Vlade, if you'll bear with me for a second I wanted to point something out...to potentially improve Falco's (in general) gameplay vs. Diddy.
Alright, you can take my opinion with a grain of salt (I'm definitely not all-knowing lol).
-Your Falco has been improving in my eyes, and I appreciate you taking the time to upload your videos for everyone.
-From what I can see, your Half-circle jump laser game and SHL is getting better (especially at close range).
-Second match comeback against Nasch was sweet.
-Overall, I was impressed with your matches against Nasch.
However, in both games your recovery was gimped by bananas at least once. This could have potentially been avoided. Diddy mains will take advantage of this. What am I suggesting...? You might have a clue. Not saying it will work without fail but...if one could experiment with it...especially against characters with items that gimp Falco's recovery.
Vlade (Falco) vs Nasch (Diddy) 1
Considering your trajectory, I don't think there was much you could have done to survive this gimp. Nasch predicted your double jump and threw a banana accordingly. He was spot on with his accuracy. As far as I know, using a normal shine in the air does not eat your double jump, however, your falling speed is increased dramatically. Would a falling shine, double jump and then phantasm have saved you, throwing off the opponents timing making them unable to land the gimp? Who knows? I can't even test it myself right now.
Ok, so what am I saying here? I have not tested the altitude when after performing a shine and jump you are able to phantasm to recover, but it's something to think about.
Vlade (Falco) vs Nasch (Diddy) 2
Alright, now this is what I am specifically talking about; the instance where many Falco's are getting gimped by items off stage, where they still have their double jump. Now, keep in mind that I have not tested performing a jump and shine simultaneously at that particular altitude (just below FD's lip for instance). However, shine and jumping at the same time sends you upward where you can perform an action after the shine's ending lag. Keep in mind, during the move, you can DI away from the stage, straight up, or towards the stage if you wish.
If you had performed a shine + jump at the moment before you got hit by the banana(approx 1:18 in the vid), you might have had more options, and could have potentially made it back safely. Keep in mind this is in instances where using Firebird is already an unsafe recovery method, and the the danger of getting gimped by an item is eminent. Also, at that altitude, you must still have a double jump for this to even have a chance of working.