Big Shot Bob

Son, Strata...don't even worry about it. I'm not even doing any real work on this yet. The work begins once we get the venue and announce dates. x_x
Okay, so here's what I'm thinking...
Looks like we've got this thing split between UB's campus and RIT's campus.
I'm gonna update my previous post with any details concerning either place.
RIT has the Student-Alumni Union that we can use.
UB has the Student Union that we can use.
Tim, I don't think you and Alexi are students there yet, and I'm SURE there's some kind of process to go through as far as reserving the room or something like that. If you've got access to the campus resources, however, look into it for the next couple of days, please, and see what's available to you. I'm talking rooms and even equipment (TVs, mainly). You'd be surprised at what you can find if you dig hard enough. ^_^
I am also requesting that the MIGHTY PHILL COLINS also check up on these very same things (with Tim, if possible). Since you're a student there already (at least, I'm under that impression), then that can hopefully legitimize whatever issues Tim might face if he does, indeed, find things for us to use.
I don't mind this thing at all being at UB. It might actually seem like I'm pro-RIT, and I am simply because of the fact that I won't need a ride own place. o_o However, if, while we're all bringing updates to this thread, you guys feel that UB is the place, then SO BE IT. As long as we can Smash SOMEWHERE, then it's all good. If it's at UB, I won't have as much of a hand in the planning, too, so I hope Tim, Alexi, and Phill are on point. ^_^
However, if it's at RIT, I can't promise anything for summer. The earliest I can get something off the ground is September 10th, the weekend after fall classes begin here. Someone let me know when your different schools begin their fall classes, so I can put all this in perspective.
As far as people go, there are a decent number of Smashers here over summer, actually. Counting me, and the others I know...that's about...5 to 7 people. I say 5 to 7 because while they do play Smash, they may not come, so seven is the maximum, and 5 is my guess for those who would come regardless. When school hits, I can probably double or triple that number easily. Actually, the majority of attendees might be RIT smashers if I can advertise correctly. The number might also drop if its being held somewhere else, though. Same for any group on any campus.
As far as money prizes, I'll definately have to check into it.
Hmmm...I think that's all I had to say. So, here's the first thing we have to do. I'ma do some research for RIT stuffs. I need as many people as possible to research things at other places. If you want this at UB, look into UB resources. If you want this at Cyberjocks (I know Tim is a fan of the place), then research things there. If we could all update within a week from now, that would be PHENOMENAL. We could then vote on a location and move from there. I don't think you guys would understand how much progress we would have made if we got to vote in two weeks. Step it up, ladies, and we will definately be seeing the Battle For Western New York in no time. ^_~
P.S. - If you're ever wondering how I'm going as far as updates are concerned and can't be bothered to filter through the thread once this moves on to the next page or so, bookmark my post #529 (clicking on the number yields the solitary post) so you can always refer to it instantly. Put it in your AIM profile or something...get us some free advertising. If you're ever in doubt, check that post, but don't be so lazy where you can't filter through the thred for more info. ^_~