Too many pages to read through since having a weekend off zzz_ So after sifting through them all here is my catchup_
Alzi, your picture was pretty mad, i also had a laugh at your girl antics but i think you need to learn some smooth moves seeing that standing and gawking usually scares them off or gets police warrants on your arse for being a creepy pervert_
Pete, nice blog, consider it bookmarked_
I'm still up for having everyone gather at my place before we go to SQUAT, so maybe the 6th_? Either way it's nice to have Ric on the team now, unlike his cowardly Rocky winning brother_ Hopefully this time you will get a victory you deserve_
Nice post from Lego Robot and links to One Manga_ Both awsome sites_ Anyone who likes web comics should check out Nothing Nice To Say_ My favourite picks for must see Anime to introduce you into the awsomeness that is, i would suggest Akira, Ghost In The Shell, Ninja Scroll, Neon Genesis Evangelion and of course, Chromartie High School_ Must see the last one it's ****ing hilarious_
In regards to Manga_ You must read Full Metal Alchemist and Berserk_ Air Gear and Claymore are currently my main reads and are pretty enjoyable_ Bleach is a no brainer for awsome Manga_ Looking forward to seeing you all at the next tournament_ I will update the rankings blah blah tomorrow when i'm not so busy_ Sorry guys but i've currently been organising photos and **** for a music video we will be shooting early next year_ You'll love where we have been prowling the last few days_ Spooky fun_