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Utah Thread - Dead thread is dead


Smash Apprentice
Oct 4, 2007
Salt Lake City, UT
We didn't rent it chris (not ____________) had it burned from a red box dvd. But seriously EVERYONE GET IT INTO YOUR HEAD SEE DRAGON WARS!

Dark Ryu

Smash Ace
Apr 20, 2007
In Gojira's shirt (aka) Utah
Its not a problem, its a mindgame.

I dare you to press my signature.
LOL omg! I cant resist clicking things, especially when im dared. Hahah wow i cried when i watched that vid especially since im so tired.

Anyways. Sounds great fate! I'll enjoy tournies more if we can get pizza:) and hopefully more people will be able to show up to this.

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
So I'm guessing you want me to change the flyer to fit with the new locaton, right? I'll do it sometime tomorrow. I have to be at soccer at nine so I don't feel like doing it right now. Just email me the new info, like the address, contact info, etc.


Smash Cadet
Mar 10, 2008
Riverdale, Utah
The main thing I need to know is why some of us go to MA and said that they could show for my thing but don't come to the PnT is it because of it being on Thursday and that doesn't work well with school and work? Because I can change the date, he said that we could even have the place on Sundays, but I don't think we would have a big enough turn out if we did them then. FYI every other state I have seen has there weekies or state tournies on Sundays. :(
I can't ever make it to the PnT tournies because they are on Thursday. I also live in Riverdale now so Draper would be quite a drive for any day Mon-Fri.


Sep 8, 2007
Corona, CA
Sounds awfully generous of them, but I hope the extra Wiis they're letting us use have Brawl data on them.

Sundays actually work quite well for me, but Utah would like to disagree...


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Now let me tell you a story... I was sitting on the couch as my mom and gf talked about stuff and things, as i get a call from a # i didn't know it was Roby the PnT owner!! I ended up talking to him for a bit and the main points that I wanta point out are:
1) when ever I want I can use the store for tournies as long as i give them notice! :)
2) The story will stay open until our tournies are done as long as we get a good turn out and know one steals stuff, I told him how the tournies we have now go from about 12-11 at least.
3) They have a few more wii's that we can use + if people who bring theres to FTS's also bring them here we can fill there 7+ TV's easy, leaving more time for other tounies and friendly's.
4) Hook us up with free pizza from accross the street, thats kinda from me and him.
5) He said he has connections to the owner of the movie therter on redwood, and could get us in to use the HUGE screens if we did big tournies with other states.
6) Its a great way for us to get more people into competitive gaming not just Brawl but any game, because they'll see and hear about it easier. Those of you who went to the melee ones they had back in the day saw 30+ people because it was well advertised, so once this takes off it should be big.
7) I kick ***.

The main thing I need to know is why some of us go to MA and said that they could show for my thing but don't come to the PnT is it because of it being on Thursday and that doesn't work well with school and work? Because I can change the date, he said that we could even have the place on Sundays, but I don't think we would have a big enough turn out if we did them then. FYI every other state I have seen has there weekies or state tournies on Sundays. :(
This sounds interesting, I might be able to make it to one in December during winter brake.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
ya, we can do it ANY day guys, for serious and you guys have noticed how we get some different people there at PnT, so this would be a great gateway drug for metal awesome!

oh and they have about 8 TVs we can use! which is sweet! we could still bring MK or something too!

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
...I've played in their Smash tourneys since they started. It's gonna be crazy this year for me, with cosplay and AMVs and a video game industry panel I'm running... :dizzy:
Oh, really? Perhaps you've heard of me (probably not by name, though); I'm the one that got first place the first two years in a row (and got the exact same thing as the prize both times LOL)? (C!Z only won last year because my friend Rafa-Son, the only one at that time I didn't want to face early on, manage to eliminate me. :p) And are you a volunteer, or are you actually part of the main staff? And if you have a Anime Banzai forum account, what is it?

...and he said that they are putting in a 2 sided couch in the middle to replace the bean bags...
The TV's are kind of high for anything other than stools... And back then when I came with a stool, they eventually told me to stop bringing them because other people were asking if they can bring chairs/stools (they said they were fine when it was just one, but if there are too many chairs, it could be a problems). So unless they are willing to break this policy, it'll be a problem for a tournament at the PnT. But, aside from this problem, and the problem of them wanting a house cut (which would be fine if CorruptFate doesn't take a second cut), then it would work out pretty well (unless I missed something else), as there are a lot of benefits for having it at PnT.

Sounds awfully generous of them, but I hope the extra Wiis they're letting us use have Brawl data on them.

Sundays actually work quite well for me, but Utah would like to disagree...
I couldn't agree more! I have doubts that ALL of their Wiis will have all of the necessary things unlocked (i.e. all characters AND stages) for tournament play.
And yes, Utah is very anti-Sundays. I'm fine with it being on Sundays, also, but we could lose some others (especially the casual crowd, like the random new people we're hoping on getting with it being at PnT).


is the mano, ya know?
Jul 25, 2008

And yes, Utah is very anti-Sundays. I'm fine with it being on Sundays, also, but we could lose some others (especially the casual crowd, like the random new people we're hoping on getting with it being at PnT).
Like me.

I'd like to regularly come to the tournaments rather than just be "casual," as well as just have "for fun" matches at anybody's house, but firstly I need to see if I can even compete on the same level with you guys. If the gap is close enough I'll keep coming, but if I'm still a long shot away then I'd rather not gamble my money away based on competition I already know I can't beat and will never have a chance against.
And don't sandbag me. If you 3-stock me in the first round, but I think I can figure a way out to counter your strategy, keep doing your best. I won't learn anything if you refuse fight me at your best. And that's part of the fun thing about equal- or higher-level competition; you don't only maintain your current skill level, but you vastly improve. If I didn't think I'd learn new strategies or meet new friends I definitely wouldn't be considering going to any tournament at all.

EDIT: And winning money towards a mission definitely wouldn't hurt either.

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
Even if you do get beat pretty badly the first time you should keep coming. Pretty much everyone gets worked in their first tourney (I know I did) because there are a of different techniques, strategies, mindgames, etc that you may have never seen before (especially if you have only been fighting computers.) The only way to get better though is to keep playing against those that are better than you and asking questions/advice.


is the mano, ya know?
Jul 25, 2008
____, there are way too many factors going into whether or not I make the MA tournament, but I am going to the PnT tourney next Thursday for sure. Maybe I'll face you there *hint hint nudge nudge*

Even if you do get beat pretty badly the first time you should keep coming. Pretty much everyone gets worked in their first tourney (I know I did) because there are a of different techniques, strategies, mindgames, etc that you may have never seen before (especially if you have only been fighting computers.) The only way to get better though is to keep playing against those that are better than you and asking questions/advice.

So to show you a little about myself...

I've been attempting to remember anyone I've ever faced in Melee and Brawl. Rather than naming them all, I'll just count them all up and throw them in this post (easy to say after I wasted 15 minutes typing every single one up... :p )

Alright, I've only faced around 11 people in Brawl. There are 4 who I can beat 1v1, but in a 1v2 match (with Friend Fire turned OFF) I will always lose. There are 3 who I will beat easy in 1v1, and in 1v2 I will usually win. And then the rest of 'em are little kids who screw around and really don't influence the match anyway.
I've played some 30-odd people in Melee, and I've only lost once decisively (in 2002) so I feel fairly confident in my abilities there. Or I would, except that I played Melee the other day against a friend and realized I've really lost my touch. Brawl and Melee are different. Over the period of Melee and the original SSB, I've had 6 different rivals, and each one played quite differently. I learned a lot from each of them, and each one motivated me to play the game more and improve. Hence the abnormal amount of hours on the game.

Although now that I've neglected Melee for 6 or 7 months, playing one of my friends yesterday was like watching Eragon. Once you know how good you can be, and you can't match that, is torture.

Although, after watching a few vids of C!Z's Falco in Melee, I don't think I could win even at my best anyway. Hurray for some of the best combos I've ever seen from a Falco! *applause*


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
k bro yes you have to keep coming that is key! the best way to improve your game is to play with people better than you, since it requires you to elevate your game, and eventually stuff starts to stick. But yeah KEEP COMING TO TOURNEYS! i used to suck but now i don't suck as bad!


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
Although, after watching a few vids of C!Z's Falco in Melee, I don't think I could win even at my best anyway. Hurray for some of the best combos I've ever seen from a Falco! *applause*
C!Z was in the same situation when he started playing Melee. Now he's arguably one of the best players in the state. You shouldn't think about how well you would play at your best, but how you can improve what your best entails, with the immediate focus being on mastering the basic advanced tactics. Melee is a much better game than Brawl so its definitely worth a shot to try and get better.


is the mano, ya know?
Jul 25, 2008
Thanks, you guys. I feel loved already. :)
By the way, CREA, I remember that the exact video I saw of C!Z rocking out had you as his opponent. Way to go, other insanely good Melee Falco *more applause*

And I have a question. In regards to "Illegal Controller Modifications," does that mean that I can't, say, alter the tap-jump option or switch the c-stick to my special attacks, or are we just talking about adding a new button to the controller itself?


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2005
Now let me tell you a story... I was sitting on the couch as my mom and gf talked about stuff and things, as i get a call from a # i didn't know it was Roby the PnT owner!! I ended up talking to him for a bit and the main points that I wanta point out are:
1) when ever I want I can use the store for tournies as long as i give them notice! :)
2) The story will stay open until our tournies are done as long as we get a good turn out and know one steals stuff, I told him how the tournies we have now go from about 12-11 at least.
3) They have a few more wii's that we can use + if people who bring theres to FTS's also bring them here we can fill there 7+ TV's easy, leaving more time for other tounies and friendly's.
4) Hook us up with free pizza from accross the street, thats kinda from me and him.
5) He said he has connections to the owner of the movie therter on redwood, and could get us in to use the HUGE screens if we did big tournies with other states.
6) Its a great way for us to get more people into competitive gaming not just Brawl but any game, because they'll see and hear about it easier. Those of you who went to the melee ones they had back in the day saw 30+ people because it was well advertised, so once this takes off it should be big.
7) I kick ***.
Hmmmmm where is this play-N-trade at? Are they willing to host multiple day tourneys?

We didn't rent it chris (not ____________) had it burned from a red box dvd. But seriously EVERYONE GET IT INTO YOUR HEAD SEE DRAGON WARS!
I own that POS dragon wars and as a good bad flm I give it a meh because its really really slow.


Smash Ace
May 6, 2005
Sandy, Utah
Controller Modifications refers more to things like removing the spring on a shoulder button or adding turbo/programmable functionality in any way. Cosmetic stuff like colors/lights/using a cstick for the control stick/grips is OK. Changing button mappings in brawl is technically a part of the software, not the controller.

Btw, Anonano, with the competitive attitude that shows in your posts, you really don't need to worry about being too far behind. Any gap would be closed over time for sure. Also, it's NOT gambling... we take winning/improving seriously and don't bother with games based on luck (for tournaments).


Sep 8, 2007
Corona, CA
If you don't want to "gamble" away your money at these tournaments, you can always stay after and play friendlies to improve at Play and Trade. The friendlies practically last longer than the tournies themselves.


The Corrupted
Feb 22, 2008
Sandy, Utah
@PC~ I will talk to them and see about the chairs it is a new owner now so I think it'll be different. And yes I wish that sundays would work for enough people.

@Gogira Copied strait from the web so I can only think this is the right address, and he said any tourny I want as long as i tell them in advance. What do you mean by "host multiple day tourneys?" like through the night on to the next day?

219 East 12300 S Suite 14, , Draper
Utah, 84020, United States of America


~SO the Tourny of Fate is still the same thing as before but the location has changed to the above address, but when do we wanta do these? Every other Sat or something like the 3rd sat of every month? He only wants me to do it if we get a real turn out unlike the 9-10 we get on the thursday tournies, so it sounds like we would wanta a Sat or Sun but Sun wont work.

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
...What do you mean by "host multiple day tourneys?"...
What he means, is a large tournament where, for example, the crews and doubles portion will be done one day, and singles would be during the other day. Many big tournaments that get hundreds of participants are like this, since it'll be nearly impossible to finish everything in one day.


is the mano, ya know?
Jul 25, 2008
Sorry if I misstated "gambling."
What I was trying to say was (is, I guess) that I won't spend money on something I can't do. If I can't beat you guys, and it's clear that I won't ever match you, then I won't continue coming. I'm not saying, "Waah, I lost bad and I just want to give up now," I'm saying "Gosh those guys destroyed me completely, I could never reach that level of play!"

Although it's gonna take a few tries for sure to see if that is the way things are. :) From the various levels of self-deprecation on this thread (DRyu and Harp), I think even if I don't get first I'll have some rivals to work towards beating.
If Ken is right, then I should expect to be thrashed at PnT (Hopefully I have a little more grit than that, but words are no substitute for 100's of hours of practice, eh?). But I'll keep coming even if I lose in the first round-- since I recall some sort of discussion about seeding the tournaments so that low level players face the top level ones.

Ghosting the forums is fun. People are kind of like, "when the heck did you know about that?" ;)

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
...I'm not saying, "Waah, I lost bad and I just want to give up now," I'm saying "Gosh those guys destroyed me completely, I could never reach that level of play!"...
Isn't that pretty much the same thing? "I lost bad" = "these guys destroyed me completely", and "I just want to give up now" and admitting "I could never reach that level of play" is pretty much the same thing (as the latter is just abandoning hope of doing something, a.k.a. giving up).

Dark Ryu

Smash Ace
Apr 20, 2007
In Gojira's shirt (aka) Utah
Sorry if I misstated "gambling."
What I was trying to say was (is, I guess) that I won't spend money on something I can't do. If I can't beat you guys, and it's clear that I won't ever match you, then I won't continue coming. I'm not saying, "Waah, I lost bad and I just want to give up now," I'm saying "Gosh those guys destroyed me completely, I could never reach that level of play!"

Although it's gonna take a few tries for sure to see if that is the way things are. :) From the various levels of self-deprecation on this thread (DRyu and Harp), I think even if I don't get first I'll have some rivals to work towards beating.
If Ken is right, then I should expect to be thrashed at PnT (Hopefully I have a little more grit than that, but words are no substitute for 100's of hours of practice, eh?). But I'll keep coming even if I lose in the first round-- since I recall some sort of discussion about seeding the tournaments so that low level players face the top level ones.

Ghosting the forums is fun. People are kind of like, "when the heck did you know about that?" ;)
No matter what, don't give up after your first tournament even if you get completely dominated because You really do get a lot better from coming to more tournaments and it will give you chance to make some money if you improve alot :D


Smash Apprentice
Oct 4, 2007
Salt Lake City, UT
I own that POS dragon wars and as a good bad flm I give it a meh because its really really slow.
Dude you can't take it seriously you get a group of friends and laugh at everything. Hilarious!!!! Anyway

I have one thing to say:

"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
Winston Churchill

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
I have one thing to say:

"Being in Southern Utah is making S@G3 bizarre."

See...now THAT means that "I have one thing to say"; when you quote someone else, you're really not saying anything. :p


Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2005
Lehi, UT
CorruptFate said:
5) He said he has connections to the owner of the movie therter on redwood, and could get us in to use the HUGE screens if we did big tournies with other states.
SNAP! That'd be crazy awesome. Outta curiosity, anyone happen to be planning on checking out MLG finals in Vegas this year. It's November sometime. Their focused on FPSs (fighters generally aren't good spectator-sports, more teamwork oriented games are) but MLG is also GameBattles, so I'm sure there will be some form of Brawl/Melee presence there. Even if not I'd still like to check it out. Depends how well things are going for me in Cali at the time though, I might be poor as ****, who knows.

And Anonano, don't worry about the entry fee. You can not pay it and still show up for friendlies. I personally think it's worth it just to join in on the tournament though, plus it's sort of a donation toward the gaming community in a way. Even so, you don't have to pay to participate, there's plenty of non-tournament, non-MMs going on.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
Keep in mind, like you mentioned, there are various levels of skill within the regulars so there should definitely be rivalries that you can form, especially with Rade cuz he talks **** to everyone and sucks really bad XD hahahaha


Smash Apprentice
Oct 4, 2007
Salt Lake City, UT
I have one thing to say:

"Being in Southern Utah is making S@G3 bizarre."

See...now THAT means that "I have one thing to say"; when you quote someone else, you're really not saying anything. :p
Well Just because some one said it first dosen't mean that I can't say it also, and about me just saying random stuff, I just don't have the drive or time to keep up with the Utah thread (I mean seriously you guys go though like 5 pages a day!) and so I don't I just post what I think is cool so that people know that I am not dead or anything.


Smash Cadet
Mar 10, 2008
Riverdale, Utah
This place moves too fast for me to reply to anything before it moves to a new subject.

~SO the Tourny of Fate is still the same thing as before but the location has changed to the above address, but when do we wanta do these? Every other Sat or something like the 3rd sat of every month? He only wants me to do it if we get a real turn out unlike the 9-10 we get on the thursday tournies, so it sounds like we would wanta a Sat or Sun but Sun wont work.
Whats the Tourny of Fate? If its the PnT tournies, then don't answer that.

Saturdays work for me.


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
SNAP! That'd be crazy awesome. Outta curiosity, anyone happen to be planning on checking out MLG finals in Vegas this year. It's November sometime. Their focused on FPSs (fighters generally aren't good spectator-sports, more teamwork oriented games are) but MLG is also GameBattles, so I'm sure there will be some form of Brawl/Melee presence there. Even if not I'd still like to check it out. Depends how well things are going for me in Cali at the time though, I might be poor as ****, who knows.

And Anonano, don't worry about the entry fee. You can not pay it and still show up for friendlies. I personally think it's worth it just to join in on the tournament though, plus it's sort of a donation toward the gaming community in a way. Even so, you don't have to pay to participate, there's plenty of non-tournament, non-MMs going on.
Are money matches generally just $5 or have you seen really high mm's? Also is there sort of like a referee in case disputes arise?

Dark Ryu

Smash Ace
Apr 20, 2007
In Gojira's shirt (aka) Utah
Are money matches generally just $5 or have you seen really high mm's? Also is there sort of like a referee in case disputes arise?
MM's can be any amount of money from $1+ and no there isn't a "referee" but usually people are honest about it so there isn't one needed and just in case disputes do arise theres usually someone who was watching the match anyways and he clearifys things


Smash Lord
Sep 25, 2006
Princeton, NJ
Although, after watching a few vids of C!Z's Falco in Melee, I don't think I could win even at my best anyway. Hurray for some of the best combos I've ever seen from a Falco! *applause*
Where did you see this video cuz I'd sure like to see it as well? I use to have a lil problem switchin between games but it goes away after playin a while. I had the problem with Brawl and Melee, also with Duty and Halo. But I play all 4 games just fine meow ;)


Smash Apprentice
Aug 31, 2008
Murray, Utah
Oh, really? Perhaps you've heard of me (probably not by name, though); I'm the one that got first place the first two years in a row (and got the exact same thing as the prize both times LOL)? (C!Z only won last year because my friend Rafa-Son, the only one at that time I didn't want to face early on, manage to eliminate me. :p) And are you a volunteer, or are you actually part of the main staff? And if you have a Anime Banzai forum account, what is it?
Oh yeah! If you are who I think you are, I was amazed because the first time I saw you playing you were messing around with a bunch of players by using the Samus beam extend glitch and totally owning everybody.

I'm just hosting a panel so just a volunteer and just for that one panel, I guess. My username on the Anime Banzai forums is vazor. ^_^


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2005
Sorry if I misstated "gambling."
What I was trying to say was (is, I guess) that I won't spend money on something I can't do. If I can't beat you guys, and it's clear that I won't ever match you, then I won't continue comingd. I'm not saying, "Waah, I lost bad and I just want to give up now," I'm saying "Gosh those guys destroyed me completely, I could never reach that level of play!"

If you aproach it with that attitude you might as well not even come at all. Saying "Ill never get that good" is a dumb statement. If you put out enough effort you get the results. You need to go to more than one tourney to decide if competitive play is for you.

I made this post ON mah PS3.


is the mano, ya know?
Jul 25, 2008
I guess you're right. It is a pretty stupid excuse to use if things don't go well. It's a cowardly statement to make, since it benches on whether or not things go my way. :p

I'm going to pay the fee and participate this Thursday for sure. I'm definitely going and I'm definitely competing, so there are no questions there.
Legenta, if I don't do well, I'll take you up on your suggestion and just come to friendlies for a while. But I think you'll all be at least a little surprised at what I have to offer. *evil grin of DOOM*
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