I'm starting to think the order of bad matchups for ROB is DDD > Falco > MK > Toon Link > Snake > ZSS
[and explanations]
Honestly, I agree with most of this and the reasons are pretty accurate.
If you can't DI MK's options (smashes especially) he can be the worst one. Once you start DI'ing up, you'll live a LOT longer. You may still get abused at low percents but you'll have more time to rack up damage of your own since you're not dying at 110% from an attack anymore.
Depending on where MK is on the list, DDD is definitely second, ready to move up to first, for the reasons already mentioned. Falcos have always been mostly one-dimensional in their approach, but two years later, it still seems to be working against a lot of ROBs. I've never had enough problems with Falco to put him above either MK or DDD.
Can somebody show me a video of a notable, respected ROB player
solidly beating a notable, respected TL? I don't mean chipping in damage here and there with an occasional fair or nair after getting hit a lot; I mean clearly outplaying TL, shutting down his options and capitalizing on any and all of his mistakes