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Unpopular Smash 4 Opinions v2.0 - Read the OP before posting!

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Smash Apprentice
Feb 4, 2015
San Diego
I enjoy the Smash43DS and believe it's a worthwhile addition to the franchise. There should always be a portable version of all future Smash games.

Ryu Myuutsu

Smash Champion
Mar 24, 2013
Niigata, Japan
People really exaggerate the amount of counter moves in this game. Out of the 51 characters, only 9 have a counter move, it's not even 25% of the cast. There are more reflector and projectile users than characters who use counter.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 4, 2015
San Diego
People really exaggerate the amount of counter moves in this game. Out of the 51 characters, only 9 have a counter move, it's not even 25% of the cast. There are more reflector and projectile users than characters who use counter.
The two Pokemon one's have incredible end lag and have a higher possibility of missing after triggering the counter-attack due to they're angle of attack.
Jan 27, 2014
Amiibo should have had their own poses that could stand without clear plastic bits holding them up. Basing them off Smash 4's renders was a mistake and most of them look bad. Also, jolly Mario's first ever amiibo has him in an aggressive stance. Consumers must be so confused.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 31, 2014
Goldenrod City
Seing how many characters we have in the roster, and how many we will probably have in the newt game, I'd be okay if All-Star mode is removed after Smash 4. If the number of characters is going to be increased even further, it will make the mode very hard to handle as the difficulty will go naturally go higher due to the sheer number of opponents to fight unless they get ridiculous handicaps. I'd rather take a Melee-type adventure mode over All-Star, because it allows for more creativity and has a lot of fanservice potential. Also make the levels not always the same (both content- and order-wise) to increase replay value.
I like what they did in this game-- have 2 versions of All-Star Mode, with one just being the starting roster and then "True" All-Star Mode being unlocked once every character is. Maybe next time they could do the same thing but keep the "False" (for lack of a better term) All-Star Mode available even after the "True" one is unlocked. But I agree that it would be ok to replace it with a Melee-esque Adventure Mode (although ideally I'd like them to keep both).

I'm not sure if this is unpopular or not on Smashboards, but it was in other places I've been; I'm really glad they removed Snake. I've always been a little meh on third party characters (I've never been sold on Sonic being in the game, but for reasons other than his 3rd Party-ness too) and he was probably the most out-of-place, and not in a good way. I'm glad they used the resources they would have used for him on other characters/parts of the game. I wouldn't mind him as DLC, though (as long as he's after Dixie, Impa, the Ice Climbers and a boatload of stages/music/costumes/game modes).


The Clown
May 19, 2013
Mesa, Arizona
Whenever I hear this track after a game, I tend to clap to it if I lose (especially offline in a smashfest or when beaten by one of my own amiibos). Sometimes, I still clap even when I'm the one who wins.

I'm guessing the characters clapping onscreen makes me wanna do it too, I'm weird like that :ohwell:. I guess I find the music that catchy.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2014
I do not want Rayman anywhere near this game other than his trophy, I would have taken almost anyone else besides him for DLC


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2014
I would prefer custom moves to not be incorporated into tournaments or separate tournaments to be held with them in them, just leave the original rules be
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Smash Rookie
Oct 9, 2014
I believe custom moves are quite balanced, and can be tournament viable with the proper regulation. Custom equipment however, I would say is quite broken, and should not ever be allowed in tournaments. But that's just my opinion.

Rocket Raccoon

Subject: 89P13
Writing Team
Jul 18, 2013
the Milano.
I believe custom moves are quite balanced, and can be tournament viable with the proper regulation. Custom equipment however, I would say is quite broken, and should not ever be allowed in tournaments. But that's just my opinion.
All of this 100%

Deleted member

  • I don't think Rayman is totally justifiable for a Smash appearance. He just doesn't have the legacy nor have a plethora of support for Nintendo consoles like the three third party characters in Smash 4 do.
  • I enjoyed Smash Run.
  • 8-Player Smash is an interesting concept, but I think it falls flat when the majority of the stages aren't built around it. Some are just way too small... and I hate how they are forced into Classic Mode (which is nothing like Classic Mode in previous games).
  • I rather have condensed, neutral, hazard-less forms of stages rather than Final Destination versions of each stage as their Omega version.
  • I hate, I hate how the ruleset is basically the same as For Glory's; two stocks and 5-6 minutes. I hate having two stocks because it barely gives me time to make some sort of comeback. The matches are faster, but this is the wrong way to make them fast.
  • I'm perfectly fine with the new ledge-mechanics. I know that this hinders edge-guarding, but I like the new mechanics because I hated how I couldn't grab a ledge because my opponent grabbed it first and I was in a helpless state.
  • I think that it's more of a tragedy that Kirby doesn't have much representation from his recent games than Donkey Kong not getting as much representation. Yes, I am sad that we don't have characters like Dixie Kong or King K. Rool, but Kirby's recent history was blatantly ignored in terms of content. We only have three songs and that's it; Kirby doesn't get a new stage from the new games or a character like Bandana Dee or Magolor become playable. I honestly detest The Great Cave Offensive and Dream Land for this reason; I understand Sakurai made those games, but it's sad that a chunk of Kirby's history is mysteriously absent.
  • Palutena has to be one of the worst characters that I've played in Smash, if not the worst (even worse than 64 Samus, Melee Kirby and Pichu, and Brawl Ganondorf). Her default specials don't really mesh-up well together (a reflector and a counter?) and her attacks are incredibly laggy. I played as her against friends for fun and even then, I was frustrated by her. I've contemplated a few times on using her in For Glory just to disrespect my opponents. I might be over exaggerating when I say this, but she is just... bad. The most fun that I've had with her was annoying my opponents by spamming her side taunt...


Smash Ace
Jan 19, 2015
I sorta like Rage Mode. Previous Smashes had characters that could deal damage easily, but had a really tough time killing, and this goes a long way towards alleviating that problem.

Deleted member

  • As much as I think Rayman would be an interesting addition to the roster moveset-wise, I have to agree with @XenoBrawler610. Also, Rayman Legends going multiplatform and Ubisoft's current relationship with Nintendo both add insult to injury.
  • On a similar note, I think Simon Belmont is almost as undeserving for a roster spot as Rayman because the last Castlevania game released exclusively for a Nintendo system was a commercial flop and just like Rayman Legends, it ended up going multiplatform. It doesn't help that the only succeeding entry, Lords of Shadow 2, never came to Wii U. All Simon has going for him are (1) his series' legacy and (2) the recent Virtual Console ports of older 'Vanias, but those are fairly minuscule in my opinion. I'd go into greater detail, but I don't want to bore anyone reading this.
  • Because of their use of sub-weapons (bow, boomerang, and bombs), Link and Toon Link play similarly to how I envision Simon. Aside from his Final Smash, the only aspect that I can see making the latter's moveset unique is the utilization of the Vampire Killer whip and holy water in place of the Master Sword/Hookshot and bombs, respectively.
  • My previous two opinions being said, Simon would still be a fun Smash Bros. fighter and I would also enjoy his inclusion for the Castlevania-inspired stage(s), music (Sakurai had a missed opportunity with Michiru Yamane as one of the many composers for Smash 4's soundtrack), trophies, and Smash Run enemies that would come with it. That stance probably isn't unpopular, but I felt the need to say it regardless.
  • I also enjoyed Smash Run. It got repetitive trying to collect all of the powers just to complete one challenge, but there was fun to be had nonetheless.
  • I found Master Fortress to be somewhat easy, even on Intensity 9.0.
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Smash Rookie
Feb 10, 2015
I would not like rayman as a fighter and I am glad the leak was fake,
I wanted King Deedeedee's Anime voice for smash instead of what ever we got

Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
Rivals 2
I would not like rayman as a fighter and I am glad the leak was fake,
I wanted King Deedeedee's Anime voice for smash instead of what ever we got
Fun Fact: DDD is actually voiced by Sakurai in Smash.

still would've preferred southern DDD, tho


featuring Cool Robot Character "Ben Laserlove"
Jul 8, 2014
Södertälje, Sweden
Out of all third-party characters that could possibly get introduced to Smash in the future, Rayman is sharing the top spot along with Shantae as having the most potential and most worthy. Very sad the leak wasn't real.

Deleted member

Shantae is one of the most deserving third party characters, which isn't saying much. All she really has going against her is that she's not "legendary" like Mega Man, Sonic, and Pac-Man, which sadly applies to most third party characters who have strong Nintendo relevance.

Flaxr XIII

Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2013
I hate that the rare occasions that I WANT to make a Mii Fighter are squandered since there's no dress type outfits and the closest thing to a dress never works for for the character I want to make. I hate that this is a legitimate complaint for me.

Deleted member

I hate that the rare occasions that I WANT to make a Mii Fighter are squandered since there's no dress type outfits and the closest thing to a dress never works for for the character I want to make. I hate that this is a legitimate complaint for me.
I just hate that blue hair isn't available for Miis.


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
-Bomberman NEEDS to have representation in Smash (at least a trophy or some music).

-Same with Castlevania.

-I hate the "clone corner" in the roster (not the clones, just the location).

-If Mewtwo, the Tournament Mode and the Miiverse Stage are the only DLC for this game ... UGH.

-The returning Brawl stages look really bad, they don't look "HD", specially Smashville and Luigi's Mansion, I hate that.

-Patches should only buff the bad characters, not nerf the good ones.

-Please someone fix Ganondorf's weird face and clay hair.

Zero Meddler

Smash Apprentice
Nov 22, 2014
The continuation of the clone characters. They really don't add to the roster and are there just to be an alternate version of an existing character. I see people commenting that the Mii's have no place in the roster but in my honest opinion, they have more of a reason to be there than the clones. My main problem comes from their moveset. If they had a few different moves from the originals (without any customs) then my issue with them would be alleviated but as it stands.... I have a problem with the clones.


Smash Rookie
Oct 9, 2014
The continuation of the clone characters. They really don't add to the roster and are there just to be an alternate version of an existing character. I see people commenting that the Mii's have no place in the roster but in my honest opinion, they have more of a reason to be there than the clones. My main problem comes from their moveset. If they had a few different moves from the originals (without any customs) then my issue with them would be alleviated but as it stands.... I have a problem with the clones.
I respectfully disagree. Specifically about "clones". Clone characters, I believe, actually do contribute to the game. Even though they may be derived from another character, they largely have quite different playstyles than the character they're derived from. And some characters - like Luigi, Ganondorf, Toon Link, and Falco - are so far from the character they're derived from that they could hardly be called clones. And I can attest to that, as I main Captain Falcon and Link, and pocket Ganondorf. I cannot play at all similar as Ganondorf as I do Captain Falcon, and even though I'm good as Link, I can't play Toon Link for my life. As for Mario and Luigi, I've played both of them enough to know that they are very different as well. And I am decent with Fox, whereas I am complete garbage with Falco, and my brother is the opposite, so experience shows me that the same is true of them.

Additionally, regarding more clone-like clone characters. Due to Lucina lacking Marth's tippers and having more constant damage along the entirety of her blade, she has a different strategy and deifferent strengths and weaknesses. Lucina has more trouble with heavy characters such as Bowser, whereas MArth has more trouble with slippery characters like ZSS because it's difficult for him to get proper spacing on them. Mario has more combo ability and mobility, whereas Dr. Mario has more punch to his moves and has the Dr. Tornado down special instead of F.L.U.D.D. Etc. This leads me to my conclusion that they do have a rightful place in the game.
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Zero Meddler

Smash Apprentice
Nov 22, 2014
I respectfully disagree. Specifically about "clones". Clone characters, I believe, actually do contribute to the game. Even though they may be derived from another character, they largely have quite different playstyles than the character they're derived from. And some characters - like Luigi, Ganondorf, Toon Link, and Falco - are so far from the character they're derived from that they could hardly be called clones. And I can attest to that, as I main Captain Falcon and Link, and pocket Ganondorf. I cannot play at all similar as Ganondorf as I do Captain Falcon, and even though I'm good as Link, I can't play Toon Link for my life. As for Mario and Luigi, I've played both of them enough to know that they are very different as well. And I am decent with Fox, whereas I am complete garbage with Falco, and my brother is the opposite, so experience shows me that the same is true of them.

Additionally, regarding more clone-like clone characters. Due to Lucina lacking Marth's tippers and having more constant damage along the entirety of her blade, she has a different strategy and deifferent strengths and weaknesses. Lucina has more trouble with heavy characters such as Bowser, whereas MArth has more trouble with slippery characters like ZSS because it's difficult for him to get proper spacing on them. Mario has more combo ability and mobility, whereas Dr. Mario has more punch to his moves and has the Dr. Tornado down special instead of F.L.U.D.D. Etc. This leads me to my conclusion that they do have a rightful place in the game.
I respect that. I do recognize the different styles of play clones have. The lighter and faster Toon Link will have to approach enimies differently than Link. Dr. Mario can play a bit more aggressively than Mario due to his stronger abilities (I always refer to Dr. as Melee Mario which didn't bother me TOO much when I dicovered inclusion in the game), you make a good point.

Like I stated, my REAL problem comes from a lack of different moves that gives the clones a real distinction from the originals, which is more of a personal issue. I used to hate the fact that clones were even in the Smash games but I've come to respect them more because of the playstyles they have.


Smash Cadet
Feb 11, 2015
I hate that the rare occasions that I WANT to make a Mii Fighter are squandered since there's no dress type outfits and the closest thing to a dress never works for for the character I want to make. I hate that this is a legitimate complaint for me.
I would love a lot more girly/frilly/cute clothing options in games in general. Smash bros is definitely one of them...

Anyway, unpopular opinions, unpopular opinions...

- I am really glad that Ridley is not a playable character, and I completely agree with Sakurai's explanation.
- I have very little interest in Mewtwo as DLC.
-However, I do wish for tons, and tons, of DLC for the future. Additional stages, characters, or even just character visual overrides (ie alternate outfits) would be really cool.


Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2014
Meanwhile in Canada...
Are stating your opinion. Anything else?

Back on topic: Brawl MK wasn't broken, but if he deserved a ban, it shoud have beem for extreme centralization instead. The whole game was revolving around him. He's pretty much Aegislash: S tier, not bannable for being too good, but for rendering so many good characters( ROB, Gardevoir) useless just by being bad vs him.

Another similarity? I don't agree with either ban.
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 2, 2014
Are stating your opinion. Anything else?

Back on topic: Brawl MK wasn't broken, but if he deserved a ban, it shoud have beem for extreme centralization instead. The whole game was revolving around him. He's pretty much Aegislash: S tier, not bannable for being too good, but for rendering so many good characters( ROB, Gardevoir) useless just by being bad vs him.

Another similarity? I don't agree with either ban.
"Are stating your opinion" What do you mean?


Smash Rookie
Feb 10, 2015
I am so gonna get banned for this, I am glad the ice climbers are not in this smash game, To me they were just gimmicks that were, well not fun to play as, I always forget they exist at all in smash games,
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