So, assuming Smash is now 20, what was everyone's first experience with series?
I remember Melee being played at my cousins' house, but I was pretty young then, so I don't think I played it that much
Then, fast forward to some time in either 2008 or 2009, we're at our cousins' house once again. This time, they had Brawl... Being older, and already getting hooked on gaming thanks to the Wii craze at the time (who I'll also thank my cousins for introducing me to), I picked up a controller, and picked
... It was a blast. So much so, that it was basically tradition that whenever we went to their house, one of the first things we did was play a couple rounds of Brawl. My family loved it so much, that we ended up buying our own copy of it, and it was likely our most played Wii game...
So, if it weren't for Brawl, I probably wouldn't be on these boards, or part of other multiple Nintendo fandoms... So I'm gonna take a second to thank Brawl for introducing me to Smash, and a ton of other amazing Nintendo franchises.