Smash Hero
While he certainly doesn't fits Super Metroid Samus, she can be replaced with SSB4/Other M version with mods. Smash 3 team is making Super Metroid AND SSB4 version, so, not much is lost if you like their mods.You are killing me with this Super Metroid Ridley, i think his Other M design looked rather "inconsistent" with the Samus in Brawl/PM.
I want to ask you about something - does this looks right:

And normal model in same pose just for the sake of comparing them:

I want to decrease Ridley's range, but here is a problem - i can't just decrease translation values of his tail bones because they will get distorted that way, but i can't just scale it down because its already very thin outside of its tail blade, which is ridicolously big. So, with vertex editing magic, i did this. It looks kinda too thick though. Maybe thats just me because it actually is thinner than Brawl Ridley's tail when his model is scaled down to same size.