Ah...I should've thought about that before. Now I look like an idiot, haha.
Will do next time. Thanks.
Finally got a capture card... here are some vids of me playing online.
Me playing a solid overall match against Captain Falcon. Not the best Captain I've ever faced, but the ending is great.
Vs. a decent Yoshi. Was some kid from Japan, most of them seem to force me to have to think more... another golden ending.
Nothing really too special about this vs. Lucina, but the ending I've never pulled off before, and I couldn't stop laughing for a good 5 minutes. The guy left the room before I even had a chance to get back to the lobby, must've been that pissed.
Because I loathe Diddy's... the satisfaction at the end after he taunted twice because he thought he had the match all sewn up.
I've probably replayed this particular ending about 30 times just keep laughing every time... didn't even get a chance to get that banana peel.
Lastly... I played this guy three matches in a row online. I actually felt bad afterwards because he must've been extremely pissed after what happened after the final 2 matches here. I actually beat him 3 times in a row, but our first match (Mega Man, was pretty uneventful, I won but nothing great). The Lucina ending was pure glory, and the Marth one makes me chuckle knowing he thought he had that u-smash finisher in the bag.