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Weekly Smashfests In South Carolina: Not so weekly Jan 3rd fest


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2005
Greenville, South Carolina
Recording Matches

Hey guys, I just thought I'd throw this out into the open. I mentioned my camcorder earlier, but allow me to go into further detail.

Basically, I can record any match you'd like me to :D. So, if you'd like to record your match with somebody, may it be a friendly, Money Match, or tourney match, feel free to come up to me and ask if I can record the match for you.

I'm trying to collect a decent amount of videos here so I can promote the SC Smash community on youtube. Because honestly, I don't see hardly any videos of us out there, lol xD. I know we aren't exactly California good but I'd still like to see some material up there for the heck of it. :).

If you want a match recorded, just shout " HOLYMARF" or "KIDD". I'll be the guy in the Super Mushroom hat.

Note- Teams and Singles Finals will be recorded.

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
I am so psyched for this tournament thing stuff. Gonna get ***** but it's okay

if anyone needs a team-mate Skye and John BOXR both might need one... still dunno if either can go, and they might team with each other (or not at all) just curious if there are any options for em


Smash Ace
May 7, 2007
Planet Earth
So is 112 going to this Carter?
And I vote if we have over 15 people we do a bracket of course.
But if we have under 15 to make it faster we should.
do 3 pools of 5 each or however many people and the top 2 of each pool go to a bracket with the 2 people that had the best score over all getting the byes. I think it would go faster...

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Alright guys, got back from PA with no comps, but I'm not outta practice. NC may just surprise you guys at this thing(dude Holymarth, get that friggin camcorder ready!) I'm so psyched for this thing!!!! Oh yeah, Scha, when is the earliest we can arrive?


Smash Ace
May 7, 2007
Planet Earth
So 112 and Carter are coming and teaming
Tbag and Fullmetal are teaming
And im teaming with scha!
and we are coming tomorrow see al at 1:00!!

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
First, thanks to Scha for lettin me come and have fun with you guys! Aside from apologizing to Malk(my bad man, not like I didn't try...), it's NC custom to give shoutouts. So, here I go:
YOSHIDO: I love it that you can stick to Yoshi dude! I think he has some of the most potential of the low-tiers, and you are showin it. Good stuff.
Holymarth: Thanks for handing me the titile of "Carolina Mario!!!". Loved hanging with you, loved the hat, and I never knew Mario Kart could be played like that, so much fun.
Full Metal: I've watched your Marth in vids, but playin it was somethin else! I wish I'd had more time to play you, I need the Marth lessons!
TRC: You're way cooler and tougher than I had expected of you or anyone lse I had come to see in SC, maybe I'll get to strike the Ginyu Force pose with you next time lol. You're right, we do need to play again. Can't wait.
Soft: What can I say, you're a cool dude. You were willing to work with Twitch and I on some moves, and we all had fun playin. Lucky I couldn't beat Yayuhz, I wouldn've loved to have a tourney game with ya.
Tbag: Just another beast Georgia smasher, cept you took me out of the tourney. Your Sheik and Peach are unreal. We've gotta play again sometime, maybe I can make it to Georgia again before Brawl.
Yayuhz: You friggin SC beast! I swear, if I could play my Marth in our matches like the way I played him in our friendly, I'd have finally won some money at a tourney! I didn't mind lsing to you, though, you play really well. I'll have to come see you again, Twitch says he wants to play ya too.
Carter: Don't know much bout you cept that you see right through everything I try to do when I play you. It's amazing to watch guys like you play, hope we can smash again soon cuz.
Everyone else: Thanks for being there and playing with me. Hope to see you guys at other tournies!
SC + Georgia smash= too good!


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2004
Waukegan, IL
Great tournament scha, your house is amazing. And you ran everything so smoothly. Sorry i sucked balls today, but i still had alot of fun. Your Doc is too cool. Nice captian too.

Yay- OMG your amazing lol. Had lots of fun watchin man. I swear when you grabed marth out of his up b, I had an eyegasm in the middle of my match.

TRC- Thanks for the ride man. I had so much fun.

Nice- woot go dan. i think we did a pretty good job for the first time in teams. www.focusmixtapes.com lol

Boxr- amazing john. you always pwn. that was a pretty intense match we had. 180 lasers lol. Then turns out we werent even saposed to face each other. lol

Kerry- It was fun playin lol i swear you looked like jesus.

Drpee pee- It was alot of fun playin ya. Your amazing. wish we could have played a little more. Oh and tell your lil bro he's amazing too.

112- it was fun fighting ya.

Soft- your an amazing teamate. When you saved him from below. I was like omg lol. An jiggs is beastly lol.

Holymarth- i love, and hate you. Grr im so mad I lost. But you played well man. Oh and I love your hat.

Franklin- I had alot fun playin ya man


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2006
Raleigh, NC
lol TRC are you serious?
I remember you from munkaids
someone that goes that far back with the real nc community going to get pissed about some ****ing smash drama?

what a *****


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2005
Tarboro, NC &lt;CREW YGO&gt;
Dr. peepee you gotta show some respect man. Just to settle it for you though, you are lucky to have gotten the same place as TRC, he is good. and unless he has fallen off completly from the last time i played him I would say he was better than you :) no offense of course, but I mean really TRC beat me before and I'm just that **** good :)

Good **** yay. I love you....... <3

EDIT - malk you got mad over some d_shep shiz i dont wanna hear it lolz. These young smashers just think they are better then they really are :/

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
True enough that I'm much more upset than I'd like to be. Thanks for the kind words Pac. I am really gonna miss not being able to see you at Scha's thing coming up.

the problem isn't that we only played 2 warm up matches at the start of the tourney, it's that I constantly said "we need to play some more" and he practically ignored me the whole time, and opted to play Yay more instead of playing me when he had to go. it's like he didn't want to play me. and sorry, but I put a lot of effort into smash, and when someone thinks it's "FUNNY" that I get 5th place it's just kinda like "wtf mate" and upsets me.

PS : is it funny me and Yay got 2nd in teams too? or was that just cause Yay is so good? I just hate feeling so undermined.

once again : I love Pac


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2006
Lawrenceville , GA
TRC is VERY underrated.

I can tell you, because I didn't lose to ANYONE ALL DAY at this smashfest except for Carter, Yayuhzz, and TRC.
TRC even put me out of brackets, and if you still don't think that says anything for his skill,
I suggest you MM me this coming thursday and find out for yourself!

Great matches to everyone I played, had a lot of fun, I think I'll be back for the next one this thursday.


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2006
Raleigh, NC
Good point D Shep pwns me

It's just DRPP has a ton of love for everyone, he just says dumb things sometime. I just think you should be aware, he is obsessed with power rankings, he's still a nice guy.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Ohhh man, I'm so sorry dude. I didn't mean for it to be taken like that, honest. You're absolutely right, I didn't play your best characters, so I have no right to really say that, it was very stupid of me. I guess I really didn't think about what I was saying, and you have every right to be ticked off at me. As for the places, there's no way for me to know how I really compare to you because I never played your best. I hope you won't hold what I said against me, I really just wanna be friends.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2005
Greenville, South Carolina

About the Mario Match- Dr.PeePee beat me in the Mario Ditto. Oh well though, I can't say I didn't give it my best shot. Just gotta work on that grab game more, because he seriously out grabbed me. And you know it's something I've been working on, but I always say I'll really try to fix it, but I never do, lol.

Dr.PeePee- Congrats on our matches, you truly earned my title, haha. I'm afraid next time we play, I'm going to have to take it back, you hear? After all, WHO HAS THE **** HAT

TRC- You're just too good for me to handle, that Captain Falcon just went to TOWN on me. Guess that's what I get for somehow stopping it last smashfest xD. You and Yay are the coolest kids I know in the SC Smash community. Now that I see the drive to your house isn't so bad, I'll see if I can visit you more often, okay? I need to train with the best if I'm going to climb up on those power rankings. And if not we can play SSBB to our hearts content.

FullMetal- Fun friendlies man, I wish I could have had a serious tournament match with you though...guess I'll give that a shot next time you come :D.

T-Bag- I didn't play you this time, but you're still cool as anything. Thanks for coming =).

Mog112- Luigi? DK? Come on now I know those aren't your characters... why didn't you give me your best shot?

Yoshido- Hey man, just so you know, our matches were really intense for me. That Yoshi is one crazy yoshi, and I was one lucky guy to pull out the tournament match against you. You beat me before the match, and I beat you in the tournament, so I'll put us as "equal", aight? PS. I'll try to find you a yoshi plushie.

Carter- BLARGH your fox is too fast for me, ate me up faster than a starving 3rd World Child eats a ****ed big kid's meal, ROFL. Seriously though, good stuff, and I DO look forward to a rematch sometime in the future.

Yay- You're Yay, the legend. I love you. Nuff said.

John/Niceness- Good matches to both of you, hopefully I can come down to columbia to train with you guys sometime. It was a blast seeing you guys again after such a long time.

Scha- Thank you for hosting this smashfest. You're chill as anything, and I'll see if I can enter singles on Jan 3rd, though I can't promise anything.

Soft- Your Jigglypuff inspires me to work on my own. It was very nice of you to show me some of your tricks, and I appreciate the advice you gave me, especially on the WoP.

I'll just keep on using Mario, no matter what. Hopefully one day he'll be enough to do something amazing for me, like top three at a tournament, lol. It's tough but I can do it :D.

Edit- Sodas for a dollar made me sad. =(. Maybe for 75 cents, next time? :D

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
**** now I feel bad LOL

nah it's cool man I know how dumb the internet can be when you don't know what people mean, sorry I got so riled up about it. you were really nice and that's why it surprised me, but I see where you're coming from and all. and hey we ARE friends, got it!? I still haven't played your characters either (Falco and Marth) both looked like beasts to me

yay I'm happy, Holymarth is awesome. please come play me whenever.

I'm not really doing shoutouts cause of the thread I made almost covers everything. I might chip in some more later, my internet is being an *** >:|

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Hey, don't feel bad. I'm so stupid when it comes to saying stuff on the internet. I'm just glad you aren't so ticked at me anymore, cuz I was bout to start thinkin "well, guess I can't head out to SC ever again."

I've Jihad It

Smash Lord
Jul 29, 2006
Storrs, School of Architecture
i love SC + GA ... when i come back to the states i will try to go outstate to play people

whats up mog 112 + full metal ! i havent met carter yet lol.

actually , i'll house anyone who comes to NC .. with my small apartment sometime!

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
I might come see you Ali, I don't think we've ever actually sat down and played, which I regret, cause I remember your CF being a war god destroying all in it's path at Munkaid so long ago :o

perhaps me and Yay can head up there sometime and chill with you'z guys and LoZR

BUT WE HAVE TO GO SEE PAC TOO!!! I'm upset cause I can't see Pac this coming tourney cause... colonoscopy johns hahaha
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