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Utah Thread - Dead thread is dead

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
Dont Give Him Your Phone Number!!!!!
OMG As soon as I read ___'s request for Minato's cell phone number, I was thinking about posting "Don't give him your phone number!" Then, I scrolled down to the next post and you wrote, word-for-word, what I was going to write. LOL

So, Minato, I would advise you not to.


Smash Lord
May 12, 2008
Provo, Utah
first off, PC you wish we texted you.

second, devin is like the only one we would ALWAYS text haha because he was the coolest and he got girls :)

and third of all, i just need smashers numbers to get in contact with them just in case we are nearby and wanna smash or something.

but if you dont want to give it to me then its fine. but i would like it.

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
I'm not going to be able to make it to PNT tomorrow. I forgot about a photoshop class i signed up for.

Homewok sucks. I've been doing homework pretty much nonstop since three today. Oh yeah, Taylor, sorry I didn't call you back. I thought I would be done with this a lot sooner,but I'm still working on it..


The Corrupted
Feb 22, 2008
Sandy, Utah
there is a difference between people that play halo and people that play WoW. people that play halo also go out and do other things. WoW people do not. Also Halo people do not get a Southpark episode dedicated to them and their looserness. you know when southpark starts making fun of it, it is becoming a problem to society.
First you never said anything about you playing starcraft, second I still do get out and do other things, third i have noone else around I can hang with alot so it give me somthing fun to do. BTW my Fav south Park is the mormon one and to quote you
you know when southpark starts making fun of it, it is becoming a problem to society.
You can't justify your addiction to anything with someone else's addiction.

Don't worry its OK that I am addicted to Meth because __________ is to! (just an example nothing more)
I don't remember once saying it was ok, let me check my post....... No I didn't.

I never said it makes it better but one "addict souldn't point at another and say "You suck your addicted when they fall into the same box"

_______ is an loser because he is addicted to Meth and im cool because im addicted to Crack.


is the mano, ya know?
Jul 25, 2008
^Poor soul.

It was fun playing with you guys, Fate, RoflCan, and C!Z. If you read this, RoflCan, I will beat your Kirby when we meet again!
I won't be able to make it to any more tournaments in the next while, although I will continue coming when I can. Unfortunately I won't be consistently coming until February, when I'm done applying for scholarships and college. But I WILL come again in the next month or two, though I don't know when or where yet.

I thought it was funny how C!Z, CREA and a bunch of other guys had their own little Melee corner. Hey, at least you two participated in the Brawl tournament. :) Nice mind games with Toon Link, C!Z.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
I'm not sure what upgrade they applied recently to the forum, but I LOVE HOW FAST SWF IS NOW!!!


is the mano, ya know?
Jul 25, 2008
Yeah same here.
and is anonano any good?
Anonano do you play melee too?
Am I any good? Better than most of the lot that showed up at the tournament (No offense to them, they were good for casual players). Close loses to C!Z and RoflCan, Fate 2-stocked me with Wario. :( I might've faced Harpuia. I don't remember, there were like 20 billion more people there than I can remember the names of. I can only remember about five people, RoflCan- Danny- and Fate included. I made it to the quarter finals (maybe semi? See, I can't remember :p ) so I'm not up to your level... yet...

I play Melee... only I suck now.
1) I can't combo anymore.
2) I can't wavedash. And Link's wavedash sucks anyway.
3) I don't stand much of a chance against C!Z and the like. They'd probably 2-stock me, with a very slim chance of 1 stock. Probably 3 stock me from watching them play.


The Corrupted
Feb 22, 2008
Sandy, Utah
Am I any good? Better than most of the lot that showed up at the tournament (No offense to them, they were good for casual players). Close loses to C!Z and RoflCan, Fate 2-stocked me with Wario. :( I might've faced Harpuia. I don't remember, there were like 20 billion more people there than I can remember the names of. I can only remember about five people, RoflCan- Danny- and Fate included. I made it to the quarter finals (maybe semi? See, I can't remember :p ) so I'm not up to your level... yet...

I play Melee... only I suck now.
1) I can't combo anymore.
2) I can't wavedash. And Link's wavedash sucks anyway.
3) I don't stand much of a chance against C!Z and the like. They'd probably 2-stock me, with a very slim chance of 1 stock. Probably 3 stock me from watching them play.
It was Rade how played Wario against you, I don't play him.

Dark Ryu

Smash Ace
Apr 20, 2007
In Gojira's shirt (aka) Utah
Your alive?
lol.. if your really knew david, then you would know he doesn't get on smashboards.

Am I any good? Better than most of the lot that showed up at the tournament (No offense to them, they were good for casual players). Close loses to C!Z and RoflCan, Fate 2-stocked me with Wario. I might've faced Harpuia. I don't remember, there were like 20 billion more people there than I can remember the names of. I can only remember about five people, RoflCan- Danny- and Fate included. I made it to the quarter finals (maybe semi? See, I can't remember ) so I'm not up to your level... yet...
So you haven't faced any good brawl players then? hahaha prepare to be diddy face *****. :D


is the mano, ya know?
Jul 25, 2008
Thanks. I appreciate your confidence, comrade.
You should've come and showed me up then.
My online humor sucks, so let me write what I should've said.
Thanks, I appreciate your confidence in my skills. ;) Now I understand that I'm actually bad, lol.
I wish you could've come, it would've been great to do friendlies with you or at least compete against you. I was really disappointed to not see you there.

Now I will try to restrain my posts to 2 or under each day so I don't spam this thread to oblivion.

Dark Ryu

Smash Ace
Apr 20, 2007
In Gojira's shirt (aka) Utah
My online humor sucks, so let me write what I should've said.
Thanks, I appreciate your confidence in my skills. ;) Now I understand that I'm actually bad, lol.
I wish you could've come, it would've been great to do friendlies with you or at least compete against you. I was really disappointed to not see you there.

Now I will try to restrain my posts to 2 or under each day so I don't spam this thread to oblivion.
No one cares anymore, were all used to my bro X spamming it up in here.

Yeah I wanted to go way bad as well and play you and chill with C!Z man and Sexy Jun. Oh well. Tomorrow is tourney anyways.


is the mano, ya know?
Jul 25, 2008
There is a sticky thread where we can post all of our tournaments and their dates. Those of you hosting tournaments/ who know of tournaments should try and put them all up in that thread. It would make it easier for someone like me to decide which ones I can make and which I can't.


Sep 8, 2007
Corona, CA
Am I any good? Better than most of the lot that showed up at the tournament (No offense to them, they were good for casual players).
Hope you didn't judge me by my first Brawl match with that little kid. I didn't have the heart to actually try hard on him.


is the mano, ya know?
Jul 25, 2008
Hope you didn't judge me by my first Brawl match with that little kid. I didn't have the heart to actually try hard on him.
Did I face you there? Which guy were you? I can't remember anybody. *cries*

I quote myself from a while ago: "Don't sandbag me..."
If you're going to fight do it at your best. Otherwise please just jump off the stage and save me the humiliation of winning at your mercy. *more crying*


Sep 8, 2007
Corona, CA
Did I face you there? Which guy were you? I can't remember anybody. *cries*

I quote myself from a while ago: "Don't sandbag me..."
If you're going to fight do it at your best. Otherwise please just jump off the stage and save me the humiliation of winning at your mercy. *more crying*
No, I didn't face you. I did shake your hand after Fate and Rade though. But don't worry, I wasn't going to sandbag if I faced you.
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