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Weekly Smashfests In South Carolina: Not so weekly Jan 3rd fest

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Ali, I wanna be there too. Peter told me that he has informed you of my improvement, and I'd love to show you just how close our matches would be now.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
The 6th is when you get back right? I don't know if it'll be that weekend, but it will one in January, and it won't be the last weekend either. Psyched to get beasted again!


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2006
Greenville, SC (summer) West Chester, PA (school)
Alright I'll do my best to hit up these overdue shoutouts.

22nd date

Me- **** your pretty **** awesome I'm glad to know you.

Holymarf- Always nice to see you running around going crazy with that mario, you got alot better since the summer time

Juicebox- It's about time that you picked up sheik again the gayness with her out gays your marth any day.

Franklin- Freaking amazing stuff dude your play style is so random and great it is a pleasure to have played you. Also, thanks so much for teaming with me we rocked real hard for never playing together.

Jeff- Man you got a lot better since last time we played back during the summer time, and remember don't let any games make you think that you are not improving.

Skye- Holy crap man where did you come from. Seriously, we had some good games and you really surprised me with how well you did for not having any tournament experience. Wish you could have come to the 29th date but ohh well.

Steph- It was nice of you to come so that skye could show his stuff.

Soft- Holy crap I owe you so much for helping me out during this tournament. Even though I kid about how you just jump straight into the fray of running this thing but I really really appreciate the help during this.

James- Man, I don't think you are going to see this message mr. gamefaqs but I really enjoyed playing that falcon of yours it was just 2 good.

T- Bag- Such an amazing peach and it was really good to have the GA guys come and represent at this thing.

Full Metal- Hot **** that is some marth you have good sir. I really hope if you come to the Jan 3rd date so we can get in some more of those amazing friendlies. Also, thank you so much for doing the drive to my place and representing some of that GPC.

TRC- Man it is so good that see you again. As always you are such a ****ing beast. I am so glad that you were able to come to these smashfests. Don't know how else to put it but words cannot say how cool you are and I enjoy your company all the time.

Ryzol- Man I really liked having you guys come down for the first tournament, your counter picks were just 2 good.

Gudo- Sorry about killing nana so fast, just ice climbers scare me. But good stuff in teams and in our matchs. Hope to see you again.

Other Greenville smashers Jaffar, Alanzo, Lionel, ect. Man you guys need to come to more of these things. It is always nice to see new faces in the local smash community.

29th date

Carter- Holy crap that fox is scary as hell, pretty sure during our only friendly you were nice and sandbagged against me cause otherwise I don't know how that match went so decent for me. You are a true beast at the game and I am glad to have had you come and ****.

112- Sorry to see that you were not feeling very well at the tournament but you still ***** really hard in teams. Hope to see you at more tournaments in the future and actually get to play you sometime.

Boxr- Man I love playing your awkward characters, even if you don't like playing my doc at all :(. Either way you know I always have your back in any situation just remember that.

Yoshido- Zomg I ACTUALLY TOOK A GAME WITH MY DOC!!!!!! that yoshi is just **** scary all the time. Just remember chin up during any situation and placings only count if you had fun getting there. So in the future don't sweat the small stuff and keep that yoshi smiling.

Code Blue- Man it was wonderful seeing you again, your marth has really improved quite a bit since the last time we played. As always wonderful talking to you and I hope to chill with you in the future.

Dan- Didn't get to talk to you all that much or play many games against you :(. But that link of yours is pretty beast and gave me a run for my money. I really hope to see you again when I come and chill in Columbia in the future.

If I forgot anyone, as always, mad love and respect to you.


Smash Ace
May 7, 2007
Planet Earth
FullMetal+Tbag: yall guys are pretty good on teams. Thanks for taking me mike and paying for chickfile.
Carter: Your pretty good. Play me this week.
112: good stuff in teams. Singles?
SK47: We did pretty good in teams and it was fun thanks for having me and if mike goes to the next one would you mind giving him my brown sweater i left there ty.
Jeff: It seems I played you both times more then anyone. It's fun playing you GL with your Captain Falcon (your pretty good).
HolyMarth: Jigglypuff FTW!!!! Gl with mario and remember Jigglypuff is always there when mario is having a tough time.
Dr. PeePee and Twitch: Where did you come from? Yall are both realy good. Lots of respect to your little brother who is a beast and only 11 years old :D. You are realy good. Your marth gave me a tough time. But your falco straight up destroyed me. I would stick to them both. Yall are both beast.

Everyone I will try to make the next one but I highly doubt it, if I dont thanks to everyone especally Fullmetal for driving me, SK47 for hosting, TRC for being an amazing teamm8 and person, and myself for playing Jigglypuff and being awesome.




Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2006
Lawrenceville , GA
So its looking like right now I'm the only GA smasher coming to this next one~
Unless I manage to bring my friend Ace along for the ride, but he doesn't really play smash.

In other news,
Who wants MMs at this?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2005
Greenville, South Carolina
I'm afraid I'm going to be busy on this smash fest. However, I will drop by for friendlies sometime around 2:45pm and will play until around 6:00pm. Play them like they are serious matches though, I want you to give me your best since I won't be able to play you full force in singles.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2006
Greenville, SC (summer) West Chester, PA (school)

1 ambigioously gay duo (Carter/112) : $42.00
2 renegade d-bag (Renegade Marth/Chadddddddddddddddd) : $12.00
3 gpc blue moon (Fullmetal/Hidden) : $6.00
4 firefox combo (Yay/Schaaaaaaykaayyyyy47 AKA Shakkah Khan AKA Big papa)
5 back fisters (El Cancel/KrisDF2K)
5 pcb (T-bag/Blue)

1 Chaddd : $35.00
2 112 : $10.00
3 Carter : $5.00 <---- Got Firefox combo'd
4 yayuhz <---- Did the firefox comboing
5 schak47 <- Helped make the video
5 Renegade Marth
7 Full Metal <- laughed
7 T-bag
9 Franklin
9 Blue

Good **** to everyone thanks for everyone coming out to this, also I would like to thank the kids from GA representing to the fullest extent of the law. Without your guys support this little gathering wouldn't be anywhere near as cool as it was.

Also if anyone happens to find a white gamecube memory card hit me up on my cell phone (the number is on the first post)

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Wow, you GAs and SC guys are amazing. I didn't think that the backfisters would have gotten last. And Carter lost to 112...must've been some crazy good matches. Can't wait to see how this went down!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2005
Kelowna BC
Thanks for the tournament. Sorry for leaving so soon but we had things to do and I said I would only stay for doubles.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2006
Greenville, SC (summer) West Chester, PA (school)
Free time so lets do some shout outs from the last fest/ whole thing

Jeff- 2 good, 2 amazing, 2 kick ***. Keep up the good work and hope to see you amazing in brawl.

Chance- Man of all the people who inspired me to get good at the game in the SC community, none drove me as much as you and holymarth. Amazing johns, amazing times, amazing person.

Holymarf- Love ya big guy, you suck for not coming :p no johns son.

Franklin- Man, why couldn't we have known of your amazingness during the summer time. Honestly if you had more match up experience, and get past that high tier hate I see great things in that crazy ****ing style. Also, way to get spiked through the lava on Brainstar.

Dan2- where the hell were you :(?

Boxr- Man you gotta stop being so scared of that Doc son. always good seeing you, too bad you couldn't chill at my house for the week with yayuhz. Just 2 good though and you are always welcome in my home.

TRC- Man it sucks so bad that you weren't able to make it to the last fest but its all good. Seriously such a beast it hurts my feelings how awesome you are. But on a more serious note, ever time I leave the south I feel sad because it is going to be a while till I see you again :(. Good times and good **** Austin, good ****.

Everlasting yayuhz- Holy**** what an awesome week we had man. Looking forward to the massive amounts of videos we have coming up soon. But my family loves ya and feel free to call my home your home any time. Also, the firefox combo is over 9000.

NC- The past was a rocky road but NC is just amazing

El Cancel- Man I am not going to lie I was extremely sad that i wasn't able to play you, but you live in Charolette so expect me to be pming *****es next time I am in the area. Also, the GA guys were sad to see you not entering singles they liked your style a lot.

DF2K- Sick peach man I enjoyed playing it when you were in a better mood, pretty sure back at mpj your game wasn't even close to being top notch. I enjoyed our friendlies greatly and once again sorry about mushroom kingdom II that was a gay move on yay and mine's part.

GA- I think I owe you guys the biggest shout outs of all.

GPC- Most bad-***** crew in GA son

Full Metal- Wow i think i can honestly say with out your driving and help to these things, this whole experience would have been a flop and SC smash would be doomed to crap on a stick. Your marth is so amazing that I'm pretty sure i was just as surprised as you were from the last tournament, but seriously thank you so much for everything.

T-Bag- man our last tournament set was close. That peach is so freaking nasty I don't know what to do against it. Thank you so much for coming out to these things and sitting in my chairs :).

Soft- Fear the puff man, man your just way to good with that little ball of fluff. Also, I forgot to give full metal your jacket :(. But yayuhz has it and he also has a freakin car now so hopefully he will be going to a GA tournament sometime in the future.

Carter- Man only one man could ever recover from being firefox combo'd and that sir is you. You are just so freaking good at this game that your fox makes my eye's bleed from the amount of crazy **** it pulls off. Thanks for coming and it was great having you at my place.

112- I'm glad that you seemed to be feeling better at this fest then last one. Also, maybe next time I host one of these we can actually use my projector to watch a movie. That marth is freaking nasty though.

Chaddd- Man I wasn't entirely expecting you to show up to this thing, after our friendlies i was thinking of trying to find myself a **** crisis center, but seriously your ganon is freaking so amazing to watch and play against. Also, you are so freaking nice that it made me feel real good about hosting this event. thanks alot for making it out to the last event.

Renegade Marth- quite possibly the funniest person in the GA smash community that i have ever met. Thanks for making it out and being amazing as you always are.

Blue-Yo nice friendlies man your fox has such a unique and weird style that i didn't know what to do against it at all when we were playing. Also extremely nice link.

Hidden- Man, how come I didn't know of you earlier man. So good playing that sheik, it is a freakin master of gimpness. Way to keep up with the amount of **** me and yayuhz talk when we play. Also see if Ii'm around next time your in the greenville area man.

The last shoutout goes to my lost memory card- Still cant find you but I will never give up looking and I will never forget you my baby.

Man if I forgot anyone I'm sorry just mention it and I will hook the shout out up.

So the tournaments are done and in the end I am extremely happy I hosted these events. If this happens again then hopefully i can make it bigger and better.

Seriously good games, good **** and mad love and respect to everyone.

SK47 son

El Cancel

Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2006
sk47: thanks for hosting. your ganon did the right things in the team matches.

yay: didn't play you much. but you appeared to be having a fun the whole time. that's how to do it.

df2k: lets play some more. and don't give up on attacking aggressively. that plan rocks. always.

chaddd: i don't like falco or fox too much. i guess that just means you're doing the right thing. i don't want to see lasers or so much shiny stuff in brawl. =P

112* & carter: you're pretty cool guys. you both play smart. 112, i enjoyed the casual matches with you and i thought you were either 112 or carter when we first played. carter, your fox waveshine looks strange to me. i want to play with GA some more.

sheik player & young link player: fun casual matches. crazy stuff from both sides.

tommy & his friend: your peach is tough. and fun games, non-tommy. i liked the random stuff that happened.

*112 gets points for recognizing the semi-bloodhawk style falcon. black vulture.


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
If you ever get around to putting those videos from the last thing online, do me a favor and somehow mention the fact that the last 3 games in finals were a direct result of me taking my jacket off. They just HAD to make me take my jacket off. lol.

El Cancel

Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2006
i remember carter was attempting some shine infinite during teams and 112 got in the mess and i got out.

then for some reason, i rolled back into it.

apparently, i wanted back in... seriously, it was some kind of looney tunes moment.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 17, 2006
Lawrenceville, GA
i remember carter was attempting some shine infinite during teams and 112 got in the mess and i got out.

then for some reason, i rolled back into it.

apparently, i wanted back in... seriously, it was some kind of looney tunes moment.
No one can resist my Shweaty shine infinites. (inside joke, sorta)
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