Hi, I'm ¤TreK, and I'm from France.
Smash and Frag's my clan, it has been created in summer '08 by Jox and Flash. It grew fast, it became France's best online clan in a few months, but we suddenly lost most of our tops in the first winter of '09 (Sunset, Jox, Flash, Irios,...). The dedication of everyone that was left to stay at the top made us gather other top players, and after almost two years, we're finally back at the top ; be it online (more than 30 clan wars won in a row by now), or offline (several players place top ten at nationnal scaled tournaments).
To celebrate that great team, we decided to make a combo video back in September. It took some time, but it's here.
Here's the link :
Here's our boards's link if you want to contact us (we'll change soon, our host added adds everywhere a few days ago)
Enjoy, and see you around =D
Smash and Frag's my clan, it has been created in summer '08 by Jox and Flash. It grew fast, it became France's best online clan in a few months, but we suddenly lost most of our tops in the first winter of '09 (Sunset, Jox, Flash, Irios,...). The dedication of everyone that was left to stay at the top made us gather other top players, and after almost two years, we're finally back at the top ; be it online (more than 30 clan wars won in a row by now), or offline (several players place top ten at nationnal scaled tournaments).
To celebrate that great team, we decided to make a combo video back in September. It took some time, but it's here.
Here's the link :
Here's our boards's link if you want to contact us (we'll change soon, our host added adds everywhere a few days ago)
Enjoy, and see you around =D