ow my.. If the average age in here isnt near 10, then i dont know what to think
To many people lack the knowledge of what a glitch is, thats obvious. And offcourse nintendo knew that people would use a "usefull" tactic, if it had any good to it. They probebly just hadnt spazzing playtesters so never encountered the problem, and didnt really think about it either.
Thats not weird, it happens a whole lot in games. it being "possible" does in no way, make it intended, or a good thing. Its simply a few different moves topped on to eachother causing an unexpected move that is somewhat powerfull when used correctly. Its obviously a glitch of sorts.
The real question would be (if people would try civil conversation instead of bashing "nonbelievers"), is this a game breaking glitch, or does it add depth, and a more advanced meta game. will the game be played remotly the same with or without it.
Personally i didnt find it hard to learn to WD. i picked it up in a couple of hours, and could do it fairly well. Personally i like these kind of glitches, as long as everyone im fighting against knows about it, and with that doesnt run into unexpected "super trippy moves"
Removing WD from the game owuldnt be to hard. they could alter a few moves just a little and it would be next to useless. They could remove, or add a bit lag before you can fastfall, making you wavehop more or less. Its also not really weird to have them not glide.. try jumping at an angle in the floor in front of you, chances are you wont move an inch after you land, unless you are on ice with your socks on.
You should rely just accept WHAT it is, and unless nintendo said "Yes wavedashing is a very cool advanced technique we liked putting in" its a glitch. People should just have to accept that they are around, and if they cant fight it, join it.. and learn it yourself
Im a tad tired of trying to read a good convo on here, and seeing how every other post a guy puts up his best 5 year old routine, and just puts his fingers in his ears and goes "I CANT HEAR YOU NANANANA ITS IN ITS IN ITS IN NANNANA"
Well , there you have it. I have a 90% fire resistance, so let the flaming begin