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[WA] Perth Smash Thread


Smash Rookie
Feb 5, 2006
Just the one can make it. Put his name down as Rave. Also could you have my name as Spike for the tourney? I know it's probably a bit of a hassle but that's what I use everywhere but here >_< Curse my old account.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 6, 2008
West Australia
Hey all, just a reminder that PK Brawl is in 2 days.
Also, If anyone has a Guitar Hero guitar for the XBox 360 could they please bring it? We're going to have a 360 set up on the side but only have one guitar atm.

Riot_ Fires

Smash Apprentice
Mar 23, 2008
Beside your bedroom window..
Hey peeps jus remember that if u need to be picked up from the train station then give us a message or phone call.. If you want contact either Chris or give me a buzz on 0422461561..

Dont forget to get here before 12 so we can get **** sorted..


Riot_ Fires

Smash Apprentice
Mar 23, 2008
Beside your bedroom window..
Hey guys thanks to everyone who participated in our PK Brawl event on 31/ 5/ 08..

Grats to Sam again on winning with his insane Toon Link, one day someone out there might beat him hah..

It was good to see everyone getting along and playing fairly but i have just one qualm.. I ask everyone who came to please check how many nunchucks they have because ours has gone missing and god forbid how badly i condemn stealing.. If you do have one extra then please let me know on 0422461561 and ill just tisk tisk all forgiven.. If noone owns up to it then i probably wont consider running another tourney again..

Thanks again to everyone who came and it was a good day, great turnout and mad games so im sad to see something like this happen..



Smash Apprentice
Apr 6, 2008
West Australia
It was good to see everyone getting along and playing fairly but i have just one qualm.. I ask everyone who came to please check how many nunchucks they have because ours has gone missing and god forbid how badly i condemn stealing.. If you do have one extra then please let me know on 0422461561 and ill just tisk tisk all forgiven.. If noone owns up to it then i probably wont consider running another tourney again..
You actually make it sound like you think someone would steal a nunchuck :o
I'm pretty much sure it'd just be a mistake, especially when - if there was someone stealing stuff - there was an Xbox 360 lying around at the same time that wasn't taken. Anyways I'm sure someone will have just accidentally taken it so I wouldn't worry much >.>

Anyways I'm about to embark on the epic task of getting these vids compressed and sorted, I think I'm going to have to find some means of batch converting them.. if anyone knows a good way to go about that please let me know, you'll be saving me a lot of time :)


Smash Rookie
Apr 7, 2008
Alexander Heights, Perth, Australia
Hey guys, Jon here.

The tournament was really successful, great turnout and lots of competition, big thanks to the hosts!

Congratulations to Sam, your Toon Link is insane, I'm glad I finally got to vs you. I'll get my revenge next time :laugh:

As for the missing nunchuck, checked my bags, not there. I agree with Cal, I can't see someone stealing it, must've been taken by accident. Hope it pops up soon as it would be a real shame if you were to stop hosting tournaments.

Looking forward to seeing some of those vids!

Riot_ Fires

Smash Apprentice
Mar 23, 2008
Beside your bedroom window..
Yeah its just my tone.. Dont take me to sternly im jus straight faced -_-

Anyways gotta msg so thx to whoever it was for checking etc etc.. Much appreciated i wont kill you now (jokes im joking okay i wouldnt kill you maybe just a little or even cut you)..



Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
Checked my stuff, and I don't have it. :( Stuff does get mixed up sometimes though. I know Bringer's still got a gamecube controller and jacket someone left behind at smashfests.

And Richard7, can I hope that your post was a test before introducing yourself? Always love more Perth Smashers. :)


Smash Apprentice
Apr 6, 2008
West Australia
I think that it's been found so don't worry :)

Anyways thanks to everyone for making it to the tournament, we didn't have a single dropout which was cool :D
It was good to meet those of you who were unable to make PK Brawl 1 as well, props to Sam for the mad toon link skills as per usual, Jon for the crazy Pit and even crazier arrow control, Bryce for sending me to the monkey bracket and Alex for bringing Luigi to the table ;). Also it was quite fun to verse yous at melee despite how far behind everyone else I am, I'd always wanted to see how yous play that game.. I might practice a bit so I'm more able to defend myself next time someone cracks it out :p.

The videos are slowly getting there, i've still got a mountain of them to compress, I think - judging from the current rate - that they'll take about 4-5 days to get all rendered, providing my computer doesn't explode during the marathon effort.. For the next PK Brawl we should have the PAL version available, which will make recording much much less painful for all of us :)


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
Speaking of which Cal, how do you go about compressing and uploading? I want to post the Wavebird Flu vids on Youtube. :D


Sep 15, 2002
Perth, Western Australia
Dudes, I'm back and I'm ready to jump back into the scene! My only problem is that I don't have internet yet. Therefore, I am relying on Mic to tell me when something is happening.

The best Yoshi in Australia is here to stay! Booyah


Smash Apprentice
Apr 6, 2008
West Australia
Speaking of which Cal, how do you go about compressing and uploading? I want to post the Wavebird Flu vids on Youtube. :D
I use Sony Vegas 6 to convert the .mpeg files in to .wmv (which i reckon are the best for quality vs size) by pretty much dropping the vid on to the timeline, cropping it to remove any unwanted character selection screen may have made it into the clip and then rendering it via the 'Render As..' function, I'll get the specs of the file that I render to as soon as this batch finishes and update it in to my post.

Edit: Here it is.
Audio: 32 Kbps, 22,050 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo.
Video: 30 fps, 320x240, WMV V9
Mode: Quality VBR, I set the quality slider to 50%
Pixel aspect ratio is square.

If you want me to I'll happily compress them for you and upload them somewhere then send you the link, I'm fairly sure the clips that you want to keep are separated from the others and on my computer still.

And welcome back Bringer, perhaps you'll be able to put an end to Sam's unstoppable streak :p. I look forward to seeing you around.


Smash Rookie
Jan 23, 2008
Alexander Heights, Western Australia
lol australian smashers don't steal. only american ones do

oOo a Yoshi to add to the awesome luigi and awesome DK! Well, I suppose it's the other way round as you were here first, seeing as you created this thread and have been organising smashfests for yonks :) At any rate, looking forward to meeting you at the next tourney

Glad the nunchuk was found, I didn't like the idea of no more tournaments :urg:

Sorry Cal, I'm not so great with video editing stuff so I'm not sure about any batch converters. I'll ask a mate who might know tho. Thanks for doing all the converting and uploading man, it's muchly appreciated. And again, thanks to everyone who actually ran the tournament!


AKA First victim of the monkey bracket


Smash Ace
May 4, 2008
Just to clarify; was the nunchuk found or not?
everyone did really well on saturday! the level of play from everyone definitely went up from the last PK brawl. hope to play against some of you some more!
Sams toon link is intense. I live nearby and i'm over there quite often.
kudos to that insane donkey kong!

if you guys hold another tournament ill be there with bells on!

Riot_ Fires

Smash Apprentice
Mar 23, 2008
Beside your bedroom window..

Yeah nunchuck was discovered so less dramas..

Good to have you back bringer.. I dont know if everyone is keen on versing you but it would be interesting to see you take on Sams Toon Link god save us all.. Videos are getting there and im sure Tuna Dan will agree with me the most devastating event is when 2 Olimars must fight to the death..!

The world exploded as did peoples minds.. Sad to fight another Olimar but im glad you won..




Smash Rookie
Feb 5, 2006
I mean really. That Olimar fight was ridiculous. All it was to me was multiple flying colours, then a random Olimar flying off screen. I couldn't even tell which was which.


Smash Cadet
Apr 13, 2008
Sorry I couldn't make it and all... still, I'm looking forward to watching these videos and seeing how much everybody's improved in a month. :p


Smash Apprentice
Apr 6, 2008
West Australia
For the next tournament I think I'm going to have to organize several computers to take care of the rendering, having sets of 3 is making for an extremely long rendering job :laugh:. It'll get there eventually, I'm about a quarter of the way done atm :p

In the mean time, however, I can present the completed brackets - drawn in none other than MS Paint with a mouse (pro)

Winners Bracket
Losers Bracket

As for the Olimar fight, I wouldn't say it's a bad thing.. either way it means you get to see an Olimar get KO'd - and that's always a good thing :p (I'm sure those of you who regularly verse an Oli know what I mean)


Smash Apprentice
Jan 7, 2008
Hello everybody, most of you wont know me because i don't post here often at all (this is actually my first time posting in an aussie thread lol). Im Bryce - you might remember me as the guy who fluked his way through the last tourney with DK hehe :laugh:

I just wanna say thanks to the people that put that tourney together, i had an awesome time. To sam, your toon link is freaking godlike! Can see why you have come first in many of the brawl tournaments so far. To Jon, those matches against your pit were intense, loved the arrow skills. Was an honour to be defeated by you lol. Definitely wanna rematch you both after i train teh monkey a bit more.

Cheers to all the other people i versed, everyone there was freaking good (fav match was against Dans Olimar that was crazy). Too bad i didnt get to verse everyone, will definitely try to challenge you all next tourney. :bee:

oh and thanks for the lift up and back mic. It was a fair drive so we will donate a bit of cash towards the petrol.

Nice meeting you all


Smash Cadet
May 5, 2008
Perth, Australia
Hey Bryce, Sam here. Sorry man but I just dont believe that you 'fluked' your way through the tournament, your monkey was evil! Seeing your Donky Kong being played that way it was almost makes me want to learn him myself, but then I remember that I dont like playing large characters :(

Cheers to Jon and his awesome Pit tactics (I've never seen that arrow circle thing before) and I hope to vs you again in the future. Was a great turnout, especially when you consider that the date was closing in on exam times and I look forward to seeing what king of death Bringer will be bringing to the table next time around. I would have loved to have stayed around a little longer for the SSBM matches but we had to leave a little earlier and just didnt have the time for it. Oh and it's good to hear that the missing Nunchuck was found, it would have really sucked if somebody had stolen one from you guys.

Anyways, see ya all at the next tourney!

Riot_ Fires

Smash Apprentice
Mar 23, 2008
Beside your bedroom window..
Good too see more of the perth scene making their presence known...

It was interesting to see how much everyone had improved over the last month with their characters and techniques so hopefully next tourney we should see some intense competition..

Must work on not getting mind****ed by snakes imba forward tilt.. =/


Smash Rookie
Jan 23, 2008
Alexander Heights, Western Australia
As for the Olimar fight, I wouldn't say it's a bad thing.. either way it means you get to see an Olimar get KO'd - and that's always a good thing :p (I'm sure those of you who regularly verse an Oli know what I mean)
I suppose you love hearing their cries as they die as well LoL (I know the twins do :p).. I thought you had more heart then that Cal :( you're all evil!

They don't understand do they Bob? Seeing pikmin die is like, watching your own children die. Sure, we throw them around and whack people with them.. and on occasion one will be thrown off the edge of the stage, doomed to fall into an endless pit of.. well, whatever the hell FD is floating above... but yeah.. we love them! You know, every night after I go and play brawl at Jon's, I hold a little memorial service for the pikmin that passed on. :( You should see my backyard..

*tears up*

I mean really. That Olimar fight was ridiculous. All it was to me was multiple flying colours, then a random Olimar flying off screen. I couldn't even tell which was which.
Yeah, now imagine trying to actually control it LoL.. insane I tells you!

im sure Tuna Dan will agree with me the most devastating event is when 2 Olimars must fight to the death..!

The world exploded as did peoples minds.. Sad to fight another Olimar but im glad you won..

roflmao! Yeah man, that match was bloody intense LoL.. I still can't beleive we got paired up for that T_T I honestly reckon that could've gone either way, and I'm tempted to say you deserved to have won that- especially seeing as you pwned me in that first match (and we'll have the video up to prove how much so in a while lol).. but yeah, mad props to your Oli, makes me proud to be an Olimar player *salutes* I've learnt a lot from how you play- it's always interesting to see how someone plays a character differently to you. Hopefully next tourney we'll be free to spread some Oli hurt around to everyone else ;)

And hell yeah, they better recognise! *hails Olimar doom* We're like 1 inch versions of the angels of plague from revelations.. well, plague and pure annoyance rofl *throws pikmin*

Oooh it all makes sense too! Jon's Pit is the angel of death.. The mark of the beast must be the imprint of Bryce's DK's monkey punch on our butts.. and Sam's toon link must be the angel of.. uh.. pure pwnage? hrm.. I'm pretty sure that's in there somewhere.:p

(fav match was against Dans Olimar that was crazy). Too bad i didnt get to verse everyone, will definitely try to challenge you all next tourney. :bee:l
Thanks man! I really enjoyed that match up too- you've got an *awesome* DK.. It was so good that you like, mindgamed me into changing character rofl. Nothing like scaring the crap out of your opponent with your skill haha! Next time I'll take your advice and stick with Olimar :p Looking forward for the next tourney and hopefully we can play some matches there.

I'm really looking forward to the next tourney, as everyone was really awesome! I hope to spend a bit more time there after the tourney next time and get to speak to a few more of you. Too bad exams are in between now and then >_< gargh! I should be studying!!



Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
I'm hosting the Wave Bird flu vids now (yay for Cal!) but can't remember who played some of the characters. Who was Ice climbers, the Olimars, the Sonics (both the triple and the one fighitng PT) and Mr Game and Watch?


Smash Apprentice
Apr 6, 2008
West Australia
I'm pretty sure that Duke was all of those except for the three sonics vs g&w, that was me ;)
Niven was the g&w vs 3 sonics.

Edit: Just thought I'd let everyone know, I'm compressing the last of the vids but I've got to upload them to youtube during off-peak in order not to overload our bandwidth limit >.>
The first set of vids should be visible on my youtube account by tomorrow morning. So you'll probably be able to see them before I get the links up an running here.

Another Edit: Woo all vids are compressed :bee:
I'll start uploading tonight, time to give my computer a much needed break >.>


Smash Apprentice
Apr 6, 2008
West Australia
Woo double post!

Alright, the first of the vids are up :D

Round 1

Jon(Pit) vs Muzga(MK)
Match 1
Match 2

Rawt(Oilmar) vs Ric(G&W)
Match 1
Match 2 - Fixed

Kenton(MK) vs Sars(PT)
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3

Faol(PT) vs Alex(Luigi)
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3

Dan(Olimar/Ike) vs Bryce(DK)
Match 1
Match 2

Niven(ROB) vs Mic(PT)
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3

Jon(Pit) vs s&y(G&W)
Match 1
Match 2

Rob(Toon Link/Wolf) vs Eric(Fox)
Match 1
Match 2

Rawt(Olimar) vs Kenton(MK/Snake)
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3

Sam(Toon Link) vs Rave(Lucas)
Match 1
Match 2

Niven(ROB) vs Sharman(MK)
Match 1
Match 2

Brax(Wolf) vs Ryan(Toon Link)
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3

Alex(Luigi) vs Bryce(DK)
Match 1
Match 2

Cal(Fox) vs Spike(Zelda/Falco)
Match 1
Match 2

Round 1 Losers

Muzga(MK) vs Bryce(DK)
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3

Kert(IC/Sonic) vs Alex(Luigi/Snake)
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3

Ric(G&W) vs Brax(Wolf)
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3

Mic(PT) vs Niven(ROB) Sorry about the double matchup :(
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3

Dan(Olimar) vs Rawt(Olimar)
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3

Faol(PT) vs Rob(Toon Link)
Match 1
Match 2

Sars(Lucario/PT/Wolf) vs S&Y(Snake)
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3

Round 2 Losers

Spike(Diddy) vs Alex(Luigi/Snake)
Match 1
Match 2

Brax(Wolf) vs Niven(ROB)
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3

Rave(Lucas) vs Dan(Olimar)
Match 1
Match 2

Rob(Toon Link/Wolf) vs s&y(Snake)
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3

Round 2 Winners

Jon(Pit) vs Eric(Fox) -The third game for this set didn't seem to get recorded, sorry :(
Match 1
Match 2

Sam(Toon Link) vs Kenton(MK/Snake)
Match 1
Match 2

Sharman(MK) vs Ryan(Toon Link)
Match 1
Match 2

Bryce(DK) vs Cal(Fox)
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3

Round 3 Losers

Spike(Diddy) vs Kenton(MK)
Match 1
Match 2

Niven(ROB) vs Jon(Pit)
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3

Rave(Lucas) vs Cal(Fox)
Match 1
Match 2

s&y(Snake) vs Sharman(MK)
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3

Round 4 Losers

Kenton(MK) vs Jon(Pit)
Match 1
Match 2

Cal(Fox) vs s&y(Snake)
Match 1
Match 2

Round 3/4 Winners

Sam(Toon Link) vs Eric(Fox)
Match 1
Match 2

Ryan(Toon Link) vs Bryce(DK)
Match 1
Match 2

Sam(Toon Link) vs Bryce(DK)
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3

Round 5/6 Losers

Jon(Pit) vs Ryan(Toon Link/DeDeDe)
Match 1
Match 2

Cal(Fox) vs Eric(Fox)
Match 1
Match 2

Cal(Fox) vs Jon(Pit)
Match 1
Match 2

Grand Finals

Losers Grand Final - Jon(Pit) vs Bryce(DK)
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3

Grand Final - Sam(Toon Link) vs Jon(Pit)
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3

If you spot any mistakes (chances are I've made quite a few) then please let me know and I'll fix it asap).

Riot_ Fires

Smash Apprentice
Mar 23, 2008
Beside your bedroom window..
Nice work.. Only problem i found is that my 2nd match vs Ric doesnt work..

I had to facepalm so hard at the snake fights.. after all those times ive played against S&Ys snake i still cant believe i died to tilts... /tear

Good games guys cant wait to see the rest..



Smash Cadet
Mar 17, 2008
Perth, Australia
Cheers for doing this Cal, much appreciated :D. Had a great time at the tournament, was awesome to see a bit of variety coming in to what characters were played (Ice Climbers, DK, Diddy to name a few). Thanks for holding it again and its good to hear that the nunchuck was located without bloodshed ;). Looking forward to the next one, hopefully my Luigi will have some new tricks to astound you with long enough for to KO punch you :p. My only regret was that i didn't get to take on Bob's Olimar T.T, but there is always next time >=).



Smash Apprentice
Apr 6, 2008
West Australia
Alright, every vid is now up :bee:
For those of you who haven't seen them yet, they're on the previous page, feel free to link them wherever you want.
Once again, if you spot a mistake please let me know and I'll fix it asap.

Edit: (I hope people notice this >.>)
I am considering hosting a smashfest sometime in the near future and was wondering, how many people should I expect to show up? Taking in to account that it's pretty far for most of the people to head for a casual meet I'm not exactly sure what numbers I should expect.

Shifty McSly

Smash Cadet
May 4, 2006
For anyone interested, Oran and I are hosting a melee night on saturday, 14th of June. Show up any time after 1pm, stay till whenever. Staying the night is cool, but bring a sleeping bag if you can. There might be some miscellaneous PC gaming going on later in the night, so bring your PC/lappy if you're in to that kind of thing. We'll have 2 TV's set up, but I can organise more if there are many people planning to show up.

The address is 63 Wheatley Drive, Bullcreek.

If you're interested, let me know here or send me an email/MSN message - ShiftyMcSly@hotmail.com
Just a reminder - that's this weekend.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 6, 2008
West Australia
Just a reminder - that's this weekend.
I'll be there, I'm not sure about the rest of the people from the rockingham area though.
I wont be much of a challenge for you guys in melee, but it should be fun anyways, and I'm always up for meeting new people.

Riot_ Fires

Smash Apprentice
Mar 23, 2008
Beside your bedroom window..
hey i made this post somewhere else in the forums but got no reply.. So anyways me an cal are chasing those white gamecube controllers for the wii.. The ones with the extended cords on them that are only in japan atm..

If anyone has one or knows a reliable source to get them from please post up a link to the site or throw us some info.. Had a look on ebay an werent too sure if some of them were authentic or not (no nintendo logo usually a give away)..

Much appreesh..



Smash Rookie
Feb 5, 2006
I bet you were looking under the Australian eBay then. If you just go to the international one there's almost a million of them.

Either way you were all just jealous of my super sexy white controller.

Edit: Actually, the play asia site is cheaper, unless you feel like bargain hunting through eBay.


Smash Ace
May 4, 2008
Depends if im working but id love to join any brawl meetups!
So do you guys plan on holding another PK brawl?


Smash Cadet
May 27, 2008
Wow, since when did Perth have a smash scene? I'm there for the next one, count me in. Just where abouts would it be held, since I don't have my license will have to either get public transport or sister to drop me off...:/.
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