Smash Ace
TBH Bob if you had been watching Jesse's recent performance last 2 tourneys its not any1 else's fault but Jesse's for his lackluster performance. I can say this having watched more than a majority of his recent matches. Im a huge fanboi of Jesse's so i don't mean malice saying this. As far as Pete is concerned yes a small part of it is due to mu experience but a lot bigger part of it is the fact that after continuous **** from Andy he has improved. When you first played sheik did you reign supreme due to lack of mu experience ?
Also Jesse Pete obviously the only way for you guys to place is to keep rotating characters so nobody can learn your matchup. I guess thats why richard is such a good player
Also Jesse Pete obviously the only way for you guys to place is to keep rotating characters so nobody can learn your matchup. I guess thats why richard is such a good player