Haha, they are very funny.
Bootleg toys are the best.
The memories
What a fantastic way to end this garbage of a week:
Getting almost all of Smashboards against me because of some Kid Icarus fanboys mad towards me for not playing their game.
well technically you’re starting off the week in a “bad” way
I just want Kid Icarus to not feel kind of dead, honestly.
It’s like the Mother series, concluded...but **** it make more games instead of ending on a positive enough note
On the topic of Uprising:
I...don't really like it all that much. It had potential, but was on the wrong system: The control-scheme of that game on the 3DS was horrible IMO, and that really does hurt the game for me. It's a game I want to really like, but is honestly held back by the system it's on. Just feels really clunky.
You just gotta power though the controls to enjoy the game. Same with games like Resident Evil
Just be glad they're not making you eat floor ice cream.
Can’t believe we didn’t think to do that
Hades was a trash villain.
...u wrong
For just one 3DS game, KIU gets hell of a top billing in Smash.
yeah...but it wouldn’t hurt me if they were to add even more things to be billed
I just want a Switch port of Uprising with better multiplayer servers and controls that aren’t murder on your hands
Or won’t destroy your circle pad
The multiplayer is already good...how much better could it possibly get?
i mean tbh rail shooters aren't common anymore and nintendo never really had a staple
kid icarus kinda does that in that regard
kinda surprised there aren't other studios interested in rebooting old old franchises. like, retro studios kinda made its name through **** like Prime and DKCR, you'd expect other retro reboots
Kid Icarus + Retro Studios = Why hasn’t this happened
Kid Icarus + Platinum Games = Why hasn’t this happened
Kid Icarus + Platinum and Retro = ****ing YES
Now that’s how we kick off the Nintendo Rail Shooter genre and Retro Reboots even further
you are acting like Kid Icarus fandom killed your dog
well technically we did...three times