I'm fairly sure Marth could grab her either way. She doesn't duck that low...
If Marth does a JC grab, it will whiff. I'm 90% sure of it. Marth's standing grab is quite high.
And haven't you all been the ones saying that there is NO reason to L-cancel? Therefore, isn't it NEVER incorrect to L-cancel, by that logic?
I've presented a single (and likely the only) situation where it's incorrect to L-Cancel. I still stand by the statement that there is "no" reason not to L-Cancel, though I think it's clear there that I mean that it's
almost universally better to L-Cancel.
The argument that people are using against L-cancelling is that there is never a reason to NOT do it. So that means that it is the optimal solution in all scenarios where you have a decision between not cancelling the aerial at all (no AC) and L-cancelling the aerial.
This is what I'm referring to. Let me rephrase it better. Why should I be punished for something that I have no choice in doing (as you all have stated), and for something that is ONLY ever a good thing?
Again, I refer you to my example. You're assuming, in the first place, that it's only ever a good thing. We're in agreement, with the way L-Canceling is programmed into the game, that there really is no situation where you should not L-Cancel.
What some of us are saying is that, if there were situations where it would be pertinent to know not to L-Cancel, then the mechanic would be worth having, because it would not just be an "unnecessary" technical skill. As we currently have it, there is virtually no situation where you should not L-Cancel, and so it becomes an "unnecessary" technical skill.
However, the point still stands: if you're being punished for it, then it's not necessarily the correct thing to do. Keep in mind, though, that once you've introduced a mechanic which makes L-Canceling punishable, you've changed the game altogether, so it's no longer correct to say that L-Canceling is "only ever a good thing."