Strong Badam
Something to keep in mind:
As far as I've observed, SDI has been gimped in effectiveness(in addition to the lack of c-stick atm). If VI is based on amount of % you've already taken, then connecting combos in Smash 4 shouldn't be any harder because of VI when compared to good SDI in the previous games. You could basically teleport yourself outside of MK uair's horizontal range in Brawl or almost two character lengths away from Fox in Melee(Ice did this) when they hit you. I imagine the distance gained from the powerful SDI in earlier games is even greater than what VI lets you do during low-mid percentages(not talking about high-% combos).
Granted, this still doesn't apply to grab followups, where SDI was impossible, and it's also purely speculation as we're lacking information to be 100% certain about VI's properties.
It's also under the assumption that SDI+VI in Smash 4 isn't as effective as SDI alone in Melee, Brawl or 64.
(Which I could be wrong about, this is only to encourage more thinking so we don't jump to a hasty conclusion)