Kal, I hate you for beating all of Houston. You're so lucky you didn't run into me. I brought the necessary items to make s'mores and everything so I could camp all day or rather all of the 16-24 minutes in a set.
Jake, you suck. Combo'ing me during team's matches xD ****ing hilarious lol "wrong one Jake! WRONG ONE!" "Oh...*continues*" We had some pretty good teams matches though lol my bad on screwing up so much towards the end. You're so lucky you didn't run into me either. With those other stages turned on, you would've ended up just like
Oscar, great matches in singles lol So close to beating you AGAIN. cough. Thanks for the insightful conversations on the way to Austin though. That was definitely a nice little bonding moment...not gay at all xD fun teams matches too lol Also, you don't ever read these so I'm not sure why I'm doing this one. Probably because I realized that after I had gotten to this point =p
Sybawave, good **** man. You'll take the next tournament without a doubt. You're so close. Just pick Jigglypuff and take it home. You already know Jake sucks against him.
Reqy, good job getting that far bro. I was impressed lol you have a nice Sheik. I didn't really get to play you in tournament or see any of your matches so, I can't really think of what else to say here.
Tirno, stop getting so good with that lil birdiiie. I hate that character lol You remind me of Professor Urine. At least your style of Falco does. So technical and hard to escape. When you ***** the **** out of my Fox with a three stock I was just like "**** me, are you serious?" We also had some pretty good teams matches lol MTirno has to be the best team name ever.
TSC, also another person who was in the car during our intimate conversations on the way up to Austin xD You're definitely getting too good lol I didn't really realize it since I know your play style, but dam you were definitely ****** the hell out of people lol keep that **** up ^_^ you were doing hella well during teams too =p always caught me in the air somehow with a knee.
Jos, you have a really nice Falco too lol I wish we had more time to do some friendlies lol I would've loved some Falco dittos xD or maybe some Falco Marth to see what MT_ has to put up with a lot of the time xD
Velox, you suck. Lol seriously though, you're getting really good too and you were also there for that amazing conversation on the way up to Austin xD definitely had some pretty interesting/funny things to say. And thanks for driving up to Austin and back down from Austin lol Sorry my car was freaking you out lol Changed the fluids and it's working now.
Aion, I think you need to calm down with that Samus of yours lol getting too good. You did pretty well. A lot better than I was honestly expecting. Then again, Austin players just suck lolwut? cough. =P
Lol Noc...oh goodness I don't even know where to begin with you lololol good times every time you come around xD and that's why we should see more of you all the time. Not just at tournaments and stuff. Your brother and you look too alike. It was kind of scary. I hate how good you are now too lol I can't believe you almost beat me on Rainbow Cruise. I'm definitely not picking that stage against you again. And then you tore up my Falcon as usual...made me depressed. Seriously though, Team Noc Noc next time pl0x.
Phil, Yakuza, and YCM, I'm not really sure who y'all are so yeah...my bad xD
JR5, I'm pretty sure that that is Noc's brother. You were impressively good with Captain Ganondorf lol I like your little Zelda team character choice you have going on. Ganon Sheik xD When I chose Captain Falco to fight you, I definitely thought that you were going to go Captain Falcon like Noc since brothers are supposed to help guide each other in the right direction cough. But yeah, had I not ever played with Paul, I would've been Clueless in that match up and therefore kNocked out of the tournament.
Brown Link, I'm not sure who you are either xD
Noc's friend (Probably Brown Link, Phil, YCM, or Yakuza), keep learning! If Noc can make his brother that good, then I can't wait to see what he does for you too lol
Nubz, you definitely had me surprised lol I mean, after playing Broly I did kind of learn not to underestimate a handicapped person, but still. Broly is just extremely knowledgeable and accurate with his play style. You're like a ****ing torpedo with that Fox. I wish we could've play more lol
Guys doing the interview thing for your project documentary, thanks for showing up. I'm glad we were able to be your first teams match. There are so many more awesome things to see in this game so please don't stop playing once you're done with that documentary. Y'all had a pretty good grasp of the game too. Compared to most people who aren't really into Melee, y'all did well.
MT_, last for worst. Just like your usual tournament placing. Way to show up late..and Pink xD that was kind of epic I'm not gonna lie xD definitely did not expect that. And thanks for leaving early without saying bye to me </3. Remember, if you're going to play Marth, chances are that your opponent is going to pick someone with kill power like Fox, Sheik, Falcon. So all you really need to do is keep the enemy's team partner busy with Chain Grabs, Tech Chases, Spacing him into one part of the stage so that your partner just has to deal with one player. That's generally what I do. But when your partner gets ***** by both parties, pick someone who isn't Marth and help him out.