- The first idea sounds cool, simply for the fact that it's based on Prime 3. Though I think there may be a few better options from Omega Ridley that could be used as Ground Down B. One of the more intriguing attacks is when he shoves two energy spheres on the floor with his hands, creating a sort of energy cage around him. Admittedly, this attack was exclusive to Prime 3, and thus may be unfitting for regular Ridley to use... but then again, this is Smash Bros, where the lines between canon and non-canon can be blurred...maybe

? There's another attack from Prime 3, though it's technically already in the Ridley mod as a ''wake-up'' attack, sort of. For those curious to see them in action, they're at 6:00 and 8:49 respectively on the link below:
- Second one would be a nice homage to not only Other M's fireball-on-the-floor-technique, but also Super Metroid's version of it. Remember how his 2D fireballs would create ''shockwaves'' that expanded on the sides of wherever they landed?
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Other M's variant does this too, and seeing as how the Ridley mod's Air Down B is based on Meta/Omega Ridley's ground-stomp-shockwave, it would be a nice touch for both air and ground versions of Down B to have shockwave properties.
- Third one is, in my honest opinion, the least interesting.
- Fourth idea reminds me of a suggestion I made to you a while ago. It's the one based on Ridley from Zero Mission, where he shoots out fireballs in a spread-shot manner (similar to a shotgun), somewhat creating a wall of fire. Back then, I suggested this wall of fire should move slowly like Urien's Aegis Reflector from SF3 Third Strike.
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But staying in place on the ground sounds more balanced, with the added bonus that it sends the opponent upwards. Anxious to see what you and your team of testers decide on!