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Waluigi - Everyone Else Cheated! (Assist Trophy Confirmed)

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The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
*In KI:U Hades's voice* Professor GoldenYuiitusin does it again!

That idea is excellent: it fits Waluigi's personality, references his first major role in DDR and references his preference for Bob-ombs (which were his and Wario's signature item in MK: Double Dash).


Smash Journeyman
Aug 21, 2007
That moveset honestly got me really excited for Waluigi. I hope he becomes playable :)

Deleted member

Thanks guys.
And of course Waluigi needs a move where he fights in a cartoonish cloud of dust and delivers a strong kick afterwards to reference his fight with Bowser in Mario Party 3.
A throw perhaps?

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Simple. Have Whirluigi be his Up Special and have it automatically fly him upwards rather than button mash for it.

@Diddy: No. Just no. Waluigi needs a FS that represents him, such as my Final Smash idea of Destruction Dance, where causes a rain of Bob-Ombs and a flurry of Bullet Bills from the sides with his magic dancing. It helps reference one thing Waluigi is known for (Bob-Ombs), his time as a major villain (DDR: Mario Mix), and Bullet Bills, which he's not all known for, but has shot one at Mario in Sluggers' opening and it helps make it less of a Sudden Death ripoff.
Dance Dance Revolution being Waluigi's most promintent role imo shows just how prominent Waluigi himself is. :smirk: And I don't expect Sakurai to go Donkey Konga on him, by adding such an obscure title as his Final Smash (at least Donkey Konga got 3 installments-
and even is the most DKC friendly DK game on GameCube... say whut?

There's only ONE reason I want Waluigi in, and that's my Final Smash suggestion. 'WALUIGI NUMBA ONE HAHAH-*gets hit in the face by a Blue Shell*' is the best thing ever. He should otherwise be a semi-joke character I feel. And copy moves from both Wario and Luigi, just for the lulz.

Deleted member

Then get out of the topic.
Only serious Waluigi fans allowed.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2007
Dance Dance Revolution being Waluigi's most promintent role imo shows just how prominent Waluigi himself is. :smirk: And I don't expect Sakurai to go Donkey Konga on him, by adding such an obscure title as his Final Smash (at least Donkey Konga got 3 installments-
and even is the most DKC friendly DK game on GameCube... say whut?

There's only ONE reason I want Waluigi in, and that's my Final Smash suggestion. 'WALUIGI NUMBA ONE HAHAH-*gets hit in the face by a Blue Shell*' is the best thing ever. He should otherwise be a semi-joke character I feel. And copy moves from both Wario and Luigi, just for the lulz.
If you don't like Waluigi, there's no need to be an instigator and start stuff. Just go to another thread, such as the Mario Bros character discussion and post that there.

And for your information, Donkey Konga is responsible by the same guy who did Joy Mech Fight. He pretty much found himself empty of projects to do and just did that; it has nothing on being "friendly" in nature at all

And speaking on behalf of Waluigi fans and the common logic; there's no need to give him such an uninspired final smash as you've listed. Oh gee wiz, a Blue shell that's original. Each character has had something original or a reference to one of their original games; Waluigi shouldn't be an exception. Likewise, he shouldn't be having copy and pasted moves in the first place from Wario/Luigi. No Lulz allowed, if you want some go to the other thread. THIRDLY; If you want a true joke character, go to the Tingle thread. Waluigi is far from that, if anything he's a wild card character considering his zany antics, powers, and nature he has.

Otherwise, like what Golden said; get out of the thread. Only serious Waluigi fans allowed. :glare:


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
@MasterMushroom: QFT


if other characters can have moves based on their source game, so can Waluigi. 'nuff said.


You're a vegetable
Mar 24, 2012
The blue shell would be a good item if it went after the player with the lowest health ratio. That way other players would try and rack up others' ratio so they stay the lowest.

I had an idea for his final smash. Waluigi will jump up in front of the screen and move towards your ratio. Then he'll start increasing your health by kicking and punching your ratio numbers for a certain amount of time.



Smash Journeyman
Aug 21, 2007
I honestly think Waluigi has a pretty decent chance. I mean, practically everyone knows who he is, he has made alot of appearances, they already have Charles Marinet, he has an incredible moveset potential, he could add to the plotline, and.......... he's just incredibly unique!!!


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
I honestly think Waluigi has a pretty decent chance. I mean, practically everyone knows who he is, he has made alot of appearances, they already have Charles Marinet, he has an incredible moveset potential, he could add to the plotline, and.......... he's just incredibly unique!!!
I believe in the Wa Brothers, He would be the best character to troll with and heck maybe it will boost his popularity enough so he gets his own game series.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 21, 2007
^My thoughts exactly! I'd love it if Waluigi either got his own series, made some mainstream Mario series appearances, or made some appearances in the Wario series


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
^My thoughts exactly! I'd love it if Waluigi either got his own series, made some mainstream Mario series appearances, or made some appearances in the Wario series
Im trying to think of a title for him i would say Waluigi Island but there is Yoshis Island, but it needs to be a game about him getting out of luigis shadow or him constantly blaming luigi for some reason.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
If you don't like Waluigi, there's no need to be an instigator and start stuff. Just go to another thread, such as the Mario Bros character discussion and post that there.

And for your information, Donkey Konga is responsible by the same guy who did Joy Mech Fight. He pretty much found himself empty of projects to do and just did that; it has nothing on being "friendly" in nature at all

And speaking on behalf of Waluigi fans and the common logic; there's no need to give him such an uninspired final smash as you've listed. Oh gee wiz, a Blue shell that's original. Each character has had something original or a reference to one of their original games; Waluigi shouldn't be an exception. Likewise, he shouldn't be having copy and pasted moves in the first place from Wario/Luigi. No Lulz allowed, if you want some go to the other thread. THIRDLY; If you want a true joke character, go to the Tingle thread. Waluigi is far from that, if anything he's a wild card character considering his zany antics, powers, and nature he has.

Otherwise, like what Golden said; get out of the thread. Only serious Waluigi fans allowed. :glare:


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I guess Diddy couldn't bear the bearage of Waluigi supporters bearating him. He bearly stood a chance.


*Soup*Waluigi hates this.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2012
Upland California
his final smash...

he rubs his hands together, a big pedestal rises from the ground. something is on it but its covered by a red tarp. he lifts up the tarp ...
a GIANT bomb-omb! it was under the stand all along?!
oh no.. OH N-



Smash Cadet
Aug 12, 2011
Waluigi moveset

Up B- Aerial swim

B- Tennis
Waluigi hits either a tennis ball, Pink bob-omb, Whiskered Eggplant or blue shell at the opponent with his tennis racket. This is his only sports move. Equal chances of Waluigi pulling out any of the items (except for blue shell)
Tennis ball- basic projectile
Pink Bob-omb- about as powerful as Link's.
Whiskered Eggplant- From the Mario baseball game. Said to make anyone who touches it lose their lunches. It is Waluigi's favorite food. In Brawl, this move stuns opponents. If it is hit by Waluigi, he will eat it and regain health. He must go through a slightly lengthy eating animation, however.
Blue shell- slightly lower chances then any other item. Homes in on a character. (Does it always hit the winning character in MK? If it does, make it do that in Brawl.)

Down B- Burying kick
Waluigi does his kick from Brawl, but only the first and last kicks actually bury opponents, and it leaves him open to attacks. If used on a character holding onto the edge, it meteor smashes them like Luigi's kick. Meteor smashes in the air. Five kicks.

Side B- Wall-Luigi
Waluigi's eyes flash purple, then he starts running and vines start following him. You cannot use any other moves while doing this move. You can jump twice while doing this move. You can be damaged by your own vines. You can press B or A or shield to stop this move. Vines last for a good while. You can shield out of this move, but that's all.

Grab- Waluigi whips a vine forward. The enemy is entangled in the vine when "held".
Pummel- Waluigi tightens the vines
up throw- Waluigi unravels the enemy upwards.
Down Throw- Waluigi throws the enemy on the ground and kicks him repeatedly.
Back throw- Waluigi throws the enemy like Mario's forward, (?) throw.
Forward Throw- Waluigi unravels the enemy forward. No knockback, but leaves them on the ground, pushes them a great distance and can be used to drop them off the edge (does not stop at ledge.)

A- Backhand
Crouch- Waluigi lays face down on the ground. You cannot see his face.
Down A- Waluigi does the worm
Up A- Waluigi kicks upwards
walk A- Waluigi does a roundhouse kick
running A- waluigi does a very strong jumpkick, but falls over and takes a while to get up.
Up smash-Waluigi does a handstand and kicks his legs into the air
Side Smash- Waluigi delivers a strong kick
Down Smash- Waluigi gets down and spins himself up using his legs
up air- Waluigi holds a bob-omb above himself. Does not explode unless it hits someone. If it hits someone, it is immensly powerful, but has very low range. Explodes on impact, like if Toon Link rams his sword into it with his down A. Also does damage to things like Yoshi's down-B, but he has superarmor during that move, so it's not that useful for that.
Neutral air- Waluigi does a kick like Snake's forward kick, but he does it straight up and faster, and it turns him in a 360 spin.
Forward A- Waluigi kicks forward twice in a slight arc.
Back A- Waluigi slowly waves his hand behind him, in a downwards half-circle. Anyone hit by this highly predictable and punishable move will be sent into a powerful meteor smash.
Down A- Waluigi does the splits in mid-air.

Up Taunt- "Waluigi numbah one!"
Side Taunt- Waluigi does his crotch chop
Down taunt- Waluigi laughs

Final Smash- Whirluigi
Waluigi forms the shape of his symbol, the upside-down 'L', which flashes on him for a second, and spins around, making a tornado. Sucks in characters. Once sucked in, it is very hard for characters to leave the tornado. Press A to unleash a strong blast, sending all characters contained within your tornado flying.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
It's funny; Waluigi was one of the characters that I was the most against getting into Brawl but since then the character has really grown on me (largely thanks to Brawl in the Family's infamous incarnation) and has become my favorite Mario character aside from Mario and Geno. Honestly, I don't care if he's never been in a canon game and how he really isn't that significant in the grand scheme of things, I still think he'd be a lot of fun to play as.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2012
Riding a Wailord
Bob-omb blast. A load of karts with various characters drive onto the screen and throw bob-ombs, the bob-ombs in this final smash do more damage but less knock-back than the nomal bob-ombs, but if you get hit by any of the karts then you get a load of knock-back (getting rid of Bowser at 135%, whereas the lightest character at only 35%!) and a bit of damage.
Bob-omb: Does 65% damage, but only as much knock-back as a good hit from Jigglypuff's down smash fully charged in brawl. Not as much as normal bob-ombs, but still quite a lot.
Kart: Does only a little less knock-back as the dragoon, enough to survive if you're healthy and heavy, but not enough to make it very useful.

Is it ok SmashChu or whoever was asking about it first?


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Waluigi and Bob-ombs? I still think Peach should have gotten the Psych Bomb magic from Super Mario RPG as her Final Smash. It would have been better than the lame one she got in Brawl.


You're a vegetable
Mar 24, 2012
Has anyone ever thought up a good final smash for Waluigi. Can't think of one.
I got one. Not sure if it's good, but it would be quite funny.

Waluigi will jump up in front of the screen and move towards your ratio. Then he'll start increasing your health by kicking and punching your ratio numbers for a certain amount of time.



Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2012
Riding a Wailord
Waluigi and Bob-ombs? I still think Peach should have gotten the Psych Bomb magic from Super Mario RPG as her Final Smash. It would have been better than the lame one she got in Brawl.
Dude, Waluigi and bob-ombs are like some weird match that they kept on presisting Waluigi have. The first time you saw him, in mario tennis 64, he came into the stadium throwing bob-ombs at Mario and Luigi. His special item in Mario Kart: Double dash!!! was the bob-omb. He's everything to do with bob-ombs.

Deleted member

The Bomb thing didn't start with Mario Tennis.
The only Bomb-Omb there was one that randomly walked in the middle of the group and blew up for no apparent reason.
I don't exactly know when it started, but I have a feeling Double Dash is to blame with them being his and Wario's special item.

Deleted member

Sorry for the double post, but I needed to revive this thread, and what better way than to make a long essay of sorts?

After delving into much thought, reasons for commonly associating Waluigi with the Bomb-Omb is perhaps having to do with Wrecking Crew.
On that note, Waluigi appearing in the WarioWare series as a foreman makes perfect sense, looking something on the order of this:

You might be wondering, what could I possibly be talking about? Well, let me tell you a little story…

You see, there was an old game called Wrecking Crew, which was a game that starred Mario that came out before Super Mario Bros. and his adventures in the Mushroom Kingdom. In this game, Mario had to break blocks with a hammer on a demolition site.
So what does this have to do with Waluigi? Well, I’ll have to show it all one step at a time.

-First, I need to introduce Foreman Spike, the antagonist of the game.

This man is commonly believed to be the prototype character of Wario and Waluigi, not unlike Pauline being the prototype for Princess Peach. Given that like Wario, he was essentially a “bad Mario” in design, this theory makes sense. However, his original appearance is not what is important to Waluigi.
What IS, however, is his redesign for the Japan-only sequel of the game, Wrecking Crew ’98.

He not only changed in overall body shape (being fit and muscular instead of rotund) and clothing, but his facial features changed as well, sporting a curved mustache and bright nose VERY comparable to a certain guy in purple. It is quite possible that the concept of Waluigi’s facial features were inspired by this design. Him twirling his mustache in that image (as well as in the first cutscene for the game) definitely gives off a Waluigi vibe as well…

-Spike was given yet ANOTHER redesign later on in another Japan-only game, Mobile Golf. However, this design goes back to some of the older concepts, namely being rotund and bearded.

You’re probably thinking that this design would fit Wario more than Waluigi, right? Well, it can’t really be said that this was inspiration for Wario, since Wario existed before this redesign.
However, there is something important about this particular image. Look at what he’s driving; an excavator.
Do you remember what Waluigi’s default vehicle in Mario Kart DS was? The Gold Mantis?

Yep, it was an excavator too. Seemingly random for Waluigi unless it was meant to be a reference to Foreman Spike, who ironically, was wearing quite a bit of purple in the Mobile Golf design.
Also worth noting that each and every design of Spike had a pointed nose that curved downward. It could simply be coincidence that Waluigi has this kind of nose as well, or it might be more reference for Spike, his assumed prototype.

-Now for a non-Spike related correlation, remember the music that played when you had a dance-off with Waluigi, Destruction Dance? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7S7WEkopK8k
It’s a remix of the Bonus Stage from Wrecking Crew. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX2JJYOti6E
Seems strange that a theme for Wrecking Crew would be used for Waluigi instead of something like the music from Waluigi Stadium in Mario Kart: Double Dash, given that Bowser uses the Bowser’s Castle theme from it.

-Now we’ll get into Waluigi’s association with eggplants. I’m actually having a hard time figuring out how he’s associated with them outside of the Whiskered Eggplant item used for his Liar Ball in Mario Superstar Baseball, but for a while, it seemed random to make him associated with the vegetable. Then it dawned on me; the Eggplant Men from Wrecking Crew.

They were common enemies in the game that even got a trophy in Melee as well as one appearing as a NPC in Chibi-Robo under the name Kid Eggplant. Waluigi using an eggplant item as a weapon is possibly another throwback to Wrecking Crew!

-Now, I’ll get to my original statement on his fixation of Bob-Ombs. At first, I thought this was just people exaggerating the fact that Waluigi sometimes has Bob-Ombs in his repertoire alongside Wario. But then, I saw this:

As well as the image used in the opening post of this thread.
Wario’s counterpart artworks emphasize his love of treasure and money. Does that mean that Waluigi really IS heavily associated with Bob-Ombs, then?
That can ALSO be attributed to Wrecking Crew, as bombs were frequent in levels of the game, and Mario could hit them to help break blocks within the platform he was currently on.

So what does this all mean? It means that Waluigi is one big reference to Wrecking Crew, and will very likely continue to be one so long as he keeps appearing (we still don’t have any reference to the Gotcha Wrench enemy). So, if he does appear in WarioWare, he should essentially be the new Spike and be a foreman that has a team of Eggplant Men and Gotcha Wrenches.
Unlike the image above, Waluigi should wear an orange jacket and dark orange shirt. Why? It’d be a bigger throwback to the original game, as Spike wore orange in that. Also, it would help with the opposite color pattern that all four plumbers have shown. Mario and Luigi are red and green, both being opposites on the color wheel. Wario and Waluigi are yellow and purple, both being opposites on the color wheel. Wario in his WarioWare appearance is primarily blue, and the opposite of blue is orange.

Hope this has been an interesting read for anyone that cared enough to read on through. I apologize for the length.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Very interesting read!

Makes me want another Wrecking Crew game staring Waluigi.

I could definitely see Waluigi using a couple of Wrecking Crew based moves, but the majority of his moves should be references to the Mario Sport games as that is where he really made a name for himself.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
I agree. If Waluigi ever appears in Wario Ware like that, I would consider him a shoe-in character. I would love him in as a Wario Ware rep. I've always kind of been biased against him, but its not like I would never like to see him.

Good stuff Golden. That's actually really interesting.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Read about that connection before, but still, Waluigi needs an actual appearance in a game. Not some obscure references to an old game.


Deleted member

"Waluigi needs an actual appearance in a game."
Implying that his appearances thus far are not "actual appearances". :rolleyes:

Deleted member

Good idea; add a Peach clone instead of someone with a unique body type and skill set. :rolleyes:

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
HII'MDAISY has Flower Power though. And I doubt she can float. Or has a Toad / Toadsworth to guard her with. So yeah.

Seriously though, who's to say Waluigi won't be a Luigified Luigi clone for example? Whirl-Luigi for Down B, Waluigi Swim (**** Aerial Swim, HE SAYS IT'S WALUIGI SWIM. Dammit) for Side B, and maybe even purple Fireballs or tennis balls for B, and there, already have a moveset quite similar to Luigi.


Deleted member

Wario was not a clone of Mario in any sort of way. Why would Waluigi be one for Luigi, someone he absolutely HATES?

As for Daisy floating, there is nothing that says she can't. I mean, it's not like floating is a magical power said to be exclusive to Peach.
Flower Power? Ok, so replace everything Peach does with hearts with flowers. Big whoop.
She has her own minions from her own kingdom to shield her in lieu of Toad. All of the enemies and bosses from that game are said to serve Daisy, but Tatanga brainwashed them to serve him instead. She could use a Goombo instead of a Toad.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Not that it matters, but personally I think the whole "they could be a clone" argument isn't a good idea to use on anyone besides a different version of a character that is already in the game, so for example, Mario and Paper Mario.

Just saying.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
You'd see Paper Mario as the clone out of him and Waluigi? Seriously?

Heck I could see Waluigi as a Wario clone as well. Or a Luigified Wario clone, that I think would make the most sence. Replace Bite and Wario Waft with something else, and he'd be good to go.

Deleted member

Waluigi riding a bike? Give me a break. Wario actually OWNS a bike customized for him by Dr. Crygor for the WarioWare series. It also fits with his biker persona.
The only time Waluigi has ridden a bike is Mario Kart Wii. But guess what? Everyone else does too.
And no, the Zipper from Mario Kart DS does not count, since that's not a real bike, it's a kart with a bike theme. Aside from that, it's a trike, not a bike.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
He could use a kart from Mario Kart. Would be extra awesome if it had Mario Kart 7 advertisement on it. :awesome:

No but seriously, I think other Mario characters should have priority over him, unless Waluigi can make a better / more unique half clone out of him and Bowser Jr. Toad is still number one, but I'd take anyone for seconds after him, easily. Yes, Waluigi included. But wouldn't expect him to be fully unique if they leave Wolf, Falco, Ganondorf and Lucas as they are right now.

And actually, a Luigified Luigi would be a crazy concept.

Deleted member

Again, if Wario was as far as a clone as possible, Waluigi being a clone does not make any sense.
And I agree that Toad definitely has priority over Waluigi, but Waluigi has more potential to be unique.
(And if he is a Wario character, Toad would not be competition, now would he? :troll:)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2012
probably playing Cave-Story
Waluigi riding a bike? Give me a break. Wario actually OWNS a bike customized for him by Dr. Crygor for the WarioWare series. It also fits with his biker persona.
The only time Waluigi has ridden a bike is Mario Kart Wii. But guess what? Everyone else does too.
And no, the Zipper from Mario Kart DS does not count, since that's not a real bike, it's a kart with a bike theme. Aside from that, it's a trike, not a bike.
how about:
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