided to just eat at the end.


Smash Cadet
May 29, 2005
LA California. Silver Lake...Its around griffith p
that was awesome

haha as always the biweekly was a lot of fun. thanks mike/ken/jenny/helen for hosting the biweekly on new years. it was awesome to see all of you again! your cat's haircut is awesome hahah. well once again thanks, and hope to see you all again sometime soon! happy new year!


Oct 29, 2004
Crrrappp =(

I wanted to meet Chu but I'm stuck in stoopid Mammoth Mountain... it's soo NOT worth it, LOL!

I hope ther'll be a next time - he's too cool. ^_^

"Caotic ..... Asian with an Aussie Accent?? o_O"
lol, I'm a freak in America - W00T!


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2003
Culver City, CA
OMFG hugs wth you made me play first in our crew vs. ken's crew 2nd round in crews...and if I had known that we weren't tracking characters then I wouldn't have used falco! ARGH! XD!!! That match was horrible; Chu 4 stocked me ;.;!!! sorry i couldn't get that extra life off of him. =/

keith: omg. i lost, no jonz. =/. next time tho...>=D!!!!

champ: so sorry you were tired man. shouldn't have stayed up playing mortal kombat all night...LOL!! sleepality~~~

andrew: Head shot!! LOL!!! we really should go to d-land! LOL!!

ken: lol...seems like everytime i play u something new happens. fox chaingrabbing falco on fd? i had completely forgotten about that >_<

chu: i'm cheap, *****. dealz with it mangz! thx for 4 stocking me btw. =/

hirsine: you keep killing me in teams! X_X!!

azeem: lol...got chu to 1 stock!!! gj!!! :D!!! sux u messed up against him in singles, tho. You'll get your chance next time ;D!

arash: wow, champ came really close to killing your puff! Might want to start up a fox counter =P!

tyr and hnr: team never win...lol...gj guys, ur betteing better XD!

everyone i missed: fun biweekly! :D!!

SMASH 2006!!!!!!! WOO!!!!


Smash Lord
Aug 25, 2003
Irvine, CA
hnmm, feels the same as 2005

this biweekly was really fun, you guys all helped make it so. a few memorable shoutouts:

chu - wtf mangz @ pulling that victory out of your *** at mario party 7... rofl:) don't worry you may be 3-7 in bowser dittos but i have a feeling i won't be so lucky next time

jenny - congrats on 1st in holdem

champ - that was seriously the best moment in crews.... CHAMP COMBO!

darkfire - i'm bringing mario kart next time, and you're going down:)

azeem - one of these days you'll wish you had samus's usmash

hugo - good ish putting chu in losers

thomas - what can i say? we're da boss

hirsine - japanese food is awesome eh?

team nazn - our matches get closer every time, i better watch my luck:)

crazy UCI kirby - dang dude i know i played you before but kirby still amazes me

mike - don't worry, we'll get them next time

helenz - sorry about what happened in teams, maybe next time you can get a better partner than chu?

ken - yoshi's story is a bowser stage

keith, andrew, and their friends - nice seeing you again

if i forgot anyone then i'll add it on, i'm not in the clearest mood right now:(


Smash Ace
Feb 25, 2005
Yay for shoutouts!

John: Thanks for being my partner man. Team Random had a good run. Too bad we had to fight Ken/Mike in the first round.

Hugo: How come you didn't want me on your crew man? I'm hurt. :-P

Azeem: We gotta play more this quarter man. I need to get better.
Arash said:
crazy UCI kirby - dang dude i know i played you before but kirby still amazes me
Heh thanks man. Hopefully one day my Kirby will be crazy enough to actually win a match in the singles tourney at a biweekly :-).

My "Crew": I hope you guys had fun in the crew battles. I know I did, although I thnk some more balanced teams could have been formed if we tried. Ah well.


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2004
Chino, CA
Fun night. I almost missed New Years because of how late we were out that night.

Oh yeah, let's not forget teams results:

1st Ken and Mike
2nd Arash and Thomas
3rd Hugs and Azeem
4th Chu and Helen


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2004
hey guys, sorry I missed the last one. I was looking ahead to see when the next biweekly was going to be and it is on January 14. There is also another tournament that same day held in san bernardino. I was wondering if you guys were still going to hold this on the same day move it earlier or later or something. Thanks.


Smash Rookie
Jan 1, 2006
marth trainning

sephirothken said:
chu dat will be at the biweekly on the 31st of December

he couldn't make the special one so he will be here on the 31st i hope everyone can make it
hey i heard your pretty good... could you give me some tips on how to use marth???


Smash Champion
Aug 16, 2004
My sleeping system is so off now -_-

My bad to everyone that I was not being active because I slept at like 9-10 am and wake up at 11am haha. Mortal kombat is too freaking good, and so is Mario party!

Every1 that I'm about to not mention >_< - Good stuff every1, and I hope to paly you all again. I was too sleepy to concentrate so I was really off.

Hugo - Nice seeing you again man. You were the last victim of Champ Combo haha. Good stuff on 3rd.

Azeem - Link will rule all once I get better with him. I need Trevyn practice or something. I still haven't played you in a tourney yet though so hopefully we will soon.

Dark Fire - I know you wanted to paly me but I was out of action though. I will play you next time though for sure. Also I couldn't tell if you improve cause I only saw u play vs Chu, and well you know what happen =)

Team International - You guys are getting better everytime I see you guys play. Hopefully you will all become a threat in Socal, and bring fear to everyone. Good stuff.

Arash - You got nothing on me in Hold Em Arash! We need to paly mroe though, and it was really fun hanging out with u till like 7am haha. Oh and get ready to be eaten out at Korean BBQ.

Thomas - Thanks for the miso soup, and I hope you had fun at karaoke. Good job on 2nd in teams.

John - Your falco is as crazy as ever. I think it's going to be unstoppable soon if you keep playing more.

Hnr/Tyr - You guys need to come up with team start instead of fighting 1v1. You can do it!

Hirsine - Thanks for the rpg site. So many history, and so much free time haha. Thanks again, and keep up with peach/samus.

Chu dat - N word chill haha. It was a blast hanging out with you. Thanks for the starbucks too. I think you never even won a duel in Mario Party when I was there haha. Nice try anyways. Freaking Ryu can't even beat Th with 7 to 3 stars haha. Hope to see you again soon, and have fun eating fast food.

Helen - Bubble brawl haha. I think I know how to beat you now maybe. It was fun staying there, and I can't believe u make me ate all those meat x_x You need to step it up on mario party, and 13 though. I heard u lost 10 bucks on 13 haha. Thanks for housing me.

Jenny - Poker seems like natural for you haha. So many good places to eat in 3 or 4 days T_T I hope you have fun, and hope to see you again. Freaking wario so fat haha.

Mike - Guile is so crazy in SF2. I can't believe that jab grab work. I had a blast staying with you guys, and thanks a lot for housing me. We beat mortal kombat in one day so that's a big accomplishment haha. Freaking stupid hammer thing. I hope to go there again soon so we can play more. Maybe I'll borrow my friend's multi tap so we can paly gauntlet seven sorrows.

Ken - 1st best in tournament fighters? That tactic is too freaking good!!! Dragon ball Gt is crazy also. The combo in there is like 0 to death or something. Frieza is so strong there! I think you are probably the best button masher I ever know except maybe one of my friend but we'll see. I would love to see a battle of that or something. I still wish we had popeyes though since it's the best ever. I don't really understand whats marinated mean but I need to try it out. Sorry that the price was wrong but it's usually 11. I'll see you again soon hopefully, and maybe try to take away your tournament fighters title!

Thank you Hoang family for housing me, and you guys are the best ever.


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2003
Culver City, CA
Charoo said:
Dark Fire - I know you wanted to paly me but I was out of action though. I will play you next time though for sure. Also I couldn't tell if you improve cause I only saw u play vs Chu, and well you know what happen =).
Ice Climbers vs. Falco on FoD. Ice Climbers win =/


ken combo
Nov 26, 2002
yea sorry, Im going to reschedule the biweekly on the 14th due to the fact it's on the same day as the San Berdindino tournament.


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2005
San Bernardino/pomona
sephirothken said:
yea sorry, Im going to reschedule the biweekly on the 14th due to the fact it's on the same day as the San Berdindino tournament.
thanks ken, i dont know if luigi (evilnemesis) knows about you bumping the date but im sure he greatly appreciates it. I kinda help him host the tourny and he always try's to schedule a tourny on a sat. between a bi-weekly, so he was concerned about both being on the same day 14th. Good looking out man, West coast looking out for each other...
So does this mean we'll be seeing your presense at the tourny again? lol

But yeah, i recall your brother inviting us to bi-weekly's and i said it was too far, and he said "well we came to this one" and he's right, and you doing this even emphasis's the point more that we should all look after each other. that being said, if work permits me i, along with luigi, will attend the 21 (if not, then 28) bi-weekly. I was willing to go on the 31 but something came up with luigi.

Thanks again


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2005
San Bernardino/Riverside, California
Good stuff Ken, thanks for rescheduling. I originally put the tourney on the 14th cuz I saw that you didn't have a biweekly this day. But I guess something came up with you and you move it to this day. But I'm glad you reschedule, Thanks.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2005
Dude sadisticbore bring your crew to my area on wednesday. itll be fun. ill get some of my boys down to smash itll be good for sure. bring pat and jay, i think youre the samus player from san bernan. but i forget your name my bad dude. hit me up. **** anyone else who wants to smash in irvine let me know well get it set up for sure i am willing to play with any outside comp.


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2004
Chino, CA
Hey everyone! Well, I'm going to be out of action until the end of February or beginning of March. I'm saving to buy a new car. Let's just leave it at that.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2005
StuperDuperMan said:
Dude sadisticbore bring your crew to my area on wednesday. itll be fun. ill get some of my boys down to smash itll be good for sure. bring pat and jay, i think youre the samus player from san bernan. but i forget your name my bad dude. hit me up. **** anyone else who wants to smash in irvine let me know well get it set up for sure i am willing to play with any outside comp.
hey i am jay, but if u didnt c my sig, im in the 760 area, but f we c u at sb we can do crew battles of whatever sounds cool.

by the way(pat=marth,trey=peach,jay=samus and ryan=roy).my crew.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 4, 2005
Reseda, California
sephirothken said:
yea sorry, Im going to reschedule the biweekly on the 14th due to the fact it's on the same day as the San Berdindino tournament.
hmmm so the udated biweekly is on the 21st right? I might be able to attend that one, not so sure yet though. By the way, are you guys gonna host crew battles on that day? or is it just singles and doubles?


Smash Cadet
Nov 23, 2005
Buena Park, CA

Hey everyone, I'm hoping to make it on the 21st, I didn't get to go to the last one due to technical isses =/ So I still don't know how I compare to people yet (Keep in mind that I've never been to a smash tourny before, lol). So yeah look for me there, I'll be using Luigi and maybe Marth, but I'm sure everyone knows how to pwn Marth by now, since he's to SSBM as Magneto is to MVC2 :p


ken combo
Nov 26, 2002
AlphaMetroid said:
hmmm so the udated biweekly is on the 21st right? I might be able to attend that one, not so sure yet though. By the way, are you guys gonna host crew battles on that day? or is it just singles and doubles?

heres the thing if you guys want more time for free play/ crew battles then we are going to need some help with people bringing extra TV's. It just all depends on Time.

help bring cubes/tv's and it shouldn't last more than 3 hours!!


Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2005
araknophobik said:
lol we gotta make sure ryan and jay are seated next to each other...and ryan talks...and jay listens...while playing...
hey **** u guys, it really disturbs me and i could have gotten another stock of luigi if them ****** wasnt talkin, but mostly ryan.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 4, 2005
Reseda, California
sephirothken said:
heres the thing if you guys want more time for free play/ crew battles then we are going to need some help with people bringing extra TV's. It just all depends on Time.

help bring cubes/tv's and it shouldn't last more than 3 hours!!
hmmm.. i see. Well if i do attend the 21st one(which is still undecided) then I'll be happy to bring a Tv plus a cube.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2005

hey man sorry we couldnt make it down there TREY(or as u call him PATS BROTHER) had a date.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2005
yeah i never called him pats brother. i may have said pats bro, but that doesnt mean its pats blood brother. thanks for the flame.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2005
StuperDuperMan said:
yeah i never called him pats brother. i may have said pats bro, but that doesnt mean its pats blood brother. thanks for the flame.
my bad, pat and i interpreted it as that, its alright it is not a big deal, we just turned it into racism, and we happen to find it very funny.


Smash Rookie
Jan 14, 2006
Long beach

Im new to the boards and new to the area. I'm planning on being there one the 21st i can bring a cube but probably not a tv.


ken combo
Nov 26, 2002
cool always looking foward to seeing new smashers and to see them progress too.

Cao try to come, i want to get in some matches with you, i couldn't last time since i was too busy with organizing and stuff at the special one. This time for sure!

nothing like playing a Viet guy with an australian accent!

Edit: Remember guys, the More TV's people bring, the MORE free play we will have and a chance to have CREW BATTLES (i know everyone loves those).
Also a chance for me to see your game and see what you need to improve on~ ;)
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