I don't think "non-WDers" are treated like ******** lepers because they can't wavedash. Closer to the truth would be that they are treated that way for the arrogant way they flaunt their self-declared pristine form of playing "the way the developers intended". That makes people like them seem like *******, not their lack of skill.
I'm sorry, but this is kinda...a genralization? I'm a casual player myself, and excluding the first few weeks of my joining SmashBoards. (I was a scrub then, I admit it) I don't normally flaunt the way I play, or act like its the "correct" way. Yet I'm grouped in with the rest of them because I don't WD? Kind of unfair IMO.
The term "scrub" refers to a state of mind in which a person has no interest in playing to win, especially in a game or sport with a fierce competitive atmosphere. If anyone who is called a scrub feels they don't fit this description, then they should be able to convincingly argue against it.
Not playing to win? Because I wont abuse exploits and other tactics, I don't play to win? I certainly don't play to lose, that's for sure. Sometimes I play for laughs, that's true, but when I select Link on the character select, my first thought isn't "Hey, I plan on losing this match." Just because my style of fighting doesn't match your "Do-anything-to-win" style doesn't mean I don't play to win, OKAY?!
The person who remarked about WDing being the scapegoat for scrubs who want to win without putting in any effort hit the nail on the head, and I'll reiterate his point. Dedicated players will always beat scrubs, with or without advanced techniques, because of their knowledge. Wavedashing is, again, just the most visible aspect of advanced play, and thus the easier target.
Personally, the more I look at it, the more I realize I don't mind WDing. L-cancelling seems to be the big Advanced Tech I fear, but my only problem with WDing is it allows for insane combos such as Waveshining, which IMO is utter and complete B.S.
And besides, as long as these creative kiddos keep calling people who like competitive rules "tourney ***s", I see no problem in calling them scrubs.
I only call the arrogant sounding tourney players tourney tards. For the most part, they seem like a jolly bunch, as long as they aren't trying to make me look like...well, a "******** leper."