Yeah that would have been the best option, but I didn't think it was necessary knowing I had a full shield. I figured I'd be fine just holding it for the last second and was ready to spot dodge his crappy grab which should have been the only thing that could hit me. But I guess I'll plan on doing what I can to avoid being in my shield in that situation next time.
Looks like I'm going to have to start playing against you and Devon with timeouts in mind as well as devise strategies of how to handle the match depending on the amount of time left. Normally I don't bother about percents because snake lives so freaking long and I can win regardless of percent. But time played a stupid amount of importance in both the sets I lost.
Honestly man, at the highest level, I think Wario is really really really bad for Snake. Snakes usual advantages ( KO power, survivability, damage) Wario actually matches or exceeds him in these areas. Then his other advantages being his range and ground/grab game, Wario just can completely avoid that altogether. I don't think I got hit with ftilt more than 3 times in the whole set.
Your basically left with having to chase Wario in the air and Snake is bad in the air. I still haven't mastered Wario to the point that I want and theres a lot of little nuances in the MU that I need to polish....but yea. I picked up Wario specifically to beat you and Chris lol.
I would just CP MK on Wario because that MU is impossible for Wario if you know how to play it, but then we'll just be playing MK dittos every set lolololol we'll finally embrace Brawl metagame.
Hey everyone! We are so glad that the tournament on Saturday went so well. I had a lot of people come up and talk to me about how much fun they had and I'm very happy to hear it.
But, we know there were probably some things that could use some improving. So let us know!
We made up this short survey that will help us decide how to run future tournaments at FanXperience and Salt Lake Comic Con. There is opportunity for you to tell us what you did and did not like at the tournament. (Three responses have come in and people didn't seem happy about chain grabs being allowed. :/ )
Follow this link to the survey -
Thanks everyone!
I think we all know who complained =/
I'm with you all. Chain grabs are part of the game and are there for everyone to try and learn, and how to combat them. I'm guessing too that it's mostly those who don't know what to do when caught in one.
What do you think of this - maybe not allowing it for pools, but then letting it be fair game when it gets to brackets?
I talked about this with my staff, but no matter how much we do right, or how many good things we do, those who are upset with one or two things will speak the loudest. Life :\
There's a lot of things in Brawl that are worse than Ice Climbers imo. MK, Wario, Aguilars....its just a part of the game.
The basic strategy/template for fighting Ice Climbers involves:
1. Making sure you don't play on Final Destination. This stage is almost impossible for any character in the game to beat Ice Climbers on. You have to ban it.
2.Ice Climbers pretty much invalidate most of the cast. So you're left with playing either characters that never have to land (MK/Wario/Peach/ROB) or characters that have strong neutral tools/gimmicks that interrupt chaingrabs Diddy/Snake/etc.
3. You cant get grabbed. This is harder than it sounds, it takes a ton of patience and a good understanding of how the game's system mechanics work.
Even with all of these steps covered and even if you know what you're doing....chances are you will still get grabbed and you will lose to Icies. Ice Climbers are basically the noob proof is almost impossible for a average/casual/newer player to beat someone as skilled with Icies as Samson is. Even outside of the chaingrabs they're still a very formidable character and they can win without even having to land a grab.
Now if you ban chaingrabs.....ultimately what will it accomplish? Samson will just play his MK or Snake and he will still beat the same people he beat almost as easily as he did with Ice Climbers, this just hampers him in bracket. Banning chaingrabs in pools isn't actually a bad idea but how on earth would you referee something like that, youd need staff at every setup lol.
Dem ***** ice climers, man git reckt IC's stuped cheep *** wobbles and chane grebs ban dat **** u gotta fyte lyke a reel man and fulkin punch its smesh bros not greb bros wuts the pont if kan just kep wobblin and chame grebin 4ever
llololololol. im dead
Good insight. I expected a lot of new comers that don't regularly go to tournaments as Comic Con has a very large reach on the social media and website. I think we will stick with competitive rules and continue to inform people of how to keep up with competitive players. For sure - the ones who will keep coming back are those who compete regularly in tournaments, so we'll keep it as close to that where possible (probably in most every case).
Honestly Chris, do whatever you want. Its your tournament so whatever your ultimate goal or what you want to get out of the event is what you should shoot for. Just keep in mind, last year you ran a FFAmtourny with items on......and the best players still were the last ones standing at the end of the day. You have almost the same people in finals this time with a competitive ruleset as you did last year with a casual one. Coincidence? No.
The skill gap is just massive. Even some of the players in the Utah scene who never even get into the top 5 in our locals just destroyed everyone in their pools. My little brother isn't exactly a "competitive" player and he 3 stocked almost everyone in his pool with a mid tier character in Kirby.
Some people just don't have what it takes w\to play a competitive fighter. For example in one of my pools matches I played a Falco player with my Snake. He woukld shoot a couple lasers on the other side of the stage, then whenever I got close...he would side b to the other side and try to do it again. Well obviously I know how to get around this 2008 strategy and I would simply walk and shield his side b and the punish with Snakes ftilt. You'd think after about the 5th time of me punishing this guy for this he would try something else or maybe make the connection in his brain that his foolproof strategy was getting him niowhere...but nope. Kept doing it the whole set and I kept punishing him the whole set. this wasn't a little kid or anything either it was a grown man older than me lol.
Fighting games, especially 1v1 games are so unforgiving of a genre. You will lose and you will lose a lot. There is always someone out there who is better than you. You have to take each of your losses and learn from the experience. that's the beauty of competitive games. There's always room for improvement and theres always more information to soak in.
and I think people had a great time. I talked with 20+ people I had never met before, gave tips, pointed people towards our scene and Smashboards. There was giveaways, food, sexy hairy men everywhere, and even Ash Ketchum himself showed up.
One thing you might want to look into is lowering the entry fee. Its really expensive for the average person to put up that much money for a pot that they will never even sniff at.
Anyways, you guys are awesome and the event was da bess. Some of your "security" guards were taking their jobs a little too seriously though lol.
Seeing, what I'm guessing, is a lot of your guys input in the survey. Thanks everyone!
This is only the second tournament that I've ever planned, but it's got me so pumped. A lot of your ideas for suggestions we have already though of and we're determined to keep improving and making it better.
I'm already excited for September. I'm hoping we can do a ton of games then (can't make any promises, haha) but we want to get in Project M and Doubles for games.
Just curious - What's everyone's thoughts on the 3DS game for competitive matches? I'm still trying to rack my brain around how that will work. Parts of it sounds like it will be easy, other parts make me think it will be way hard
3DS version will be awesome, ill finally get to play Smash while im on the toilet. you have no idea how long ive waited for this moment.
The biggest problem I foresee wth 3DS tournaments is having enough outlets/charging stations available for matches to be played.
I was talking to Yaz and he said NM does an amateur bracket for all of those who don't make it out of pools to cater towards newer players as well.
Just an idea. I realize there are time constraints, but with enough setups/not way too many people, that might be a possibility.
New Mexico? Is their whole scene besides Light and Dekar in the amateur bracket????