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Wario Video & Critique Thread -- Diamond City Theater


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
Pwneroni (Wario) vs t1mmy (MK) mm
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ_yNWIZApM
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbVMj5owjPM

Pwneroni (Wario) vs Asadelta (Olimar) mm (amaaazing matches!)
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72vK4fbQvOU
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saaB1vc9giQ

Pwneroni (Wario) vs Firefly (Yoshi)
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sjPc-5t4z4
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZ2xycGzTtQ
3. error on file, gotta recapture :(

Comments? Questions? Suggestions? Advice? If I don't get on the first page with all these then well.... I tried xD
Why is the timer 10 minutes in your region ? Are you discouraged from camping because of the ten minute timer?


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
Yeah, having a 10 minute timer discourages time outs generally. A lot of the time, it's like super high percent with 30 seconds to go. Now imagine there is 2:30 to go. Hard to camp for that long :p

Komodo Joe

Smash Rookie
Jun 17, 2010
In your MM with Timmy you clap->fsmashed way too much, and Timmy did alright at punishing it.


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
Yeah, having a 10 minute timer discourages time outs generally. A lot of the time, it's like super high percent with 30 seconds to go. Now imagine there is 2:30 to go. Hard to camp for that long :p
If that's the case then it's have a bad effect on your and your Wario. It's actually lowering the potential you have and the things you can do with him. I don't know if you plan on going to an OOS tourney but if you do it messes you up even more because of the bad habits you'll pick up.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
AL I'm interested in your statement. How does adding 2 minutes onto the clock take away from my potential? I'm not really one to time out a match ever, the only time I've come close was against Sade at BIO4 in NorCal. There was like 20 seconds left on the clock, and I killed her with a clap heh. Speaking of OOS tourneys, I got 9th place at a NorCal tournament, notable wins being Tearbear (MK/Kirby) 2-1, Sake (Snake/MK/Marth) 2-1, Sade (MK) 2-1, and Serpenth (MK) 2-1.

And Masky, didn't they have a 99 minute timer at that one OSU tourney you went to? xD 10 minutes is all around a good time I think.

Clap to Fsmash is tooo good Joe haha :p I think it only works like a few times when I first play someone, at this point it's kind of a bad habit lol.


Smash Hero
Jun 2, 2008
lol pwneroni your descriptions on these matches are pretty good

let's mm again at TP


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
AL I'm interested in your statement. How does adding 2 minutes onto the clock take away from my potential? I'm not really one to time out a match ever, the only time I've come close was against Sade at BIO4 in NorCal. There was like 20 seconds left on the clock, and I killed her with a clap heh. Speaking of OOS tourneys, I got 9th place at a NorCal tournament, notable wins being Tearbear (MK/Kirby) 2-1, Sake (Snake/MK/Marth) 2-1, Sade (MK) 2-1, and Serpenth (MK) 2-1.

And Masky, didn't they have a 99 minute timer at that one OSU tourney you went to? xD 10 minutes is all around a good time I think.

Clap to Fsmash is tooo good Joe haha :p I think it only works like a few times when I first play someone, at this point it's kind of a bad habit lol.
It takes away from your potential because it's discourages you from camping. Whether timing out is your style all or not you should always make your opponent fear the chance of being timed out. There shouldn't be a Wario anywhere that's discouraged from timing people out. His air camping is a major part of his game. Basically, by being discouraged from camping you're not playing Wario to his full potential. Also I was just asking if you plan on going to OOS tournies not if you've attend or who you beat.

@Masky LoL masky reaping havok all over da world.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
Ahh I see what you mean. What I believe though, is that Wario is an extremely versatile character. Sure he has great air mobility, and that allows him to easily camp his opponents. However, I am walking a different path. I think camping is "the easy way out" so to speak, and Wario has the tools to be so much more. Amazing air mobility means he can weave in an out, in between his opponent's attacks. His air dodge is one of the best in the game, meaning that he can afford to get in close and come out unscathed. A lot of his moves do like freakin 16% or more! This means he can rack damage up hella fast. A Nuclear strength fart gives him obscene kill power, and if you're smart with it you can kill opponents at ridiculously low percentages. Yesterday I killed my friend t1mmy (MK) at 69% on battlefield with a Smartfart. His Nair is the perfect move, doing good damage, coming out fast, comboing into other things and is amazing for gimping. His grab range is freakin far! I think it's like 75% of D3's grab range, seriously. His motorcycle has tons of depth to it, also being one of the best recoveries in the game. Bike, tires, extending hitboxes, this is a colossal resource being explored by players such as Glutonny, Krystedez, Hunger, and many others. His bite is an air grab, goes through shields and absorbs attacks too. Talk about kick ***!

All of this, and you think I should just run away for the whole match? No thank you kind sir. I believe Wario's metagame is much much deeper than we realize. I believe by exploring this character, we can bring him to a whole new level of ****. With so many good qualities, it seems like a waste to write them off and just try to air camp. What say you?

EDIT: Oh and even though Wario has a grab release vulnerability, he has plenty of safe options to attack and not get grabbed. Fair pokes, full hop dairs, bite, nair, all sorts of stuff. I'm gonna upload a match or two against D3 to show yall :p


Smash Hero
Jun 2, 2008
Having an 8 minute timer will give us more options though

yes we can use a more aggressive style in the match

but we will also have the option of camping and timing people out, without extending the total tournament time


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
Ahh I see what you mean. What I believe though, is that Wario is an extremely versatile character. Sure he has great air mobility, and that allows him to easily camp his opponents. However, I am walking a different path. I think camping is "the easy way out" so to speak, and Wario has the tools to be so much more. Amazing air mobility means he can weave in an out, in between his opponent's attacks. His air dodge is one of the best in the game, meaning that he can afford to get in close and come out unscathed. A lot of his moves do like freakin 16% or more! This means he can rack damage up hella fast. A Nuclear strength fart gives him obscene kill power, and if you're smart with it you can kill opponents at ridiculously low percentages. Yesterday I killed my friend t1mmy (MK) at 69% on battlefield with a Smartfart. His Nair is the perfect move, doing good damage, coming out fast, comboing into other things and is amazing for gimping. His grab range is freakin far! I think it's like 75% of D3's grab range, seriously. His motorcycle has tons of depth to it, also being one of the best recoveries in the game. Bike, tires, extending hitboxes, this is a colossal resource being explored by players such as Glutonny, Krystedez, Hunger, and many others. His bite is an air grab, goes through shields and absorbs attacks too. Talk about kick ***!
Wario is extremely versatile so why limity your self to one type of style in a match ? If you can run out and be super aggro. You should also try to be super campy. Then use the bike like Krystedez.

All of this, and you think I should just run away for the whole match? No thank you kind sir. I believe Wario's metagame is much much deeper than we realize. I believe by exploring this character, we can bring him to a whole new level of ****. With so many good qualities, it seems like a waste to write them off and just try to air camp. What say you?
Na I just think brawl is a defensive game and rushing do your opponent all the time isn't good and if you can you can force your opponent to come to you. If you can't put the fear of the timer into your opponents head then you're not doing something right. Granted the timer is 10 minutes however, your opponent should think that there's a chance that he's going to get timed out.

EDIT: Oh and even though Wario has a grab release vulnerability, he has plenty of safe options to attack and not get grabbed. Fair pokes, full hop dairs, bite, nair, all sorts of stuff. I'm gonna upload a match or two against D3 to show yall :p



Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
Okay lol I'm not saying you have to be "super aggro". The style I'm working on is a middle road so to speak. I'm not afraid to camp, but this is camping with a purpose. Close enough to the opponents where I'm just out of their reach, waiting for an opening where I can strike quickly and precisely, with high damage moves and combos. BAM!

I see what yall are saying. Timing out the match is definitely a viable option, and I commend you all for doing it. Timing out is completely legit, and yes, it should make an opponent afraid to play Wario in tournament. However, when I was down in NorCal for BIO4, a lot of people I played against thought I was awesome, top notch and really fun to play against. They said that they were used to campy Warios that just ran the timer, and my playstyle of pressure and combos was completely different and unexpected.

So you see, I COULD time out the match, play campy, be defensive, but I won't for several reasons.

A. Being campy, while fun, stands no chance to the funness of **** combos and besting your opponent.
B. I would rather do other things than spend 24 minutes in a tournament set. In Oregon it would be 30 min.
3. Like I said before, Wario has unexplored potential and I'm going to explore it.
4. My playstyle garners a lot of fans, while campy playstyles bore spectators. I'm a crowd pleaser!
E. I play to have fun :D may sound like a scrub but I do much better in tourneys without pressure of winning. If I play to have fun, I do better haha.


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
Okay lol I'm not saying you have to be "super aggro". The style I'm working on is a middle road so to speak. I'm not afraid to camp, but this is camping with a purpose. Close enough to the opponents where I'm just out of their reach, waiting for an opening where I can strike quickly and precisely, with high damage moves and combos. BAM!

I see what yall are saying. Timing out the match is definitely a viable option, and I commend you all for doing it. Timing out is completely legit, and yes, it should make an opponent afraid to play Wario in tournament. However, when I was down in NorCal for BIO4, a lot of people I played against thought I was awesome, top notch and really fun to play against. They said that they were used to campy Warios that just ran the timer, and my playstyle of pressure and combos was completely different and unexpected.

So you see, I COULD time out the match, play campy, be defensive, but I won't for several reasons.

A. Being campy, while fun, stands no chance to the funness of **** combos and besting your opponent.
B. I would rather do other things than spend 24 minutes in a tournament set. In Oregon it would be 30 min.
3. Like I said before, Wario has unexplored potential and I'm going to explore it.
4. My playstyle garners a lot of fans, while campy playstyles bore spectators. I'm a crowd pleaser!
E. I play to have fun :D may sound like a scrub but I do much better in tourneys without pressure of winning. If I play to have fun, I do better haha.
Okay man. I'll stop.


Smash Lord
Jun 10, 2010
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I just hit the guy and sometimes I win :/

Wario's campy-ness is just one of his many options. I personally don't utilize it very much because it's boring to watch and can fail really easily, but Wario doesn't need a short timer to be successful.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
Wario vs Firefly match 3


finally got it fixed lol. a good conclusion to the mm :) Looking back I can see a lot of stuff I can improve on, such as being less aggressive when on a platform, reads, etc. I was totally in the zone when I was playing though, sometimes I get a little too aggressive haha xP


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Then use the bike like Krystedez.

Then use the bike like Krystedez.
Then use the bike like Krystedez.
Then use the bike like Krystedez.
Then use the bike like Krystedez.
Then use the bike like Krystedez.
Part of me wants to go


Another part (the logical end) says that you should make sure you got the style of wario you have down before you go crazy with the bike. Especially like me. I use it so dangerously that even I look down on myself sometimes. But I'm used to the risk. Be careful what you wish for, all I'll say.

I'll put some input in later when I get a chance on the actual match though.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
Great matches Asa! I noticed a few things in your singles and doubles matches. One is when you are trying to combo an opponent out of your teammate's hit, a lot of the time you got hit with the body of the victim. Annoying right? I've found that Uair is really good for doing that, because it has kind of a disjoint at the very top of it. The first hit of Nair is good too, and obviously fart *****.

Against Bundtcake, it was awesome how you never got grabbed like ever (except for the final stock haha). Peach kicks Wario's butt if he get's grabbed at around 100%, so great job keeping out of reach. You might want to try Bair off the edge more when Peach is recovering. It's range is surprisingly long for Wario, and it can help rack up damage or even score a KO.

Also when using the bike, throwing it upwards is one of the best options imo. It's great for zoning and stage control, also it gets the most bounces so you will get the tires faster. If the bike bounces a lot, all it takes is like 1 quick Nair to destroy it.

Oh and grab more maybe. Wario's grab range is sick! Best way to punish MK's nado imo is to grab as he lands. Either that or Dair.


Smash Hero
Jun 2, 2008
lol whenever i get a bair/ftilt kill i yell "pwneroni!!"

in game 2 i made a mistake... i shouldn't have mashed out D: the stage was transforming rightt as he landed the grab, so it would've cancelled his throw..



Smash Hero
Jun 2, 2008
lol yeah

i'll make sure to whistle it now that i know how it works when playing against it :p


Smash Hero
Dec 22, 2005
It takes away from your potential because it's discourages you from camping.
If you can time someone out with a 10-minute timer, you can do it even faster with an 8-minute timer. It doesn't sound like it's taking away anyone's potential, but instead makes him stronger with the challenges he faces.

LoL masky reaping havok all over da world.

Then use the bike like Krystedez.
Also QFT.

@Asa: Hi! -^_^-


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
Okay good news! toobusytocare and I are going to team up and make a sweet combo video! Hype!


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
Dude send me some tight combo clips! I'll totally put you in! Maybe we should just make a Wario boards combo video haha!

Edit: However, I still am not making a super long combo video. It's going to be like 4 minutes maximum, MAYBE a little bit more. Seriously, there are way too many combo vids out there that are around 9 or 10 minutes long. Freakin kidding me? I never sit through ones that long. Ever.


Smash Hero
Jun 2, 2008
aight i'll stop timing ppl out for one match and get some good stuff


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Dyno, ill watch more later if time allows, but after seeing match 1 i can say this:

good use of the bike, bad use of the fart. lylat is entirely too hard to be using the bike effectively on other than the ledge-guarding you did, which was great, you just were a bit too fast, try to mix it up, mind-game, make your opponent guess if you're gunna throw it up or bounce it down.

You got revenge-killed too badly there, I think you shouldn't go to Lylat really, but try to from now at least take advantage of the stage's platforms for your farts, get the opponent above you, especially MK, because then they can land on a platform and you have a chance to take advantage of whatever they do and might even get a fart out of it. You need to squeeze more of those out instead of holding it in the entire match practically.

You do have a good, conservative style, but try to get a little more umph into it, like, try to follow your opponent (MK) after a dair, and attempt to keep the pressure on, and THEN retreat when it messes up or you have done enough damage (i.e., a stock, or pushed them way off stage and you know your limits)

Here's hoping this advice is a little helpful... D:


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Thanks kryz ill try to keep that inmind.

I would still like more critique from other warios. I feel im not getting any better.


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
I'll give you some critique dyno and I hope it helps. I watched all of the vids.

Match 1

First stock

You started of amazing camping shield grabbing MK when he approached. Just taking advantage of your mobility and punishing the over aggressive MK. After you went up 56 something to zero your play really started to get sloppy. You started trying to hard to punish and not allowing the MK's mistakes to come to you and take advantage of it. Then for whatever reason the Nado's that you were previously avoiding you start trying to beat out with dair. You took a lot of unnecessary damage. The MK eventually follows you off stage and gets the kill not much you coulda down bout that except try to recover a bit higher but no biggie.

2nd stock

Still got a slight percentage lead and your get even sloppier. I don't think you used fsmash at all in the first stock but for whatever reason you used it about 4 times this stock and you eat some damage because of this. For whatever reason you start doing fair's before you land so it's a combo of the fairs before you hit the ground and the fsmash that cause you to take a lot of damage. Also be more weary about how you punish you spacing was a bit off on this stock and you whiffed a lot of grabs. Once again you have a slight lead and you eat a grounded SL. I'm not sure what you were trying to do once you got the lead.

3rd stock

This is probably the worse you've done through out the whole game. I'm not really sure why you went from avoiding nado the first stock to trying to beat it out with dair but you took a lot of damage because of it and you allowed him to gain the lead. Then you're whiffing grabs spacing is off. You walked into a dsmash and died had terrible DI on the dsmash I'm not even sure why you died from that.

From the first video in my opinion I'm going to say this as good as you started the match is how poor you finished it. For whatever reason the way you we're dealing with nado the first stock you just changed how your playing and took too much damage. Spacing, punishing and horrible DI cost you that game. Also you should try and focus on using your Waft more effectively. You were able to get a kill from it however, you shouldn't neglect looking for opportunities to use that move it's an amazing move that should be taken advantage off. Also it seemed to me that you lost your composure when you lost the lead. Especially on the second stock.

Match 2

I see about 4 side B's in the first 30 seconds which you don't punish. I don't really think I should comment further on the match. He didn't seem to take it seriously at all.

Match 3

Stock 1

Once again you're challenging his nado with your dair. I'm not sure how many times you're going to lose out to the nado for you to stop trying to challenge it. Also there was another fair that you did right before landing I'm assuming you're going for uair ? Then you got the multiple fsmashes and spot dodges. Not really sure what you're trying to accomplish here but eventually ate a charged dsmash for your troubles. You eat a SL a tire a dair you make it back. You go for ledge drop double jump onto stage air dodge I'm assuming you eat a dsmash and die.

Stock 2

It seems like you're just on tilt from losing the first stock. Your taking a little damage here and there you get shield grabbed for trying to ftilt. Then you attempt to ftilt his nado or just him period and you eat a nado because of it. Then you're still taking a little more damage then you eat another nado. I think you're comitting to what you want to do to soon and it's costing you damage. You get the uair kill which was a nice way too punish there. You land a bite no follow up then you beat his SL with dair which is nice again. PX combo to punish the spot dodge again nice slow you're bringing it back. Then you once again go for a dair to try and beat his nado. (I think you can waft the edges of his nado) Then you eat a couple more of his nado's. Then you eat dsmash shield for a sec and I think you roll out and eat another dsmash and die at like 120 from poor DI.

Stock 3
Another fair right before landing. You punish a nado with a waft which is good. Then you take a bit more damage from nado and gets a grab off and goes for a dthrow? You eat another Nado then get shield grabbed for going for another fair right before landing. Another fair before landing to 50 spot dodges to fsmash and you eat a dsmash for your trouble. You eventually get the kill then there's a weird sequence after he dies where it's like you're rolling he's rolling you're spot dodging and eventually you eat a dsmash. But you're trying to make a come barely miss that waft punish. Nair whiffed grab eat a dsmash then you challenged his nado again with dair and you lose out to it again. he's following you off stage and you make it back land a nair whiffs it again and get dtilted. You punish his dsmash Then you try to ftilt his get up attack and then you gets on your bike??? Then you press a button and get uair'd for game.

With this game I'm seeing spacing/ decision making and punishing as your problems. You seem to lose your composure when you're behind and you start throwing out fsmashes. You need to make more of an effort to land your wafts. Also you seem to play very sloppy when you don't have the lead. You're one hit away from death and you're riding your bike??? Then there's also the punishing. Even though Wario has moves to beat out nado you shouldn't always challenge it. You do and you eat some much damage because of it. You should either attempt to punish the landing which you did or just avoid it all together. Then there was the times you'd go for like nair to grab get punished for it and then do it again and get punished for it. I'll also say use your shield more there's nothing wrong with shielding MK's moves. You gotta think more man risk vs reward is your move always worth going for it ? Also you can't let the dsmash kill you at such low percentages even though you were on the edge of the stage it shouldn't of killed you that soon.


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Thank you AL. Means alot that you took the time to watch the matches and critique stock by stock.

Dsmash killed: I normally have really good DI when it comes to dsmash but those times i just ****ed up. no johns my fault for not reacting to it.

Thanks again. I will try very hard to keep all this in mind and work on my game. Greatly appreciated.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
Wow! Man Dyno, those were some kickass matches! Okay, let's think about broad strokes here. I reeeeally like your use of Nair as an interrupt and Ftilt as a kill move. Ftilt ***** because it gives you some much needed range in the matchup. Just be careful if MK fsmashes, because he can hit your fist when you punch lol.

I noticed you took a lot of damage in the 3rd match from tornado. A good MK will wait until you use your double jump, then tornado at you. Just be careful of that situation, maybe even bait it and punish with a fart or something.

Oh and on the subject of farts, it's reeeeally tough to land a Smartfart against a good MK. A lot of the time, literally no openings will appear until it's fully charged. You landed a really nice fart in the 2nd match and if you can land one like that the match will probably either turn to your favor or at least even it up if you're behind. My advice is to maybe use the bike to extend your fully charged fart hitbox.

Utilt to Uair is too good! xD


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
whether it's difficult or not to land the waft is meaningless. You should be looking to land t hem and when you punish go for the wafts. There's opportunities for the waft find them and utilize it. Not only can it maximize did it can cause mid stock kills. Being difficult to land shouldn't be a deterrent to you attempting them.

@dyno no problem I hope it helped.
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