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Utah Thread - Dead thread is dead


Smash Apprentice
Jun 13, 2013
This was my first tournament. It was mad fun even if I got wrecked. When I wasn't getting wrecked I was watching Logos' wolf go ham. Seriously man that wolf was fun to watch... Shoutouts to Mars and Snap. They're bros. That is all.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 23, 2014
This was my first tournament. It was mad fun even if I got wrecked. When I wasn't getting wrecked I was watching Logos' wolf go ham. Seriously man that wolf was fun to watch... Shoutouts to Mars and Snap. They're bros. That is all.
You'll be there soon man, just have to keep at it.
I told myself I was playing roy the whole tourney but I whipped out my rusty Ike onto logos and got rekt, I'm mad lol
@ Ken Neth Ken Neth Thanks for the games man, even though we didn't get to finish our money match haha. Bust out the pit next time man, would like to play that sometime!
@ Roguay Roguay I felt like I was beating your zelda and then was losing to your sheik which didn't make a lot of sense to me. I felt like my DI against sheik was garbage lol, gg's man
Logos, I don't know your username on the boards, but thanks for all the games as well, I felt we went pretty even in the first game then I switched to my rusty Ike and got wrecked haha. We should definitely get some more games in, I have to learn that wolf matchup! Sorry about the loser's final game man, you had that!
@socandrewcer my kirby skills will be world class thanks to you
To anybody I beat: get #rekt
JK thanks for all the games I got to play with everybody, sorry If I forgot anybody
One last thing, @ Superw0rri0 Superw0rri0 , I'm making eggs bro, pass the salt~
Keep your head up
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The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
I'm out........ Sorry for being a crappy TO...
dude do you have any idea how many tourneys I held til I had a solid idea of what to do.

believe me its more than you know

hell its more than I know


Smash Cadet
Jan 24, 2014
good games everyone. today i learned that my sheik is even worse than i thought and i still dont know which character i want to main


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Its actually with Falcon.

But yeah just play everyone and find out which character people hate playing against the most


Smash Ace
Apr 16, 2013
dude do you have any idea how many tourneys I held til I had a solid idea of what to do.

believe me its more than you know

hell its more than I know
The tourney ran just fine... I was just being a salty ass at a couple of my matches and was being a poor representation as a Smash player and as a TO.

Just to everyone who witnessed my rage. Please forgive me, I'm on the brink of having to leave Neumont for at least a year and it's just really stressing me out because if I do have to leave it means I have to leave Utah and that's not something that I want to happen. Lately I've been really discouraged in both School and Smash and for some reason I took my frustration out in a couple of my matches and it didn't end very well. Luckily the person who I was playing against when this happened was a friend from Neumont and we understand each other so no hard feelings there. Anger is something that I've been working really hard to control as it's pretty much the biggest issue I have so I hope you guys understand.

On a happier note:
Thanks to everyone who came! This tourney trumped the last one and we were far more successful! We had 38 people enter PM which is something we never imagined for our second monthly. Melee had a pretty good turnout as well and we had more Brawl players this time too :D.

I'm going to see if we can run another one in this coming month... we only have 3 more weeks in our quarter so I'm not sure if we'll be able to or not. If we do not then there won't be a tournament for at least two months because we'll be on our quarterly month long break. But when we get back into the next quarter there will definitely be more tournaments. As long as I'm here in Utah there will be tournaments! And when I leave I will pass down the torch to..... someone.....

Congratulations to all of the winners! I'll be posting results and shoutouts tomorrow as I'm quite tired right now.

Thank you again to everyone who came and I hope to see you all at Smash Jam 3!

@ Superw0rri0 Superw0rri0 - Let's talk before you defeat yourself like that. 801-836-9297
Read the above XD
I wasn't frustrated because of the tourney I just got really salty again and I'm not happy about it more so because i'm the TO
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Death Arcana

Rum is for Drinking
Jan 3, 2009
nyuu? nyuu!!
shoutouts to
Ebo for teaming and us not sucking like i thought we were

net12.5 for LOSING on FD again TWICE IN A ROW
Hatch for having a buff truck
samson for playing like an asshole
Kenny for being a brawl player and taking over another game with me
Tane for ****ting out his Dik
Mars for never teaming with me

if i think of more ill get em out there
i feel like such a fraud right now
ugh i don't want to win guys you just make me do it though


Smash Apprentice
Mar 23, 2014
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Smash Master
Sep 10, 2007
Central IL
yall are entering the dark ages if devon becomes the standard winner without me to regulate on his bish azz lol
grats on first man enforce the tier list in my absence :)

also rafik i understand so hard the irl frustration ruining your video game experience. happened with me in dota ~a month ago. try to keep your cool and know that with all things, this too shall pass. everything is fleeting and the only reliable constant you have is yourself and your attitude, and even that diminishes as you approach your death. also also hatch snagged the crt so this is a "you snost, you lost" situation


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2013
@ Snap. Snap. i think u already have enough salt for ur eggs sir. maybe my sheik is too nice, everyone else was having problems with it too, unless they werent which meant they were either having trouble with my zelda or their name was Kenny
@ Ken Neth Ken Neth ur 2good 4 me but at least i still looked nice getting rekt
@ net1234 net1234 lets see u doubleshine *****
@ Superw0rri0 Superw0rri0 gr8 tournament m8, sorry for eating that T link up in round 1, also u owe me $1
@ apples25 apples25 ur too good but i was clocked in on the mew2, also u should main falcon
@RVKYS you should main falco
@ Pumpinz Pumpinz learn 2 swag on the ledge then maybe (also hype for monday)

@everyone else: :zelda::sheik::zelda::sheik::zelda::sheik::zelda::sheik:



Smash Journeyman
Dec 17, 2013
Salt Lake City, Utah
Fun tourney. Shoutouts to my hangover, all the scrubby melee players who are the reason I continue to do better in melee than in Brawl, and @ Superw0rri0 Superw0rri0 for those sweet down throw to forward air combos on his own controller.

Also melee and PM scene, brawl players won both your events. Rekt


Smash Apprentice
May 1, 2014
I got completely wrecked...

Great tournament, though.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 14, 2013
South Ogden Utah (Nortah)
I'm going to have Memorial Day Fest at my place Tomorrow. Come over starting at noon and we can play till midnight. I have 2 setups with plenty of room for more so bring em. PM me if you need my number.


Everyone's invited except Death Arcana.
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 23, 2014
Fun tourney. Shoutouts to my hangover, all the scrubby melee players who are the reason I continue to do better in melee than in Brawl, and @ Superw0rri0 Superw0rri0 for those sweet down throw to forward air combos on his own controller.

Also melee and PM scene, brawl players won both your events. Rekt
down throw to forward air combo
I lost it when I read that

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
Fun tourney everyone! I really enjoyed it.

Shoutout time
@ Snap. Snap. Dude it was fun playing with you and talking to you. Cool guy, and your snake is too good for me. Let's finish that MM next tourney.
@ Pumpinz Pumpinz congrats for being the only person to take a game off me. Oh, and stop rolling behind me.
@ net1234 net1234 Stop being a scrub.
@ Roguay Roguay Good stuff man. Even though our matches weren't that close, I was super impressed by you. Your tech skill is insane, now you just need to get that experience against human players. Good stuff on taking out everyone all the way to Grand Finals. Keep it up.
@ Shylock Shylock Your roy is crazy. I was afraid I was getting knocked out during our first match. I want to see your pm roy sometime, I heard it's beastly too.
@Rockmix I swear we play every tourney we ever enter. Played you in both melee and brawl teams and singles.
@ TheBuzzSaw TheBuzzSaw We are scrubs. That is all.
@ Logos Logos Fun games man. Sucks that you suicided. Especially in that third loser's semis match. I was sure I'd be playing you again in GFs. Your wolf is very entertaining to watch and play.
@Isee Good teaming with you. Stop getting 3 stocked by me.
@ Death Arcana Death Arcana Good games, I'll get you next time. Props to us for winning games we don't play.
@Ebo! You've gotten too good, maybe I'll try not playing for a few months.
@AMM0 I was scared after you got that first 0-90 combo on me. GG
@ SoapSuds SoapSuds Glad we could play some friendlies. Like I said, you've gotten a ton better since the first time I played you at Gamer's Abbey. Keep it up.
@ Superw0rri0 Superw0rri0 Thanks for hosting man. It was an awesome tourney. I feel you already realize it so there's not much to add, but I think once you get your temper under control you'll find you'll play a hundred times better. I've noticed that once I start getting upset or down or anything other than calm and composed my game goes down the toilet. Thanks for putting in the effort you do to host events.
@Tane for being classic tane. Never a dull moment.
@ all the PM/melee elitists I played, I know this isn't really fair to say, but you lost to a brawl-only player- Get rekt. Thanks for covering half my rent money for next month, I appreciate it.
@nqztv Nice to see you again. We'll have to play sometime, just hit me up.
@colus Always fun. Don't know why you took a snake to lylat tho
@ -Mars- -Mars- Get into PM with me. Fun hanging out with you even if we didn't really get to play.
@ all the other people I didn't get to play, it was fun hanging out with you all. Hope to see all the new faces again.

I know I probably missed some of the people I played with, so I might post some more once the results/bracket are up if I missed a bunch.

But really, I had a lot of fun. Especially in PM. That's the game I have the most fun playing at the moment, so maybe I'll start playing that more and actually learn to play the game. I would just add for next time to run melee then PM then brawl instead of pm then melee. It's much easier to transition from melee to pm than vice versa. Also, PM is the middle ground game where people that play either brawl or melee will both join in. That will help brawl's attendance as well as PM's because the people coming for those two don't have to wait hours in between. Unless you do switch to brawl first like I heard might happen then just ignore this.
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 23, 2014
hey idk how ur name can be @ Snap. Snap. if ur hand was that limp after i 3 stocked you

but u should come to pumpinz fest tomorrow bruh
not banning FD and then picking warioware was a poor life decision in retrospect haha.
working all day tomorrow, and most of this week. I think I'm free on tuesday and friday if anything is going on during those days.
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Smash Apprentice
Apr 17, 2014
Great tourney. Thanks @ Superw0rri0 Superw0rri0 and Neumont
Shout-outs to @Baky for getting me to enter Melee. Landed a cool 25th :D
@ Ken Neth Ken Neth thanks for the friendlies, I'm glad our matches are getting closer and am thankful for your feedback. Enjoy my lunch money.
@ net1234 net1234 was keeping the hype alive. Upsets incoming.
@ apples25 apples25 Really fun matches even though you put me out; glad we got some friendlies in afterwards.
@Rockmix Glad to see a Falcon in tourney giving me some ideas of what I should be up to. Thanks for playing some matches and switching to pm half way through just for me :D
@ Pumpinz Pumpinz I friended you on Steam. Lets get some netplay in sometime.

I played a lot of people but I'm really terrible with names. Expect me to carry around a notebook and write down everyone next time. Shoutouts to everyone I forgot >..>


Smash Cadet
Dec 14, 2013
Salt Lake City, UT
Shout outs!
@ Superw0rri0 Superw0rri0 Awesome tournament! I loved it I'll definitely need to make the next one if it happens, also you might need a new controller.
@ net1234 net1234 Still can't believe I choked that bad in the scrub fest of all things XD That was sick and so was your epic jump shot in pool. @ Hatch Backward Hatch Backward @ net1234 net1234 @ Shylock Shylock best at billiards, money match us.
@ Pumpinz Pumpinz You keep getting better man, like every time we play against each other. I mean it goes without saying, but don't listen to Ben. He's a butt.
@BillNyeTheSamusGuy That Samus recovery though XD Seriously stop coming back from everything. Our matches are always all over the place.
@ Hatch Backward Hatch Backward Oh buddy old pal that legit match was totally legit. Also keep practicing hatching forward and you'll be golden.
@ Ken Neth Ken Neth I wish I could have taken you out in losers so bad XD But at least I can add another person to the list that has felt the Roy. And yes we totally need to play PM together because my PM Roy is basically my melee Roy, but even more combo happy.
@Rockmix This is like the third time we've gone against each other early on in tourney and the second time that it's been our first match. Your falcon is becoming my nemesis XD
@ Death Arcana Death Arcana Stop being good at melee XD Me and H@ch were talking about how you talked him into trying Brawl and then he talked me into trying Brawl. I mean I'm not the kind of person who ****s on Brawl, I used to play it all the time. I just felt like it wasn't for me, but I think now I'm going to give it an honest try.

All in all tourney was an absolute blast. Gotta keep learning those match ups and keep fighting all the people in our scene. Also I'm so happy we have at least a little variety with our scene's character choices. Makes for a variety of challenges and a variety of fun.
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The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005

Brawl is a good game.

Melee is a good game.

Pm is a good game.

Scrabble is a great game.

Smash 64 is good game.

guys you should just support all versions of smash. They are all really good and fun.


Smash Master
Sep 10, 2007
Central IL
the "you lost to a brawl player" talk is annoying as **** considering most of the people you are beating have played for 6-12 months, and you're beating them at melee, a game you "don't play"

if you wanna talk **** beat an actual melee player, like me, not a bunch of newer players who are still learning and don't have years of brawl competitive experience (which is also smash...)

the game is extremely difficult and a lot of your brawl skill transfers over, let alone your tournament experience. respect your opponents and be humble or turn into leffen and be hated by everybody. but at least he is actually good
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