- 5:ridley: was meant to be a playable character (Smashes, K.O icon/animation, down animations, Final Smash (kinda), Specials) but I THINK he was scrapped because 3DS limitations. I'm sure if it can't handle Donkey Kong Something in 60 FPS and decent graphics, 3D Flying Man, and Icies, then it can't handle Ridley.

Does not require much skill, he is just so much a noob character that it makes him impossible to use against really good people without being far more skilled than them.

Is low tier.



Will never get his own moveset. EVER. He's a canonical clone of


Should end up Top tier. It's been 13 years of waiting for a decent unmodded Mewtwo.
- :5dsamus:, of all characters similar to another, deserves a spot the most. 3 Samuses makes salt, people get their Metroid rep.
- 5:ridley: should be in Smash.
- Sakurai's logic for :5ridley: not being in is just masking the fact that he simply doesn't want him in. Unproved conspiracy opinion here.

are war veterans from Find Mii I and II, and they were bribed millions to dull their blades and not use any of their OP magic. Doubling your damage output permanently? Bad already. summoning potentially equal goons anytime? :o Blacking out/ whiting out the screen? 2 OP PLS NERF? And we're only getting started! Guranteeed crits forever, widescreen-unblockable 1 damage per sec forever status, Insta freeze, 2 extra equal unescapable hits per hit landed, and (a little) more!
- Because of the above,

Wizard has DLC potential. Also

Player and NOW.