I feel I should say something with all the bickering I've just read, but the dust sorta setteled and I feel bad kicking it back up. Oh well, here goes.
Let it be known I have a burning, seething hatered for Zack right now, and to a lesser extent Nate (because he's Zack's right-hand-man). It's completely (99%) based upon the EVO trip, quite a bit of which was completely out of their control. I should only be mad about the $71 I've been shorted, and the fact I'm quite confident that the two were well aware they were going to be coming up short before we even left. It's still really my fault in a small way, I should have collected cash before I'd let them onto the van. I don't think it's that Zack and Nate are untrustworthy, it's just... nevermind, let's not go there...
My rant was just that, a rant. Normally I'd deal with all that in PMs, but you can't really vent if your not speaking to the masses. I'd been driving three days straight, had little sleep, had to head straight back to school, and I was still going to drive four more hours to give Zack a ride home. I decided I didn't want to make that last part of the trip, especally after considering I hadn't been paid for the gas earlier, so slept instead (much needed...), woke up pissed and ended up snapping. Other than the $71, the only real gripes I have with you two are as follows:
Zack, I haven't heard you say this for awhile, but I have heard you say it. "If I'd mained Shiek this whole time rather than Bowser, I'd be better than everyone/I curently am/PC/so-n-so/blah-blah." Like I said, haven't heard it for quite a while, but I did hear you telling Bobo exactly how he would have done against Arash, and how well he'd have played against so-n-so, etc etc. Please stop that.
Nobody wants to hear your expertise on where they belong because you have oh so much more experience, or know the match-ups, or whatever. Nobody. Also, your sense of direction SUCKS!
Nate, your always saying it's the cocky players who diserve to lose. I'm in total agreence. I don't think your cocky by ANY means, but you do like to call a lot of other people scrubby. Both you and Zack are on a high-horse, thinking you two run the smash scene. I don't think it'd exist without you, but I still stand by my opinion that neither of you have any more say in ANYthing than anyone else does just because you've organized it all. You (both Nate and Zack) have this air of "what I say goes, no questions, I'm doing it."
Also, I dropped going to the 15th tournament becasue I don't think I'm ready to deal with you two right now. As far as quitting Smash... I'm just quitting this scene for now. School's back up, I've just moved, etc etc, too much will be going on again for me to hit the tournies. I'll still be playing with my buddies down here, and I'll definitely stick my head back out when Brawl hits.
Banzai was alright... I swear they lost attendence all around this year (plus Snafu's sales kinda blew). I was in the semi-final with Rafa (sorry, I mean DM [lulz] ) and another girl, only the first one out of the match wouldn't make it to finals. I made the mistake of picking Falco for the job of survival... bad decision. Oh, and yeah, Game Crazy still sucks SO horribly bad. Seriously, you don't have to wait for all four matches to be over the start the next four, WTF? Oh, and I placed higher than PC at this thing, so make sure you show that in the power rankings.