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Wario Video & Critique Thread -- Diamond City Theater


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Thank you Pwneroni.

Yeah, i should really use my fart more and keep track of the kill times.

The critiques are greatly appreciated.

I MUST better my game. Rep some Atlantic South Wario!


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
whether it's difficult or not to land the waft is meaningless. You should be looking to land t hem and when you punish go for the wafts. There's opportunities for the waft find them and utilize it. Not only can it maximize did it can cause mid stock kills. Being difficult to land shouldn't be a deterrent to you attempting them.
If there are no openings to fart, what are you planning on doing then? Missing and wasting it? I'm saying to use it when you can hit, and those opportunities are few and far between against a good MK.


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
If there are no openings to fart, what are you planning on doing then? Missing and wasting it? I'm saying to use it when you can hit, and those opportunities are few and far between against a good MK.
There will be openings for farts. Even if the opportunities are few and far between you still need to capitalize on those opportunities. Missing it isn't a waste it's really no different than go for an uair . You gotta focus and start looking for those opportunities to punish and then when you do you have to make them pay for it.


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
"What if there are no openings to fart" should equate to "What if the opponent doesn't let you get close enough to fart"

The answer is, find his moves that are the most laggy, and catch him in a mindgame thinking you'll do one thing but instead you actually fart. If you can get damage from any of your aerials onto him, you can fart on him. It's no different, except they expect it at some times more than others. I dare you catch an MK at 56 percent close to the side of the stage with a minute charge, they'll more likely than not NOT expect it, just make it look like you're going for a fair push off if they're off stage far off enough, and then instead fart. Easy and most likely they'll die from it.

Sometimes, the MK might not use shuttle loop because he is too far off the stage, that is why f-throw is too good, if they miss shuttle loop / if you predict it while they're off stage, t's pretty much free punishment for you onto them, so either quickly fart off stage on them in an empty jump of theirs, or, wait for an attack, weave back, watch the animation, and right in the animation of the attack, weave back in and fart on them. (All of this is in the air)


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
That is totally awesome dude! True also. It will take a lot of practice to get into that mentality. The Smartfart is like 4 or 5th frame hit if I can remember right, so it comes out like twice as fast as Uair! Tied with Fair in quickness :O stick that in your corn cobb pipe and smoke it my good gentlemen.

I've been testing out the hitboxes with the fully charged fart lately against my buddy. The thing has a HUGE hitbox below it. I mean like he was at lease 1.5 Warios below me and I hit him with a full charged waft. Experiment with the hitboxes, you have a lot more room to work with! It will make your punishes a lot more flexible range-wise, also priority wise.

Lord Chair

Smash Master
Apr 17, 2009
Cheeseland, Europe
Fart's horizontal hitbox is kinda garbage. Vertical hitbox below Wario is decent I suppose, but the fact that you can't fastfall it the way you fastfall aerials e.g. dair makes it all the less versatile.


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Being able to hit with an aerial isn't necessarily the same as being able to land a fart. For one, some aerials like fair or uair just have way more range than fart. Also, aerials can be executed while moving through the air, but when you initiate a fart your horizontal momentum completely stops, making it even harder to "get in" with the fart

This vv
Fart's horizontal hitbox is kinda garbage. Vertical hitbox below Wario is decent I suppose, but the fact that you can't fastfall it the way you fastfall aerials e.g. dair makes it all the less versatile.
This ^^

In other words, you're practically on top of your opponent when you use his aerials, they CAN be related to the fart in this way. Fair is a miniture poke. Uair is still around his his body because his whole body "claps", not just his hands, dair IS your body and that's it, and bair is slow and the only one that can not be compared because of it's slow frames and slightly SLIGHTLY better reach (your whole body is still a damn hurtbox, which is why Wario gets out-prioritized by dumb stuff sometimes)

all I'm saying is, if you can land a fair, you can land a fart.


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
I don't get it I was always under the impression that if you can land an uair you can land a fart. How is that not the case ? Can't you hit with the head of uair if they're above you ? Isn't wario's head a hit box ? Or is that only with fully charged waft?


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
You can uair while moving horizontally through the air. You can't fart while moving horizontally through the air. So it's impossible to fart an opponent from below if they're too far away horizontally. Fart freezes you in the air horizontally just like bite does.

Also you can't ff a fart... and a bunch of other stuff. Plz stop missing farts guiyz
I'll try to land them more consistently thanks for the explanation of theWaft I always though I could FF it.


Smash Hero
Jun 2, 2008

doubles awww yeah

game 1:
i noticed you used fsmash for damage. imo if you`re teaming with a diddy, save that fsmash for kills. diddy is slightly lacking in the killing department, so fsmash will be useful if it`s fresh. I suggest grabs

0:08 - lol your partner needs to lrn2sdi kirby`s jab
0:11 - mk`s partner was occupied, so grabbing the opponent and tossing them away so you could sandwich the kirby wouldn't be interrupted.

imo you shouldn't be attmepting to do bke shenanigans when you have diddy as a partner; bananas are usually better, and you can save your bike for more important things, such as camping/saving your partner/recovering yourself.

1:38 - ALWAYS expect shuttle loop, especially in that situation.

2:25 - your apporaches on kiry are too telegraphed, you got read a couple times before this instance on this transformation. mix it up a bit. especially when you have a tire. people will tend to shield more, expecting you to throw it down. take this opportunity to land a bite, or wait till their shield can be poked.

2:38 - missed opportunity to sandiwch mk, or at least punish him.
2:41 - don't roll like that, you're asking for a dsmash/grab/whatever the hell they want

good job with the clutch ending

0:43 - good footstool but bad edgehog D:
7:19 - too risky pulling out the bike imo. you could've easily gotten fhtrown for game
7:21 - why did you opt to grab release him? bthrow/dthrow would've given you much better positioning, and you may have been able to gimp him with the bike offstage.

loved the clutch 2v1 :) although tbh the diddy should've just not approached at all lol


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2010
doubles awww yeah

game 1:
i noticed you used fsmash for damage. imo if you`re teaming with a diddy, save that fsmash for kills. diddy is slightly lacking in the killing department, so fsmash will be useful if it`s fresh. I suggest grabs

0:08 - lol your partner needs to lrn2sdi kirby`s jab
0:11 - mk`s partner was occupied, so grabbing the opponent and tossing them away so you could sandwich the kirby wouldn't be interrupted.

imo you shouldn't be attmepting to do bke shenanigans when you have diddy as a partner; bananas are usually better, and you can save your bike for more important things, such as camping/saving your partner/recovering yourself.

1:38 - ALWAYS expect shuttle loop, especially in that situation.

2:25 - your apporaches on kiry are too telegraphed, you got read a couple times before this instance on this transformation. mix it up a bit. especially when you have a tire. people will tend to shield more, expecting you to throw it down. take this opportunity to land a bite, or wait till their shield can be poked.

2:38 - missed opportunity to sandiwch mk, or at least punish him.
2:41 - don't roll like that, you're asking for a dsmash/grab/whatever the hell they want

good job with the clutch ending

0:43 - good footstool but bad edgehog D:
7:19 - too risky pulling out the bike imo. you could've easily gotten fhtrown for game
7:21 - why did you opt to grab release him? bthrow/dthrow would've given you much better positioning, and you may have been able to gimp him with the bike offstage.

loved the clutch 2v1 :) although tbh the diddy should've just not approached at all lol

thx for your tips^^ youre right in double much less fsmashes, more grabs thats good
well, like all other smashers im sitting in front of the screen while facepalming everytime when i see my matches :D


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2010
haha i cant do that im getting mad for every mistake :D
but while matches i stay really cool


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
@Masky: Try poking in with Fair more. It works really well against MK if you can work around his attacks. Also you definitely should follow up your Dairs with Fairs and Nairs at low percent. A lot of extra damage you can tack on by doing that! A little here, a little there, it adds up after a while.


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
Cause I've tried it and it doesn't work lol
I think there's a time to camp and a time to be aggressive. There's no reason to have to camp for 8 minutes or be full on aggro until someone dies. You can do both or you can do one of the other. If you feel as though the camping doesn't work that's fine however, you still lost the 3rd game while being aggressive. Aggro may work better for you in the MU but this time it didn't work. So while the aggro have worked/works you gotta be able to slow down at times and control the tempo a bit more. Also I'd like to point out your work on the ledge against mK was amazing. Also there were times when you coulda tossed the bike at him and you just ate it.


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
The way that Masky played was neither aggro nor campy. I, personally, would classify his playstyle as just smart.

He would punish mk and eliminate different options that mk had. You do not have to camp mk. He was smart to space well and punish with farts and different wario techniques that, i'm sure, most of you didnt notice.

Look through the vids again and pay attention to some of the things that he did. It's really quite impressive.
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